CH. 5: Potion
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"Sweet?" Shinobu softly asked.

Kenshi pursed his lips, then nodded. 

"Very sweet."

Sweet to the point that even the medicinal broth he drank again didn't taste as bitter.

The surrounding "hidden" members were still minding their own business, but seemed to have subtly distanced themselves.

It looked as if they had deliberately cleared out a small space just for the two of them.

At this time, Shinobu also took out a candy and put it in her mouth, then nodded silently. "Mm, really sweet!"

After speaking, she also shook the bag of candy at him. "Want more?"

He shook his head, the previous candy was still in his mouth! And the medicinal broth was already finished, no need for more.

Shinobu didn't say anything more, simply packed up the candy bag and placed it directly in his hand. "For you!"

"Thank you!"

Since it's just a bag of candy, he accepted it directly without any objection.

After resting a while longer, the group finally set, headed towards Butterfly mansion.

Even though he had declared his intention to join the Demon Slaying Corps, the corps members still blindfolded him.

And as an injured person, he was layed on a stretcher as he was carried away.

Hearing the surrounding corps members all walking alongside, with even Shinobu leading the way up front.

Kenshi felt it wasn't right for him alone to enjoy this treatment, so after asking one of the corps members for a blanket, he started sleeping.

His nerves had been tense up till now, relaxing made the fatigue catch up.

It was perfect for skipping the travel time by sleeping.


Shinobu who came over to check the situation found him lying on the stretcher breathing steadily.

She poked him with a finger, no reaction at all.

'Looks like he was truly exhausted.' She quietly examined his face, as she looked at his hair which was black with hints of purple coating on the sides.

Shinobu paused, then told the corps member beside her: "Go get a thicker blanket to cover him."

"Yes, Lady Hashira!"


Kenshi slept extremely comfortably this time, without nightmares or external disturbances.

After a while, waking, he discovered himself in a wooden room, lying in a soft bed.

Looking around he found that his sword was placed right beside his bed.

Aside from that, there were also a few empty beds, and a girl with black twin tails tidying the sheets on them.

Seeming to notice his waking up, the girl turned to look at him.

"You're awake?"

The familiar twin tails, familiar face, and familiar tone.

He instantly recognized who she was.

"My name is Aoi Kanzaki!" Aoi Kanzaki introduced herself. "This is a resting room in Butterfly Mansion. Please wait a moment, I'll go inform Lady Shinobu after I finish making the beds, she specifically instructed me to notify her when you wake up."

He nodded, then suddenly asked. "How long did I sleep?"

Aoi counted on her fingers: "From arriving at Butterfly mansion, you slept for about... 20 hours!"

"20 hours?" Kenshi was shocked. "That long?!

Aoi nodded, saying. "It's around 8 pm now."

He looked outside the window, the sky was indeed dark.

He actually slept for 20 hours...

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a bit thirsty and hungry, involuntarily looking towards the tea pot beside.

Aoi immediately understood and poured him a cup of tea.

Drinking the tea he chatted with the Aoi.

Well, it was chatting for her, but he was actually probing the current state of the Demon Slaying Corps.

Although useless to him who knew the plot, through aoi's mouth, he could confirm his own intel.

After this chatting, he did not need  to worry about being questioned on how he, an outsider, knew so much.

Including the breathing techniques, rankings in the Corps, and other commonsense things.

At the same time, kenshi learned that Kanao had departed to take the Corps selection exam two days ago.

It seemed the plot of this world had only just begun.

This gave him a clear understanding of the current timeline.

"Alright, rest well. I'm going to find Lady Shinobu." After tidying up, Aoi took her leave.

Only then did he open his system.

The chest in the center of the system emanated dazzling light once more.

Luckily it was only 8 now, if he had slept a few more hours, today's draw would have been forfeit.

Looking at the chest before him, he couldn't help the corners of his mouth curving up.

There was still a long time until the final battle, he had faith he could beat Muzan to death with the things pulled from the draw.

Although he planned to join the Demon Slaying Corps, training was a bit heavy for him.

Having seen the anime, he knew how inhumanely cruel the training to become a qualified Corps member was.

And any corner cut during training would increase one's death rate in future missions.

But even didn't mean one could definitely survive.

Reining in his thoughts, kenshi opened the system chest.

Another cheerful tune sounded, the chest swayed left and right before heavily landing once more.

Accompanied by dazzling light flashing, the chest opened, a test tube containing a red liquid slowly rose up.

"What's this?"

He stared blankly, then immediately saw the description beside - 

[Impurity Cleansing Potion : 

Can eliminate over 98% of impurities in the body, and greatly improve learning and training efficiency, turning you into a genius! So don't slack anymore host! Hurry and start training!]

Kenshi expressionlessly retracted his gaze.

"System, please confirm you're hearing what I was saying!"

No reaction at all, this directly made him laugh.

System, you have your own consciousness right?

Definitely right!

'You're definately hearing what I was saying and also reading my thoughts. If not, how can you give me this potion just after I thought how cruel the training will be!

Well whatever, Since it's actually a good potion, I will give a thank you to you.

He thought for a bit, then decided to trust the system. Although this system was a bit unreliable, the sword it gave him was still very good.

Taking out the potion from the system, he drank it all down in a fit of pique.

'Mm, it was strawberry flavor.

Looks like the system didn't give something like that torturous broth I drank.'

Almost right after drinking it, he felt the pain in his chest lessen.

He was a bit surprised, the effects were this fast?

Then carefully sensing again, hmm...aside from reduced pain, it seems there were no other changes?

His skin had no impurities excreted, and his internal muscles also had no changes.

At this time, the door opened.

"You're awake!" Shinobu came in carrying food in her hands. "Come eat something!"