Rubber Duckie
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Sometimes the trio saw glimpses of hope, of normalcy. This was one of those blissful days. They had gone to an Arcade upon Allie's request to do something to relieve their stress. They needed it. The gang had moved apart after Dean's return from Hell and Sam’s... entanglement with Ruby. This was bonding time. It was a Friday evening. The arcade was closed for anyone under 18 allowing them to act like idiots without kids running around. They could drink and be merry. Drunk at an arcade? Fuck yeah. She watched as Sam and Dean played air hockey. They were arguing like children. It was amusing. They acted so childishly around each other. They were competitive.

Dean grinned as he looked over at Allie. She looked amazing. Her golden locks framed her face. He loved it. He couldn't help but grin at her happy expression. He watched her for a moment before returning to the air hockey game with Sam. "You think you're better than me, Sammy? Come on, don't hold back." He smirked as he hit the puck sending it flying towards Sam. He could tell Sam was still pissed about earlier. They had gotten into a fight about his involvement with that demon cunt. It was a never-ending battle between them. "Come on, Sammy. Don't be such a little bitch."

Sam groaned as Dean taunted him. Their fight from earlier on in the day had left him irritated. The line they were walking on had been a mess. Ever since Dean got back from Hell things were different. He could tell that the older Winchester was still secretly frustrated at him for leaving Allie alone. "Dean, don't be a jerk." He laughed as he sent the puck flying back at Dean. He grinned as he saw it land in the goal. He was pretty sure Dean was going to give him shit for that. He watched Dean closely as he tried to come up with some kind of plan to get him back. "You're just sore because you know I'll win."

Dean grinned as he saw Sam hit the puck and send it towards his goal. He tried to block it, but he missed and the puck slipped right past him and into the goal. He scowled playfully as he looked over at Sam. "Don't get so cocky there, Sammy. We'll see who wins this." He watched him for a moment before grabbing the puck. "Come on, bitch. You know you can't win this one." He grinned as he tossed the puck up into the air and caught it. "It's not too late to back out now." He was just fucking with him at this point.

"I don't have anything to back out of," Sam said as he took the puck from Dean. He was starting to get annoyed with his brother's comments. Sam was trying to ignore him and focus on the game, but Dean was making it difficult for him. "You just keep talking. Don't think it will affect my game because it won't." Sam knew Dean was trying to throw him off, but Sam wasn't going to let him. He was determined to win. His brother always fucking won. Not this time. He hit the puck towards Dean — hard . He wanted to show him that he wasn't kidding around. He wasn't going to let Dean beat him again. Sam watched as the puck smacked into Dean's fingers. "Oh shit. Whoops ."

"Ah, Sonavabitch!" Dean yelped as the puck smacked into his hand. He clutched his injured skin in pain. "Ow, Sammy!" He glared at Sam angrily. "That hurt, dude!" Dean was pissed. He wanted to kick his ass for that. He stared at Sam before he decided to just hit him. He smacked his younger brother across the head. "I'm gonna kill you," Dean smirked as he smacked Sam again before tackling him to the ground. They rolled around on the floor punching each other before Dean finally pinned him down. "Who's winning now, bitch?" Dean smirked as he grabbed the puck from the table to seal his win. Cheating? Nah. He was simply… using his skills to win.

Allie watched as they wrestled around on the ground, acting like infants. Newborns. Stupid boys, basically. She sighed and rolled her eyes. Sometimes they were so... well, the sibling side of them really came out, regardless of their setting. "I'm gonna play Dance Dance Revolution." They could fight or whatever. She didn't care. They'd get it out and go back to normal. Allie headed over to the machine and soon she was stepping enthusiastically to Feel Good Inc. Back in high school, the arcade was her shit. She was a goddamn pro at Dance Dance Revolution. However, the addiction had raided her bank account. There was a reason she worked at the bowling alley (other than the pot).

Sam groused as he heard Allie say she was going to play Dance Dance Revolution. "Noooo, don't leave me with this idiot," Sam griped as he struggled underneath Dean. He was starting to get pissed off with him. Dean was being ridiculous. He hated it when he was like this. Sam tried to push him off, but it was useless. "Get off of me!" Sam yelled angrily as he tried to kick Dean away from him. "Let go! You're being an ass!"

Dean laughed as he watched Sam struggle beneath him. Poor sap. He was never the greatest at fighting. Still rusty. "Aw, poor Samantha is upset." He teased Sam relentlessly as he held him down. He couldn't help himself. He loved to get under his skin. He grinned as he sat on top of him. He didn't care if anyone was watching them. Fucking with his baby brother was one of his favorite pass times and he was in a particularly mischievous mood. "You need to learn to take a joke." Dean snorted, and without another word, he got up. "I'm bored. I'm going to fuck with her instead." Not really. He just liked annoying her because she looked hot when she was pissed off. He walked over and leaned against the machine with a coy grin. "Nice ass." lately he hadn’t talked to her in such a way. Their conversations had grown more... respectful. A natural progression but in this mood? Nah. Fucking with her was too easy.

Allie groaned. She knew exactly what he was doing. He was in a mood now. "Shut up. I'm busy." Her legs were moving quickly in an effort to hit all of the steps on expert mode as she moved to American Idiot by Green Day. It was fucking hard! She was breaking a sweat to the punk beat. She felt him suddenly start reaching out to mess with her. "Hey! Fuck off!" He was attempting to get her riled up and she knew it.

Dean grinned as he heard Allie yell at him to fuck off. He loved it when she got all fired up. It was so fucking sexy. He knew she was getting annoyed with him, but he didn't care. He liked bothering her. It was so much fun. He leaned against the machine, staring at her with a mischievous smile on his face. This was the first time he had been in this kind of mood since hell. Maybe it was the setting.  "Make me."

Allie groaned once again and stepped off of the dance pad. "Go play something! I'm going to another game." She ditched him right there, weaving through the crowd until she found a rubber duck claw machine. Perfect! Her favorite. Rubber ducks were the shit. The machine was broken and Allie usually wouldn't take advantage of such a thing but... she was tipsy and common.. it was rubber ducks . Her hand fished up the machine at the back door. It was unlocked. Sweet. By the time she arrived back with the boys, she had a wide grin on her face. Dean wanted to fuck with her? Fine —. She'd fuck with him too . "Hey Sam, look what I got!" It was a rubber duck with a leather jacket and aviators. It looked like a douchebag. "Looks like Dean, right?"

Sam rolled his eyes as he watched Dean bother Allie. He knew exactly what he was trying to do. He had always been like that when it came to her. It was almost funny to watch him act that way. It was clear he was attracted to her, but he didn't seem to know how to approach her without being an ass about it. Sam shook his head as he watched Dean walk over to where Allie was dancing. He couldn't see what he was doing, but he could hear Allie telling Dean to fuck off and go away. It made him chuckle quietly to himself. When Allie walked back over to him, holding a duck dressed up like Dean, he couldn't help but laugh loudly. "Yeah. That's him alright. Spitting image."

Dean scowled as he saw Allie come back over to Sam, carrying a fucking rubber duck. "What the hell is that?" He glared at Allie for a moment before smiling playfully. "What the hell are you two losers talking about?" He glanced down at the duck in Allie's hand. He had never seen something like that before. It was a stupid-looking thing. "Why do you have a rubber duck dressed like a douchebag ?"

Allie looked at the duck, feigning innocence. "Wait, which Dean said that?" She barked out in laughter. "I didn't know you had a twin." She presented the duck with a grin, watching as Dean grew pissed off. He hated aviators. She knew that. "Sam agrees with me. I think I'll keep it. Maybe glue it to Baby - right on the dash!"

Dean growled softly as he heard Allie suggest that she might glue the duck to Baby's dashboard. That made him so fucking angry. That duck was fucking hideous. He couldn't stand the thought of that ugly thing sitting in Baby, staring at him the entire time he drove. "Don't you dare fucking put that thing in my car!" He reached out, glaring at her angrily before unsuccessfully attempting to grab it out of her hands. "I'll fucking shoot it."

Allie grimaced. "Hey! Hands off!" She smacked his hand away and began to pet the duck, cooing at it and kissing its cheek. "I'm not getting rid of it. His name is Duckie Dean. Get used to it." She smiled. "I'm gonna bring him everywhere." She knew Dean was getting riled up. Not her fault. He started it.

Dean frowned as he saw Allie kiss the disgusting little thing on the cheek and call it Duckie Dean. "What the hell is wrong with you? How can you find that cute?" He watched her, completely disgusted by what she was doing. It was just so stupid! "And what kind of name is Duckie Dean?" That was a terrible fucking name for a duck. It didn't even make sense. IT DIDN’T EVEN LOOK LIKE HIM. He shook his head and looked away. "That is one ugly duck." He looked back at Allie, raising an eyebrow as he watched her with the duck. "I can't believe you're actually kissing that thing."

Allie grinned. "I'm gonna bring him in the shower. You're just jealous that this Dean gets to see me all soapy and wet." Her grin only seemed to intensify before she opened her purse to reveal about thirty other fucking rubber ducks. "The machine was broken. Lottery!" The blonde bounced. She didn't care if it seemed childish. Rubber ducks were dope! 

She pulled out another one that had a cheerleading outfit on and blonde pigtails. "This one's me!"

Sam shook his head as he watched Dean attempt to convince Allie to get rid of her ducks. He thought it was funny that she had brought so many of them, but he could tell that Dean wasn't very happy about it. He laughed as he heard Allie mention that one of the ducks was supposed to be her. "Oh really?" He took the duck from Allie, examining it carefully before handing it back to her. "Well, it looks like you, that's for sure," Sam smirked as he noticed Dean staring at Allie. "Come on Dean, it's just a duck. Well… ducks ." Plural, considering it seemed like she could open a friggin’ rubber duck store.

Dean scoffed as he watched Allie show off her other ducks to Sam. He couldn't believe how excited she was about something so… weird. They weren't even that cool. Sure, they were kind of cute, but he still didn't like them. Because he was a man!  "That's not even what you look like," he muttered as he shook his head and looked down at the duck she said was supposed to be her. He had to admit, it did look kind of like her, but it still wasn't a good representation. "The hair isn't right." Dean pointed out as he glanced over at the real Allie, smiling playfully as he noticed the way her golden locks fell perfectly around her beautiful face. Big blue eyes. Perky pink lips... she was laughing. Her cheeks bulbed from joy and she did that little nose scrunch when she was actually happy.

Allie nudged him in jest and chuckled sweetly before closing up her purse. "We should get something to eat." It was getting late and she was hungry as all hell. "You guys want Chinese? I'm ready to go back to the motel and watch Smallville." She was done fucking with Dean. That part of the night was over. Time to get some sweet relaxation! She pulled out some tickets from her pocket and pooled them with the boys. "You can have mine but get some candy." Specifically Twizzlers. They knew that already. She watched as Sam and Dean walked over to the prize counter to pick out what they wanted. Allie smiled. Sometimes they needed these moments of clarity. It reminded her of why they were important to each other - because they were best friends. Well, Sam and Dean were brothers, but they were both her best friends.

Dean smiled as he noticed the way Allie grinned at him before she mentioned that she wanted to go get some food. "Yeah, let's go get some fuckin’ Chinese." He loved eating Chinese food. He always ordered the same thing though because he was a creature of habit. He went Sam head over to the prize counter and picked out some small stuff before walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him with a playful grin. "You having fun?" Dean whispered in Allie's ear as he rested his chin on her shoulder and gazed at her with a small smile, placing the Twizzlers in her hand.

She turned her face to meet Dean's. His breath breezed across her nose and her hand moved behind them to weave through his short hair, fingertips rubbing into his scalp. "Yeah. Wish I had another beer though." Their faces were so, so close. His nose nearly brushed against hers. He could be cute sometimes. Especially when he was affectionate like this. Her eyes moved back to watch Sam at the prize counter. He often thought about his choices carefully. He wasn't really a candy guy. "Did you have fun, Maverick?"

"Yeah, I did." Dean grinned as he leaned into Allie's touch and closed his eyes. "It was nice to do something fun for once." He smiled as he opened his eyes again and glanced down at her lips. They were so fucking perfect. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he resisted the urge. Not in public, and not while so much was on the line. "You know I like making you miserable, Alls." Dean grinned as he looked back up at Allie's gorgeous eyes before looking back at Sam. "Sam's taking forever." Dean groaned as he leaned in closer to her and took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume.

"Oh, I'm well aware." She rolled her eyes. "The day you stop messing with me will be the day you're the last man on earth." She did secretly enjoy it though. Weirdly their bickering allowed her to get some stress out. It never meant anything real. They weren't actual fights. She heard him take a deep inhale and it made her smile. When he was like this... it was the best. Sometimes it made her wonder if...

It would be best not to think of the what-ifs. They were normal for one night and that was nice. "You're such an ass, but you're my ass." She chuckled and gave his nose a quick kiss before moving away. Over the years their connection had changed. She kind of enjoyed their non-sexual intimacy more. Maybe because she missed being that way with someone. "He's just... particular." She turned back to watch Sam finally pick something.

"Well, you're my ass too, Sunshine." Dean smiled like an idiot as he watched her kiss his nose playfully before pulling away from him and walking over to where Sam was still standing in front of the prize counter, deciding what to get. "Are you seriously going to take that long to pick something? Jeez Sammy, I could have picked something by now." He grinned as he leaned against the wall next to Sam, watching him stare intently at the prizes with a furrowed brow. "Just get one already dude." Dean shook his head then crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Sam to finally make up his mind before taking a few steps away to watch a jackpot go off on one of the machines. Lucky bastard.

"I know," Sam replied quietly as he looked back at Allie and Dean before he returned his attention back to the prizes in front of him. He could feel them watching him, waiting for him to hurry up, but it didn't matter how long it took for him to decide what he wanted. He was going to take all the time he needed. This was one of the only times when he didn't have to think about monsters or demons. He could just relax and have fun with his brother and Allie. It was something he had desperately needed. After Dean went to Hell, everything seemed to fall apart for Sam. His relationship with Allie changed too, and now they weren't as close as they once were. It wasn't about the prizes. In his heart, he just didn't want to leave. Leaving meant another hunt, going after Lilith, demon blood, and being a fucking freak. Right now he could just be a guy having a good time. "Almost done."

She moved a bit closer and leaned over the prize counter to watch Sam's selection. "You should get some of the prank stuff. Make it look like Dean ripped a fart in a diner." The blonde whispered and shifted closer to Sam. Sam was a health nut, no wonder he hadn't picked any candy yet. They'd never leave if that was his focus. "I'll help you prank him."  they were getting back to where they were before but it was a very, very slow crawl.

Sam laughed as he looked over at Allie who was grinning from ear to ear as she stood beside him. He looked back at the prizes, smiling widely as he grabbed some prank things and added them to his pile of prizes before paying for them in tickets and walking away from the prize counter to go find Dean who had wandered off somewhere. "So, I've been thinking," Sam began as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box before holding it up to Allie and opening it, revealing a necklace that had a tiny silver rosary necklace. She had a beaded one but the jewelry he had selected was much more... her. "I want you to have this," Sam told her as he looked into her eyes with a serious expression on his face. He had gotten it after Dean's circumstance with the yellow fever in an effort to repair his friendship with her. He hadn't exactly planned to give it to her now, but it felt like a good time.

Allie took the rosary in her hand. It was beautiful. Minimalistic and delicate. "Wow." There were no other words that she could muster right off the bat. Frankly, she wasn't used to gifts. Growing up they didn't have a lot of money and Ryan never really did anything sweet for her after they got engaged, everything was conditional at that time in her life. "Can you help me with it?" She adjusted her position next to Sam and pulled her long hair over her shoulder, giving him access to the nape of her neck.

"Yeah, of course," Sam replied quietly as he walked up behind her and gently placed the necklace around her neck before securing it in place. Once it was fastened around her neck, Sam gently traced the outline of the necklace with his fingertips, feeling how smooth the rosary was. "Do you like it?" Sam asked softly as he slowly lowered his hands and rested them on Allie's shoulders, gazing down at her with a shy smile on his face. She was so beautiful. Recently it had been hard not to notice. Things between them had been... rough. But he had a mission. Lilith was only getting closer with the seals. Hopefully, this would at least bring their relationship some sort of comfort despite his secret affairs with Ruby.

Dean watched from across the arcade as Sam bought some things from the prize counter and handed them to Allie with a smile on his face before showing her a… necklace? Was that a prize? He hadn’t seen it. If he did he would have gotten it for her. She seemed pretty excited about it from the look on her face. It made Dean feel strange, like a tingle in his gut. He didn't know how to describe it, but it wasn't good. Something wasn't right about it. Maybe it was jealousy? No. Not with Sam. It wasn’t that. He couldn't tell, but whatever it was, it bothered him deeply.

Dean tried to shake the feeling, but it wasn't going away. It was only getting worse.


Later that evening they drove together in Baby. Allie listened as the boys played around. Dean reached out to ruffle Sam's hair and Sam seemed mockingly annoyed but didn't smack his hand away. Something so small said so much. Despite everything that had happened, the love was still there. They were a unit. That thought was calming. Allie quietly sank into the corner of the backseat and took out Duckie Dean, secretly taking part in their playful moment. She reached into the purse and grabbed a pen, then started to draw Dean's tattoos over the yellow of the duck. She even drew a cigarette hanging out of its mouth. Aviators be damned - it was him. Allie signed the bottom with her initials and added the date before stuffing it tightly underneath the driver's seat.