ch 10. the Second Year begin
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a new school day has finally arrived.

now Timothy has become a second-year student and he is ready to join his first class as a second-year student. beside him is a big young man who is a head taller than Timothy. his name is Jhonny Stafa the Battle Priest. On the other side of Timothy is another young man with a feminine gesture named William Wolfhand or Lian, as he wishes to be called.

the three of them become quite close since Timothy spar with Jhonny a few days ago. after Jhonny wakes up from his trance state, which Lian does to calm him down, Jhonny quickly becomes excited and decides to be Timothy's new friend. Lian also joined in because, in the entire school, Jhonny was the only one who didn't bully him for his feminine gesture.

the three of them are sitting together in front of the class, a position where usually only filled by Timothy alone.

the three of them look like they are in deep conversation as if they are discussing something that is really important. especially if you look at Jhonny and Lian's faces which often change their expression in quick pace. their face can change from understanding, confused, hurt, relieved, sad, and many more in less than ten seconds.

but the truth is a little bit more simple. Timothy has this weird nervousness when talking with people outside his family circle. what the three of them currently talking about is how to fix Timothy's weird nervousness that made him say something that he didn't mean to say.

the three of them are still in the middle of their discussion when Teacher Morgana enters the classroom. just like last year, she is also the one who handles Timothy's class. She takes her place at the front of the class and remains silent while the students go to their seats. a few minutes later, after the students have their seats, Teacher Morgana begins her class.

"good morning, students.

congratulations on your advance to the second year.

I hope your ability also increased nicely." Teacher Morgana said congratulated the students.

"today's lesson will be about your Soul Weapon and the information from it.

as you know, you can ask your Soul Weapon to tell you about your status.

but there is more to it, you can also ask your Soul Weapon to show the effect of your growth in numbers.

try to ask your Soul Weapon to show you how much is the increase of your Human Mastery level and Soul Weapon Evolution level." Explain Teacher Morgana.

Timothy, along with every other student in class, quickly follows Teacher Morgana's order and asks for their Soul Weapon. A moment later, a list of information appears in Timothy's mind and he finally understands what happened to himself.

Human Mastery Level - Weapon Apprentice 34%

Human Mastery Level Effect - increase body overall ability +50%

Human Mastery Skill - Body and Mind Coordination

Human Mastery Skill Effect - increase accuracy by +100%

Soul Weapon Evolution - Rare Weapon 12%

Soul Weapon Evolution Effect - increase body overall ability +50%

Soul Weapon Skill - Brightblade Calculated Slash

Soul Weapon Skill Effect - increase damage between +1% to +150%

all this time Timothy only knows that his Human Mastery Level and Soul Weapon can increase his body's overall power. he just didn't know how much the levels increased his body's overall ability. Timothy now understands why he can deal with thieves and other normal human bad guys with ease. after some time, Teacher Morgana continued her lecture.

"as you can see, each of your skills and level will add a certain amount of percentage to your body.

the higher the skills and level, the more percentage will be added to you.

but please note that it only increases by percentage, which means that if your body is weak then your overall increase will also be low." explains Teacher Morgana.

after that, Teacher Morgana explained some more about the known skills and how much it increases someone's personal power. Meanwhile, Jhonny and Lian are busy comparing their skills and how much the skills increase their power.

after the class is done, Timothy and his two new friends go to the cafeteria to get their meal. the three of them keep talking with each other, discussing the new information they got while comparing their skills. Timothy's life in his second year turned out to be better than his first year and Timothy is happy about it.


at the border of the Jarkurtan Territory.

an old mining area located near the border of Jakurtan Territory. near the mining area is a little village where the mine workers live. the village and every facility in it is provided by the Brightblade Family as the main ruler of the area. the people who live in the mining village are mostly poor but their life is not hard.

their life is supported by the Brightblade Family, despite their low wage and long working hours. their security is guaranteed and their family is provided with many facilities belonging to the Brightblade Family. unfortunately, their current safety is in danger.

the neighboring country, Bikshy City, has declared war to claim the mining village. then to make it worse, a new Magic Beast in the form of a golem also appears from inside the mine. facing two dangers from two different directions, the citizens of the mining village can only call for help from the Brightblade Family. As the just ruler of the Jakurtan City, the Brightblade answers their call.

Arthur Brightblade is currently wielding his trusted Soul Weapon the Kriss Dagger with grace and fierceness. the Bikhsy City warriors have no chance at all when facing Arthur, even when he only wields his Kriss Dagger in its normal state. meanwhile, Arthur himself didn't really care for a normal warrior. his mind is occupied by the Golem Magic Beast that wreaks havoc inside the mine.

a team of Brightblade warriors has entered the mind to lure the Golem Magic Beast out from the mine. once it is outside, Arthur will deal with it by himself while his warriors focus on defending the village from the Bikshy warriors. Arthur is forced to wait for a few hours, occasionally fighting with the Bikshy warriors to reduce the burden on his warriors, until finally, the Golem Magic Beast is out from the mine.


the Golem Magic Beast appears to be able to talk in an unknown language. it shouted and chased after the warriors which annoyed it so much. As soon as the Golem was out in the open, Arthur quickly took his place while giving his warriors a space to run and rest.

"hei, big guy!

Fight me!" said Arthur from near the Golem's feet.

the Golem is about fifteen meters in height with a thick body made of stone and minerals. it shaped is like a human, with two legs and a head. the difference is the golem has four arms equipped with a sharp sword-like stone fist. Arthur can say that if one of those fists manages to hit him, he will not be able to escape safely.

the Golem notices Arthur's presence. it has no ears so it cannot hear anything but it can feel the presence and Arthur's presence in the golem's eyes is a lot bigger than itself. Arthur managed to make the Golem afraid of him even without doing anything.

the Golem tried to run back to the mine, hiding in the place where it first became alive. but Arthur will not let the Golem go. The Golem is an uncalculated danger and Arthur doesn't like such creatures in his territory. with his Kriss Dagger ready, Arthur quickly jumped on the Golem's head and slashed it.

the Golem is now terrified. it begins to roar while trying to run. Arthur's time is short, he needs to end the Golem fast or it will return to the mine where its power will be multiplied easily.

"Ruthra, can you please deal with this beast? we need to end it fast." said Arthur.

after he said that, Arthur's face suddenly changed. not that he has someone else face, but the vibe around him is changed. Arthur's eyes look cold and his expression is that of a killer instead of a leader and a father.

"you should just let me deal with this beast from the very beginning, Arthur." said Ruthra.

the Kriss Dagger in Ruthra's hand changed form into a long saber made of dark light. with a fast and precise move, Ruthra begins to cut the stone face of the Golem, chipping it until half of it is gone. below the head, there is a little opening where the core of the Golem is located. It is attached to the Golem's body by some kind of minerals and glows in the yellow light that flickers a bit as the Golem starts panicking.

with otherworldly flexibility, Ruthra quickly enters the opening inside the Golem's body. Ruthra quickly cut all the attachments from the Golem's Core to its body using his Darklight Saber. As soon as all the attachments were broken, Ruthra put his hand below the Golem's Core, preventing it to fall and break.

finished with his work, Ruthra cut the backside of the Golem's body open and exited the Golem's body gracefully. meanwhile, the Golem with its remaining power tried to get its core back but were unable to do much as Ruthra was too fast and nimble. after a few minutes of chase and run, the Golem finally depleted his energy and his body quickly fell to pieces.

Ruthra then begins to walk out of the mine, as along the process the Golem manages to re-enter the mine and tries to go deeper into the mine. As he got out, Ruthra's face changed from a cold and fearsome look into a warm and kind one.

"thank you Ruthra, I know I can always count on you every time." said Arthur as his warriors came to him to keep the Golem's Core safe.