Chapter 5: His Eyes Filled With The Fire
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The bouts continued, ranging from occasional one-sided battles to hard-fought matches between the combatants. Yet, none captured Jakob's attention as the earlier clash between Aegis and Bones had. However, a sense of excitement began to build as something intriguing seems to be  dangling just around the horizon.

"If your name is called, please step forward," 

the proctor declared.

"Think it'll be a good one?" 

Atom asks, leaning back in his seat.

"Well, I do hope it'll be good enough to learn from," 

Jakob replied, his demeanor remaining unchanged.

"You sure don't get bored, huh?" 

Atom remarked, his tone laden with the cumbersome boredom he felt.

"Code name: Berret," 

the proctor announced.

A murmur swept across the hall as chatter about her soon engulfed the room. Berret's performance in the firearms test had been undeniably one of the best, leaving many wondering how she would fare in hand-to-hand combat.

"Finally! Something that might be worth watching," 

Atom remarked, his enthusiasm palpable in his voice.

"Well, she's really small compared to everyone else in here. Wonder if there's anyone the same size as he-" 

Jakob began to muse, but his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the announcer.

"Code Name: Atom! Both applicants, please step forward," 

the announcer declared.


Atom shouted, shocked by the proctot's sudden revelation

He froze in place, his feet trembling with anxiety, his body suddenly enveloped by a chill which passed through his spine.

"You have to be kiddin' me," 

Atom murmured, his voice monotonous

Though Jakob felt a twinge of guilt for his friend's predicament, he couldn't help but chuckle slightly at how perfectly timed the situation was. Unable to control himself, he laughs for a short bit, before suddenly regaining his composure.

"One hell of a friend you are!" 

Atom ranted, before getting up from his seat, marching towards the proctor.

"My bad- I couldn't help it," 

Jakob replied, now guilty of his recent actions. But Atom continued on, ignoring his attempts at an apology.

As Atom strode towards the proctor, he would be met with the pressuring stares of his co-applicants, some even murmuring audible comments which instantly caught his attention.

"Ain't so lucky, huh?"

"Poor guy's gonna get thrashed."

"Well, at least we know that the chick's outta the picture."

Atom couldn't do anything but pretend as if he hadn't heard all those remarks, knowing that thinking too much of it would most likely weaken what was left of his resolve. His feet were uncontrollably shaking as he slowly approached the proctor, a reminder as to how anxious he was of what was to come. Arriving at the designated spot, he'd come to a stop beside his opponent. Looking to his left he'd be conftonted with Berret's empty eyes locking onto his gaze.

"Since no one else matches Berret's weight, we have decided to match her up with the one closest to hers,"

the proctor explained.

Atom could only sigh at the thought of his current predicament, his previously buoyant demeanor now worn down to that of a weary soul. Stripped of his optimism, his only concern was to endure the things that were to come in the near future.

"Let's get this over with," 

he muttered, his voice filled with defeat.

The proctor nodded solemnly, signaling to Zone with a simple hand gesture. As soon as Zone caught her cue, she quickly snapped her fingers, instantly transporting both applicants into the octagon's center.

Jakob observed intently, his gaze fixed upon the octagon. While he harbored a strong desire for Atom to emerge victorious, he couldn't simply shake off the fact that Berret might possess an edge in experience or skill. Despite his hopes, he knew Atom's chances of winning were slim.

"Mind if I sit here?" a voice suddenly interjects

Startled from his focus, Jakob turns his attention towards the stranger who had just approached him.

"Go ahead, I don't mind," 

he replied.

With Jakob's consent, the newcomer settled in beside him, positioning himself close to his fellow applicant. He was a young man, roughly Jakob's age, with piercing blue eyes and hair the color of dark brownish-red.

"My code name's Sector, would it be fine if I know yours?"

the young man politely asks

"It's Jack. Might sound like an actual name, but that's my code name," 

Jakob replied, his voice mirroring Sector's polite tone.

"Nice to meet you, Jack! By thr way...are you friends with that applicant who's about to perform? I've noticed that both of you were always together, even before entering the simulation " 

Sector inquired, curious about their relationship.

"We just met today, but I still consider hin a friend regardless," 

Jakob replies, a smile stretching across his face as he briefly remembers their first meeting a few hours ago.

"I see. I do hope he does well in this part of the test, especially with her as his opponent," 

Sector remarked, expressing concern for Atom's current circumstances.

Meanwhile, both of the combatants stood in the center of the octagon, their gazes cold and lifeless as they faced each other off. Berret loomed slightly taller than Atom, her emotionless stare penetrating his weary eyes. Despite his shorter stature, Atom was visually built heavier in comparison to his opponent. He met her gaze with a tired look, contrasting her blank expression.


the proctor prompted.

"I don't like hittin' girls, just so you know," 

Atom joked, though his voice lacked the same energy as it had before.

Berret remained silent, her expression unchanged as she continued to stare him down with an eerie calmness.

"GO!" the proctor shouted.

Unlike the previous bouts, both fighters didn't immediately spring into action. Instead, they stood there for a few more seconds, locked in a tense stare-down. Only a few seconds later, Atom was the first to break the silence.

"Come to think of it, you're kind of hot," he joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere,

Just as Atom finished his jest, Berret surged forward with lightning speed, her foot aiming straight for Atom's face in a swift kick. Caught completely off guard, Atom staggered backward, his senses reeling from the unexpected blow. Instinctively, he covered up, his arms shielding his face as if he were a turtle retreating into its shell. But Berret showed no mercy, pressing on with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks, each strike thrown with the intent to break through Atom's defense.

" head got dizzy from the blow earlier...can't give in," 

Atom thought to himself, the sharp sting of pain radiating through his skin.

Feeling disoriented and under attack, Atom retreated backwards, his steps unsteady and uncertain. Every direction seemed equally perilous at the time all he could focus on was avoiding being cornered against the unforgiving walls of the octagon. For him, the fight was a now desperate bid for survival. Meanwhile, Berret pursued relentlessly, her strikes raining down upon Atom's head with precision and ferocity. Her intentions were clear: to shatter his guard and bring the fight to a swift end. But despite her best efforts, Atom's defenses held firm, frustrating Berret and causing her to slowly lose her patience with each unsuccessful strike.

"Quit wastin' time already! A lotta us are still gonna take the test, finish him off!" a voice from the audience seats shouted, igniting a tidal wave of complaints from the crowd.

"Ma'am, It seems like the boy is incapable of retaliating, isn't it about time we put this bout to an end?"

the female proctor suggested.

"While I do agree that this bout is starting to drag on, I've noticed something quite interesting," 

Zone replied.

"Something interesting? Is it something regarding Berret's performance?" 

the female proctor asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Zone chuckled softly before turning to the proctor. 

"It's Atom,"

she replied, her voice brimming with genuine interest.

"The boy...? He's getting pretty beat up, that's for sure," 

the female proctor responded, the curiosity in her voice dwindling.

Zone chuckled again, finding amusement in her colleague's ignorance. "Look dear, while it may seem one-sided, the boy's somehow holding on quite well. Don't you think that's impressive?" 

she asks, gesturing towards the scene where Atom was tanking shots from Berret's relentless assault.

"He's quite hard to crack, I've never faced anyone like this before"

Berret thought, acknowledging Atom's resilience

As Berret went on with her flurry, Atom found himself retreating backward, his sense of direction slowly fading away as he inadvertently approached the barrier, cornering himself in front of his opponent.

"My arms are starting to hurt. I won't be able to keep up with this much longer," Atom thought, his heart racing with urgency as he realized it was now or never.

Seeing Atom in a vulnerable position, Berret intensified her attacks, accelerating her combinations and delivering even heavier blows than before.

"Screw defending. Might as well put up a fight before I drop dead," Atom thought, his mind entering a state of abandonment as he prepared to unleash an attack of his own.

With no other choice, Atom finally opened his guard, winding up his fist to deliver a decisive blow towards Berret.

"This is it, he's throwing a wide swing," Berret analyzed, preparing to counter with a swift punch aimed at his face, confident in her ability to outpace him.

Unbeknownst to her, the relentless barrage of blows had left Atom's body unstable. As he twitched from the pain writhing through his sore arm, he lost his balance and fell backward onto the ground. However, just as he began to descend, an invisible force propelled him backward, causing him to spring back from his fall with surprising speed. Was it a ghost? Perhaps divine intervention? Well not quite, it was the barrier's push-back mechanism as explained earlier.

Meanwhile, Berret's punch swung forward, only to hit empty air as Atom's unexpected maneuver caught her off guard. As he sprung back, his winding fist flew towards Berret's exposed face with newfound velocity, aided by the barrier's push mechanism. The punch landed cleanly, catching Berret off balance and forcing her to momentarily retreat.

Stunned by the unexpected turn of events, Berret jumped back, creating distance between them as she regrouped and assessed the situation.. 

As Berret gingerly touched the side of her face where she felt the impact, she muttered in disbelief, 

"Did... Did I really get hit?"

A trickle of something warm ran down her face, and she quickly withdrew her hand, holding it in front of her to find a streak of crimson red staining her fingers. 

"What just happened?" 

Atom asks himself, taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

Across from him, Berret gave him a deathly stare, blood dripping from her nose. A red bruise marred her face, a mark left by the blow Atom had delivered earlier. Not wasting any time, she attempted to advance towards Atom again, only to feel her knees buckle beneath her with the first step, forcing her to briefly kneel before regaining her footing.

"That did more damage than I expected," Berret thought, bracing herself as she made her way back towards Atom.

"That attack stunned her. He might have an actual chance here," 

Jakob commented, a glimmer of hope in his voice.

"To hell with losing. If it's a brawl she wants, it's a brawl she'll get,"

Atom monologued, a surge of confidence coursing through his veins after seeing Berret weaken from his counter-attack.

His optimism returned, stronger than ever this time. With each step, his confidence grew, the fire in his heart burning brighter as they met in the middle of the octagon. Berret struck first, landing a punch to Atom's face as she closed the distance. But Atom refused to back down, retaliating immediately with his own barrage of punches as soon as he recovered. The exchange of blows escalated into a brutal slugfest, each heavy strike echoing throughout the room.

Despite being the underdog earlier, Atom now held his ground, fighting Berret on almost equal footing. The sounds of their fists colliding reverberated through the air as they engaged in a fierce battle, neither willing to give an inch in the escalating confrontation.

"Heh... Ya owe me a date after this one..." Atom joked, both combatants pausing momentarily to catch their breath.

Berret responded only with a cold glare, her focus solely on ensuring Atom's destruction, both mentally and physically, willing to push herself beyond just to secure the victory.

"H-He was holding back the whole time-?" 

the female proctor asks, surprised by the intensity of the battle unfolding before her.

"Hm, not quite," 

Zone replied, her gaze fixed on the octagon where the combatants exchanged fierce blows. 

"Berret's running on the little bits of fuel she has left. It looks like her attempts to end the fight early on and break Atom's shell took quite the toll on her stamina," 

she added, analyzing the situation with a keen eye.

Meanwhile, Jakob and Sector stood mesmerized by Atom's unexpected display of determination, taken aback by how he suddenly shifted the tide of the battle in his favor.

"Your friend—He's impressive!" 

Sector commented, genuinely admiring Atom's remarkable willpower.

"Y-Yeah, he's quite the fighter,"

Jakob replied, attempting to mask his surprise by pretending he had known about Atom's capabilities all along.

"He never told me anything about this. Was he this strong the whole time?" Jakob pondered, reassessing his understanding of Atom's skills in light of the unfolding situation.

The brawl continued relentlessly, both fighters panting heavily from exhaustion, their bodies battered and bruised from the ferocious exchanges. Barely able to move, they stood not far from one another, their eyes locking once more in a tense standoff.

"Y-you sure... like playing... hard to g-get... don't ya?"

Atom jested, his words stuttering as he gasped for air.

"D...Damn you," 

Berret replied, her eyes narrowing with a predatory gaze towards Atom.

Summoning the last shreds of her energy, Berret lunged towards Atom, swinging both arms in a desperate attempt to end the fight once and for all. Atom, unable to move his battered body, could only watch as her punches flew towards his face, too fatigued to defend himself. A spray of blood and sweat filled the air as her fists crashed into his face, the impact echoing sharply through the arena.

Atom's consciousness began to fade in and out, his vision blurring and head spinning. "Stay awake, Atom... Stay... Awake," he monologued, struggling to maintain consciousness.

Fully exhausted, Berret stepped back, watching as Atom slowly succumbed to the accumulated damage. She sighed in relief, believing that her victory was imminent.

"That... was close," 

she thought, anticipating Atom's collapse.

But to her surprise, Atom remained standing, his eyes blazing with an undying flame of determination.

"You... I ain't done just yet,"

Atom declared, his raspy voice filled with unwavering resolve.

Placing one hand on a shallow wound, Atom pressed his finger deep into the injury, drawing fresh blood and igniting a sharp pain that jolted him awake. A smile spread across his face, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"He's...He's lost his mind" 

Berret thought, astonished by his resilience.

Unable to comprehend how Atom remained upright after enduring so much punishment, Berret raised her arms, readying herself for another round.

"Yer... inviting me, huh? Can't... say no... to that," 

Atom mumbled, his voice weak yet filled with energy

Summoning every ounce of strength left in him, Atom dragged his feet forward, determined to continue the fight. Meanwhile, Berret watched anxiously as he approached, her heart pounding with fear. She knew one good blow from Atom could bring her down for good.

"I can't just... stand here. I have to fight," Berret thought, forcing herself to move, pushing herself beyond her limits.

With heavy, sluggish steps, Berret closed the distance between them, preparing for another exchange of blows. As they met in the middle, they resumed their relentless slugfest, each blow ringing out  as they fought on equal footing, Atom's strikes heavier but Berret's speed proving to be her advantage.

The audience remained in stunned silence as they watched the battle unfold, their eyes transfixed on the intense scene raging at the center of the octagon.

"Why... won't you... fall down..." Berret ranted in frustration.

The only response she received was a fierce glare from Atom, the fire in his eyes still burning brightly. Determined to test his limits even further, Berret launched a barrage of short uppercuts towards Atom, pressing her body against his as she unleashed her assault.

"C-crap!" Atom groaned as the blows took ptoved themselves effective, causing his knees to buckle. Despite the pain, he refused to give up, planting his feet firmly on the ground.

In a swift effort to repel Berret, Atom retaliated with a sudden left hook, landing squarely on her face amidst her rapid attacks. She staggered backwards, blood trickling from her nose.

"How'd you like that!?" Atom taunted, a flicker of excitement in his eyes.

Seeking to even the score, Berret rushed back towards Atom, unleashing a flurry of punches to his face. Each blow landed with brutal force, but Atom endured the punishment, refusing to yield.

"Just... Just die...." 

Berret muttered, winding up for a powerful right hand that connected with Atom's jaw.

Atom was knocked back, his knees shaking from the impact. But he quickly regained his composure, his gaze locking onto Berret with the same determination as before. He wasn't finished yet.

"He's... not done yet?"

Berret questioned herself, a hint of disbelief creeping into her mind. But she quickly brushed it aside, determined to press on.

"Whatever... I'll just beat you more if I have to...." 

Berret declared, launching another attack towards Atom, her right hand flying towards his face once more.

"Just... have... to... land... one more," Atom thought, summoning the last reserves of his strength as he threw a right hook towards Berret.

Both attacks landed simultaneously, the impact sending clouds of red mist into the air.

"Eh... heh," 

Atom muttered weakly as he felt his body reaching its limit.

With that final blow, Atom collapsed to the ground, his body spent and exhausted from the brutal battle. But his spirit remained unbroken, a testament to his resolve.

"Is... is it over?" Berret thought, her mind swirling with exhaustion before she collapsed to the ground, mirroring Atom's earlier fall.

"Should we call it a draw?"

the female proctor asked, uncertainty showing in the way she spoke

"That was quite an unsatisfying end," Zone replied, her gaze fixed on the two combatants sprawled on the ground.

"Wait— Don't end it just yet," Zone requested, her fingers pointing towards the center of the octagon.

With a sudden surge of determination, Berret's body stirred, as if she had returned from the brink of unconsciousness. Summoning what was left within her, she placed her hands on the ground, using them as support to lift her body off the ground. Despite the pain coursing through her, her arms held firm as she pushed herself upright. Standing before Atom's unconscious body, she bore the evidence of the grueling battle—sweat, blood, and bruises painting her skin. But amidst it all, she stood triumphant, her face a mixture of disbelief and victory.

"Guess we have ourselves a winner..."

Zone remarked, her voice raised with a bit of enthusiasm

The audience erupted into a cacophony of noise, their cheers filling the air as the fight unfolded in a way they hadn't anticipated. The excitement was palpable, dedicated to both Atom and Berret's remarkable performance. With a snap of Zone's fingers, both combatants were whisked back to their seats, their injuries miraculously healed just like the previous applicants.

"I lost... didn't I?" 

Atom asked, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Zone chuckled, a warm smile spreading across her face as she addressed Atom. "Technically, you may have lost, darling, but your performance might have earned you enough points to consider it a win."

"Well... I guess that's a good thing," Atom replied, his melancholic expression fading into his typical optimistic tone.

Meanwhile, Berret walked away quietly after being teleported, unable to face the others in the hall. She was torn between frustration and awe from her recent test, her mind still reeling from the battle. Though she emerged victorious, her victory had felt perilously close to slipping away. Moreover, she struggled against Atom, whose resume paled in comparison to the majority of applicants.

"Hey— Wait up!" a voice called, capturing Berret's attention as she walked away.

"Huh?" she muttered, tilting her head to see Atom sprinting towards her, coming to a halt as he reached a certain distance.

"I'm sorry for beatin' you up!" Atom apologized earnestly.

"What are you talking about? It's an examination, we're supposed to do as instructed," 

Berret replied, her normal blank expression resurfacing.

"Yeah... Yeah... Still kinda felt bad, you know? Havin' to hit you so hard and all that,"

Atom admitted, his guilt evident in his voice. "

But I also wanna thank you for pushing me beyond. If it weren't for you, I would've never known what I'm capable of,"

he added sincerely.

Berret slowly walked away, her back turned to Atom as she exited the scene. But then, she abruptly stopped.

"In that sense, I'll have to thank you as well," 

Berret replied before continuing her exit.

Atom smiles with her reply, his heart satisfied as he walks towards where Jakob and Sector sat.

Atom grinned at her reply, his heart warmed by the camaraderie as he made his way towards Jakob and Sector.

"You were amazing, bud," 

Jakob complimented, genuinely impressed by his friend's performance earlier.

"Jeez, no need to soften me up, Jake," Atom replied, quickly brushing off Jakob's compliment before settling into a seat beside him.

"Ya better not get your ass kicked when it's your turn," 

Atom added, glancing over at Jakob, his eyes still filled with the same fiery determination from earlier.

"Can't promise you anything," 

Jakob replied with a smirk.

Noticing the stranger sitting next to Jakob, Atom's attention quickly shifted towards the new figure.

"Hey buddy, are you trying to spy on Jake? 'Cause if you are, then you must be hella' desperate," 

Atom taunted, pointing his fingers towards Sector.

Surprised by Atom's rather rude remark, Jakob attempted to diffuse the tension, but was quickly interrupted by Sector.

"Oh, me?" 

Sector asked, his gaze shifting towards Atom.

"Yeah, you hotshot. Who else is sitting too close to Jake?" Atom retorted, his tone tinged with aggression.

"I think you have the wrong id-" 

Jakob attempted to break the tension once more, but was interrupted by Sector.

"Don't worry about me. Passing the exam may be my goal, but stooping that low would wound both my integrity and honor," 

Sector replied, maintaining his polite demeanor.

"Well, whatever you say. Jakey over here may be a friend, but I ain't as naive as he is!" 

Atom replied, trying to establish dominance among them

"That's rich...coming from you," 

Jakob mumbled, keeping his voice low, not wanting Atom to hear him.

"Did you say something, Jake?" 

Atom asked, noticing his friend's grumble.

"No... nothing," 

Jakob replied, brushing off the comment.

The three young men continued their chatter, with Atom adding his usual spice to the conversation while Jakob countered with logic and knowledge. As they engaged in idle banter, the proctor's announcement cut through the noise, silencing the hall.

"If your codenames are called, please step forward," the proctor commanded.

"Code name: Sector and Code name: Badger, please walk over here," she added, directing both contestants to approach her.

"Well, I guess I'll catch you later then," Sector said, rising from his seat and making his way towards the proctor.

"Do your best!" Jakob cheered, waving his hands as Sector walked away.

Both contestants stood before the proctor, ready to be teleported by the supervisor. Beside Sector stood a man of shorter stature, with a hunched back and a clean-shaven head. He wore black gloves, and his thick clothing hinted at a potential hindrance to his speed. His hands hung loosely at his sides, adopting a somewhat reckless pose for someone about to engage in combat.

"Yq think he's any good?"

Atom asks, his curiosity piqued about Sector's opponent.

"I actually don't know. He never told me anything about the way he operates,"

Jakob replied.

With a snap of Zone's fingers, both combatants found themselves standing in the middle of the octagon, entering a standoff reminiscent of previous bouts. Sector stood firm, adopting a basic stance, while his opponent maintained the same relaxed pose with hanging arms.

"So, any thoughts on the match-up, madame?" 

the female proctor asked as she took her seat beside her supervisor.

Zone chuckled, not out of anticipation, but rather finding the situation amusing. "As much as I want to say that this bout will be one-sided, calling it that may be too early, considering what had just occured in the previous bout" 

she replied.

"So, who's the underdog here?" 

the female proctor asks.

"Well, Sector is one of the top students from a decent military institute, but Badger is a former freelance operator backed with an entire year of field experience," Zone explained.

"I see, so that tips the battle to Badger's favor then?"

the female proctor hypothesized.

"Well not quite, a year's worth of experience might look good on paper, but his resume is somewhat dissatisfactory compared to the average operator," Zone replied.

"Dissatisfactory-? What do you mean by that?"

the proctor asks, curious about Badger's background.

"He has undertaken several assignments from private contractors, primarily in security roles. However, his track record is stained with frequent failures to adequately protect his clients or their assets. Particularly notable is his involvement in the death of Bernington, a young politician. Despite being tasked with safeguarding him, Badger was unable to prevent Bernington's assassination, as a bullet fatally struck him at close range. This incident sparked widespread speculation of an assassination orchestrated by a rival faction. Eyewitness accounts suggest that Badger made an attempt to shield his client but fled the scene immediately after he himself was shot by the perpetrator. While his performance casts doubt on his reliability, the demand for field operators within Private Military Companies has led to leniency in recruitment standards, allowing individuals like Badger entry as long as they pass the entrance examination." 

Zone explains, highlighting the reasons to her previous comment.

Sector and Badger locked eyes, the tension between them growing with each passing second. Their silent standoff spoke volumes, a moment filled with the anticipation of their imminent clash. In those fleeting moments, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two combatants ready for battle.

"Ready.....Go!" The proctor's voice cut through the tension.

Badger wasted no time, charging forward with remarkable speed. He moved like a whirlwind, closing the gap between himself and Sector in a matter of seconds.

"He's fast!" 

Atom exclaimed, astonished by Badger's velocity.

As Badger reached Sector, he unleashed a flurry of wild punches, his arms a blur of motion. But Sector remained calm and composed. With precise footwork and trained reflexes, he deftly avoided Badger's initial onslaught, positioning himself to his right, ready to deliver a devastating counterattack.

Observing Badger's movements, Sector sidestepped away from his opponent's incoming right hand and swiftly retaliated with a powerful elbow strike to Badger's face. The unexpected blow caught his opponent off guard, causing his head to snap backwards, leaving him stunned and wide open for a short window of time.

Seizing the opportunity, Sector launched a barrage of hooks aimed at Badger's torso. Each strike precise and heavy, driving Badger back several feet and creating space between them.

"Amazing—That attack pattern should've shut his body down,"

the female proctor commented, in awe of Sector's skill and power.

However, Zone wasn't as impressed as her colleague. Instead, she squinted at the octagon, her attention seemingly captured by something else.

"It may seem like his attacks...bore no fruit," 

Zone remarked cryptically.

Badger stood before Sector, seemingly unfazed by the assault. His expression remained unchanged, as if the barrage of blows never landed at all.

"How did he...?" 

Sector questioned, shocked by such a display

Realizing that further contemplation of his situation would be futile, Sector charged straight at Badger, taking the initiative in their exchange. Badger attempted to fend off Sector with erratic swings, but each time he did, Sector countered him using precise timing, targeting his opponent's body. Sector maintained his aggressive stance, delivering a series of headshots while predominantly focusing on wearing down Badger's defenses with body blows. However, despite Sector's relentless assault, Badger appeared seemingly unfazed after each combination, emphasizing his remarkable durability even further.

Sector's breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to comprehend the situation. Each blow he had delivered seemed to have little effect on Badger, whose body appeared almost superhuman.

"He's quite resilient, isn't he?" 

Zone remarked, her tone tinged with surprise as she observed Badger's durability.

"That's... unusual," 

the female proctor added, her brow furrowed in confusion.

With his stamina nearly depleted, Sector knew he needed to reassess his approach. Instead of blindly charging forward, he focused on analyzing the situation, seeking out weaknesses in his opponent's defense.

As Badger launched another wild swing, Sector effortlessly evaded it, seizing the opportunity to counterattack. Concentrating the weight of his entite body into his arms, he rotates his hips, his fist connecting with Badger's body with a resounding thud. It was the perfect shot, the most powerful he'd ever thrown, but to Sector's astonishment, his opponent remained seemingly unaffected.


Sector muttered, his confusion growing with each passing moment.

Pulling his fist away, Sector observed his bleeding knuckles, a testament of the force he had exerted in the blow. Despite the damage he had inflicted, Badger's grin only widened, his eyes gleaming with a mocking glint.

"I see... so that's why," 

Sector murmured to himself, his gaze fixed on Badger's unyielding form.

"Do you now?" 

Badger mocked, taunting Sector.

Without a word, Sector turned towards Zone and the proctor, determination burning in his eyes. He knew that he needed to adapt his strategy if he had any hope of overcoming his opponent.


Sector yelled, desperation evident in his voice as he tried to convey his message.

"Is he trying to tell us something...?" Zone asked, her curiosity piqued by Sector's unusual behavior.

From their point of view, Sector's words sounded like incomprehensible noise, leading Zone and the proctor to misunderstand his plea.

"The hell do you think you're doing?!" Badger shouted angrily, charging towards Sector, who had his back turned to him.

Without warning, Badger swung a wild punch towards the back of Sector's head, landing a heavy blow that caused him to stagger forward.

"Was that a legal blow-?" 

the female proctor questioned, her uncertainty mirroring Zone's confusion.

"Well- The rule is to protect yourself at all times, so it may still fall under the bounds of legality."

Zone replied, clarifying the rules of the examination.

HHaving gone unnoticed by the examination's organizers, Sector's plea hung in the air, desperate for someone's attention. Meanwhile, Badger continued his relentless assault, each blow feeling like a sledgehammer against Sector's battered body. With his stamina drained to near depletion, Sector could only stand his ground, his arms heavy as he struggled to maintain his guard.

"I...I should aim for the head...No, my arms are too heavy... Attacking now would only leave me vulnerable to a counter," Sector muttered to himself, his mind racing as he weighed his options.

"No...he's not fighting fairly... If that's the case, maybe trying to engage him directly won't work," he analyzed, desperation creeping into his thoughts.

Faced with a difficult dilemma, Sector remained on the defensive, desperately searching for an exit from the tight bonds of his situation. Time was running out, his consciousness slipping away with each passing second. The only thing keeping him awake was the pain of which shot through his nerves with each blow.

"Come on, Sector, fight back," 

Jakob thought, his heart heavy as he watched his friend being battered from the audience seat.

"Hey, Jake, your friend seems to be... uh..." 

Atom started, his concern evident despite his usual brash demeanor towards Sector.

"I know, I know... Let's just wait until he figures something out," 

Jakob replied, trying to maintain hope despite the growing sense of pessimism in his voice.

Jake, I don't think-- Nevermind," Atom began, hesitating to share his opinion with his friend. He knew that Jakob was already feeling the weight of Sector's struggle, and he didn't want to add to it. Instead, he chose to remain silent, sitting beside Jakob and watching the match unfold in silence.

As the bout continued, Sector endured blow after blow, his strength waning with each hit. Yet, amidst the chaos, an idea sparked in his mind—a risky gamble, but perhaps his only chance. He focused intently on his opponent, his eyes locked on Badger's shoulders, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

"Wait for it..." 

Sector muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd.

As the barrage of punches continued, Sector gritted his teeth and held steadfast, his mind focused on the opportunity he awaited. Each blow felt like a hammer striking against his guard, testing his resolve with every strike.

Meanwhile, Badger found himself in a similar predicament to that of Sector's, his stamina dwindling with each passing moment. He knew that he couldn't sustain this relentless assault much longer, and so he made a bold decision—to gamble everything on one decisive blow.

With a calculated swivel of his hips, Badger unleashed a powerful left hook aimed directly at Sector's temple. Yet, Sector was one step ahead, his anticipation allowing him to evade the attack with swift speed. As he ducked beneath Badger's swing, Sector seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack, his determination fueling every movement.

Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange of determination and focus passing between them. In that moment, Sector seized the initiative, his hands reaching out to grasp Badger's battle suit.

The crowd held its breath as Sector tore off a large portion of Badger's suit, revealing a shocking sight beneath. Gasps of surprise filled the arena as the true nature of Badger's advantage was exposed, leaving both fighters frozen in the center of the octagon, their confrontation taking on a new and unexpected turn..

"The heck is that-?" 

Atom shouted, his voice filled with disbelief at the sight before him.

"No wonder," 

Jakob muttered, finally understanding why Sector's attacks proved futile.

Badger stood in the middle of the octagon, his suit torn in half by Sector's hands. Beneath the torn fabric lay lightweight body armor, a model specifically designed to neutralize blunt force.

"You little-!" 

Badger angrily yelled as he attempted to throw another heavy swing towards Sector.

But before Badger could raise his arm, both applicants would find hemselves suddenly teleported back to the audience seats, separated from each other by a significant distance


Zone's voice echoed through the hall, cutting through the tension like a knife as she marched towards Badger, her fury subtly showing in the way she spoke

"You're lucky that we need all thirty applicants this time, Badger. Otherwise, I would've dealt with you myself"

Zone explained, her eyes locking onto Badger's with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

"For now, you will receive zero points for this part of the test. Do anything foolish again, and you will be dismissed. Pull of a anything funny again and we'll have a droid replace you." 

she added, her voice dripping with authority and anger.

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, Badger remained silent, his mind racing as he tried to comprehend the consequences of his actions. Meanwhile, Sector, who had just recovered after teleporting, was quickly approached by Zone, her expression softened with concern for the applicant after the intense ordeal.

"Oh, poor little you," Zone's apology showing her concern as she addressed Sector's tough trial. 

"I apologize for letting you go through all that trouble. We never expected someone to somehow bypass our detection system."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," 

Sector replied politely, brushing off the chaos.

"By the way..." Sector added, "Did I win?"

Zone hesitated before responding, her uncertainty evident in her expression. "It's more of a case of Badger getting disqualified than you actually winning the bout," 

she explained cautiously.

"What's that supposed to mean-?!" Sector's confusion morphed into frustration.

"Badger's disqualification doesn't necessarily equate to a win. You will still be awarded points based on your performance, but not the full ten points," Zone clarified, her voice wavering slightly.

"That's—He cheated!" Sector's frustration turned into anger as he processed the information, his expression growing more and more agitated by the second.

"I'm sorry, darling, but Arrowhead prioritizes quality in their operators," Zone coldly replied, turning away from Sector and walking off as if to dismiss him.

"Wait! If he fought fairly, I would've—I would've done better if he never—" Sector desperately pleaded, his hand outstretched towards Zone.

Visibly frustrated by Zone's verdict, Sector hesitated before giving up the pursuit, realizing that escalating the situation further would only worsen his position. With a heavy heart, he trudged back towards Jakob and Atom, his disappointment riding on his bacm.

"Jeez, man, I'm sorry..." Atom sympathized, feeling guilty for Sector's predicament.

"It's fine. Can't do much about it now," Sector replied with a melancholic tone, resigning himself to the situation.

Sitting beside Jakob, Sector sank into his seat, feeling hollow and defeated. His eyes were devoid of emotion, reflecting the emptiness he felt after the unjust events that had transpired.

"You weren't so bad back there," Jakob complimented, attempting to lift Sector's spirits.

Sector chuckled in response, "Well, you better win when your turn comes."

Jakob smiled at him, raising his fist and clenching it hard, as if to convey his determination to give it his all.

"With the cheating issue resolved, we will now proceed to the rest of the bouts," the proctor suddenly announced, cutting through the applicants' chatter.

"Hey Jake, there's only a few bouts left. Ya think you'll be up next?" Atom asked.

"Possibly. Wouldn't be surprised if I was," Jakob replied, his tone confident yet tinged with slight hints of anxiety.

"Please step forward if your name is called," the proctor added, pausing briefly as he read the names displayed on his tablet.

Silence once again enveloped the hallroom as the applicants listened intently for the next announcement.

"Code Name: Specter!"

The proctor's voice echoed through the hall, drawing everyone's attention to the lone figure making his way towards the center of the arena. Clad in a slick black battle suit, a dark mask covered the lower half of his face, adding an air of mystery to his appearance. His medium-length black hair flew over his face, and his eyes, bore a striking golden hue. With a slight pause, he stopped in front of the proctor, waiting for his opponent to be called.

"Code Name: Jack, please step forward," the proctor announced.

"That's my cue..." 

Jakob muttered, rising from his seat and striding confidently towards the proctor.

"Get 'em, buddy!" 

Atom cheered optimistically, his voice filled with encouragement.

Jakob's steps were deliberate and purposeful, each one filled with the weight of his friend's recent losses as he approached his opponent. Coming to a halt beside Specter, he locked eyes with his, a silent challenge passing between them. Specter, noticing Jakob's intense gaze, returned fire with a sharp glare, his golden eyes burning with determination and focus. The tension in the air crackled with anticipation, prompting the proctor to intervene before it escalated further.

With a sharp snap of her fingers, the air crackled with energy as both fighters were instantly transported to the center of the octagon. Specter and Jakob stood facing each other, the tension palpable in the air. They were separated by only a few meters of space, each one keenly aware of the other's presence.

Specter wasted no time in assuming a battle stance, his movements fluid and precise. His arms were positioned strategically to guard against attacks from both high and low angles, while his lead foot was planted firmly in front of him, ready to pivot at a moment's notice. His stance exuded confidence and readiness, showcasing his confidence towards his skill and experience.

Not to be outdone, Jakob mirrored Specter's actions, albeit with a slightly different stance. Adopting a classic fighting stance, he kept his guard up, with his arms positioned to protect his face, having the elbows underneath to protect his body. His rear foot was positioned slightly behind him, allowing him to maintain balance and mobility while preparing for both offense and defense.

The atmosphere in the octagon was electric as both fighters prepared themselves for the impending battle. With adrenaline coursing through their veins, they stood poised and focused, awaiting the proctor's signal to begin. Each second felt like an eternity as they mentally prepared themselves for the challenge ahead.

As the second part of Jakob's examination commenced, the outcome of the bout hung in the balance, dependent on both skill and fate. Would Jakob be able to overcome Specter's natural talent, or would his experience and instincts prevail in the end?