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She had died . Even though Cornelia had already died , her figure was still beautiful.

 Looking back, I wonder what I could have done for Cornelia.

 I could only buy her one stuffed animal.

 She was always in a simple one-piece dress, and I couldn't let her dress up.

 In fact, I couldn't even allow her to play with me.

 Cornelia was sick, so there was nothing I could do. Did she ever say that and take it somewhat lightly?

 I was always saying that I would save Cornelia and not even show up in front of her, and all I did was curse the cursed items.

 What would Cornelia have thought of me like that?

 She would have wanted to talk and play with me more.

 After Cornelia died, I felt bad about my past.

 I wish I had been there for her more. I should have watched her more closely!

 I wonder if Cornelia would have been happy?

"Cornelia ......"

 I took her hand, still not wanting to believe Cornelia was dead.

 It was still warm, a thin hand, all skin and bone, with bones floating in it. The first time I saw him, I was so sad.


 That's when it happened. I realized that I could still apply the healing gift to Cornelia.

 Healing gifts does have the power to bring the dead back to life. If that were the case, I would haveto ----!


 I will use my healing gift as fast as I can!

 The old man said. Cornelia had just breathed her last. What if Cornelia is still alive, only suffering from cardiopulmonary arrest or breathing difficulties?

 But because of the evil god's curse, Cornelia's maximal physical strength is already zero. There is no point in just recovering!

"Get out of Cornelia's body!"

 I flowed holy power to lift the curse from Cornelia's body. As before, there was resistance. But I can push through!

 It's really a race against time.

 I have to break the curse of the evil god that ties Cornelia up and heal her right away.

 The mysterious power that tries to defy the curse that was not in the cursed item.

 Only my mind is getting distracted.


 And then ----!

 I made it. I destroyed the curse of the evil god that was nestled in Cornelia's body!

Gosh, gosh, gosh. ......!

 As I hurriedly healed Cornelia, she coughed.

I was so happy that I cried.


"Oh, oniisama ......?"

"Cornelia, Cornelia, thank God!"

 I couldn't stand still and hugged Cornelia as if I knew no other way to express my joy.

"I didn't think it was possible, Cornelia, ...... it's a miracle ......!"

"My Lady ......!"

Cornelia, you really did good. Cornelia, Cor...."

 I cried out loud, forgetting about Grandpa and Delia.

 I am so glad I didn't give up. I'm so glad I believed in Cornelia.

 When Cornelia drew her last breath, I really thought it was over.

 I'm really, really glad that she survived. ......

"I've never seen my brother cry before. ...... And Grandpa and Delia, too....... What's the matter everybody?"

 She probably didn't know she was dying. Cornelia was looking at me with a curious look on her face. From Cornelia's perspective, it may have been a strange scene where she fell asleep and woke up to find that everyone was crying together.

 But that was okay. It was much better than Cornelia being scared.

Yes, that's right! You know, brother, I had a dream.

A dream? What kind of dream?

 I wiped my tears and looked at Cornelia's face. Cornelia had a smile on her face, as if she was so happy.

'At first it was a dark dark night,", "but then a light came on and I heard a kind voice, just like Mother's. Then the night cleared up and I saw her! Then the night cleared up. It was the voice of the Goddess!"

"Goddess ......?"

 I myself do not believe in God, but the inhabitants of this world believe in Goddesses. And the god called the evil god is in fact the husband god of the goddess. This world is being swept up in what is an incredibly irresponsible battle of God's husband and wife. You don't want to believe in a god like that, do you?

 But if Cornelia is happy to see the goddess, I am too. The one and only Cornelia is justified in my mind.

, "The Goddess, I didn't quite understand what she said, but she said she'd give me strength! And you know I got a gift!


 Normally, the gift is given at the age of seven. However, those who have been afflicted with the curse of the evil god cannot get the gift.

Until now, the curse of the evil god has prevented her from receiving the gift, but now that it is gone, she is able to receive the gift?

 Even if Cornelia's life could be saved, the lack of the Gift was a major challenge.

 Not receiving a gift in a world where getting a gift is a given. That alone would make her a subject of persecution. In the worst case, she could be executed, as in a "witch hunt.' Cornelia would not be treated as a human being.

 Cornelia received a gift. I was overjoyed to hear her say that.

"Really? What gift did she give you?"

"Let's see... ....... I don't know!"

What's ......?"

 When a person receives a gift, as I did, the name of the gift and how to use it is drilled into his or her head. Don't she understand it?

"Do you know how to use ......?"

"Yes,! But it's not safe here. ......."

"Okay. ......."

 She know how to use it. Then it's all right?

 Maybe Cornelia is wrong. It's a possibility I should consider.

 Cornelia may not get the gift, but I'm not going to change my mind about protecting her!