Chapter 1: My Will is My Own, part three (4)
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          As the slaves walked into the room that we were in, I couldn’t help but notice that none of them were human. There were three of them, one carried a rather large platter of food and such, the other two carried a folding table that looked rather heavy.

          One of them looked like an elf from Tolkien’s works, the other two seemed to be some sort of humanoid beings. Their skin was a deep purple, kind of unhealthy looking if I had to say it. Their ears pointed out to the side of their head instead of back like an elf’s.

          They were also kind of short and muscular, but not as much as a stereotypical dwarf. They seemed a bit dim as well, like their minds were just monkeys banging symbols together.

          It was strange to see another species on this planet. I had assumed that we were the only sapient race in this world because that was the same on earth. But then again, neanderthals existed along with humans so…

          As they set down the table and placed the food onto it, I could feel my hunger ramp up a notch. Like I had never been fed before, or known what it was like being hungry.

          I looked at the food placed in front of me and as Kevin placed a chair underneath me. I took a deep breath and sat down, getting ready to eat my first ever meal. I didn’t expect the food in this world to taste all that good, but whatever.

          I took a piece of the flatbread just as the slaves made their way out of the room, and dipped it into a deep green and red dip. I had assumed this was how you were supposed to eat this, but as I glanced at Kevin, I noticed that he was smiling a strange and unsettling smile. But the uncanniness faded as soon as I thought it was uncanny, and a new feeling, like that of an older sibling being happy for their younger, filled me.

          I bit into the piece of sauce covered flatbread, and an explosion of flavor filled my mouth. From what I could tell, that first extremely delectable and scrumptious bite was, I had different taste buds.

          I could taste a flowery taste and a sweet taste where none were before. Unless if they put sugar in this. They probably did all things considered, there was probably a jelly in this that held all the same nutrients or even more than milk.

          That was the gut feeling that my brain came up with.

          But other than that, the simple fact that I was eating made my hands and mouth move even faster and more unruly than before. In fact, I wanted to simply shovel it all into my mouth.

          But I had to savor it at least a little. That was what I had come up with in my mind. I had to be able at least taste the first ever meal in my life and remember it as more rather than a simple meal.

          My wings twitched in happiness and pleasure as I continued to eat the food I had been provided. There was bread, duck, goose, and a multitude of different dips and seasonings that I didn’t recognize.

          The food was divine, basically is what I’m saying. I didn’t know food this good even existed before whatever happened to my soul happened. I smiled and squirmed in my new seat, happy with how this day had started.

Imperius standard date: Year CCCLVII, Month III, Day the first VIII.

Location: Imperial birthing nursery.

          As Kevin looked at his younger sister, he couldn’t help but let a little smile spread across his face. She was so adorable. The way she ate her flat bread that the slaves had arrived with, the way she just plopped on her new toga completely wrong.

          She reminded him of the cohort dog they used to keep for guarding camp. She was such a cute and likeable hound that even prisoners liked her.

She shoveled the food directly into her mouth. It was as if she hadn’t eaten in all her life, which was actually true now that he thought about it. It was kind of funny how much different his trail of thought had been when she had hatched.

          He had thought that she would immediately be exactly like all the other imperial princesses, but he was wrong. She simply struck him as a dopy younger sister. He could already feel a protective aura come from him deep in his mind. But he simply chose to ignore it as he watched her eat.

          She stopped and looked at him from her seat. The slaves had brought over some chairs as well as a simple, wooden fold-out table that they had set up. Her gaze lingered on him for the briefest of moments until she brought up her hand with a piece of flatbread in it.

          “Do you want some?” she asked him.

          He simply chuckled internally and pushed her hand back to her. She took this as a refusal and shrugged. Then she stuffed it into her mouth and nodded her head as if coming to some type of weird conclusion.

          When she was done with the flatbread, she shifted her hungry gaze to the roast duck and grabbed a knife and fork and cut and devoured it in a rather short amount of time. Kevin didn’t know what to think when he looked upon his little sister devour and ravage food like this.

          He didn’t think it was very lady like, but who was he to judge. He was a simple legionary guard, a soldier that had been tasked with her safety for the next five months.

          When she was done with that, she then looked at him as if asking if he still didn’t want any. He shook his head no, but she simply put on a pout in response. It seemed she was becoming rather altruistic.

He liked her. As a sister of course, he never understood the obsession with the bodies of his older sisters that all his brothers in arms seemed to have. He understood the want to protect them, sure, but the want of their bodies? No, that was simply strange in his eyes.

          Then he started a conversation.

          “My lady, soon after you are done enjoying your meal, I will call some servants so they can come and clean you. Then I will bring you before our mother,” he informed her, and she nodded her head.

          When he had said that, my brain froze. My mother wasn’t here. It seemed to me that she was rather important to the government here as its empress. But to not be there for your daughter’s birth was, well kind of sending me alarm flags.

          Some parts of me also didn’t like the idea of her in general. She wasn’t here. She was my mother of course, but she wasn’t. I had a mother that I had lost and been stolen from in my past life.

          I should be jumping for joy at the thought of a new mother. But she wasn’t there. It made me… incredibly sad. But I hid it with some ingrained and natural instincts and poker faces.

          “Ok, so now that I’m done, could you call the servants in and help me properly dress myself?” I asked and he nodded in reply.

          This was going to be a very strange day, a very strange day indeed.

Hello everyone! no one answered my question in the last part of the chapter that I posted. that was kinda rude but OK. I was just gonna ask, what should Kevin's place in the story be. originally he was gonna be a throw away character, but I've grown to like him.