Story Arc 1: The Hero’s Journey – Chapter 10
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[Author: Mikan Citrus]

Story Arc 1: The Hero’s Journey


    After another quick flight of zooming past the clouds and towering skyscrapers, Violet and I arrived at her home, located in a much more quaint and quiet residential area of the city. The angel girl landed in front of her residence, then carefully put me down from her arms once her feet were firmly planted to the ground. The house itself was quite luxurious, but held genuine practicality for a home. It was painted a clean pure white, similarly to Violet’s divine wings of celestial power. The building was surrounded with a decent amount of plant life; despite the current winter season, there were pink cherry blossom trees growing right by her doorstep, and a pristine front lawn of flowers and greenery. This place was far above the price range of the run-down home I’ve been living in the past decade; it was an extravagant residence for an exotic beauty. 


   “This house is awesome, way nicer than the old place I live in,” I said in subtle awe, getting up on my own two feet after the flight with Violet. 


   “Thanks, it’s like my own private getaway from the outside world, so be grateful that I’m letting you in here.” With her elbow, she gave me a playful nudge on my arm, then unlocked and opened the front door. We took off our shoes and jackets at the entrance, although Violet removed her white dress shirt as well, once again only having a skimpy crop top to cover her chest. 


   “You can enjoy yourself with me here. Just relax, I can tell that you’ve experienced a lot of pain and stress, for years now at this point, even if you’re still so young,” Violet said and pulled me along with her, moving through the house floor until we arrived at the living room.


   “What do you mean by that? Are you an empath or something?” I asked with bewilderment in my voice and expression. With that sort of response I might as well have been admitting that she was correct, whether it was an assumption from her or otherwise. Standing in front of the sofa in the room, she turned around and looked at me, our eyes meeting as we looked at each other face to face. 


   “Oh, you must not know then… well it’s more than just that. Angels have pretty good senses; you probably already know about the physical part, but it also applies to emotions too. Some individual angels are better at it than others, and I would say that I have an aptitude for it. It’s especially easy for people I’m close with, like you Hero.” Violet smirked and held both of my hands as her vivid green irises peered into the windows of my soul. “Though it’s not like I can read your mind, communication is still very important—especially for a more intimate relationship.” 


    “Then do you know how I feel about you? Aside from the obvious.” I asked in a quiet, but clear and audible voice for Violet. The angelic woman placed her hands on me and pinned my body down on the sofa, then wrapped her arms around my neck as she had her legs around my waist.


   “I’m not sure, I have to hear it from Hero himself.” Violet flirtatiously giggled and leaned her face closer to mine. In fact, she was so close that I could smell even more of the pleasant lavender scent that emitted off her angelic body. Speaking of her body, this angel girl was straddling right on top of me as she was pressing her sizable breasts against my torso. Because of how thin the clothing she had on was, it was much easier to feel the wonderful softness of her voluptuous body. If her intention was to get me riled up—which was obvious enough to see that it was—then she had far exceeded her goal.  


   Entranced by her intoxicating beauty and aura, I wrapped my arms around her slim waist as I stared right at her. Her deep purple hair gently swayed in the air as she moved toward me with a cute red blush on her adorable face. 


   “I do have something to tell you.” My mouth opened as I tried to get that confession out for her, but right as I tried to I realized how tense my body felt. My breath was heavy and irregular as my heart raced like a rapid barrage of lightning strikes. My cheeks blushed with my whole body shaking in anxiety and worry, especially noticeable in my twitchy hands. Noticing my nervous state, Violet giggled and showed me a reassuring smile.


   “You can tell me after I give you the reward I mentioned earlier, it might be easier for you that way, Hero.” 


   Violet kissed me.


   With her green eyes closed and gentle hands holding my flustered face, she pressed forward and locked her peachy lips onto mine. In absolute shock the grip I had on her hips tightened as my eyes widened, but within mere seconds I was soothed by the celestial power of this beautiful angel and relaxed with her. Obviously accepting her sweet kiss, I closed my eyes and held her body closer to mine with my arms as I got invested into our passionate make out session. She genuinely tasted sweet, it was probably thanks to her lipstick, but I think that her soft and smooth lips were just naturally this delectable. It was wonderful, I never knew kissing could feel so pleasurable, the mystical and fantastical experience of making out with a cute girl was now something I was going through right at this very special moment. My dreams and desires of doing romantic things like this with a beautiful woman had finally become reality for me. The amazing feel-good chemicals and love hormones surged my brain in barrages of rapid strikes as it then flooded into the rest of my body. Irresistible oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, the experience of my first kiss was so good. All her little actions made it even hotter too: the way she kissed me so passionately, the subtle moans she released as we made out, it was such an intense feeling for us. As simple as this physical and emotional desire was, such a simple thing was more than enough to bring me out of even my deepest of depressions. It was the total opposite of depression and stress, pain and misery; instead of all those horrific negative emotions I was rather experiencing pure ecstasy and euphoria with my beloved Violet. 


   It was as if time completely slowed down as the two of us got lost in our overwhelmingly pleasurable kiss. Nothing else mattered in this special moment of ours, all I was focused on was this romantic intimacy I had with my dear Violet. I never wanted this feeling to end, whatever I was experiencing and sharing with Violet, I desired for it to last forever. 


   Once we had finished our first kiss together, we parted our lips from each other, only for there to be numerous long strands of dense saliva to be connected between our protruding tongues. We were both breathing heavily in rapid panting, catching our breath together as we had our mouths wide open for air to flow into our tired lungs. The beautiful and celestial angel I knew was now displaying such an obscene expression on her face, and all of it was for only me to see with my very own eyes.


   “Hah... I love you, my darling Hero.” Violet licked the viscous saliva off her mouth, then snuggled up to me with her soft body as she planted a kiss onto my cheek. The warm, cherry red blushes on our faces deepened as we stared and held onto each other. I couldn’t help but express how happy I was. With a stupidly huge and giddy smile appearing on my face, I returned those magical and romantic words to my beloved angel girl. 


   “I love you too Violet, you’re the first girl I’ve ever fallen in love with, you even took my first kiss…” I said with embarrassment in my voice.


   “Awww, ahaha... to tell you the truth Hero, that was my first kiss too!” Violet said out loud in an energetic voice; the two of us then laughed together as Violet gently pressed her forehead against mine. “I know we literally just met today, but I’ve never been with such an amazing guy before. I fell for you hard, you adorable dork.” She grinned, fluttered her divine wings with lively joy and smooched my forehead with those perfectly peachy lips of hers. With every passing second my body was continuously experiencing this constant state of euphoria. The way she spoke to me in her sweet voice, her radiating beauty and kind attitude, I was ecstatic to be spending my time with this amazing girl.


   “So you’re my girlfriend now, right?” I asked with that continuous giddy smile on my face. At this point, our love together wasn’t something to be embarrassed about. 

   “Of course! Just like how you are my boyfriend! My first one too, and honestly, I think that you'll be the only one I will ever need. Actually, what am I even saying?! I know for a fact that you’re the one and only special man I need in my life!” She seductively bit her lip and shook her curvy hips, then whispered something to me in a tone which befitted that romantic expression of hers. “And I can see that you are really liking my ass over there huh?” 


   “Ah—” My smile soon turned into one that displayed fluster on my blushing face, quickly realizing that my hands were right on Violet’s peachy bottom as I held onto that part of her fit body. I kept my hands on her though for obvious reasons, and she seemed to be enjoying just how much I yearned for her beautiful body. To be honest, even through her dress pants I could feel how soft yet firm her curvy ass was—it would be even better once she removed all of her clothes for me in her bedroom. 


   “Also, of course I noticed that you were totally staring at my big boobs earlier too. It’s so adorable, you weren’t even trying to hide how much you want me, but I really like that about you Hero...” Violet let out a sultry giggle and grinded against me, shaking her huge breasts in front of my face as she moved on top of something that was very hard and upright in my pants right now. 


   “You are my first girlfriend, and well, yeah... you’re really beautiful Violet.” I showed off a sly smirk and moved my hands under her crop top, sliding it off then going directly to her chest, grabbing her massive bare breasts and squeezing their softness. It was my first time fondling a woman’s chest, yet she let out a sensual moan in response to my sudden touch—angel girls really are sensitive. If my girlfriend was already acting this way from foreplay, then I was beyond excited to see what was about to happen next. The relief for my innate desire and yearning for intimacy was right in front of me; the dream girl I always imagined to be with was just about to fulfill my lifelong fantasies as a healthy man. 


   “Violet, do you wanna continue this in your bedroom?” I asked my angel girlfriend. 


   “Yes! I’ve been waiting for this Hero! I want my first time to be with you, the sweet human boy I love so dearly,” Violet said to me with passion in her voice and licked her pink lips, unable to contain her intense lust for me. There might as well have been hearts in her eyes with how smitten she was, and the feeling was very much mutual. 


   “Let’s do it then,” I said. My girlfriend giggled and stood up from the sofa, impatiently pulling me up along with her as we dashed toward her bedroom together. Suffice it to say, we had both found our dream lover in each other.