Chapter 24 Rise of the Hero King 3
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They continue their journey, "What will keep my tribe together?" Auther asked, searching for a solution.

"That requires order and a strong core," Rico replied, his voice now that of a smiling man, a stark contrast to the dignified god-like tone he had used when they first met. "Order and a core? I'm not sure I understand," Auther said, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"Order is about having rules, rules that govern the actions of the tribe. Just like the sun rises during the day and sets at night, or the way there are always four seasons in a year. The core is the foundation, the bond that holds the tribe together," Rico explained, but Auther still struggled to grasp the concept.

But after flying around the Eden Plain for more days, observing the world from a bird's eye view and seeing endless killing and slaughter among the various tribes, Auther finally began to understand Rico’s words. He realized that in order for his tribe to survive, they needed to establish a strong sense of order and a unifying core to keep them together.

Rico brought Auther to east of the Eden Plain, as Rico and Auther stood before the herd of beasts, Rico explained the importance of defeating them. "You see, these beasts are an obstacle that prevents humanity from leaving the Eden plain. If humans want to continue to develop and expand, they must defeat them." Auther's heart raced with fear as he looked upon the formidable creatures with their sharp claws, sharp teeth, and massive bodies. "But how can we hope to defeat them? Even the most powerful warrior would be doomed in a hunt," Auther exclaimed, trembling with terror.

"Auther, humans are the most powerful creatures I have created," Rico reassured him. "Though they do not have sharp claws, they have quick and nimble hands. Though they do not have huge bodies, they possess extraordinary brains. To defeat the wild beasts, humans must make good use of these strengths. They must learn to create and use tools and, most importantly, learn to control fire." Rico pointed his finger towards Auther, emphasizing the importance of these skills.

"Tools? Fire?" Auther repeated, a shy smile creeping across his face as he struggled to grasp the concepts. He realized that there was much more to the world than he had ever imagined, and he couldn't wait to learn more.

The tribe at the border of the Eden plain had lost the knowledge of how to create fire, which was a commonly used tool throughout the plain for thousands of years. This may have been due to a lack of transmission of the knowledge through generations.

"Tools are the key to unlocking the potential of human ingenuity and creativity. They can be used to hunt, to farm, to build, and to defend yourself. Flames, on the other hand, are not just a source of warmth and light, they can also be used to cook meat, to start a fire, and to scare away beasts that lurk in the night. Together, tools and flames are the foundation of human civilization and progress." Rico continued to explain to Auther, with a sense of urgency in his voice.

He had high hopes for this youth, hoping that this child could end the flow of hatred and war in the Eden Plain and create a new order for humanity. He knew that the future of the tribe and the survival of the human race depended on Auther's understanding and mastery of these essential skills.

Therefore, Rico explained very carefully and imbued him with a wealth of knowledge about the dark ages. He showed him how to make and use tools, how to start and maintain a fire, and how to use them in hunting and warfare. He also taught him about the dangers of the beasts and how to avoid them, and about the importance of cooperation and teamwork in achieving common goals.

Auther listened intently, his mind absorbing every word and every lesson. He knew that what he was learning was vital for his tribe's survival and for the future of humanity. He was determined to master these skills and to use them to lead his tribe to a better future.

Rico led Auther out of the Eden Plain and into the vast and unexplored world beyond. They traversed enchanted forests filled with majestic animals, scorching deserts where giant lizards roamed, majestic mountains that reached the clouds, and dark swamps teeming with ancient monsters.

As they journeyed, Rico imparted to Auther the secrets and lore of this untamed land. He taught him the language of the beasts, the hidden paths through the deserts, and the ancient rituals to hunt the beast of the swamps.

They journeyed to the edge of the world, where the sea met the sky and the waves crashed against towering cliffs. Auther saw whales as big as islands and krakens with tentacles as thick as trees.

After months of wandering, Rico and Auther returned to the Eden Plain, the birthplace of civilization. But Auther's eyes were now opened to the beauty and diversity of the world, and he understood that the Plain was just a small part of the grand tapestry of the Gaia continent.

As Rico led Auther to the Eden Plain, the sky was slowly transitioning from the deep hues of night to the soft pastels of dawn. The moon was a waning crescent on the horizon, the sun was yet to rise, and the world was shrouded in a peaceful silence. All around them, the land slept, undisturbed by the presence of man.

Rico brought Auther to the banks of a tranquil river. As they stood there, Auther couldn't shake off the feeling of finality. He knew that his time with Rico, his creator, was coming to an end. Rico seemed to sense this as well, his tone was heavy with reluctance as he spoke. The mood was solemn and contemplative, with a hint of sadness and longing.