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I'm ready to sell my soul to the devil. If I could save Cornelia by selling my soul to the devil, it would be a small price to pay.

 I saw a group of children in front of me with suspicious expressions that included a hint of fear. They were between the ages of three to fifteen years old and were in the territory that I had gathered for them.

"'Hear me!"

 My high-pitched voice rang out, cutting through the murmur of the crowd.

"You are going to be educated."


"What are you going to do to us?"

 The oldest among the gathered group asked in doubt. It is not a complimentary thing to intercept a nobleman, but it was originally the custom in this territory. However, in this territory, courtesy is a thing of the past. It's no use being careful every time.

 Well, that won't be the case from now on.

 I don't like to act arrogant, and I like the pastoral atmosphere of this territory, where everyone gets along despite the hardships of life, but that's just the way it is.

"The main things I plan to teach you are etiquette, literacy, arithmetic, and the physical exercise. You will use what you have been taught to migrate to other territories."

"Migrant ......"

'Then we're still doing that, but ......"

 It is a poor territory to begin with. Many of them are migrant workers.

If you don't do what I'm saying, you won't be able to get a good job! If you can read and write, you can get a better paid job than you have now! If only you could learn to be civil, if only you could do arithmetic, if only you were strong! The whole reason you guys are getting an education is so you can get better jobs, better pay! In other words, the harder you work, the higher your future salaries will be!"


 I'm not going to tell them it's the cost of education, or the cost of childcare, or any of the negative things that you have to pay. I don't want to discourage you.

That's all! I expect you guys to do your best!"

 The house servants are my grandfather and his son. And a maid brought by mother.

 The maid would take care of Cornelia, but the two men alone would have a hard time educating the children. I am going to help educate the children. If I don't, we will go bankrupt.

 I learned arithmetic in Japan, and I have mastered the Japanese alphabet. I also learned manners from an old man when I had an audience with the king. I can teach children.

 But I can only teach them for about two more years. At the age of seven, I will receive a gift from God. This gift is the ability to cure.

 Once the gift is given, I will devote everything to the development of the gift. I will not have time for the education of children.


""Well, it's time for math. I'll be teaching today."

 The largest room in the mansion. It was a rather shabby room, but the twenty-five children gathered in it were given long desks and chairs. They were given long desks and chairs. The room had been hurriedly prepared, but it would serve as a classroom.

 I'm going to be teaching them arithmetic. ......

I hit him, and he fell into the cesspool."

"Oh, man, it's amazing how you can beat a grow up!"

"I'll take care of it! I'm gonna beat up this old guy too!"

"That's awesome!"

 There are assholes everywhere. ...... A kid, maybe twelve years old, was telling his own story of heroism in high spirits. No, he's just taking advantage of the fact that I'm younger than him.

 I went over to the guys who were talking nonsense with a teacher's cane.

"Keep your private conversations to yourself."

What? You little kids suck on your mama's breast".

 I pull out my whip with a mighty swing. I aim it at the face of the kid who's looking so proud of himself.

"Ouch! What the hell are you doing? I don't know if you're an aristocrat or what, but don't get carried away!"

 The kid stood up from his chair vigorously. He's huge. He was twice as big as me.

 Did he have the gift of boiling water? It's a gift that only makes water boil, but it seems he also boils water easily.

I don't think he's being courteous to the nobility.

 Didn't they have a lesson in etiquette?

 I pulled out the dagger hanging from my waist.

 In a world where nobles are allowed to hit with disrespect, this should cool things down a bit. This will calm them down a little.

"I'm not afraid of anything!"

 The kid raises his arm in the air against me, perhaps out of overconfidence. He's a real idiot.

 But I'm not a master of the sword. There is no way I can avoid his fist and cut him down.


 All I could do was swing my dagger in the dark and slice the kid's stomach a bit.

 I felt a thud on my head, and my body was blown away. It was a powerful blow that seemed to knock him unconscious. The reason he did not lose consciousness was probably because he was prepared for the blow.

The kid is making a lot of noise.

 The kid is screaming. Blade wounds hurt, you know.

 I got up unsteadily and found the kid cowering on his stomach.

"I'm bleeding, I can't stop the bleeding".

"Hey, you! Hey, you there! Go get the grandpa!"

 I pointed at one of them, who looked terrified but rushed out.

 I approached the cowering kid and kicked him in the head.

"You! What is the matter with you that you would raise your hand against a nobleman? I could kill you right now, you know.

"Please don't kill me! I beg you, please don't do that!"

"That depends on how you behave from now on."

 That's all I said, and then I turned around and told the children who were looking at me with a frightened look.

'If you don't want to end up like this, you'd better study hard!"

 The kid was then stitched up by an old man who arrived at the scene. Of course, there was no anesthesia. The kid was stitched up crying.

 Even something like this is an invaluable resource.

 It is a happy coincidence that after this incident, the children have become more straightforward.