Chapter 8 โ€“ Secret Organization
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In the dimly lit room, frustration lingered as I reflected on the day's misfortunes. The encounter with Redemit, the elusive janitor, and the failed blehmonade stand were mere annoyances compared to the growing concerns about the performance-enhancing drug, Valkyr.

Leaning back in my chair, I picked up a notebook from the desk and pondered the latest developments.

Rhaps' report revealed that some students requested a new performance-enhancing drug.

While some of them favored the current drug "Valkyr" for its energy boost, despite its severe side effects, including hallucinations and intense body pain.

I contemplated the challenges that accompanied running an underground operation. Matcha's insufferable nature and Rhaps's cryptic demeanor were the necessary evils that fueled our enterprise. I reached for my phone, contemplating the upcoming call to Matcha.

Dialing his number, I braced myself for the inevitable clash of personalities.

However, a sweet yet gentle female voice answered, offering to take a message.

"SsemouyOnan, is Matcha there?" I inquired, cutting to the chase.

"The boss is currently busy right now; I can leave a message if you want."

"Tell him to quit drinking for a while and get his ass over here."

"Please hold."

The wait was excruciating, the silence amplifying my annoyance.

Matcha's voice, filled with irritation, finally erupted from the phone, berating me for disturbing his "personal time."

"Relax, Matcha. I got some news for you."

"This better be good! If it isn't, then you'll have to compensate me for wasting my time! MY TIME is important! I'll have you know that!"

Suppressing my frustration, I conveyed the urgent need for a new performance-enhancing drug, omitting the chaos that ensued with Valkyr. Matcha's reaction was predictably melodramatic, focusing more on spilled wine than the pressing matter at hand.

"Listen, Matcha. Our clients want a new performance-enhancing drug that doesn't have Valkyr side effects."

As the background erupted in chaos, I wondered if Matcha had even comprehended my message. The call ended abruptly with a loud beep, leaving me to reflect on the challenges of dealing with such a temperamental partner.

Placing my phone on the desk, I rubbed my temples. The strained conversation with Matcha had left me fuming, but business was business. As I awaited the new product details, Rhaps, draped in enigmatic white armor, delivered a cryptic update using his peculiar code.

"Has the request for a new elixir already reached the highlander, red demon?"

I sighed, grappling with the enigma that was Rhaps. My associates, each with their unique quirks, were essential to the success of our covert enterprise.

"Yes, I told Matcha all about it." I directed my gaze to the mysterious sum inside the envelope; I couldn't help but question my choices. "How much did we get today?"

Rhaps, taking a seat on a couch, nonchalantly placed the envelope on the glass table. "It is enough to buy an excellent piece of armor, red demon."
A shake of my head expressed my frustration. Matcha's ostentatious demeanor and Rhaps's cryptic language made managing this operation a constant challenge. Yet, the profitability of our ventures kept me tethered to this unconventional partnership.

"That's good," I replied, rising from my chair and strolling toward the window. "Once we hear back from Matcha about the new product, send Georgelee5786 to pick it up from the lab."

I turned to Rhaps, reminding him of the importance of Georgelee5786's share. "Don't forget to give him his cut, too, when you get back."

"This one understands," Rhaps monotoned, his response echoing through the room. As the door closed behind him, I couldn't shake the feeling of walking a tightrope between success and chaos.

A few hours passed, and Matcha's response finally arrived. I braced for another bout of arrogance as I answered the phone. "Do you have any information about the new product, Matcha?" I inquired.

He scoffed, dismissing my question. "I was dealing with these insignificant peasants and their insolence. Now, tell me about the demand for a new product."

I summarized the demand for a performance enhancer without Valkyr's adverse effects again.

Matcha's response wavered between curiosity and arrogance. "Fine, send someone over. If this new product disappoints, heads will roll."

The deal was set, but the challenges persisted. The success of the new product hinged on Matcha's approval and navigating his temper.

Days later, Georgelee5786 retrieved the new product "V," and Matcha's verdict awaited. Tensions ran high as we gathered for the moment of truth. Matcha, ever arrogant, sampled the elixir, his expression betraying a rare moment of contemplation.

"This is... impressive," he admitted. "No side effects, and the focus it provides is unparalleled."

As V's success resonated in the room, Matcha's rare admission of satisfaction hinted at a turning point for our underground enterprise. However, the air shifted, and an unexpected tension settled among us. Rhaps, the hooded figure with cryptic communication, seemed unusually still, his gaze fixed on Matcha.

Just as relief began to wash over me, Matcha's eyes narrowed. "There's something more to this," he declared, his arrogance returning in full force.

A sudden unease gripped the room as if the walls themselves held secrets. SsemouyOnan, usually calm and composed, hesitated. "Matcha-sama, there's a complication. V has a time-sensitive effect. After a certain period, the focus diminishes, and the side effects become unpredictable."

Matcha's face contorted into a scowl, his patience waning. "You dare present a flawed product to me? Do you wish to see the wrath of a demon prince unleashed?"

SsemouyOnan scrambled for words, trying to salvage the situation. "It's not flawed, Matcha-sama. It serves its purpose within a limited timeframe. We can control the distribution and ensure users take it when needed."

An unsettling silence fell upon the room. Matcha's frustration mingled with my anxiety, and the success that had felt so close now hung in the balance.

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing Redemit, the mysterious janitor, with a stern expression. "You kids, meddling in forbidden drugs again?" he growled. His eyes, usually cold and indifferent, bore into each of us with an intensity that sent shivers down our spines.

This chapter was written by Ellie!