Foiled Mission (Old)
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[25 Million Millenniums ago...]

[Before Honkai was found...]

[6 October 2030, South Africa, Cape Town]
[1430 hours, Clear sky]

Helicopter Chinook flying at 15,000 feet above the ocean heading towards Cape Town. Inside there was 3 men prepared their rifles, each of them are very unique is very specific ways.

???: "Hey, after this mission is over, can we stroll around town, I wanna see their food recipes."

The man who talked; has blond hair and blue eyes. He is armed with a Famas F1 Assault rifle, he is also equipped with a Berreta 92 as a backup, he is also a master cook in the battlefield and can make anything delicious even from dead rats to corpses of dead animals, his name is Corporal Reùlette.

???: "I can't wait to inspect enemy new weapons, I heard Russians was hiding something new here."

This man with grey hair and blue eyes, who is a both technology and weapon fanatic his name is Lieutenant Zackary, he carries a HK416 assault rifle equipped with a cursed 8x scope also equipped with a secondary red dot scope, he is also equipped with Glock 17 Gen 5 FR. His name is lieutenant Zack.

???: "Patient, we can do that after we got permission from command."

The man with black hair and grey eyes, with experience leadership and leading his men to battle for over 8 years in experience. His name is Sargeant Balakanov, he is equipped with a AKM, equipped with a ACOG Scope and secondary red dot scope. He is also equipped with and a sidearm eqquiped with a desert eagle.

As the chinook enter Cape Town Airspace, the three men in the chinook's cargon space. They're looking at the window of the city.

Zack: *whistles* "Look at this city, quite a beauty. Shame some terrorist bombard it with C4"

Sgt.Balakanov: "Sometimes you can't have all the peace in the world."

Reulete: "I gotta take that into one account boss, but that should just left the restaurannt alone."

The pilot in the cockpit announces that they are arriving soon at the designated LZ. The Chinook slowly lowering it's altitude to 10,000... 7,500... 5,000... and so on. Once it touches the LZ, the cargo door of the chinook slowly opens up.

Pilot 1: "We are here, good luck out there."

Balakanov exit first with .Reulette and Zack following from behind. The chinook slowly takes off to the sky and left.

Balakanov: "Alright, let's do this, no funny business."

Reulette: "YeeHaw! Food recipes here I come! After this mission is complete."

Zack: "Hehehe, Free weapons is always a welcome."

The three men enters the dense jungle forest near Cape Town, they follow the dirt trail. Along the way, they sometinmes caught up with some weird antics.

Zack: "Get it off me Dumbass!"

Reulette:"That is your own fault man, I didn't do anything. Who was it a good idea playing a wasp nest!"

Balakanov: *sigh* "C'mon you two, keep moving, we can't do this all day."

As they continue deeper to the jungle, they saw a concrete wall with a metal door up ahead. Balaknov raise his hand to signal Zack and Reul. They look at the metal door in front of them.

Zack: "Don't worry i got this."

Zack places the C4 plastic explosives around the metal door weakest area, then he detonate it. The large boom echoes through the jungle and ruble of debries fall to the muddy ground.

Balakanov: "All right, move in."

They move in slowly to the concrete building. the dim lights above with orange color hue lights lighting the concrete walls, with no single human or life inside the building, it was enough to give creeps and goosebumps.

Zack:"What the hell happened here?"

Reulette:"I don't know, but seems there is more than just a story."

Balakanov:"Every room we enter, there was just only old documents and papers about locations. There is still something missing."

As they look at the wall, there was a letter says "G".

Zack:"Seems we are in Ground floor, I don't even know this thing can go deeper."

Reulette look at the nearby poster covered up in dry purple sprayed like blood, It gives him a chill looking at it.

Reulette:"Man, I just got a feeling. Going deeper is probably a bad idea, I don't even sign up for a suicide mission."

The poster reveals, there is a 7 floor in the concrete building. The building it self was an underground lab.

Zack: *chills*"I feel something isn't right. Next thing we probably ending up fighting something down there."

Balakanov look at the elevator, the elevator ropes were cut and buried in ruble of rocks.

Balakanov:"Something we should say, we shouldn't go deeper. Since this is just a recon mission. Ruel, set some ropes, we are going down there to take some pictures."

Ruelette nods, he nailed a nail used for rock climbing on the concrete floor and tie a rope to it. He gives a thumbs up to Balakanov. Balakanov replied with a nod.

Zack:"One step from hell. Here we go"

Zack goes in first, slowly he went down to the shaft. Following behind with Balakanov and Reulette. As they reach the second floor or written as "B2" The place of the floor it self was a mess. there are some human remains spotted and with purple like blood glows with UV ligthing.

Reulette:"Looks like this place isn't the walk in the park unlike our old missions."

Zack: *kick the skull*"You could say so, but the poor souls of scientist who didn't escape."

Balakanov look around the area and he saw a pale woman holding a bow. Balakanov raise his primary.

Balakanov: *comms* "Reul, Zack come over here."

The two men came and look at the pale woman in the distance.

Zack:"There's no way that thing is human, is way to pale."

The pale woman raise it's bow and aimed at Balakanov, He quickly went into cover.

Balakanov: "it's hostile, Open Fire!"

Zack and Reul went into cover, they shoot their weapons from cover. After one shot clean through the pale woman's head. The body went limp and dead, later disappear into purple crystal powder into the air.

Zack:"What the fuck was that?!"

Reulette:"This wonn't be easy as I told it would be."

Balakanov sigh in relieve that it was over in just seconds. They continue went deeper into the lab. each floor there are more of the pale woman, even some of them equipped with katana, claws like wolverine, and many more. They finally reach floor B7, it will be not a normal floor they expected to be unlike the rest they encounter the floor above.

Zack: "We finally made it, and I'm not going to take another job that is similiar to supernatural."

Reulette:"As if, I heard about a make shift lazer weapon, also I heard a recipe book also made it here."

Zack and Reulette minding there own business, a seraph-class honkai beast appeared on the empty hallway patroling.

Zack:*whisper*"well shit, I guess party ain't over yet!"

Both of them look at the two archangels, zack examined the creature every details on it's movement.

Zack:"Yeah right, more supernatural stuff."

Reulette take pull out his Smith and Wesson 500 and aimt at the two archangels. He push the trigger and kill two birds with one stone.

Reulette:"Quite easy, good thing I found this on the armory in this lab."

Zack: "tsk, maybe next time I will grab a weapon like that if I found one."

Reulette:"Heh, finders keepers weapon nerd."

The three soldier go to each section of the room and clearing out zombies and honkai beast.

Zack:"Kinad odd, they are a lot weaker."

Reulette:"Because maybe they are not in their homeworld which gives stupid fairytail magical powers."

Zack:"Like a wizard or a witch?"

Balakanov: "Shh! I heard something."

They when to cover to cover. As they get closer the voice was getting clearer.

???: "I must prepare to eradicate humanity in this world by well placed planned, God will be proud."

The voice is like two voices echoed, it was creepier enough for the boys to give shivers.

Zack:"Ain't normal on that!"

Balakanov peek in his cover.

Balakanov:"Well, a green hair young woman or girl I presume, wearing a weird-ass dress."

Reulette:"Are we going to a ball or something?"

Zack:"No dumbass, that woman is mysterious thing or probably connected to the aliens we just fighting. She also said something about 'God' this probably the UN problem, not ours."

Reulette:"Then, how the hell can are we going through that?!"

Balakanov:"We should sneak, I just have a gut feeling that is not a normal enemy we should be facing. Always remember not to underestimate your enemies."

Zack and Reulette nods. The three soldiers try sneak around the mysterious Herrscher, after somehow they avoided her detection, three of them sigh. They continued forward to Floor B9. They come out from the stairs and scan around the area.

Zack: "Is that the weapon?"

Zack pointing towards the mysterious crystal.

Reulette: "Not something that I recommend touching."

Reulette grab a Geiger counter from one in his pocket on his pants.

Balakanov: "Tell me the reading."

Reulette: "Holy... 20 roentgen... We should get out of here quick before dying from radiation."

Zack get his camera and take the picture of the crystal.

Zack: "A bit pixalated like the picture from Elephant foot in chernobyl."

???: "Found you!"

They look around behind them to hear the source of the voice, it was similar to the woman they encountered before.

Balakanov: "Position now!"

The three soldier on their position. They heard echoed footsteps gets closer from the dark hallway, finally revealing the same woman they encountered.

Zack:"Shit, Just hope we can made it out alive."

Reulette:"Don't jinx that on us man!"

???: "You're not escaping humans."

The three soldier look at her lifting her arm and spreading her fingers on her hands.

???:"Now die!"


A purple sphere cover three of them and they disappear within existence it self.

???:"Hmmph, pathetic humans."