Chapter: 7
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Having eliminated the Grimms. Jaune and Nora strode towards the directions of the abandoned temple with normal pace.     

As they continue moving, time passes. Fortunately or maybe unfortunate, they didn’t encounter any Grimms throughout the time they moved. As for the reason why it’s fortunate, yet, unfortunate, is because they did not have to spend time dealing with Grimms. Thus, not slowing them down. 

However, because of that! InteractIng with Jaune, Nora’s nervousness took hold of her again. Causing her to ramble on while Jaune could only express his frown in his mind. 

But even after that, Jaune and Nora still somehow managed to proceed towards their destination smoothly.   

Overtime, gradually they close the distance between them and the temple. In a not so long span of time, they’ve gotten close enough to spot the abandoned temple. 

“Look! Look! The temple’s right there. See, it wasn't the wrong direction.” Upon spotting the abandoned temple. Nora loudly spoke with enthusiasm, while Jaune nodded at her words.   

Nora continued talking, while he stood there, gazing at the temple ahead. We just have to get the relics from the temple.Then finely this will be over. He inwardly heaved a breath of relief. Walking with Nora had made him feel tired, mentally, of course.       

He continued thinking for a moment before quietly sighing. Then he turned over to his partners and was about to ask that they continue moving. However, beside him—there was no one. “Huh? Where did she go!” 

At this moment, before he could think or speak any further. He heard an extremely familiar enthusiastic and loud voice ahead. Causing him to turn his head over immediately, and what came into his view was Nora. 

At this moment, she was speeding towards where the temple is. Upon seeing her a couple of meters away, he raised his brows before lowering it the next second. 

“I should have expected her to rush over, why did I even bother asking.”  

With Nora already ahead, he didn’t bother staying either and stride forward, but with a normal pace.       

From here on, up ahead and behind him, no longer were there trees all around. Instead, the trees were few in these areas while there's more rocks. In these areas where the abandoned temple is located, the only thing to mostly see is the open field with flat brown ground, and not much green grass.    

Furthermore, because of the few trees. This place is more flooded with the sun’s rays, making the area brighter than the ones containing numerous trees from all sides.  

At this time, with Nora’s running speed. It took her under a minute to get there, while Jaune took 2 and almost 3 minutes to get to the temple. 

Steading upon the floor of the temple, Jaune didn’t pay much attention to the broken columns or the symmetrical floor of this place. 

After all, from afar and the words spoken by the headmaster. The place they're standing on is just the smaller part of the temple, while the bigger ones should be up ahead. 

However, they're here for the relics and the relics are obviously here—no point in heading over there.     

“So Jaune! Which relics do you want to take?!.” Nora inquired while her eyes darted around and seized up the relics. “I…don't know? My take, just choose one. Since it probably doesn't matter which one we take. And—since you got here first, what don’t you choose? I’ll go along with whatever you decide to take.”     

He really didn’t care about whichever they ended up taking. As the headmaster said to retrieve one, all he sees here are small columns of rocks lined up in a circle inward of the temple. The relics on the other hand, were statues on top of the small rocks columns. 

Furthermore, the relics just seem to resemble those pieces that one used when playing chess.   

Meanwhile, after hearing that Jaune will go along with whatever she chooses. Nora thought for a moment, then cheerfully proclaimed. “Then I’ll choose the one that looks the best.” 

“Sure, go for it.” 

He did not pay much attention to her words, as he truly does not mind whatever she takes. 

A few seconds or so passed. Nora began to hum cheerfully while seizing-up all the relics carefully. As for Jaune, with nothing to do. He slowly drifted his eyes to the direction where they came from, looking at the scenery quietly.        

As he continued looking in the same direction. Time ticked by slowly…

And during that time, he averted his eyes a few times — looking in different directions. 

In addition Nora had finished choosing the relic for the two of them. 

Going by how the chess pieces are named—then the one she decided on would be called ‘White Rooks’. After deciding on the White Rooks. Nora would bound around the temple, holding the White Rooks up high and being her normal cheerful-self.     

Meanwhile, Jaune tried his best to ignore her. But as he does that, his eyes drift off and unknowingly land in a certain direction. The direction his eyes had landed on was located to the right of where he and Nora previously walked off from. 

It was meters apart from where he and Nora walk off from, but wasn’t that far either.   

At this time, as his eyes seemingly lock down in this direction. But Just when he was about to avert his eyes somewhere — two figures seemingly emerged there.

This caused him to pause while also having no intention of averting his eyes anymore. Instead, he narrowed his brows as he peered focusly at the two appearing people.      

Unfortunately, as he does that. Nora happened to stop rambling at that time, so she darted her eyes to Jaune and immediately noticed that he’s currently not paying attention to her. But that wasn’t all—the moment she saw his focus eyes. She became curious automatically.      

So she darted to him with superhuman speed, instantly appearing right next to him. With a curious voice, she said “Whatcha doing?”       

“Uh!” Jaune winces slightly, along with his focus falling apart. As it fell apart, he frowned a little and took a second to respond. “Ha…look over there.” He gestured with his head “We won’t be the only one here anymore, because we’re about to have company.” 

Upon Jaune finishes his sentence, Nora's eyes rose and her cheerful smile got even wider, along with her voice. “Really? Where!” 

“There, the direction I gaze at a moment ago.” 

Nora turns her face to the direction amidst his words. Instantly, the moment she spotted the two approaching people…her eyes seemed to brighten and lit up even more so. Originally her expression was already happy and cheerful. 

Now! Although Jaune didn’t catch this, Nora's expression had also contained a ting of relief. This was likely from knowing that she won’t be alone with Jaune anymore. After all, even though she had hidden it quite well…inside she was still nervous around him. 

Not wanting to be alone with him, if possible. That’s why, all this time she hopes to meet-up with more people—so her nervousness can lessen. 

However, even though she hopes for that. She felt puzzled, because a part of her also wished to be alone with Jaune some-more? And Nora couldn’t understand why that was. 

In truth, Nora may actually know the answer to this puzzlement. But she just didn’t dare have her thoughts in that direction….     

In the distance not far from the temple. Two girls were conversing while walking, however at this moment, they halted their steps.   

Out of the two, one of them sighs in a disappointing manner. “Man… and here I thought we were gonna be the first to get here. What a let-down! We aren’t the first. Must be because of those Grimms, fighting them had slowed us down, yet, I thought we’re still fast and in the lead compared to others. But I guess not…”   

Meanwhile, the girl next to her sigh softly, and gaze at the temple where two people are there. The two were obviously Jaune and Nora. 

“Does it matter?” Softly uttered while not making any intent in looking at her partner. “Who came in first and who came second.”     

“Nuh—it doesn't matter. I was just saying, being the first would feel like we're number 1. After all, everyone was launched at the same time and though no one was competing for first place…it’ll still feel satisfying being the ones to get there before others.” 

She turns over and faces her partner. “Don’t you agree?”    

Upon being asked if she agreed or not, the other stayed silent and pursed her cherry-red lips. Making no attempt in saying anything.    

Causing disappointment to ring on the other’s voice. “Sigh…you can at least say that you don’t agree. Ha…you know I didn’t want to say this, but you sorta-off a kill-joy.”       

These two girls were ones Jaune spotted earlier.  

Between the two, one has thick and long blonde hair while the other one, long wavy-black hair. In addition, on the top of her head is a black hair-bow that resembles cat ears.  

In contrast, the colors of their eyes were also different. The blonde was lilac while the other one was amber-yellow, moreover unlike the blonde, her eyes were extremely cat-like.   

Their clothes, the blonde was clad in a short-sleeved light-brown jacket, while a yellow shirt was worn underneath it. An orange scarf around her neck, while she wore black shorts and a brown belt. 

Her whole complexion is fair and tender looking. On her face, her disappointing expression fading away and replaced with a sunny bright smile. 

The wavy-black hair girl on the other hand is clad in black vest and underneath, a crop undershirt. On her lower body, a white shorts, long black stockings that’s purple heels-down, in addition she wore low-heel boots.  

Her whole complexion is also fair and tender looking. Her expression was calm and cool, and her feminine beauty was sky-high. 

The two girls were named: Yang and Blake. Yang is the sister of Ruby, the girl Jaune locked eyes with last-night. 

Blake, on the other hand, is the cat-eyed girl reading a book during the Bullhead ride. Together they are partners, and obviously going to the temple to retrieve relics. 

As they continue striding after spotting Nora and Jaune. At about where a few seconds passed, Blake with her calm expression, had her emotion stir for a moment while her eyes constricted.   

The sound of the foot-step was low and unclear to hear. However, the sound of Nora's voice is ever so clear and loud. 

At this time, gazing at the two fast approaching people. Jaune heaved a hopeful sign inwardly, and moved his pupils to the side, peering at Nora. Hah, now that I think about it. With them… maybe Nora's overflowing energy will be shifted to them, or not. But at the least, I do hope with them, half-of Nora rambling will be directed towards them. 

Thinking about these, unknowingly his gloominess fading a little more, and the feeling of air slapping his face made him feel slightly rejuvenated. 

Being around Nora was like having his energy suck out of him. Which is why he dreaded what would become of him in Beacon, while cursing unconsciously at a certain someone.  

Time ticked by slowly… and gradually the pair of Yang and Blake reached the temple.

Once they made it, first their eyes surveyed Nora, then shifted slowly to Jaune. However, upon shifting to him both felt the need to withdraw as their cheeks almost turned red.  

However, they didn’t want to show it. So when withdrawing their gaze, they try doing it in a natural manner.        

Amidst this, Jaune on the other hand made no move to seize them up. Instead waiting for Nora to start talking with them. Honestly this surprised him, he’d had expected Nora to dash to them and started talking immediately.

Guess not? Or perhaps this was delayed because Nora is seemingly thinking about something.      

The wind blows gently, amidst it Nora with a lightning-fast movement dash forward suddenly, in a moment was only inches away from the two girls.        


“Hi! Nora here and over there is Jaune!” 

“Ah!” Both of their bodies jolted involuntarily.          

Nearby, upon seeing this scene Jaune almost cracked a chuckle. He had been anticipating this, for others to share in the burden and—the start so far, not bad. But on that note, till now, he still couldn’t help wondering how that childhood friend of hers managed to handle her.      

After a second or two, the pair of Yang and Blake recollected themselves.    

“Uh, Yang, Yang Xiao Long” Yang let out a wide and forceful smile.   

Next to her Blake remained silent for a moment and eventually utterd. “I’m Blake.” That was it, after uttering those two words, she stayed silent.      

“Don’t mind her, she's just the quiet type. But never-mind that, from the looks of it you two are partners.” Yang said, trying to avoid Jaune's gaze while being hidden about it. “Just asking but how long have you two been here?”  


Upon having been asked how long they’ve been here. Jaune took a moment to think, but in that spend of moment Nora answered ahead of him. “A long time! Just me and Jaune alone, the two of us in this temple.”     



Nora didn’t notice it, but there was a grin hidden in Yang's face. “So what did you two do, while alone. Hmm I hope nothing happens. But I don’t know, maybe something did…happen, after all you have a pretty hot partner there.”    

“Uh that is true—”Nora's heart thump, only now just realized what she accidentally admitted to. This caused her cheeks to redden immediately, while hurriedly shriek back her head and took a step back. 

While nearby, Jaune only had raised-brows, his thoughts hidden. “Having fun! We-we not really having fun and as for Jaune he well…h-hot I guess.” Nora's voice gets lower and lower until it gets so low that it is hard for anyone to make out what she’s saying anymore. 

At this moment, she can feel her cheeks turning bright red. She felt confused about how this suddenly began, yet, at the same time flustered and embarrassed. Admitting that Jaune was hot while the person in question is right here, is something—she was not prepared for.    

Meanwhile, Yang secretly couldn’t stop laughing inside. Despite Juane being here and this feeling of unknown attraction radiating from him. 

Making her heart thump, and her face heat up. Yang can still afford to tease when she finds the right moment for it. Furthermore, Yang may not know it herself. But this may actually be her way of avoiding getting flustered by Jaune. 

In the end, she didn’t want to get flustered around him and suddenly have awkward conversations with him. And end-up saying something that she may feel embarrassed about later on.   

While this happened, Yang’s partner: Blake was still quiet, her thought unknown. But if pay close attention, her amber cat-eyes would sway to Jaune. However, it was well hidden and would be hard to catch this.  

Meanwhile, Jaune on the other hand was gazing at Yang. This girl turned out to be like this? Can’t believe she actually teases Nora… a moment later he withdraws his gaze and looks at Nora. A feeling of happiness washed over him, he didn’t expect the appearance of Yang to cause this. 

Afterall, he was only hoping for them to share in the burdens of Nora's hyperactive energy. 

But this was even better. Because originally if this kept on going, he may have to resort to that, in order to shut Nora-up for a little bit.

However, he was also worried that it may have the opposite effect — and that would not be good, not at all!   

On that note, he couldn’t help but think about something. After an unknown amount of seconds passed, Jaune was feeling the breeze of the blowing wind. He felt a sense of calmness, but for some reason he also felt the urge to do something. 

He looked over directly at Yang, and thought of what Yang said. Taking a moment to think further, he asked “You think I’m hot?” 

“Huh?” Yang’s body flinched a little, caught off guard by this question. However, after a moment she recollected herself and thought, right I said he’s hot, he must be curious about whether I was joking or telling the truth? Well…looking him up and down. He really is…

Beads of sweat appeared unnoticeable on her neck, as she took another moment to think. 

“So am I?” His voice rang out again. His tone was nonchalant, like this was something he asked out of boredom. Or just because he was feeling the mood to do so.             

“Uh, well…you should know yourself.” She tried her best to sound normal, while also suppressing the heated red that threatened to show on her face because of his gaze.

“That muscular built, that yellow hair that goes well with your blue eyes. Your handsome face, and that dazzling and attractive char—uh!” She abruptly shut her mouth.  

Jaune furrowed his brows. “Dazzling and attractive, heh.” He raised one of his brows, and asked in clarification “Didn’t know you think this highly of me.” 

“Well who wouldn’t, you are after all.” She responded with a quick pace. At this moment, she was struggling extremely to suppress her heated face. And if Jaune doesn't stop asking or stop gazing at her—she may explode.

And if that happens, it’ll expose her reddened cheeks. Becoming visible for everyone here to see. She really doesn't want that to happen.    

“Thanks for the high praise. Even if it was just you trying to humor me. Thanks.” 

Jaune had already noticed that Yang is desperately suppressing her soon to be volcanic red cheeks. And if she wants to? He shouldn’t push it. After all, seeing Nora like that made him happy, happy enough to have some fun.   

Moreover, he feels himself fully rejuvenated. While the gloominess feeling he got when being around Nora alone was finally fading.     

As for asking Yang about whether she was joking about him being ‘hot’ or not? Clearly he already knows the answer. 

Having his Semblance for such a long time. He knows his Semblance all too well…

As a matter of fact, he believed that with this Semblance, even if he were to look like a pig. Girls would still somehow find him attractive. This was the level of confidence Jaune had in his Semblance.     


At this moment, as all four of them stood. Nora with her cheeks still red, Blake with her calm, while Yang seemingly trying to get herself together. 

Jaune stood there and couldn’t help taking a curious gaze at Blake. But, he suddenly heard a noise and turned to look to where the noise came from.