Chapter 9.1: The Heroes visit the circus – a second POV
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POV Cornelius


The first few years went by slowly and we found our way around the new world better and better. Most of our time was spent in class, but we always had welcome variety. Due to the lack of electricity and therefore all the comforts that we knew from our last life, we had to do something else. Ansgar spent a lot of time with the soldiers and listened to stories from them. He tried to take along everything that had to do with fighting. Until our 10th birthday, when we will receive our class, we only received rudimentary instruction in weapon handling. Javier usually holed up in the library and read books. I, on the other hand, was particularly interested in tactics and warfare because I planned to one day lead a large army. I also wanted to grow up quickly because as a little boy all I could do was look at pretty women. I wasn't allowed to do more because otherwise Eli would get angry. How can you be so jealous at that age? But that won't stop me from building my own harem. In the world, it seemed to be common for nobility to have multiple wives, and I was also a hero and good-looking. There would be rows of women lying at my feet. One of the most common activities we were able to do were local trips. We all learned to ride at an early age and explored the area around Lightburgh on horseback. We also visited the local theater or arena when events were taking place there. Our visit to the circus was particularly worth mentioning, unfortunately in a negative way. The performances weren't boring, but they weren't spectacular either. An elf shot at a elven child at a target, a cat beastkin did acrobatics on a horse, a demon or something similar allegedly performed acts with dangerous animals and a hybrid of a human and a lion bent an iron bar. Nothing that particularly interested me. The only thing that caught my interest was the elven child who was shot. She was an elf with black skin and white hair, a dark elf. I had heard of elves and beastkin before, but it was a surprise to learn about dark elves. Weren't they always evil and hostile? The child himself looked rather scared and intimidated. But she was quite pretty and wore a slave collar. That's why it should be possible to purchase her and use her to start forming my harem. That would mean an exotic beauty for me.


After the demonstrations, we were shown around the camp and first took a closer look at the animals. They looked rather harmless, especially the fire lizard, which lay motionless in its cage. Boring. But then we were allowed to touch the slaves and that included the dark elf girl. Unfortunately, I was careless and underestimated their viciousness. Instead of being grateful to me for wanting to buy her, she bit my hand and then ran away. I only found out what happened next through the others because of the pain. The girl ran to the river and when she got there, one of our guards shot an arrow at her. Struck by this, she fell into the river and was carried away. She probably died there, although a search party found no trace of her the next day. The owner of the circus was punished to the extent that he was never allowed to come to Lightburgh with his circus again. My hand became slightly infected and healing magic had to be used on it. Magic is really handy, but it didn't make the pain go away. That nasty elf dared to hurt me. She paid for this with her life. Serves her right. Eli was crying and sobbing and it took several days for her to calm down.