Chapter 4
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MC Pov,

After all the shit that has happened to me in the last few hours, all I want to do is find a place capable of letting out all my frustration and emotions before getting myself a nice warm, comfortable, and safe place to sleep. This was the most prevalent thought in my head currently. 

There is just so much a person can take in one day and I have been running on adrenaline most of today. Experiencing a few days of torture to come and obtain a power ring by luck presumably before proceeding to hastily plan an escape cause its appearance was so eye-catching, proceeding to orchestrate a brutal slaughter thanks to the unexpected release of previously restrained emotions, meeting Mystique to engage in a minor mental battle, experiencing real genuine hope for the first time in a very long time before finally being thrown off by discovering my true history and figuring out I probably have imprinted memories just got me mentally exhausted. 

All the mental and physical fatigue I have been pushing back thanks to my reinforced will with the help of my new ring which now that I think about it, I still need to know where it came from and why I have the Central Power Battery of the green lanterns in my subspace. What about all the dangers and upcoming dangers in this universe and all the beings who might have already known about my power and want it for themselves? As soon as the feeling of fear started encroaching on me my environmental barrier slightly flickered causing me to refocus once more. 

Fear is the antithesis of willpower so if I may show fear, my ring might leave me for another bearer with greater willpower. This thought caused me to subconsciously tighten my fist around my ring. 

[Miss it is highly advised you calm down. The process of the ring integration with the you often takes a while and will cause emotional imbalances. As for the fear of the ring abandoning the host, that is impossible as I have been bound to the host's soul for a long time and cannot be willed by any other being.] 

'Thanks for the help in trying to cheer me up.' I mentally responded to the ring letting go of one heavy burden I felt was weighing on my psyche unknowingly. 

That piece of news at least was an extra self-reassurance to me as I continued to let the ring guide my flight through the hallways towards the dorms followed by my new companion Mystique who was floating encased in a telekineticaly bubble and my unco-operative mistake of a genetic donor who was in a chained and gaged in a stasis field following us. All of this was thanks to me asking my ring conveniently to do it as I do not think I had enough mental power to constantly focus on doing both at the same time with my current level of mastery. 

I had as expected accepted the proposal from Mystique on terms that we would have further discussions once I got my sisters out of here to a safe location but, to show my power as that is why she even wasted her time to agree to this setup I took her on a tour of my earlier escapades. Her reactions were amusing, to say the least as I saw her visibly shiver when she saw some of my victim corpses along the way or the way I killed the extras who came running to attack when we passed by. 

As for my earlier rage, I'm currently silently compartmentalizing it alongside all my other emotions as I know once I let my rage run free I have a risk of turning into a red lantern due to channeling rage and would be probably comparable to going on a rampage like hulk not differentiating friend or foe. 

After our few minutes tour of the hallways, we finally arrived at the hallway where I found a bunch of guards and one of our instructors desperately trying to find a way in while all my sisters just looked at them in ammusement. Well, the features of the room that I constructed allowed them to have a one-way view of the outside of the room if they wished but they couldn't leave. 

I constructed a big fly swatter on arrival and used it to bash them against the hallway wall. I tried not to use too much force cause the kids were watching and didn't want those who were somewhat softer in our bunch to see how a human could be smashed comparable to a mosquito. As for the instructor, I had something more special reward for her after all she's the one who forced me to kill in combat classes. 

"If any one of you don't want to see the execution of Madam A close your eyes for a minute or two." My voice reverberated through the room barrier alerting all my sisters but all according to my expectations, none of them avarted their eyes from our previous strict instructor and trainer. In this entire facility apart from the torture department this was the woman who was responsible for most of our traumas. She was responsible for our resting schedule most of the time and full-time combat and martial arts training therefore in one way or another, she was the one who had the best opportunity to observe our interactions as we helped each other while naturing our bonds and was the one responsible for us naturally brutally severing them. 

She truly embodied the saying no good deed goes unpunished making us develop more of a love-hate relationship with each other on the surface although we learned how to hide over time. At the slight act of true comradery, she saw us make, she made us duel to death in subsequent combat classes all in the name of toughening us up while killing and eliminating all our weaknesses. Those who are unable to kill or survive in combat are not fit for the demanding and dangerous life of a Black Widow while the experience of killing our peers would force us to become emotionally resilient after all, the worst experiences for most of us in this field of work is betrayal and loss of a close one. 

Well, forcefully going through training with those principles being weaponized against us made us who we are in this hellhole where survival of the fittest is the basic rule. A quick glimpse at Mystique told me all I needed to know of her opinion on seeing the firey look in all the children's eyes. From my previous life experience, I know no child should go through such an experience but I silently mourned for all our lost innocence at the hands of these devils while the now floating miss a few feet off the ground. 

With the help of my ring AI, I constructed four horses that had ropes attached to each one of them all of which were attached to her different limbs. The hallway was wide enough for an ancient Roman execution but if we required extra space, the walls were forcefully demolished with a large green platform being extended beneath after I demolished part of the building for a proper execution. 

With no more obstructions, all the lifelike horse constructs neighed before simultaneously beginning their charge all in different directions. 

I watched in satisfaction as she began screaming in pain and terror while making sure my lame excuse of a father was awake and viewing this marvelous scene alongside me. The sight of one of his booty calls getting slowly ripped apart. Well, that was a known fact already considering the old man was hands-on with some of the instructors and the previous older generation after their graduation considering I met some of them. 

The pressure kept constantly increasing on the poor screaming lady as the horses progressively used more force after a minute of soul-warming argonizing screams, her limbs were finally ripped out of their sockets leaving her to slowly bleed to death. I was satisfied letting some of my anger dissipate with that and from the view of most of the satisfied sadistic smiles on my sisters' faces, I knew they were too. Can't say the same for good old Mystique who was on a joyride here but she's probably fine considering you probably don't live more than a hundred years without seeing some messed up shit. 

Done with my escapades, I turned to the dorm room and willed to lift the enclosed safe room safely extracting my dear sister in arms from any potential danger before turning to Mrs beautiful behind me to ask a simple question. 

"What was your earlier plan on extracting each one of us from this location considering you came alone?" 

Yes, she came alone that I confirmed unless she was expecting reinforcements from ten kilometers away or something. 

"There is a bus located a few kilometers to the south where I was supposed to drive you all to an extraction point 30 minutes to the south." I considered her response while mauling over my next choice of action. 

"What would the mode of extraction be?" 

"Flight." Honestly, considering her skill and claim of action I was pretty sure she had backup who could effectively extract all of us. It was a pretty thought-out plan if it worked out as expected with maybe a few risks here and there. Maybe one or two deaths if the children get cocky but considering our method of upbringing is highly unlikely. 

Looking at the red room base down below, it has been successfully hidden in the mountains. Nice location if I say so myself but I'm not one to take risks with my life or those I care for so I'm gonna get rid of the evidence in the most effective way. 

"Quick question, do you mind if presumably the bus gets unexpectedly trashed?" 

I asked Mystique before slowly observing her to see her blinking in confusion before finally responding. 

"I expected it to be trashed anyway due to resistance while trying to escape so, as long as we have a nice means of escape I see no problem." 

Perfect that was the answer I was looking for cause I didn't want to end up being responsible for any unwanted inconveniences right now considering I am still not in a good mood. So to bury one of my problems I decided to use a powerful force of nature to erase all the facility and presumably any surviving personnel in the facility, a singularity in simpler terms a minitare controlled black hole. 

How is it made, am I running a risk of potentially destroying Earth all those questions that I might be concerned with asking or I don't know I have one simple solution, the most convenient computer in the universe will do it all. Was I crazy, probably but I wanted to see the effects in real life when the idea appeared in my mind. 

'Ring make a miniature controlled singularity over the red room facility and make sure all traces of its existence are wiped out while making the effects work on the assigned control environment without affecting the earth in any way negatively and leaving lasting effects. Make sure no innocent bystander experiences any side effects while also removing us from the affected area.' 


"Enjoy the fireworks." This was the only indication Mystique got from me as I relaxedly observed the facility from up in the clouds. 

From my observation, a small green light left my ring before traveling down to the facility where I observed the formation of a small singularity that affected the gravity of an entire kilometer. Before long everything ranging from building debris, soil, plants, and even people and animals was being pulled by the gravity well of the singularity before being forcefully ground down, crashed, and compressed to contribute to the formation of the first of my marble collections. The view was awe-inspiring from this distance as it looked like a world-ending storm was currently taking place for a minute straight before finally dying down completely leaving a kilometer-wide crater as the marble floated up to my location. 

I caught the marble and lowered us into the room construct which opened up for us to enter just to be received by the shining eyes of my sisters. I knew that sign anywhere fucking forgot that even if we were all mentally mature, we were all still children at the end of the day. Knowing well I wasn't the best at speeches or in the mood for any of this shit I did the only reasonable thing. 

"We're finally free but I can't answer any of your questions now cause I'm concentrating on getting us to a safe location. If any of you need answers on what happened you can ask this beautiful woman who came to save us." 

I threw a baffled still shocked Mystique under the bus and went forward proceeding to make the structure invisible and change it to the form of a comfortable enclosed platform while leaving the ring to take control of the extraction. I needed time to chill and calm down cause I was dead tired and didn't have the necessary energy for anything more unexpected shit today.