Prologue: The Beginning
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A dull muffled ring met her ears, a bolt of fire barely missing her face. Her cheek stung from the heat; her hand held out in a gesture of surrender. 

Stop!” Her voice was hoarse as she shouted. Crackling and snapping followed by silence as there was a blue flash, a rush of energy ran from her bosom to the ground. Her body smoldering before dropping to her knees. She heard a shout of her name. It was vague, but familiar at the same time. 

“You bastard!” Came the same voice from before. The ringing in her ears continued as she watched two men, a blonde and brunette, cover her body as a fight broke out. The brunette rushed forward with a sword, the blonde commanding an incantation. 

The blonde and brunette stood side by side as a young woman with bright red hair much like the Queen’s spoke to the vast crowd.

My sister was a brave woman. She took every challenge that came her way.” The woman paused to take a breath, “She loved her people and was very kindhearted. The King and Prince ensured a swift vengeance for our Queen.” She gestured to the blonde and the brunette. “It is with great sadness that we lay our queen to rest with her ancestors. The Queen will not be forgotten, nor will the deeds of her companions. I implore you all, a moment of silence. For the Queen.” The woman stated loudly. The silence that followed was deafening. The brunette stood tall. Despite the tears on his cheeks, it was obvious he was attempting to keep a brave face. The blonde, on the other hand, looked to the ground. Guilt ate away at his gut. He heard the brunette speak aloud, his deep voice cracking with sorrow.

On behalf of Durea, we shall honor the alliance in her Majesty’s memory.” The Brunette stumbled over his words, pausing to swallow his grief, “Princess, once you take up the mantle of Queen, please review and set the final terms to secure the Agilean-Durenian coalition.” The brunette spoke in a clumsy manner. It was obvious his Agilean wasn’t very good. The Princess smiled sadly.

I thank you, for honoring my sister’s wish for peace.” The Princess handed the Brunette a white rose, “In Agilean tradition, we bury a queen with dignity. For the Queen, it would be an honor to be laid in her final rest with the thoughts of her companions.” The brunette took the rose gently from the Princess before he stepped forward to the casket.

She lay with a peaceful look on her face, her bright hair fanned beneath her causing the brunette to frown as he could never remember a time she had ever allowed her hair to not be styled neatly. He kneeled beside the casket, resting his forehead against the smooth wooden surface, tears streaming down his face as he silently expressed his grief.

If only it had been me… I’m sorry I could not save you…” The brunette whispered before he stood. Gently he took up her hand, planted a kiss on the back of her hand, her flesh cold and pale, before placing the rose in her hand and replacing it to settle with her other hand. The Princess turned to the blonde and handed him a white rose as well. The blonde and brunette passed one another as the blonde approached the casket. He could only stare in shock as he stared at the Queen’s serene face. The blonde swallowed before he gently placed the rose on the Queen’s neatly folded hands.

Forever, for always, my love… I promise…” He whispered as he tenderly caressed a pale cheek.