ch 8. Human Mastery Skill and Soul Weapon Skill
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Name : Timothy Brightblade
Age : 16 Years Old
Human Mastery Level - Weapon Apprentice 34% !
Human Mastery Skill - (option available)
Soul Weapon Evolution - Common Weapon+ 12% !
Soul Weapon Skill - (option available)

Timothy is ready for his new skills but first, he needs to address a few things about his progress. his Human Level Mastery is barely making any progress after a year. his Soul Weapon Evolution progress also became incredibly slow after he hit one hundred percent.

Timothy has asked about this to Teacher Morgana and she said she will be teaching about this in the second year. Timothy is about to be angry at that time, especially since that time Timothy is still easily agitated due to his isolation issue. but now he is finally in his second year. he just needs to for a few more weeks at most to finally find out why his progress decayed.

now is the time for Timothy to see what options are available for him at Human Mastery Skill. Timothy focused his mind and asked his Soul Weapon about it and soon enough, a list of options was presented in his mind.

Human Master Skill :
- Instant Dash (active) : quickly covers a certain range with an instant increase of movement.
- Power Arm (active) : increase the strength of the hand by 100% when activated.
- Body and Mind Coordination (passive) : improve the coordination between body and mind, enabling the body to handle a more precise task.
- Strong Body (passive) : improves the overall power output of the body, allowing for more damage output and burst response.
- Agile Body (passive) : improves the overall agility of the body, allowing for more nimble act and flexibility.

Timothy is presented with five skills, two of them an active skills while the other three are passive skills. Active Skills are the kind that will require certain payment to perform, usually in the form of stamina or energy. meanwhile, the passive skill didn't need any payment or trigger, it remained active all the time but with a reduced effect.

Timothy's two active skills, 'Instant Dash' and 'Power Arm' are quite interesting. On many occasions, he wished to have a way to quickly get faster or to deliver a stronger attack in an instant. these two skills present that chance for him. The problem is he didn't really like active skills. the two skills are powerful and that means it will tempt him to use them as often as he can.

despite his superior ability in battle, Timothy knows that he is a pacifist at heart. As much as possible he want to avoid any battle and only do really necessary battle. with a heavy heart, he has to let go of the two active skills to protect his own beliefs.

from the remaining passive skills, 'Strong Body' and 'Agile Body' an alternatives for his active skills. they give almost the same kind of benefit with a milder effect. Timothy especially likes the Strong Body skills as they give him the effect of both active skills, strong attack, and burst movement. but again, too much power will ruin his beliefs so Timothy also removes the 'Stong Body' skill.

now Timothy is down with two last skills, 'Agile Body' and 'Body and Mind Coordination'. both a good skill that gives him superiority in body control. one for reflex and flexibility and the other for precision. between both of these skills, Timothy leans more on precision instead of flexibility. Timothy reasons that it is better to precisely hit the target and finish it fast instead of being flexible and avoiding everything until everyone is tired. with that in mind, Timothy chose the 'Body and Mind Coordination' as his first skill.

Name : Timothy Brightblade
Age : 16 Years Old
Human Mastery Level - Weapon Apprentice 34%
Human Mastery Skill - Body and Mind Coordination !
Soul Weapon Evolution - Common Weapon+ 12%
Soul Weapon Skill - (option available)

now is the time for Timothy's Soul Weapon Skills. Once again he asked the Soul Weapon for the options available and quickly a list appeared in his head. but this time, the list really makes Timothy take his time.

Soul Weapon Skill :
- Brightblade Calculated Slash : flashy like the sun, the slash is calculated to create the most flashy moves with controllable damage - the one-handed sword becomes shiny like a mirror.
- Phase Thrust : thrusting attack that seems like it moves through your opponent, suddenly appears behind them - the one-handed sword becomes thinner 
- Power Strike : slashing downward with all your power, double the damage of your attack. - the one-handed sword becomes thicker and heavy

the first skill, the 'Brightblade Calculated Slash' is what you call a Family Trait Skill. Timothy never heard about it but since the skill has his family name, that means it might be a skill that is passed down from generation to generation. Timothy's father probably has one too, and his siblings will be offered the same kind of skills. somehow Timothy becomes restless and decides to call his father to ask about this skill. Timothy is a good kid, and he just doesn't want to make his father disappointed. if he needs to sacrifice one skill just to make him happy, he won't mind it at all.


Timothy is now calling his father via direct call. Timothy is still in his dorm as he decides to remain there for his two years of education. Timothy tried to call his father several times but he didn't pick up the phone. giving up, Timothy quickly put the phone down and stared empty at his room ceiling.


Timothy's phone suddenly rang with his father's name on it. Timothy picked up the phone with haste and quickly heard his father's voice from the other side.

"Hello, son! sorry I cannot pick up your call right away.

you know, cyber security and stuff.

so, what happens? did you find something else bothering you?" Arthur said, bombarding Timothy with questions and information.

"hello father, sorry to bother you.

I just want to ask about my skills.

my Soul Weapon offered me a skill with our family name and I wonder if I have to take it or not." Timothy said calmly.

"oh! You are already on that. good!

about the skill, is it good? if it is, go take it. 

if it is not, leave it. another one will pop out later." Arthur said in a hurry.

"umm, I think it is pretty good.

but, are you sure? another one with our family name will show up again later?" Timothy asked for reassurance.

"yeah! sure!

I got those skills every single time. only choose one tho.

oh, I gotta go son. Ruthra! you want to say hi?" Arthur said to someone, and that someone who shared the same voice as Arthur suddenly talked.

"Hello, Timothy, good luck with your skill." said the voice called Ruthra.

"ah, Master Ruthra. thank you very much. please take care of my father." said Timothy politely.

"will do." said Ruthra.

"okay, son! time to leave!

Ruthra and I are in the middle of a big hunt!

see you next year!" said Arthur before the call went off.

Timothy can only sigh. Master Ruthra, as Timothy usually called him, is his father Arthur's alter ego. they share the same body and mind but with a different personality. Master Ruthra trained Timothy in his younger years and currently trains his younger siblings. Master Ruthra is a calculative person, each of his moves is made under many assumptions. and to make it more strange, Master Ruthra has the opposite weapon of his family. he has the Darkblade.

but everything is fine, Master Ruthra and Father Arthur is the same person just with a different personality. they still share the same values and love the child with equal love. Timothy has no issue with Master Ruthra instead, he will always thank him for keeping his father safe.


back to the skill choice, Timothy decided to take on the 'Brightblade Calculated Slash' skill as that skill will be a very good addition when matched with his new Human Mastery skill. Timothy then chooses the skill in his mind and then checks on the result again.

Name : Timothy Brightblade
Age : 16 Years Old
Human Mastery Level - Weapon Apprentice 34%
Human Mastery Skill - Body and Mind Coordination !
Soul Weapon Evolution - Rare Weapon 12%
Soul Weapon Skill - Brightblade Calculated Slash !

as soon as Timothy confirms his choice, certain change is finally happening. the first is that his Soul Weapon status is now changed to Rare Weapon. Timothy is now officially a Weapon Apprentice with a Rare Soul Weapon, completely one level above common folks.

the second change is on Timothy's Soul Weapon. he summons his Soul Weapon and sees that the metal part of his Soul Weapon is shiny like a mirror. Timothy gave it a little angle and it easily reflected the light in his room. Timothy decide to test his new skills tomorrow as he has a good guess what the skill will do.

all in all, Timothy is satisfied with his choice. In a few more days, he will be able to grow more and finish his school days. after that, he considers to work as a warrior. he might be pacifist but the world still needs raw power to control it.

his father is currently at war with the neighboring city and who knows what kind of danger might come after that. Timothy's peace is something that he need to fight for, not just by talking things out but also but defeating others.