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You know those annoying enemies characters that often heal their enemies in games and such?

 ---- That's me. ......

 In the game "The Legend of the Magic Sword," which was popular long time ago, I am the crony of the son of a frontier count who does evil deeds. The Baron Dietfried Baumgarten is me.

 Having ended my own shitty life, all that awaited me was a reincarnation into the world of my favorite game. ...... Why of all places would I be the biting dog in the beginning of the game, and why of all places would I be a crony of the bite dog?

 I would have never noticed such a mob character unless I had played "The Legend of the Magic Sword" for years and years, clinging to the game.

 I didn't care about them while I was playing the game, but they have their own lives.

 I've learned that the hard way over the past five years.

""I'm coming in, Cornelia."

 A sunny room in a small house. That's Cornelia's room.

"Excuse me."

 The old man opens the door for me. I entered Cornelia's room, thanking her. The room was more than a little lonely for the daughter of a noble family.

"" Big brother? Gohoho! Gosh!"


 I hear a sudden cough, and I rush to my twin sister who is lying on the bed.

'There's no need to get up, Come on, lie down.'

 I stroke her back to calm her down, then push her too-thin shoulders and make her lie down on the bed.

"I'm sorry. ......"

"You has nothing to apologize for. Did I scare you out of the blue? I'm sorry."

 I take her hand gently in mine and place it on her forehead.

"'I'm sorry. Have you taken your medicine?"


"Good girl."

 I pat her head. She looked up at me with her red eyes and gave me a soft smile.

 She looks like an angel. Why did God force this child to suffer from a nasty disease of unknown origin called the Evil God's Curse? For that one thing, I have no faith in God.

 Those who are afflicted by the curse of the evil god end their lives without ever coming of age.

 I will do my best to reject such a future!

 The one time with Cornelia is the only thing that soothes my already fragile heart. Why do I feel so much peace? I don't know. But just seeing Cornelia smile saves my heart, and when she is sad, I feel as if my heart is about to burst.

 It's as if we share the same heart. Maybe it's because we are twins, or maybe it's because we are not telepathic, but I feel a connection. She is truly the other half of me.

 If I were to lose her, ...... I am sure I would not be able to stand it.

Yesterday, and the day before that, I was already in a state of shock. I haven't seen you since yesterday, and before that, for a long time now.


 I am at a loss for words. For Cornelia, an ordinary five year old, it is difficult to comprehend the death of a person. I too had been escaping because of my busy life. But that excuse is no longer valid.

'Father has gone to ...... a very high place. He and Mother are watching over us."

 Cornelia's red eyes filled with tears and a drop of water trickled down her cheek.

 My heart was so overwhelmed that it felt as if it was going to burst.

"Is it my fault again?"


My body is like this, so I'm sure my father was disgusted with me and abandoned me. ......

"No way !"

 I hug Cornelia's body tightly. I wanted to deny Cornelia's words, I didn't want Cornelia to further hurt herself. ......

"No, it's not like that, . You're my hope. Don't be so gloomy."

'But ......"

'It was never yourfault, not even Mother's, not even Father's."

 When I look at Cornelia, I am reminded of myself from my previous life.

  I had given up on myself, thinking that everything was my fault.

 I had salvation in the form of "The Legend of the Magic Sword. I had a point to cling to.

 But Cornelia is .......

 I'm so helpless now. I'm sure I'm not very reliable.

 I want to save Cornelia.

 I want to save Cornelia, even if it means sacrificing everything else.

 I know that I will be able to use my healing gift in the future.

 I should be able to use my gift of healing first. Then I will raise the level of my gift and I will surely cure Cornelia of her incurable disease!

 But that's not enough.

 If everything goes according to the game, we will be doomed.

 We will be defeated by the protagonist of the game, whom I looked down upon, and in my easy desire for power, I will commit the mortal sin of breaking the seal of the evil god.

 Then, the game's protagonist defeats him without a moment's hesitation.

 I must deny such a future by making full use of the information from "The Legend of the Magic Sword" that I gained in my previous life!

"Brother ......?"

"I will heal your body, ! This is an absolute vow! I will make sure that tomorrow will be a better day than today! It will be better than today!"

 I know it's not really that easy. I'm sure there will be worse days than today, and it will be a dark time for a while.

 But I wanted Cornelia to believe in the future.

""Brother ......""

So, Cornelia, smile for me. The disease is also said to start with the mind. Laugh and the illness will blow away. I'm going to do my best to make you laugh naturally.

 She looked at me with wide eyes and nodded her head.

"I'm going to laugh ......! I will smile ......!"

 She smiled at me with tears in her eyes. That alone was enough to raise my heart.

 I'll make it happen. I will definitely protect this smile!