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I was in a bedroom that could be accessed directly from the office. There was nothing in the room but a bed, and I was in a room just for sleeping. I lay on the bed in the pitch dark, thinking.

 The current Baumgarten territory is founded on two main pillars: the sale of items that have been cast out of spells, and the payment of wages to educated residents.

 At the moment, the former is the most profitable. There are occasional bargains to be had. Sometimes there are surprisingly expensive items mixed in. Well, they can't be used in the cursed state either, so they can be purchased at a discount. The difference is huge.

 Then, it is a little more difficult to stop selling off people . It is easier to manage because I can force them to adjust the number of people in the territory. I've hired graduates to act as teachers. It will be even easier as time goes on and the system is put in place.

 There seems to be some deep-seated opposition from some mothers, but there are enough advantages to push it through.

 Overall, the money plan has helped create a small lull, although we still don't have enough to pay back our debts. Gradually, though, savings are being built up.

 I would like to use these savings to start a new industry or something. ...... It is not easy.

 In Baumgarten, the west one-third of the land is dry land where crops do not grow well, and the eastern two-thirds are untouched deep forests.

 I would like to try my hand at farming, but it seems that burning the forests causes stampede by the monsters that have lost their homes. Even if I wanted to, I could not do it.

 For now, I'm just using them for small-scale lumberjacks in the eastern village.

'Huh ....... If I could utilize the east forest, I could ......."

 Knock knock knock!

 Just as I muttered something like that, a knocking sound jumped in. There was no sign of panic. It was probably not an emergency. Who is it?

'Dear brother ....... Have you fallen asleep already, ......?"

"Cornelia? I'm still awake. Come in."

 The door opens with a clang, and Cornelia appears, illuminated by a light stone that emits an unwavering bluish-white light. Behind Cornelia, Delia can also be seen.

'What's the matter, at such late hour?

"It's that ....... I couldn't sleep. ...... Can I sleep with you?}

"I don't mind. Yeah, come here".


 Cornelia climbs on top of my bed as if she got kicked down.

 She probably hasn't slept yet because she took a nap today.

" Good night!

 Cornelia lies down next to me vigorously. I can feel her warmth.

 Cornelia is alive. That alone makes me so happy I feel as if I'm going to cry.

 So happy that I could forgive anything and any offense.

 But not you, Anna.

"Heh heh heh."

 We share a big pillow and look at each other. I felt a little embarrassed.

 I pat Cornelia's head to cover up my embarrassment. The silky feel of the hand is comfortable.

"Cornelia, how was it yesterday?"


"Look, we killed a lot of goblins . Did you feel any nausea or discomfort?"

 Although the word " killed" was slurred, it did not change the fact that Cornelia had taken the lives of more than a hundred goblins.

 Goblins may not look like humans, but they are still humanoid monsters. Does she not feel a twinge of remorse for having taken their lives?

I'm fine, though. I was a little scared, though. ......"

 Cornelia smiles shyly saying so.

 That's right. More than a hundred goblins were closing in to take Cornelia's life. How could she not be scared?

 I held Cornelia's hand in the duvet.

I am sorry for making you feel scared. If Cornelia doesn't want to do this anymore, you don't have to go along with the expedition anymore. ......

"I'll come with you! I'm ready to do it."


"If my strength can help my brother, I will go wherever you want me to go!"

"Cornelia, ......"

For the first time, I can be of help to my brother! I'll absolutely be there!"

"I'm glad you feel that way Cornelia. But Cornelia doesn't have to worry about that. You can be more doing what you want, you know? What did you say ......? I think you made a friend, didn't you?"

"You mean Eliza?"

'Yes. You can play with Eliza, right?"

 As for me, I was worried about taking Cornelia to a dangerous place. I was afraid that one day I would send Cornelia to her death. I hate myself for my incompetence.

'I'm going with my brother in the end. I'm going to protect you!


 Cornelia protecting me? I had never thought of such a thing.

 But that's because I knew Cornelia, who was suffering from a curse. The image of Cornelia in my mind had stopped from being a weak and vulnerable person who needed to be protected.

I want to be with you, brother. I always want to stay by your side. And I will protect you this time!"

"Cornelia ......"

 I had misjudged Cornelia's resolve. Cornelia's desire to protect me was as great as my desire to protect her.