Chapter 1
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Starlight City, a sprawling metropolis of towering steel and glass, emerges like a majestic titan on the canvas of the world. As dusk descends, the cityscape transforms into a luminous symphony, with the city's heartbeat echoing through the canyons of skyscrapers. The shimmering lights, like celestial diamonds, paint the night sky with an otherworldly glow.

Bridges stretch across the gleaming rivers, connecting districts bathed in the glow of neon signs and moonlight. The streets, alive with the constant hum of activity, weaving through a labyrinth of towering structures.

Atop a towering office building, a dark figure surveyed Starlight City from above, their hooded cape billowing in the night breeze. In the stillness, a distant cry for help echoed from the streets below.

Without hesitation, the silhouette plunged down, hurtling toward the streets with ghostly grace. The wind burst through their body as they picked up speed, guided by the distant call for aid.

As the mysterious figure descended, the hum of city life grew louder. Meanwhile, on a shadowed street, bathed in the dim glow of streetlights, a man draped in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, shades, and a beanie kept a menacing gaze at a cowering young man.

The thug's deep hostile voice cut through the night like a dagger. "Drop your valuables on the ground and turn around, pretty boy! Quick!" The young man, adorned in a formal black tuxedo with black hair and quivering blue eyes, raised his hands in a plea for mercy. "Please, man, you don't have to do this. It's my wedding night," the groom pleaded desperately. "I beg you, just let me go. You can take whatever you want"

The thug, unmoved by the emotional plea, maintained a callous composure. His cold gaze looking down on the trembling groom.

"I said drop it! Don't make me repeat myself, or things will get ugly for you and your bride!" The thug's voice hardened as he slowly pulled the trigger back, preparing to fire upon the trembling groom.

In the tense moment before the shot could ring out, a sudden gust of wind heralded the arrival of a mysterious figure. A hooded figure landed gracefully between the thug and the groom, he wore black tights with purple gloves, boots, and mask catching the ambient glow of the streetlights. The gray hooded cape billowed in the breeze, giving an air of enigmatic authority.

The thug, momentarily taken aback, squinted at the strange figure. "Who's this guy with the stupid outfit!? What’s a guy in a weird costume gonna do!?" The masked figure remained silent, a vigilant protector standing resolute between the criminal's intentions and the groom's desperate plea.

"Screw this!" The thug fired a single shot. "You think you can stop me, freak!?" he taunted, only for the caped hero to evade the projectile with swift agility, ducking out of harm's way.

In a seamless motion, the masked hero executed a roundhouse kick, disarming the criminal of his weapon. "You're in way over your head," he warned, the hooded man’s voice, a young and calm yet firm voice. With precision, he delivered a single punch to the assailant's abdomen. The thug gasped for air, collapsing on the sidewalk, unconscious.

The groom, freed from the immediate danger, couldn't contain his gratitude. "Thank you, thank you so much!" he exclaimed, tears welling in his eyes. The masked man offered a nod in acknowledgment, a silent reassurance that the threat had been neutralized.

With a swift motion, the hooded hero shot webbing out of the center of his palm, creating a strong webbed rope. "Stay safe" he urged the groom before swinging off into the night, leaving the thankful man alone on the darkened street. The echoes of the city's hum slowly reclaimed the scene as the mysterious hero swung through the streets of star city, the sound of cars and open stores filling the night sky as he noticed his favorite fast-food store was still open. The familiar glow of Crispy Crave – his go-to fast-food spot. The purple square-shaped restaurant adorned with two vibrant red C's on the blue French fry cup logo on the center of the building caught his attention. The iconic symbol marked the entrance to the eatery, a beacon in the night for the hooded hero.

Descending gracefully, he landed near the welcoming lights of Crispy Crave. Stepping inside, the neon accents accentuated the hero's costume. The aroma of sizzling fried delights filled the air as he approached the counter. The staff, recognizing the young meta-human, greeted him with a mix of casual familiarity.

Inside, the fast-food joint boasted a black and white checker-tiled floor, creating a timeless and classic vibe. The red steel chairs, each adorned with a comfortable black leather cushion, invited patrons to linger. The purple walls added a touch of vibrancy, creating a dynamic contrast with the shiny steel tables and red counters. The overall aesthetic of Crispy Crave blended modernity with a hint of retro charm, providing a unique atmosphere for the hero's brief respite.

The employees, sporting a professional yet casual look, wore black dress shirts with the blue Crispy Crave logo on the left torso. The logo added a pop of color to their attire, creating a unique and recognizable uniform. Additionally, a larger version of the logo adorned the back of their shirts, proudly displaying the name of the fast-food joint. Paired with black pants or skirts, the employees seamlessly contributed to the stylish and inviting ambiance of Crispy Crave.

The masked meta-human walked past the rows of chairs split into two rows, creating a path to the counter. His cape slightly blew in the wind, capturing the attention of most customers who stared at him in a mix of shock and excitement, thrilled to see a meta-human in person. However, towards the back of the establishment, an old man wearing a dark-green sweater and tan pants, with short gray hair, glared at him in disgust. The contrasting reactions formed a subtle tension in the air, adding an element of intrigue to the hero's presence in the familiar fast-food haven.

Approaching the register, a young pale woman with long black hair and hazel eyes, exuding a slight goth vibe, smirked at the hooded hero. "Back for your usual late-night snack, Metaraxnid?" she quipped, her tone carrying a playful familiarity with the nocturnal visitor.

Metaraxnid nodded, acknowledging her remark. "Haven't eaten since I left the house to patrol the city. Figured I should grab something before hunger fatigue sets in. You know how it goes" he replied, his masked expression hinting at the need for a quick refuel in the midst of his nightly duties.

After about a minute of waiting, the young cashier slid a purple food tray over to him. She winked and commented, "Enjoy," with a playful tone. The food tray held a large fry in it’s blue cup, 20 nuggets in a purple cardboard container, and a large soda in a white paper cup with the Crispy Crave logo proudly displayed on the side.

Metaraxnid thanked her, responding: "Thanks, Jenny," as he took the tray. He found a quiet spot in the left corner of the room, away from most of the customers, so as not to distract them. As he slowly lifted his mask just enough to reveal his white mouth and chin, he excitedly began to eat a handful of salted fries.

In the midst of his meal, a young 5-year-old boy with light-brown hair, green eyes, wearing a red t-shirt and blue shorts, ran up to him with excitement. "Cool, you're a real meta-hero, right!?" The masked hero nodded, replying, "Yes, though it's not always an easy job"

The kid clenched his fists, barely containing his excitement, and asked him if he could show him some of his awesome abilities. However, the young boy’s mother called out, telling her son to come over and stop bothering the busy hero. The boy reluctantly turned away, shouting a quick "Bye, meta-hero!" as he rejoined his mother.

Metaraxnid finished up his food, placing the food tray on a stack of other used trays. As he did, the old man in the corner of the room spoke up in a rude, grumpy voice. "We don't need mutated freaks like you in this city! That's what the police are for!" he scoffed, disdain evident in his tone. Without warning, the old man threw his hot coffee at Metaraxnid, but the inhuman easily caught it with one hand, showcasing his reflexes and agility.

The caped hero walked over, seemingly about to place the cup back on the old man's table. However, before he could, the elderly civilian knocked it out of his hand, causing it to spill all over the floor. He then shouted: "I won't drink anything from masked creatures like you!"

Jenny stood at the register rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Mr. Robins, this establishment doesn't tolerate such rude behavior. You're free to leave unless you'd rather be kicked out" Metaraxnid remained calm, looking at Mr. Robins. "There's no need for hostility. I'm just here to help and keep the city safe"

The fragile old man grunted before throwing a punch right for Metaraxnid's face. However, his attempt only resulted in a fractured hand, with the masked meta-hero remaining unphased by the hostile attack. Jenny's boss, a tall man dressed in the Crispy Crave uniform with blonde hair and green eyes, spoke in a stern and hyper tone. "Mr. Robins, you need to leave the restaurant now. I won't tolerate assault here! If you don't go willingly, I'll have to call the police!"

Mr. Robins groaned to himself, holding his sprained hand, before saying, "Yea, yea, I'm going!" in an angered tone as he walked out. Jenny's boss, maintaining his hyper tone, rushed up to Metaraxnid, expressing his sincere apologies. "I'm so sorry about that, Metaraxnid! We won't tolerate such behavior here. I hope this hasn't ruined your view of Crispy Crave!"

Metaraxnid, taking a calm stance, replied, "No worries. One bad encounter won't change my opinion. You run a good place here" The boss nodded with relief, "Phew, glad to hear that! If you ever need a quick bite while you're out keeping the city safe, you're always welcome here. On the house, of course!"

Metaraxnid thanked the boss before paying for his food. As he walked outside, he took a deep breath of fresh air. With a swift motion, he pulled his mask back down, preparing for his next fight in the bustling streets of Starlight City. The night was still young, and was far from being the only crime tonight...

CHAPTER 1 Not All Heroes Are Made The Same

Across the city, two guards, dressed in black security uniforms, stood watch at the glass door entrance. Unbeknownst to them, a pile of sentient mud slid up the concrete steps, through the cracks of the door, moving past them. The mud found itself within the large lobby of the bank. The lobby had black carped floors with white concreate walls.

 A built man wearing a formal black suit and tie with short blonde hair and blue eyes came walking down the lobby towards the bathroom. That’s when the entity followed the man into the bank's restroom. The pile of mud then became a large Wave of mud, trapping the surprised man within a hardened cocoon of mud.

Soft muffles could be heard within the layer of dirt as the once pile of mud then transformed into the blonde bank teller, who now wore a sinister smirk on his face. In a deep confident voice, he responded: "Perfect. This form should work out nicely"

The disguised meta-human moved with ease past the other employees, navigating through a narrow corridor. He approached a black steel door and typed in the code on the bank teller's ID into the keypad beside it. The door clicked open, granting him access to a large empty black room. In front of him stood a massive steel vault door, guarded by a security officer dressed in SWAT gear. The officer held a rifle, pointing it toward the disguised intruder. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! SECURITY CLEARANCE, NOW! OTHERWISE, I'M ORDERED TO SHOOT YOU WHERE YOU STAND!"

The figure slowly raised his hands as if to surrender, but in a swift move, he morphed his left arm into a colossal mud hand. With brutal force, he grabbed the security officer by the head, slamming him into the vault door. The guard's helmet shattered, and he slumped to the floor unconscious.

The disguised meta-human chuckled evilly, muttering, "Too easy" He then morphed his hand into a large blade made of hardened dirt, attempting to pierce through the thick steel of the vault door. However, his efforts proved ineffective against the sturdy barrier.

The disguised inhuman grew increasingly angry, shouting: "NO, THIS CAN'T BE WHAT STOPS ME WHEN I'VE MADE IT THIS FAR!" In frustration, he reformed both arms into mud-hardened blades, repeatedly slashing at the vault door. Despite his relentless efforts, the sturdy barrier remained impervious to his attacks.

The man’s frustration grew as a blaring alarm began to go off along with a flashing red light, signaling impending danger. Simultaneously, a steel shutter slowly closed behind him, attempting to trap him within the confined space. Panic set in as green gas began to fill the room. In a desperate move, he reverted back into his mud state, sliding out from under the closing door just in the nick of time, narrowly avoiding being trapped within the sealed room.

 The alarm continued to echo through the metallic halls as the disguised intruder assessed the situation, realizing that the unexpected security measures had foiled his plans for the moment. The disguised intruder, frustrated by the turn of events, morphed back into his true form—a humanoid figure made of mud, standing at 6 feet with arms and feet and glowing orange eyes.

As the blaring alarm continued to reverberate through the metallic halls, a squad of police officers dressed in the typical blue uniform stormed the bank. The officers, armed and ready, spotted the grotesque mud monster in the hallway, while terrified employees fled the scene in panic.

The officers aimed their firearms towards the strange creature with one of them exclaiming: “W-what the hell is that thing!?” In a scared tone. The middle officer kept his cool ordering, "Get on the ground!" The mud man slowly complied, getting on his knees. A smirk grew across his oozing mouth before he slammed both hands onto the floor, sending a tsunami of mud right at the squad. The officers, caught off guard, cried out in panic as the mud engulfed them, leaving the lobby covered in filth.

As the mud man prepared to leave, a figure dove through the open doorway, revealing himself to be Metaraxnid. He sighed and commented, "Well, there goes keeping the costume clean" The mud man grunted, snapping at him, "You think this is funny, mocking me!? I’ll put you all in the ground!"

The assailant morphed his left hand into a large, spiked ball made of mud. He attempted to crush the purple hero, bringing his left arm down. However, the young inhuman backflipped onto the wall, evading the attack. The room shook from the villain’s fierce smash. The caped hero kicked off the wall, delivering a powerful kick right through the oozing villain’s face. His body stood there motionless for a brief moment before the splattered mud began slowly reshaping his face.

 Metaraxnid groaned, muttering, "I hope this isn't gonna be one of those fights where you just keep reforming your body" The villain laughed wickedly, taunting, "Then this isn't going to be fun for you, kid" He aimed his right mud hand, firing spikes of hardened mud like bullets. Metaraxnid moved with super-human agility, evading each projectile. However, one managed to pierce across the side of his face, tearing his mask slightly.

As a drop of blood dripped from the hero's cheek, Metaraxnid gripped his face in pain. He jumped back, attempting to create some distance. However, the mud man extended his muddy arm as if made of rubber with incredible speed, grabbing the hero by the waist. The mud man laughed triumphantly, tightening his grip on Metaraxnid. "You thought you could dance around forever, huh? I'm going to crush you to dust, little hero!"

The caped meta-hero struggled to break free, but even with his super-human strength, he couldn't escape the firm grasp of the mud man. Just when it seemed dire, a large black armored truck with the initials "M.C.A" pulled up to the bank at full speed. A squad of men in black and purple high-tech armored gear rushed in, aiming their weapons at the mud man.

A man dressed in a black formal suit with a purple emblem bearing the letters "M.C.A" engraved on it walked in formally, his arms behind his back as if unphased by the towering muddy creature. The man had long gray hair combed back, green eyes, and a thin beard.

The man spoke in a deep commanding voice, "Subdue the inhuman threat. Now!" The squad of armored men nodded in unison, responding, "Yes, sir!" They quickly aimed their high-tech weapons at the mud man and unleashed a cryo-blast. The freezing energy enveloped the villain, leaving him frozen solid within a block of ice.

Metaraxnid managed to break free, taking advantage of the ice that encased the mud man. The frozen appendage trapping him shattered into pieces, as he dropped down in front of the group of armored soldiers. The man in the suit observed with a stern expression, "Secure the subject and transport it to the facility." The squad immediately followed orders, efficiently restraining the frozen mud man and preparing to transport him.

The young hero, now free, approached the commander and asked, "Who are you people?" The man gave him a cold look and responded, "It's none of your concern. You better watch yourself. The M.C.A isn't fond of inhuman roaming around freely" With that, he left with his men, transporting the frozen mud man away.

Metaraxnid, now free from the confrontation, made his way into downtown Starlight city on Ember Ave. He walked into a six-floor apartment, the building was a red brick structure, squeezed between two others on the side of a busy city street.

The entrance featured a spacious walkway with black metal stairs on the right against the wall. The owner's room occupied the ground floor, while the 2nd to 6th floor housed renters. Each floor had a row of four doors, aligned with a paved floor. The doors were casual white wooden doors, adorned with golden handles and marked with the respective apartment numbers.

Metaraxnid, feeling drained from patrolling the city, ascended the stairs to the 2nd floor. He walked down the row of doors until he reached apartment 2D. With a sense of relief, he entered his apartment for a brief respite from the chaotic night.

The apartment welcomed him with a large living room featuring tan walls, red carpet floors, and a central black leather couch. A small kitchen, attached to the living room, boasted a counter, a row of stools, and a stove.

Metaraxnid made his way down a narrow tan hallway, passing a bathroom on the left and his bedroom on the right. Upon entering his bedroom, he finally took off his mask, revealing his young face with black hair and hazel eyes. His name was Mark Warren, a young 20-year-old.

 The room was decent size with white walls and a large window in the right corner. His bed was positioned against the wall in the middle of the room, adorned with black pillows and a thick red quilt. A small white wooden nightstand with a lamp stood beside the bed.

  He folded up his costume, placing it in a large black chest and sliding it back into the closet between the door and window. Mark then hit the bed, wearing a black shirt and shorts, and groaned, "I really don't feel like going into work in a few hours" Fatigued, he reached for his phone on the nightstand to check a message. However, as he slowly pulled it up to his face, he saw his phone was at 1% before abruptly powering off. He muttered to himself, "I should've charged this damn thing before I left"

 Mark slowly plugged in his phone before falling asleep, passing out into a much-needed rest...

 Hours Later...

Warren awoke to sunlight flooding through from the window as his blurred vision slowly focused. His stiff body cracked with each movement as he sat up in bed, the reality of a new day dawning upon him. He rubbed his eyes in both fatigue and frustration before walking to the bathroom.

 He tossed his clothes into a small laundry bin in the corner of the small white bathroom, getting into the shower. The steamy water cascaded down his thin yet muscular build, revealing the remnants of mud and dirt from Mud Man's attack. Warren diligently washed his body, cleansing away the remnants of the previous night's battle.

 Warren took a deep breath then exhaled, attempting to relax. Closing his eyes, he let the hot water run down his face, momentarily finding solace in the soothing embrace of the shower. Stepping out, steam flowed through the room, and the mirror was fogged. He grabbed a black towel, vigorously scrubbing his head to quickly dry his thick black hair. However, his peace was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing from the bedroom, causing him to groan once more.

He walked back to his room with the towel wrapped around his waist and picked up his phone. A text from his boss, labeled "boss," instructed him to come into work at 8 AM. Glancing at the time, he realized it was already 7:50, sending him into a brief panic.

 Warren exclaimed, "Oh, shit! I'm gonna be so late!" He tossed his suit into the washer, quickly putting on the Crispy Crave uniform. With a sense of urgency, he raced out the door, sprinting down the sidewalk towards his job.

Warren burst through the front door of Crispy Crave, out of breath. His boss rushed up to him in his typical hyper manner, reprimanding him for being late to work. "You're two minutes late, Warren! We can't afford any delays during the morning rush! Get behind the counter and start serving customers!"

Mark nodded, "R-right away, sir!" He quickly walked behind the counter, ready to take customers' orders during the morning rush. As he worked, Jenny smirked, side-eying him as both employees stood next to one another at different registers. After a few minutes, Mark noticed her glancing at him and asked, "What?" She giggled, questioning him, "Isn't it rather strange to eat at a fast-food joint you work at, Warren? Wouldn't you get sick of it at some point?"

Mark chuckled, responding: "Crispy Crave has always made me feel better when I'm either depressed or worried. I've formed an attachment with this place; I doubt I'll ever get tired of something that's helped me through all these years"

Jenny pondered for a moment before saying, "Yeah, it's what helped you forget about...that night" She looked at him with a slightly concerned look. Though Mark assured her, "I've recovered, Jenny. In fact, I feel better since then"


Mark and Jenny walked along the dark sidewalks, once and awhile passing beneath a streetlight as they walked home from their last day of high school. He wore a red dress shirt and blue jeans with a black book bag, while she donned a blue dress shirt and a black skirt, carrying a blue book bag.

 As they strolled down their usual path, they encountered a large steel roadblock that prevented them from taking their usual route. Mark reassured her, "Don't worry, Jen. I know another way. Come on" He gently took her hand, leading her through a dark, narrow alley between two brick buildings.

As they hurried through the alleyway, Mark tripped over a rock, causing his phone to fall into a large hole in the ground in a dark part of the alley. Jenny suggested he just leave it and save up for a new one, but Warren snapped, "With my rent and other bills, that would take way too long!"

Ignoring Jenny's plea, he insisted on retrieving his phone. She began to express her disbelief, reminding him: “It's just a phone Mark!” Determined, Warren walked over to the dark hole. Suddenly, the ground beneath him gave way, and he slid down into the pit. His descent felt like an eternity, as he landed on his back nearly 10 feet underground, finding himself within a foreboding and expansive tunnel.

Slowly standing up and brushing himself off, his eyes adjusted to the dark tunnel. That’s when Jenny called out from above: MARK! MARK ARE YOU OK!?” The young teen looked up at the opening answering back, "I'm fine, just a little bruised, but nothing too bad"

He began to feel around for his phone, only to come up empty-handed. He muttered to himself, puzzled, "That’s strange, my phone should've landed around the same spot I did, or at least somewhere nearby"

As he slowly walked deeper into the tunnel searching the ground for any sign of his phone, a sense of suspense hung in the air. After nearly a minute of walking, he turned the corner, only to be horrified at the sight of a colossal black and red spider. It was even bigger than him, green ooze dripping from it’s mouth. The creature slowly turned and noticed him, letting out a deafening screech that echoed through the tunnel. The suspense and horror of the moment overwhelmed him.

Mark let out a scream of utter horror, running back towards the opening with the spider close behind. As he climbed up the hill, the spider bit into his leg, sending a searing pain through his body. His vision began to blur, and he felt warm and light-headed.

Jenny saw the spider and let out a scream of utter terror. Acting on instinct, she grabbed a big rock and struck it’s head with all her strength until the colossal arachnid let go of the poor teen. The spider screeched in pain, retreating into the darkness of the tunnel. Jenny rushed to Mark's side, helping him out of the pit, her hands trembling from the adrenaline and fear.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke to Mark, "HOLD ON MARK! I-I'M GOING TO GET YOU HELP!" With those words, Mark fell unconscious...

Warren slowly awoke in a hospital bed at Starlight Hospital. His vision slowly focused, but most of his body felt almost completely numb. “W-what...happened?” He muttered still dazed from the attack. A tall doctor dressed in a typical white doctor's uniform, bald with green eyes and a ginger-haired mustache, walked into the room, holding a clipboard.

The doctor spoke in a professional tone, "I'm surprised to see you awake so soon," he began, glancing at the clipboard in his hands. "I've gone over the lab results, and surprisingly, nothing vital was damaged from the spider attack. There was some venom that entered your blood, but you'll be just fine" Mark's eyes widened, and he quickly asked, "Where's Jenny!? Is she okay!?" The doctor assured him, "You can rest easy, the girl is alright. She wasn't bitten by the arachnid"

At that moment, Jenny rushed into the room, her eyes teary, hugging Mark tightly. "I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" As he hugged her back, she gasped, "Y-you're hugging a little too tight!" Mark quickly apologized, letting go apologizing, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't realize"

END Flashback

 Mark sat at a table in the bottom right corner of the room near the entrance of the restaurant. It was his lunch break, and he was enjoying a bacon and cheese burger with a large fry and soda. The room was empty for the time being, so Jenny was busy wiping down tables.

Jenny quickly wiped down tables, strategically making it appear as if she was working. As she approached Mark's table, she stopped a table over, ensuring their boss was in the back. Leaning in, she informed Mark in a hushed tone, "There's a bad guy with fire abilities causing trouble a few blocks from here. It doesn't seem like any heroes are coming anytime soon"

Mark dropped his burger with a sigh, expressing his frustration. "As dull as the shifts here can be, it'd be nice to at least finish a full shift without you having to cover for me each time a meta-human idiot decides to wreak havoc on the city"

Meanwhile, a tall man dressed in black tights with red gloves and boots stood before a large white building named Nero Core Labs. He had ginger hair and glowing orange eyes, standing before a police blockade, preventing him from entering the laboratory. Dozens of officers aimed their guns in his direction, flames surging around the target’s palms.

One of the officers shouted over a megaphone, urging the inhuman to surrender. The inhuman, with blazing orange eyes, clenched his fist in anger, shouting back, "Nero Labs has to pay for what they've done! I won't let them get away with it!" Flames surged around his fists as he spoke, his voice filled with rage and fury.

The flaming villain swiped his left hand across the air, sending a wave of intense flames across the street. Officers dove out of the way, but the squad cars were caught in the blaze, erupting in a devastating explosion. The force of the explosion sent officers sprawling, creating chaos and panic in the vicinity.

The sound of screaming citizens filled the street as Mark swung into the scene. Spotting the pyro villain, he shot a condensed web blast, attempting to bind him. However, the assailant burned the web mid-air, causing the webbing to melt to the ground. The pyro villain turned to face Mark, his fiery gaze locking onto the approaching hero.

Mark, facing the flaming villain, demanded: "Why are you trying to burn down Nero Labs!?" The villain gritted his teeth, responding, "IT’S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS RUNT!" With that, he threw both arms out, sending a devastating blast of flames toward the hero. Mark backflipped over it, the intense heat singeing his cape. The fiery assault continued, creating chaos on the street.

The villain, still surrounded by the wall of blinding flames, glared at Mark. "You think you can stop me!? I'll burn everything in my path!" Mark narrowed his eyes, determined to put an end to the chaos.

Mark, undeterred by the raging flames, confronted the villain. "Just tell me why you're so set on destroying Nero Labs!" To his surprise, tears began to run down the pyro tyrant's face as he cried out, "THEY LET MY WIFE DIE, AND I WON'T REST UNTIL THEY MEET THE SAME FATE!" The revelation hung in the air, adding a layer of tragic complexity to the unfolding conflict.

Mark's eyes widened in shock as the pyro tyrant began to recount the tragic tale of what happened to his wife. The intensity of the flames seemed to waver momentarily as the villain poured out his heart, revealing the deep pain and sorrow that fueled his destructive vendetta. “They said they could help her...said they could cure her of her illness...”


Three days ago...

 Thomas Archer stood with his arms crossed within a testing lab at Nero Core Labs. He wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans, his eyes a vibrant green. Multiple scientists in white lab coats surrounded him in a large black steel room, separating the testing room by a layer of thick glass.

 Inside the testing room, Thomas's wife, Veronica Archer, sat in a large black leather operating chair under a bright lamp. She had long red hair wearing merely a hospital gown, her body was pale and skinny. On the other side of the machine was a young girl with long blonde hair dressed in a similar gown.

 Thomas watched nervously as they explained the process, telling him they could transfer Veronica's mind into another healthy body, assuring him that it was a groundbreaking experiment with a high success rate. As they initiated the procedure, Thomas clung to a glimmer of hope that this could save his wife from the clutches of her illness.

 Veronica was hooked to various machines, a black metal helmet attached to her pale white head, many wires connected to her to keep track of her body’s activity to the procedure. Her green eyes closed as the process began. The large machine in the center of the room beeped rhythmically, indicating the ongoing transfer of her consciousness.

Thomas anxiously watched, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and fear. As the scientists monitored the procedure, a sense of tension hung in the air, with the fate of Veronica hanging in the balance.

Suddenly, a surge of anxiety overcame Thomas as he watched the machines beep erratically. Panic filled the room as the scientists desperately tried to stabilize the experiment. “What’s going on!? We should’ve accounted for all possible mishaps!” One of them shouted.

 The once-promising procedure had turned into a nightmare, and Thomas could only look on in horror as his wife's life hung on by a thread. The room seemed to close in around him as the reality of the tragic situation unfolded.

The long, deafening beep of both patients' heart rates flatlined, echoing through the sterile environment. Tears filled Thomas' eyes as he gazed upon his wife, now lifeless in the chair. The weight of grief and rage began to manifest within him, a blaze of emotions.

The lead scientist, Dr. Marlo, approached Thomas with a heavy heart. "Mr. Archer, we understand the gravity of the situation, and are truly sorry for this unforeseen outcome. Our procedure encountered an unexpected error. We hadn't tested this technology under real conditions before"

Thomas, his eyes filled with disbelief and grief, choked on his words. "You... you said you could save her. What have you done!?"

Dr. Marlo continued, attempting to explain the tragic turn of events. "We believed the procedure could give her a chance at a new life. We didn't anticipate this failure. We are devastated by the loss of Mrs. Archer and the other young girl involved in the experiment"

Thomas, overwhelmed by sorrow and rage, shouted, "YOU EXPERIMENTED ON MY WIFE! SHE TRUSTED YOU, AND YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME!" As the reality of his wife's death sank in, a surge of intense emotions flooded through Thomas, manifesting as his eyes abruptly ignited with flames, only for him look away, hiding his flaming irises.

The doctor, taken aback, cautiously asked: "Are you okay, Mr. Archer?" In a dark and bitter tone, Thomas replied, "I'm fine" He turned away, hiding his flaming irises, and walked out of the lab.

Thomas made his way home, the weight of anger and sadness bearing down on him. Sitting on his bed in the dark, he trembled with the intensity of his emotions, haunted by the tragic loss of his wife and the newfound fire burning within him. The lab's experiment had not only taken Veronica away but had also ignited a fiery power within Thomas that would forever change the course of his life.

 Consumed by a mix of grief and rage, Archer found himself on the brink of a mental breakdown. He then muttered to himself, "She trusted them... trusted them with her life... and they... they took her away... from me!" His voice cracked with anguish,

In the depths of his despair, Thomas clenched his fist, feeling an inexplicable surge of power coursing through him. His costume formed around him, a manifestation of pyro energy, enveloping him.

In a fit of despair and fury, Thomas cried out: Nero Core...YOU’RE GOING TO PAY!!!” The room erupted in a pillar of flames, completely destroying his house. Amidst the rubble, Thomas stood in his newly formed costume, fueled by the fiery manifestation of his inner turmoil. A dangerous metamorphosis had occurred, setting the stage for his vengeful quest against the institution that had cost him everything...


Mark, hearing the tragic tale, expressed genuine empathy. "I'm sorry that something so horrible could happen to you, you were just trying to save your wife and they took her from you" he said, looking at Thomas. "But killing others for revenge isn't any better than what Nero Core did. There has to be another way to find justice and closure"

 The flames in Thomas' eyes flickered, a moment of internal conflict evident in his fiery gaze. The clash of ideals lingered in the air, creating a tense atmosphere as hero and avenger stood face to face.

After a brief pause, Thomas' eyes reignited, and the flames around them grew stronger. "I hoped you'd see things through my eyes runt" he responded, crossing his arms building up heat. "But it seems telling the story was nothing more than a waste of time" The air crackled with fiery energy as Thomas prepared to unleash all his power at once, the intensity of the flames reaching a climax.

Mark's eyes widened in shock as he realized the villain's plan. "Everyone, evacuate the area before it's too late!" he exclaimed. Attempted to grab Thomas, only to be burned by the fierce heat, and in desperation, he threw his arms up, only able to block the coming attack. The assailant released a devastating atomic explosion, just as it erupted, Mark watched in utter fear as the dome of pure orange energy reached a few feet before being siphoned into the air.

Looking up, he saw a young man with blonde hair floating above them, dressed in a black and gold costume, sporting a golden crest on his wrist. The flames were being absorbed into the crest, neutralizing the destructive power.

The new hero floating above them with a playful tone, commented, "Seems I made it at the nick of time. Heh, one moment later and you would’ve been fried" A smile adorned his face as the flames reverted into orange wisps of pure energy being absorbed into the golden crest. The blazing villain fell to his knees, drained of all pyro energy.

The pyro villain groaned, muttering, "D-damn you, heroes" before collapsing face down in the street, out cold. Mark breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks, you really saved my ass" The blonde-haired hero slowly touched down before him, revealing his green eyes. He responded, "Anytime. There's no telling just how much damage a blast like that would've caused"

Warren looked at the first hero he'd ever met in person in amazement. The newcomer wore a black shiny costume with a golden star in the center of his chest, along with golden gloves and boots. The symbol of heroism was etched across his attire.

Mark extended his gratitude, "I'm so glad to see another hero here in Starlight City. I thought I was the only one" The young blonde hero chuckled slightly, responding, "Nah, there are others out there. You just don't hear much about us. The M.C.A forces the news to limit information about meta-humans. They see us as nothing more than freaks or monsters, deserving of being killed or imprisoned just for being different or considered a possible threat to the city" The weight of the conversation revealed the challenges they both faced in a society that often misunderstood and discriminated against them.

“So, what’s your name?” Mark questioned. The young male smile answering: "Eric Grayson, also known as Celestial Star. I'm told to go by Celestion Crest, but it doesn't really sound right, you know?"

"Heh, you're right. I assume that's the name of the crest on your wrist?" The caped hero pointed to the golden crest on Eric's wrist.

Eric nodded in slight embarrassment, raising his left palm up to eye level. "This is the Celestion Crest, also known as the Crest of Celestion—whichever title you prefer. Though I can't go into too much detail, one day I woke up with this on my wrist, and it's given me access to all kinds of abilities. After some training, I decided to become a hero and use my powers to help those in need"

Mark expressed his admiration, "That's amazing. You're lucky to be given such power...heh, meanwhile, I got my powers from getting attacked by a mutated spider that bit my leg" The irony of their origins highlighted the unpredictable nature of gaining superhuman abilities.

As the duo stood amidst the aftermath, the wailing sirens of M.C.A's armored car pierced the air. The vehicle screeched to a dramatic halt with a squad of officers, clad in imposing black armor spilled out. The commanding officer barked orders, demanding the immediate subjugation of the pyro villain.

Swift and precise, three officers circled around Thomas, their movements in sync. The fourth, holding black cuffs made of a steel-like material approached the subdued inhuman. They forced Thomas to his feet, the metallic clang of the cuffs sealing around his wrists echoing like a sentence being pronounced.

The once-fiery antagonist, now powerless, groggily came to his senses, his defiant struggles in vain as he was unceremoniously dragged towards the confines of the armored van. The commander declared, "Target secured!" The armored officers effortlessly forced the powerless antagonist into the back of the van. With that, the armored vehicle sped away, leaving behind the remnants of the chaotic showdown.

Turning to Eric, Mark voiced the question that lingered in the air, "Why do those M.C.A. guys always seem to pop up after every fight? It's like they're always one step behind me" The mysterious and ever-watchful presence of the agency added an extra layer of intrigue to their heroic endeavors.

Eric rubbed the back of his neck nervously before responding, "Yeah, that's the Meta-human Containment Agency. Their job is to quickly contain any hostile or suspicious inhuman and take them to one of their prisons. I don't agree with their ways of doing things, but I can't really risk going against them unless I want to end up like the many inhuman imprisoned on their little island, or so I've heard." The unease in his tone hinted at the precarious balance between heroism and the looming threat of imprisonment.

A brief pause filled the air before Mark, in a serious tone, asked, "Just where is this island?" The unease lingered as Eric shrugged, replying, "I've only heard rumors of it being in the middle of the ocean somewhere, but rumors aren't enough to go off of, given the risks of going against the M.C.A." The mysterious island served as a chilling reminder of the consequences awaiting those who defied the Meta-human Containment Agency.

Just then, Celestion Star's crest began to flash yellow, he quickly apologized to Mark, explaining the need to depart. In a sudden and graceful motion, he soared into the clear blue sky, resembling a golden comet. Warren was left gazing at the sky, now isolated in the desolate streets in front of Nero Labs. The departure of the fellow hero left an air of mystery and solitude in it’s wake.

Metaraxnid fired a web from his palm, swinging away from the scene. His mind raced with thoughts about the fate of meta-humans unfortunate enough to be taken to the mysterious island Eric mentioned. He pondered the injustice of it all, considering how Thomas Archer didn't deserve imprisonment for his actions. He needed someone to guide him through his time of grief, a way to recover from such a traumatic and emotional period in his life.

As he swung through the city streets, passing reflective office buildings, the warm breeze passed through his suit. His burned cape flapping in the breeze.

 Landing in the back door of Crispy Crave, he skillfully avoided the surveillance cameras, slipping into the closet. There, he hastily took off his costume, carefully folding it and stuffing it into Jenny's bag. Emerging from the back, he apologized, "I'm back. Sorry it took so long" The mundane façade of his alter ego blended seamlessly with the ordinary hustle and bustle of the restaurant.

 His boss, with his hyper attitude stood at the drive-thru window, instructing Mark with a rapid-fire delivery, "Alright, Mark! Clean up this place quickly, and make sure not to miss a single spot! Speed is crucial, my friend!" The contrast between heroics and the demands of a fast-food job added a touch of humor to the scene.

Mark nodded, responding determinedly, "Right away, Adam, sir!" He began to clean at an astounding rate, utilizing his arachnid powers to mop hastily across the tiled floor until it shined. With clear precision, he tossed trash into the bin across the room, seamlessly blending the efficiency of his superhuman abilities with the mundane tasks of the fast-food environment. The juxtaposition of his superhero persona and his duties at Crispy Crave showcased the dual nature of his life.

As Mark rapidly cleaned, Jenny laughed, inquiring if he might be taking cleaning a little too seriously. Mark smirked, assuring her, "This is nothing compared to my usual tasks" His words hinting at the challenges he faced as a hero, suggesting that battling villains was far more demanding than the routine of cleaning the fast-food joint...

As Mark rapidly cleaned, Jenny laughed, inquiring if he might be taking cleaning a little too seriously. Mark smirked, assuring her, "This is nothing compared to my usual tasks." His words hinted at the challenges he faced as a hero, suggesting that battling villains was far more demanding than the routine of cleaning the fast-food joint.

At the end of their shifts, their boss Adam shouted across the parking lot: Remember you two, I expect you both to be here at 8AM sharp!” Jenny and Mark walked onto the sidewalk, making their way toward their apartment. The transition from work to personal life highlighted the contrast in Mark's day, juggling the ordinary responsibilities of a job with the extraordinary challenges of being a hero.

As they walked along the paved path, Mark suggested, "Hey, Jenny, how about trying something new tonight?" She blushed, asking, "What do you mean?" Mark then disappeared into a narrow alley, only to reappear behind her, wearing his costume. He tapped her on the shoulder, playfully scaring her.

 In response, she let out a light scream, spinning around attempting to punch him. Mark dodged her punch, playfully retorting, "Whoa there, Jen, don't need you knocking me out"

 Jenny groaned a bit annoyed, clarifying she couldn't knock him out even if she wanted to. That’s when Mark held out his hand. She took his hand as he wrapped one arm around her, telling her to wrap her arms around his neck and hold on. He shot a strand of webbing at an office building, and they took off in a fierce swing, soaring through the air.

 They swung high above the city, Mark maneuvering through the air with quick and precise agility. Jenny's long black hair blew in the fierce wind, a mix of fear and excitement etched on her face as she saw the city from high above, experiencing it in a way Mark did every day.

 The dazzling lights of the city surrounded them as Metaraxnid landed gracefully in front of their apartment. As Jenny released her grip, she caught Mark off guard by lifting the lower part of his mask and planting a kiss on his lips. With a hint of seduction, she invited him to her room for the night, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. With a sultry tone she whispered, "Want to come to my room for the night?"

 Mark blushed before responding, "S-sure," as she softly took his gloved hand, leading the masked hero up the steel steps to her room 2A. The door closed behind them...

CHAPTER 2 Justice VS Morality