Chapter 67 – A Menacing Villain
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He ran through the hallways, breathing hoarsely. His head spun. He knew he’d be dead soon. He wanted to empty the contents of his stomach.

A tendril grabbed his leg.


“Bro, wake up!” Anon said, shaking the Simple Russian.

Simple_Russian_Boi gasped. His breath filled the air with the smell of vodka. He blinked his eyes. His temples pounded from the light in the room. He heard the clicking of buttons. Turning to the television, he saw the game they had been playing before he passed out. They still hadn’t killed the gelatinous ooze on the screen. The enormous greyblob was the boulder in their way to game completion.

“You guys are still playing that?” SRB asked.

“Never mind that, you smell horrible,” Anon said. “You know we have school today. Why’d you drink so much?”

SRB sighed. Why’d I drink so much, endeed?

His skull pulsed and ached. He looked over at the two who were still gaming through the morning. Danny and Sleds were playing with eyes half lidded. Bags already formed, yet they continued to mash the buttons. Floating above them, the eyeball wasn’t much help. Voidiris watched over them, saying nothing.

This makeshift slumber party had been last minute. None of them knew what they were getting into when En-chan asked if they wanted to come over and play a video game. Yet, here they were...Still unable to beat that menacing villain.

It made him want to grind his teeth together.

Why is that stupid 8-bit slime so hard? Aren’t slimes supposed to be easy? SRB looked around again. “By the way, where is En-chan?”

Danny finally turned away from the monitor after the game over sound. The daikon looked like a vegetable, and her eyes sagged.

“I have no idea. She left at some point after you fell asleep. I guess that pint of alcoholic blehmonade kicked her ass?” Danny asked.

Sleds laughed beside her. “Did you hear her slurring her words last night? Or that time when she bit her own lip with her fangs?”

The group laughed heartily.

“Still, where’d she even get this game?” Anon asked. “For someone so delusional, she got a fun game here.”

“Who knows,” SRB said. “It doesn’t matter anyway. We need to find her, so she can drop us off. I don’t think any of us know how to get home from here.”

“Speak for yourselves,” Voidiris said, finally projecting its voice. “I can take my leave any time.”

SRB watched him and, true to his words, he vanished. Well, of course if he was one of the elder ones, then it would be a menial task. The Russian sighed, looking around to see if there was a tincture of alcohol somewhere still in the room.

“Whatever, let’s just go get that delusional ‘vampire,’ so we can go to class,” Anon said. “I don’t really want to keep Hans waiting. We have class pictures today, and I want him to get my best side.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

The group stood and exited the gaming room. They entered a long hallway with dimmed lights—candles hanging off the wall.

Anon looked around with a crinkled nose. “It’s so dreary in here, ugh. She even pretends to be weak to the light as well.”

SRB kept feeling that strange pounding in his head as they walked. “Man, these hangovers don’t usually last this long…”

He leaned against the wall for better grip and looked back. “Huh? Where’d Danny go?”

SRB heard a dripping sound. He turned to his shoulder as he felt drop. There he saw it. On his white T-shirt there was a spec of red.

He gazed at the ceiling and screamed. His voice echoed in the long hallway.

Up there was the source of the dripping. Voidiris’ eye was distinctly missing it’s tentacles. The eyelids were peeled back, and a green hue covered the entirety of the whites.

SRB looked back at Anon. The questionable commissioner was speechless for but a moment. “Oi, oi, oi, are we also going delusional?”

The Russian looked back where they came from. The door to the gaming room was gone. Instead, there was a hallway off to the left that hadn’t been there before. He saw a leaf at the entrance.

“You don’t think that’s where Danny is, do you?” He asked.

“Fuck, man,” Anon said. “This is too far for delusions! Envy!” Anon yelled.

But he was too slow. As Anon turned, a tendril grasped his leg and pulled hard. His face smacked against stone blocks of the castle. His nose bloodied.

SRB didn’t waste anymore time and abandoned Anon. “I’m sorry, bro!”

He fled down the hallway with the leaf. Even as he heard Anon’s screams, he kept running. SRB felt the pressure.

He ran through the hallways, breathing hoarsely. His head spun. He knew he’d be dead soon. He wanted to empty the contents of his stomach.

SRB turned another corner and he finally saw Danny. Not only that, he also saw Sleds.

He saw a monstrosity. A giant glob of grey ooze blocked his path. Inside of the menacing stomach of that creature, Danny and Sleds slowly melted.

SRB now knew why they were invited over for a game. This was the reason. The boss they faced had manifested and devoured them. But why?

The En-chan he knew would never unleash this monstrosity. So why?

His question wasn’t answered when a tendril finally grabbed his leg.


“Bro, wake up!” Anon said, shaking the Simple Russian.

This chapter was written by Envy!