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It's not a Self-insert Novel.


You have to read it just like you watch normal adult videos in which both parties are not YOU.


You will find all types of kinks that are available on p 0 r n sites here.


Whether you decide to continue reading or not is up to you.


The author just wants to write what they want, no matter how bad it is, so you should read it with an open mind and don't argue about it later in the comments.



Types of NTR:- 


Netorare - A genre of cuckoldry  where a person's love interest or close associate is corrupted and taken away by another person.


Netori - A genre of cucking  where a person takes away someone else's love interest.


Netorase -  A genre of sharing or cuckoldry  where a person's love interest has sex with others, which they enjoys, actively encourages or even causes.