Swan Song
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All roads lead to Rome. Bobby was back on his feet and although that should have been their White Lotus— it wasn’t. The apocalypse brought upon too much stress, the little things were less and less impactful; not that Bobby’s repair was a little thing, there just wasn’t much time for celebration.

The terms were a tough sell. Sam would jump into the cage with Lucifer—- there wasn’t another decision, no other option. No matter what act they took it was always a losing game and frankly, Allie was tired of playing. She continued only because they were her family. In terms of saving the world, that still hadn’t really sunk in surprisingly. She had grown numb to the idea of being a hero. Years ago that was… it was a dream; one of the reasons Allie so desperately wanted to be a hunter. Funny how times changed. Now being a hero meant being deprived of everything in the name of someone else. Probably somewhat nihilistic but to her—- everyone else would get to keep their families if the apocalypse was avoided. But not her. They would be ripped a new asshole by the angels and the demons and Lucifer. They were pawns. It got tiring to be in someone else’s chess match.

They approached the ramshackle abandoned building in Detroit where they caught word of Lucifer. They had the four rings of the horseman and the plan was… somewhat solid; there wasn’t much hope though. That had been mainly abandoned after the death of Jo and Ellen, that which weighed heavy on them like iron chains. Dragging… dragging…

They stood together in front of Lucifer. His vessel was coming apart at the seams, skin fileted off in thin circles. The plan was busting to a head and Sam seemed to hold Lucifer, if only momentarily. Her heart stilled for what felt like hours which, really, meant seconds. Maybe even only one or two.

And then he gave a wicked grin. “I was just messing with you.” A thin pause before Lucifer, now invading Sam’s body like a parasite continued. “Sammy's long gone.” The words made Dean and Allie quake with anger and also, despair. “I told you…” He began again as if to taunt their fruitless attempts. “This would always happen in Detroit.” and in a millisecond Sam was gone.

They both stared before turning to one another. They had lost. All the work… all the effort… only for Sam to be used like a puppet of destruction by the devil himself. “No,” Allie spoke firmly, rage trembling through her clenched fists. “Fuck that.” They met each other’s gaze and an unspoken promise occurred.

Dean's teeth clenched and gritted, his jaw tightening from the intensity of the moment. His brother… Sammy… they had done so fucking much to get here only to be knocked down AGAIN. How tall could the ladder be? How far could they fall?

“Sonofabitch!” He tore out in an aggressive yell before slamming his fist into the cement wall of the bleak room they stood in, knuckles tearing open and dripping blood from the force. When he turned back Allie was staring directly into his eyes. They both knew what it meant. He’d never want her to be hurt but he couldn’t turn her away. The damn woman didn’t generally understand the word ‘No’ when he met her years ago, and certainly less so now. They’d go down swingin’, Lucifer be damned.

The pair hopped into Baby and tore off into the night to find Bobby and Cass. Both of the men expressed disillusion, a loss of hope. When Dean and Allie spoke of what to do next they said to sit and wait but Dean wouldn’t put up with that and Allie was too strung up on her own rage to think about the consequences that could lay waiting for them. Cass eventually gave away that there would be a fight. So, Dean called Chuck up to get any extra information. Chuck stated it would probably happen in Lawrence at Stull Cemetery.

They were gonna go to that cemetery, and they were fuck shit up. Lucifer and Michael would not win. The apocalypse could not occur. Now they were without Sam—- it was time to storm the battleground.

Bobby hesitated as Dean and Allie communicated their intentions and needs to be with Sam. He turned to look at his daughter, taking in the expression of determination on her face. She had grown so much since walking up to his porch and it broke his damn heart that he couldn’t control her anymore. She used to listen to him back then, but now she was a strong woman with her own drive. Nothing could stand in his daughter’s way if she was dead set on something—- not even him. “Allie—- you can’t do this, kid.” he tried anyway. “You’ll die.” his voice trembled as he pleaded with her. “Damnit, I don’t wanna outlive my daughter!”

Cass held firm on his own opinion. His relationship with Allie had been… rocky at the beginning. Now, however, he fully understood her vital importance to the Winchesters and he had come to appreciate her presence. “You will watch Sam die if you continue, and then you both will most likely meet your demise.” He attempted to coerce Dean and Alice to stay though he knew he would not be successful.

Allie’s lip spasmed while her father stepped in. “I’m sorry.” their eyes met and she bit the inside of her bottom lip. “I gotta do this, Dad.” For Sam. For Dean. For the fucking world. “I love you.” She couldn’t look at him anymore. Her eyes tore away from her father’s and she opened the passenger side door of the Impala, climbing in before Dean joined her.

As they drove together Allie leaned back into the leather of the bench seat, letting her head lull to stare up at the ceiling.

Dean watched as Allie sat quietly, seemingly lost in thought. If this was their last moment together before the final countdown he didn’t want to be silent. They had come a long way together and this woman… he loved her. He was in love with her. She was putting everything on the line for him, for his brother—- but she always had. That wasn’t new.

There had been other girls, of course, none like Allie though. She was a force to be reckoned with, a hurricane but at the same time she was the brightest ray of sunshine he had ever seen. Her warmth was an endless melody and come what may, it had him waking up every morning. Denoting his entire heart and soul to her didn’t feel appropriate; It never had but all of those reasons were just senseless excuses. Today, though? Today it would only hurt them more. He could still recall the sweet feeling of her lips, soft and affectionate. “We’re gonna need a song to roll up with; something badass.” He teased while his hand gripped the steering wheel and he looked out the windshield.

“Oh yeah? What were you thinking? Maybe… Genie in a Bottle?” She grinned up at the ceiling before turning to look at him. “Or… With a Little Help From My Friends?” Allie snorted at the stupidity of her own suggestions, though it would be funny to see dear ol’ Luci’s face as they rolled up with Christina Aguilera blasting.

Dean shook his head. Worst time in the world to laugh but he couldn’t help a small chuckle. “Not exactly what I had in mind.” the idea was pretty fuckin’ funny though. But teasing Lucifer about being a Genie would definitely have them dead too quickly. “I was thinking Rock of Ages?” Dean smirked. “Show those dicks some real music before we kick their asses.”

Allie nodded. “Good choice, Braveheart.” Truly it didn’t matter what the song was. It was going to be badass no matter what because they were going up against archangels. They were awesome. “We’re gonna have those Mai Tai’s, okay?” the chances were… particularly low, all odds were stacked against them but Allie was putting on a brave face.

Dean’s heart sank at Allie’s words but he didn’t show any of it, not a damn thing. Ride or Die. He’d do anything to protect her, even if it meant begging on his knees for her to survive. If it came to that, Allie wouldn’t die. He’d make sure of it. “Yeah, Alls. Beach and all.”

They spent the rest of the long drive speaking and sharing fond memories. No chick flick moments? That had certainly changed over their time with one another. Especially during that drive. The best one they had ever had; it was full of shared appreciation and understanding. Not lovers but maybe they could have been…. in another life.

They rolled up to the battleground and Dean’s eyes shifted between Lucifer and Michael, taking in their stances while he shut off the engine and got out of the car. Allie waited for him to announce himself before stepping out of the passenger seat. Of course, the archangels weren’t all too pleased about the interruption.

They quipped back and forth for a minute until Cass showed up and announced… “Hey, ass-butt.” and threw a Molotov cocktail at Michael. Strange choice of words... He tried. It was kind of cool. After all, it was Cass that did it out of anyone. Allie straightened her back and a look of worry became evident. Lucifer took one glance at Cass and they walked through a short exchange before he said “No one dicks with Michael but me.” and with a snap of his fingers, Cass’s body exploded like TNT, pieces of him sprayed across her father’s face, woods, and tombed crosses that surrounded them.

It was practically slow motion. Dean was tossed onto the impala like a limp ragdoll by Lucifer and when Allie’s face turned to her father she saw him grip his gun. “Dad, N—-!” but his finger pulled the trigger before she could finish.

When Lucifer faced them he snapped Bobby’s neck like a thin twig. Allie stayed silent, her gaze falling upon the sight of her father's dead body—-- throat twisted unnaturally and eyes wide open. “No…” The word was like a child’s whimper at the idea of the monster under the bed. All that was left was her and Dean.

Dean fell to the ground as Lucifer used Sam’s body to beat him mercilessly. No matter what, he would stay. Even if it put him six feet under he would stay until the bitter end. He’d never leave Sam alone with this, not for as long as blood still pumped in his veins. Not his little brother.

As Lucifer pressed him against the door of the Impala and drove his fist into his face over and over again Dean caught a glimpse of Allie. Their eyes met. She was terrified and the most broken he had ever seen her but Lucifer was ignoring her, and that was good because she deserved to get away. Even if she was the last one standing. “Go” He croaked out between gaps of breath. His eyes were swollen but he could still see the shake of her head and the tears that fell down her cheeks.

She was about to speak, to say something, anything! That would distract Lucifer from Dean but it appeared that Lucifer had witnessed the expression in Dean’s gaze toward her, the desperation. “You lose.” He sneered. “Everything today.”

A blaze of pain shot through her and Allie let out a soft whine. When she looked down blood pooled over her porcelain hands. A thick tree branch was sticking out of her stomach. Or, more aptly, she was sticking on it. The branch struck the ground at a forty-five-degree angle and Allie’s eyes moved back up to Dean’s while blood pooled in her mouth. After only a few seconds it was full and she had to open it. Streams of blood and spit hung off of her lips while the life faded from her face, rosy cheeks paling out until her gruesome body slipped down the tree branch.

Sam regained control temporarily. He used the short period of time to sacrifice himself by jumping into the hole and pulling Michael along with him.

It was hours later when Cass appeared beside Dean in that god-forsaken cemetery. He pressed a gentle palm to Dean’s forehead, healing his many physical injuries before stating that he assumed God had brought him back. He healed Bobby but Allie’s body was… nearly in half. The branch was the only thing keeping her together. It would take more power and more effort. Cass only had so much.

Castiel knelt down beside Allie’s body. He had pulled the tree branch from her causing her innards to spill over the grass. The sight was unfortunate. Allie had given much to the team and to see her body so… destroyed… was harrowing. Cass attempted to place a hand on her and waited but nothing happened. The rosary around her neck was tainted in crimson. “I cannot heal her, Dean.”

His head hung low and he pinched the bridge of his nose, squinting his eyes shut as tight as they would go. Allie. Her name was the only thing he could hear right now. Dean pulled her body down, holding her close to his chest. He felt her blood seep through his jacket and he squeezed his eyes shut even tighter, rocking her slowly. The tears came then. He couldn't stop them. Dean wasn't sure he even wanted to. He cupped Allie's cheek, wiping at the blood and the dirt and the grime with the sleeve of his jacket. He held her in silence, whispering softly in her ear. "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, Allie. It shoulda been me."

Bobby watched as Castiel pulled the body of his deceased daughter off of the large object. Dean was holding her in his lap, he’d never seen the boy so distraught. All he could do was kneel down next to them. It felt unfair, and wrong that he was standing there alive and she was dead. Allie had given him a new leash on life when she turned up all those years ago and he knew that Dean loved her. “You will get out of this life, boy. You’re gon’ drive away and I’m gonna take my daughter.” He instructed. They didn’t have Sam. They didn’t have Allie. All that was left was Dean. Bobby could mourn later. Right now he needed to make sure that Dean didn’t completely lose his mind and instead left the hunting life for something regular. “You hear me? You get in that car and you go. Live regular.”


And Dean did. He went to Lisa. He lived the apple-pie life in the suburbs.