Chapter 3 – First contact (Part 1)
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Author's message:

  • Sorry this chapter got delayed, too busy irl and got sick
  • Will try to increase words per chapter from 3.7k to 4.5k gradually
  • I've provided a sample sneak peak of the timeline at the end of this chapter
  • Thank you for your patience and enjoy!


〈 Central Calendar year 1639, April 8:13 AM 〉

The 3rd Civilization Area is the same size as the North American continent and a smaller sub-continent almost the same size as Australia. These civilizations were known for their rich agricultural lands and natural resources. But it's also a common ground for aggressive countries eager to make a name for themselves. 


There are two main continents for this civilization area:

  • Philades Continent
    • Parpaldia Empire
      • Owns multiple vassal states and allied nations mostly claiming the entire Philades Continent in its sphere of influence. It may be very well considered the only superpower in the 3rd Civilization.
    • Topa Kingdom
      • A small independent country that acts like a bridge and a wall to another landmass called Grameus Continent. It is famous for adventurers, warriors or niche-merchants that are eager to challenge remnants of demonic beasts in the region.
  • Rodenius Continent
    • Principality of Qua-Toyne 
      • A fertile land with numerous agricultural sectors and granaries said to be blessed by the gods themselves. A humble farming nation coupled with pure and mixed-races as its citizens including elves, dwarves, beastfolk and humans.
    • Kingdom of Quilla
      • A complete opposite of Qua-Toynian lands home to half-breeds and pure beastfolk races, most of the land is dry and barren enough that only poor weeds randomly grow in its coldest season. It makes the former DPRK region more hospitable than this wasteland. But it makes up for its rich mineral deposits and mining sites allowing trade to flow into the kingdom as its only lifeline.
    • Louria Kingdom
      • Once a small nation now the biggest in Rodenius after conquering and annexing its neighbors. A human-only country that racially discriminates or prosecutes any non-human races. Its current monarchy currently believes in an aggressive crusade of uniting the entire Rodenius continent into one glorified nation ruled by humans and only for humans.

– – –

〈 Principality of Qua-Toyne, North Eastern Qua-Toynian Open Seas 〉

Dragon rider Marl and his dragon companion, a commonly bred wyvern, was on the usual lone patrolling mission in the northeast region of Qua-Toyne. The stretch of clear blue ocean was endless. He heard several stories of adventurers attempting to travel further east but none of the stories ever ended with somebody returning. All either presumed lost or sank to the unknown waters.

Recent increase of security and patrols have been frequently running around the army and naval units to a frenzy due to a recent knowledge that the Lourian navy may possess dragon carriers capable of launching wyvern squadrons off the remote seas. This may very well change the landscape of the war and strategic attacks that may not be favorable to the Qua-Toynian military. 

Marl’s superiors were adamant that the coastal cities must be constantly monitored at all costs. Despite being alone with his wyvern partner he enjoys this serene view. Until-




A speck of dot appeared over the clear blue skies he’s looking at. 


Dragon riders are usually selected for their exceptional eyesights standards. Marl’s training always comes around as he tries to identify the unknown image at the distance.


“Hmm…hold on, why is that getting larger by the second? Am I flying too fast?” He questioned himself if his wyvern was flying too fast because the unknown entity was starting to get clearer to be identified. So he slows down a bit to get a reading of the unknown’s speed.


“Impossible! I can identify some sort of wing attached to its sides but it doesn’t flap!”


He immediately radioed the Qua-Toynian headquarters through the magic comms tool he has equipped on one of his ears.


“Maihark control this is the 6th squadron, I have spotted an unknown flying entity!”


“Unknown’s flight path is headed towards Maihark! I repeat, the unknown is heading towards Maihark! Speed of the unknown is-gaaah! What the hell!?” a turbulent wind gave Marl and his wyvern a strong push enough to cut him off in his reporting.


“Such speeds! No! Maihark is in trouble! I need to intercept!” Marl worried he cannot discern if the unknown was hostile or something else. But the fact he hasn't been attacked yet he decided to attempt in getting in close hoping to get a better understanding of the entity. 


“Ah! Damn you! Just how fast are you going!?” He struggles to keep up.


All of a sudden he hears more aggressive sounds in his rear as if the wind is being violently disturbed. He took a quick look behind only to be more shocked at what he was seeing.




“Are these its escorts!? What the…!? They’re also not flapping their wings!?”

As he tried to comprehend his situation it appears the objects were all gray and its surface seemed to be made of metal as he assumed. He’s also impressed by how sleek the design looked. He thought at first that it may be a new breed of wyvern or some sort of flying beast covered in armor but it looked lifeless as if it was a mechanical construct. By then after carefully taking a good look at it again, to his surprise he could discern a person is inside of those objects through what appears to be a glass enclosure.


“It can’t be! There’s a person inside those!”

A while later the unknown objects increased their speeds suddenly. Marl couldn’t no longer keep up as his wyvern was beginning to hit its limit. He could already see the Maihark coast line, he continued to monitor the situation while reporting what he was seeing to the headquarters.


He hopes that the unknowns did not originate from the Lourian army or an ally of the enemy so to speak.

– – –

〈 Principality of Qua-Toyne, Lotus Garden 〉

Various heads of state were gathered together for an important meeting involving the national security of their country. The place was like a sanctuary surrounded by unknown looking plants that looked like ornamental and exotic, glittering ponds and light spirits randomly floating the open spaces. If a person on Earth were to see this place it felt like some wealthy hippie billionaire's backyard who’s obsessed with nature.


“We have concluded that the Lourian army stationed at Gim’s border may start its assault in a few months. Given th-”


“Make way! messenger incoming!!!” a loud shout echoed in the garden.

The meeting was interrupted by a messenger barging into the garden with a worried tone in his voice trying to read out the message.


“Urgent report! Unknown flying objects are approaching Maihark city! All dragon riders were dispatched but were unable to intercept due to the object's absurd high-altitudes!”


“What!?” One of the officials confusingly said out loud. The head of state people seated around the table were shocked and disturbed from their main discussion.


“Shit! Is it the Lourian army?” a muscular bearded person asked


“Oi! You better not be making jokes! If the enemy managed to penetrate our air defenses that easi–” 


“N-no sire! We are still trying to identify the objects as of the moment but they don’t seem to have attacked anyone yet. We have managed to get an image capture of its markings. They’ve been circling the airspace within the city for quite some time now.”

An angry official replied only to be rudely cutted off by the adamant messenger trying to stick to what he was ordered to report by his officer.


“Watch your tone boy! You rudely cut me off as I was–”


“Now, now sir Maqer calm down…let the boy spe–”


“Calm down!? You want me to calm the fuck down eh!? In this Lourian fuckery we are about to face!? That king bitch bastard Haak Louria XXXIV has his forces primed to set a foot on Gim borders anytime as we speak!” sir Maqer ranting his frustrations openly without restraint. Across him was his elf counterpart who was trying to calm him down. Both of them have the same lordship status who owns lands near the Lourian Kingdom border.


“Okay hold on, you said the objects were yet to be confirmed if they’re from the Kingdom of Louria right?” an old human man wearing robes assumed to be a high positioned wizard or mage.


“Yes my liege, we still have suspicions about the objects but this is the markings we’ve managed to record so far!” the messenger replied as he put down a shaped crystal at the table for everyone to see.

The crystal luminated and began to project some sort of hologram. The image shown on the hologram appeared to have shown the gray background with some colors of white and blue. A flag could be identified at this point but the Qua-Toynian officials have no idea which nation it belonged to.


“Hmmm…I don’t remember any existing nation here in our world who owns this flag…” an intelligence officer stated.


“It must be an ally of the Lourian Kingdom that we haven’t heard about!” one of the officials angrily stated. Though he proved to be making a reasonable point, but what’s conflicting is that the objects haven’t harmed anyone at Maihark or at their wyvern interceptors

Another intelligence representative raised his hand.


“If I may add? I have heard rumors of a new emerging empire from the far west, near the Mu continent. But I don't think such an empire could have its reach here in the far-eastern continents of the Third Civilization Zone…”

Some snickers and laughs leaked out of some of the officials as they’ve already heard past news of an empire declaring war on the entirety of the Second Civilization Zone. They couldn’t divulge on such absurd military technology to be able to reach from the west ends of the world to the far east continents. Alongside such reckless endeavors to declare war on the entire 2nd Civilization countries.


“Gentlemen, I think we should focus on the main problem at hand and that is our allies in the Quilla Kingdom and the Lourian threat. Whatever those flying objects want or do currently is beyond our understanding or capabilities. I may think the gods may have given us a grace period for now, given we haven’t suffered any casualties in this strange encounter.”


“Hmm…yes, that I could agree. The Muans, considered to be the second strongest superpower in the world may be worth to probe into. But I doubt they’re behind this airspace incident since the last time we’ve met with some Muan diplomats months ago is that they weren't interested that much in the Rodenius Continent except that inedible black liquid in the Quilla region.”


“And by the way since Prime Minister Kanata is on his way back from his trip on Ejey we shall bring this matter up again in the next meeting.“


All of the attendants unanimously agree and move onto a different topic. The discussions went on until noon…

– – –

〈 Principality of Qua-Toyne, Lotus Garden (2 days later) 〉

An emergency meeting was being conducted with Prime Minister Kanata present this time.


“--and that’s all for our current affairs with the Sios Kingdom and Altaras Kingdom” an elf official finishes his verbal report to the meeting.


“Hah, so much for a goodwill alliance. They must've had their hands tied after blindly accepting Parpaldia’s ‘grace’”. One of the officials sarcastically quoting his words.


“So we are truly alone in this war huh?” one of the officials murmured.


“Nonsense!” a loud slam was heard afterwards. “We still have the Quilla Kingdom and its strong beastfolk warriors! A single pure Aslan race’s strength is equivalent to a human sized platoon!” A dwarven man said with vigor in his voice.


“But didn’t the Aslan’s cease to exist here in the 3rd Civilization Area?” one of the officials questions the dwarf’s claim.


“’re right Manek, last time I conversed with an Aslan was my visit to the 1st Civilization Area at Cartalphas. They may be considered a minority race in this day and age…” Prime minister Kanata shared his opinions.


“Ah! Speaking of allies! We should discuss the airspace incident.” an official raised his hand eager to pull today's topic regarding the unknown affiliations of the invading entities.


“Very well, please brief me about this incident on Maihark.” the minister said.


“Sir Kanata if you may allow this person to speak instead of myself, this is Captain Inne from the defense knight corps responsible for the defense of Maihark.” the official commented whilst presenting the female knight to the attendees.


“Ok, please captain explain why you and your forces failed to intercept the invaders?” the prime minister asks in a normal tone not wanting to weigh down the captain in front of the officials as he already assumes she would be experiencing right now.


“Yes your grace, we have failed to intercept the unknowns hopelessly due to their unbelievable high-altitudes around 8000m.” the captain stated.


“Rubbish! If you’re going to lie to the prime minister you’ll be stripped of your rank and we’ll have you thrown into the gallows!” a provocative official raised his voice after hearing such bullshittery.


“The wyvern’s maximum operating height should be only at most 4000m. How are you certain that the invaders were that high?” another official added a comment.

Captain Inne felt the immense pressure of the room taking the responsibility of this incident. But her eyes did not deceive her that day. She remembered how high the flying objects were that despite her efforts to make her dragon companion to increase altitude they would’ve just got shaken off by the strong erratic winds in the atmosphere the higher they go.


“The intruders looked like a speck of flies flying in the blue skies..there was nothing we could do. Only then before the intruders left the airspace did they dipped their altitude down to 5000m. That’s when we managed to get an image recorded to the mana crystal.” she replied with firm confidence hoping none would refute her statement.


“But still–!”


“Sir Qem, that would be enough…” minister Kanata said.


“I thank Miss Inne for their hard work to keep the residents of Maihark at ease even at the time of my absence. Captain, please return to your post, that will be all.” Prime minister Kanata thanked the knight captain for her valiant efforts in Maihark. Some of the officials grew a little unrest by letting off the knight captain that easily.


“Thank you prime minister, if you excuse me…” she saluted the minister and left the garden.


“Gentlemen, I’m sure you’re all growing weary by our western borders. We have already fortified Ejey to its possible extent. I want the western border villages to be evacuated, including Gi–”


“Messenger incoming! I repeat! messenger incoming!” a guard knight shouted towards the garden.

The Qua-Toynian state officials are already giving a tired look of hearing an urgent message most likely another incident is about to happen whether a Lourian offensive might be kickstarting as they speak or those unknown flying mystery objects have returned. While the prime minister kept his cool not trying to give away a sign of weakness in front of his trusted officials as he too is also exhausted from trying to keep his beloved nation from further collapsing.


The messenger arrived looking exhausted as if he went on a marathon. “U-Urgent report! Our galleon Pima off the coast of the Eastern Qua-Toyne district has made contact with an unknown fleet of giant metal ships that are about 200m to 400m in length. They claim to be an alliance of nations called the United Forces of Earth. They’ve also mentioned they have five envoys wishing to open diplomatic relationships with our country!”


Just when the rest of the meeting attendees inside the garden go cuckoo after hearing yet another absurd report, prime minister Kanata lightly slammed the table with both of his hands open as he stood up, shocking the officials near him as he announced his answer with full confidence.


“Very well! We shall meet these envoys from these unknown countries with haste! Prepare the  Lotus Garden for tomorrow's meeting! I want every district lord to be present for this meeting.” 

Prime minister Kanata optimistically ordered his fellow Quo-Toynians to prepare for receiving the delegation tomorrow. He has grown tired of putting up a poker face front the last 6 months with his officials. Ever since he begged countless times to the gods to give them another blessing to protect their humble nation from destruction he continues to appease his people’s worries in hopes of finding a miracle solution. Now that a once of a lifetime opportunity has arrived, it was a 50-50 risk whether or not these envoys from an unknown country may bring a blessing or a curse. He will not sit around playing house anymore. The time of bureaucracy was over, now it's the time for action.

– – –

〈 UFE Geneva Headquarters, Switzerland - February 2020 U.E. 2 months ago 〉

February  1639 Central Calendar

In the city of Geneva Switzerland the sunset basked into the quiet little town, where the UFE central headquarters and the European branch is located. Although there are 2 additional major branches, one is in the North American continent and the other in Singapore. It houses the following departments:

  • UFE Department of Foreign and Internal Affairs, diplomacy only for the Martian counterparts
  • UFE Technology and Strategic Laboratories, coalition of private and public tech companies aim to development offensive and defensive measures against foreign threats
  • UFE Planetary Defense and Security Council, former United Nations Security Council. Oversees planetary security and operations. UFE Air Force, Maritime, Armed Forces and Orbital Defense Forces are under this department.
  • UFE CBRN Threat and Response, former World Health Organization. (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear)
  • UFE Department of Environment and Natural Resources
  • And many others (author: Only listing the important ones)


“Has the internal audit been collected?” the man asked his colleague.


“Yes, we have collected most of the data from all 191 countries” a young man replied.

There are a total of 194 countries in the world, but the Vatican is considered a non-member observer only state while 2 countries: Principality of Liechtenstein and Democratic Peoples of North Korea ceased to exist after Heaven’s Falls . Leaving only 191 countries that are members of the United Forces of Earth alliance.


“Our communications systems really took a toll on this one…” the middle aged man said.


“The coastal cities were mostly the badly affected ones, but it's a miracle we have less casualties than the 1st interplanetary war.”

It took approximately 2 months for the people of Earth to recover its critical infrastructure. The damage of the storm took around 300,000 lives on an international scale, either confirmed dead or missing. People began pointing fingers that it was the Martians or if that the gods have finally punished Earth. But the UFE government and its 190 countries stand firm thanks to its distributed emergency response system due to current wartime regulations. In comparison to Heaven’s Fall event, a total audited casualty report hit 6,067,758. A half contributed to different NATO member military forces alongside civilians caught in the crossfire. The memorial in Liechtenstein bears this reminder to all humans on the continents of Earth that the Martians were a force to be reckoned with.


“Our food stocks however…”


“Yeah, the general public won’t like it if this gets out. Not everyone is fond of the MRE’s and canned food…especially what happened to the agricultural sector and climate change on top of that. Our food bank will tank the next 9 months if we don’t do something!”


“Speaking of change, I’ve heard a wild rumor that not only has the climate changed but the entire planet itself has changed!”


“I’m sure we’ll hear an official statement from the council, I’ve got friends in space. They’re also shocked to witness it first hand…”


“New world huh…”


The employees continued their leisurely chat until evening.

– – –

〈 UFE North American Command USA - March 2020 U.C.E 2:40 PM - 1 month later 〉

Somewhere in the United States, a top secret underground base is used to house important U.S. military assets ranging from prototype technologies, central intelligence network and emergency shelters for high ranking officials.


Inside the conference room S-A1 a meeting was being held with a few UFE representatives, United States president, generals and organization directors.


Transmitting through via video calls:

  • 3 UFE representatives
  • United States president, codename POTUS


On the long table seated are men and women in formal uniforms or attire:

  • Duke Campbell, codename Oracle
    • Position: CIA Director
    • Affiliation: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Aurelia Arnot, codename Six
    • Position: Secretary of State
    • Affiliation/s: Rainbow, CBRN Threat Unit
  • Herchel Shepherd, codename Gold Eagle
    • Rank: Lieutenant General
    • Affiliation/s: U.S. Army, Task Force 141, Shadow Company
  • Alexis Alexander, codename Aurora
    • Rank: General / ST R&D Director
    • Affiliation/s: U.S. Special Technologies R&D
  • Ben Carville, codename Ironside
    • Rank: Lieutenant General
    • Affiliation/s: U.S. Army, Department of Defense, Homeland Security
  • Miles Quaritch, codename Blue Wolf
    • Rank: Colonel
    • Affiliation/s: U.S Marine Corps, Delta Force, Resources Development Administration (RDA)


In front of the conference room a projector showed the current live video call transmission, on the left side 3 video panels showed a woman and 2 men dressed in formal attire. They were the UFE representatives assigned to relay important missions to the U.S. government. 


“--and finally Mr. President, the council has decided to send a delegation southwest on a continent designated name Oasis. I’m sure your neighboring allies and your exceptional navy will be enough to spare resources for this important voyage. That will be all…*video call ended*” a UFE representative spoke his last message before cutting the video transmission off completely.

At the left side a lone caller nicknamed POTUS on its static profile preview since no video playback was being shown back.


“Very well, General Shepherd and Colonel Quaritch, you have 1 month to prepare your forces for the trip…I want the USS Nimitz repaired asap.” the male voiced POTUS spoke.


“Sir may I suggest we have CVN-79 and 80 ready to fulfill any mission directive as we spe–”


“Those carriers are currently assigned to homeland defense and relief efforts! They cannot be used in reconnaissance missions as of the moment!” Gen. Carville stated as he cut off Gen. Shepherd mid-sentence.


“Then I can assume that the Nimitz will be marked as the flagship as final. Six, have our allies inform us of our timeframe and plans. And finally Mr. Campbell, are there any updates with our additional ‘guest partners’ who will be joining the delegation?” POTUS asked.


“No sir, the Russian, Chinese and African ambassadors will be ready as scheduled.” CIA Director,  Duke Campbell replied.


“Good, keep me posted…out.” the video call ended


“As earlier mentioned, our naval assets have been reduced severely, only 4 carrier strike groups are currently active and they are already being tossed around the country for relief efforts and security as priority.” Gen. Carville commented.


“The schedule stays the same whether we like it or not, the whole world is counting on us. Madam Alexander, can you provide USS Nimitz additional support?” Aurelia asked.

Due to the storm incident, most of the UFE’s ships were damaged, mostly electrical. Researchers and scientists across Earth’s major continents are now busy trying to develop a new technology to counter extreme EMP attacks on electrical hardware. General Alexander's department  specializes in this field of tech development be it offensive or defensive capabilities.


“The Nimitz’s systems can be easily replaced if we don't want unnecessary upgrades. However, may I ask if we are required to deploy Kataphrakts units?” Gen. Alexander asked.


“Yes” Col. Quaritch said.

“No” Gen. Shepherd said


“Colonel If we employ Kataphrakts then the Nimitz will have to be retrofitted!” Gen. Shepherd shared his concerns.


“Oh don’t you put bullsh*t reason on this just because you want your lap dog Shadows wanting to pitch in the new world huh?” the Colonel replied


“We currently lack the men to fill in the boots Colonel, the PMC’s will temporarily plug the deficit on our forces in the meantime…” Gen. Shepherd replied in a frustrated monotonous tone.


“No shit? And who’s fault do you think that led to this conversation? Hmm?” the Colonel replied with dagger eyes focused on the aged general across him. “You owe my marines a fucking apology!” he said in a deep angry tone.


“There wasn't enough firepower to bring the devil down! The men knew what they were fighting for and they served our country until the end!” the general replied


“...this…fucking…tool” the colonel mumbled to himself.


“Now now gentlemen, As much as I would hate to admit, but Shepherd is right. Time is not on our side…The Nimitz will have to be launched without the Kataphrakts.” Gen. Carville commented.


“We can compensate by assigning F-35’s and F-15 EX's for air support.” Gen. Alexander said.

Meanwhile director Campbell and madam Aurelia quietly observed the recent heated exchange between the general and the colonel. As if they’re already aware of some sort of past incident that kept sour relationships between these two high ranking officers. As a matter of fact, it's no stranger within the U.S. military that a rumored commander recklessly authorized a hasty counter-attack due to a small invading force whilst another commander deemed the situation too dangerous after losing the first responders in a matter of hours.


These two high-commanding officers with bad track records were specifically selected for this one niche job. While the rest are fully occupied with national defense and reconstruction. 


“Here are the compiled reports and evidence that we are dealing with something different. The CBRN Threat and Response will provide the equipment for initiating first contact with the locals.”


The director handed them files and images of Oasis continent (Rodenius Continent). The images of dragon riders baffled the officers as something out of a fictional fantasy cliche proves they may not be on Earth anymore.


To remain vigilant, when conducting first contact with the natives the personnel and representatives must wear biological protections to protect both parties. Humans of Earth may very well be a walking biohazard to the natives or it may be reversed.


Latest biohazard suits are the same space suits being used by the Orbital Defense Forces. They provide protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards.


“The Shadow Company pmc’s will provide security for the delegation as those bigwigs in the UFE council can’t come to a conclusion if they should let UFE personnel on foreign soil that is not part of the UFE alliance. Unless it's considered a peace keeping mission.” General Carville commented.


“Finally, our allies in Japan, New Zealand and Australia will be joining the carrier strike group. The final pitstop will be at Pearl Harbor Hawaii. Remember we're here on a diplomatic, good luck gentlemen.” madam Aurelia added as she stood up and left the conference room.


On one of papers of the document can be seen:

Objective: Identify unknown natives and open diplomatic relationships.


  • 1 American ambassador
  • 1 European Union representative
  • 1 Japanese ambassador
  • 1 Russian ambassador
  • 1 Chinese ambassador
  • 1 African Union representative - abstained
  • 1 Korean ambassador - canceled
  • 1 Indian ambassador - abstained
  • ...
  • so on... (Other countries mostly abstained or canceled)
  • ...
  • 3 UFE observers - pending

– – –

〈 Warning spoilers! 〉


Note: This is just a planned timeline for the story. Not everything is final yet.

  • Arc 1: New World
    • Ch. 1 - Earth bound
    • Ch. 2 - Silent storm
    • Ch. 3 - First Contact (Part 1)
    • Ch. 4 - First Contact (Part 2)
    • and so on...
  • Arc 2: The Superpower
  • Arc 3: World Conference
  • Arc 4: Sturmjägers
  • Arc 5: Dawn of Mars
  • Arc 6: Home Front
  • Arc 7: Royal Flush
  • Arc 8: Childhood's End
  • Arc 9: Then and Now
  • Arc 10: Dark Blue
  • Arc 11: End Game
  • Arc 12: Heaven's Fall
  • Arc 13: Earth Rise
  • Alternative Story: ???
    • ??? Vol. 1 - Turbulence
    • ??? Vol. 2 - Valley of Death
    • ??? Vol. 3 - Last Stand