Chapter 35: The Adventurers Guild
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POV Eliza


The next morning I woke up in a good mood. Yesterday evening was very promising and I hoped it would continue like this. I got dressed, activated my transformation and made my way to breakfast. Downstairs I saw my three new acquaintances already sitting at a table. When Ken noticed me he waved. I sat down with them.


“Good morning, Eliza. Did you sleep well?” <Ken>


"Yes, thanks. And you?” <Eliza>


“It’s all good, right, Ronnen?” <Ken>


Ken elbowed Ronnen in the side. He just smiled shyly. I looked at Lynn questioningly.


"That is normal. Ken is always so excited. You get used to it eventually.” <Lynn>


I nodded. Then we all got our breakfast. Two young girls served us bread, sausage and cheese as well as a cup of milk. I looked at her questioningly.


“Breakfast is included in the price, at least a simple one. If you want more, you can order more.” <Lynn>


“No, that’s enough for me. I'm not a big eater. Bon appetit.” <Eliza>


“Enjoy your meal.” <Lynn and Ken>


We finished our meal in peace. The bread was fresh and tasted very tasty. The milk was cool and very refreshing. After we finished eating, we stood up.


“Up, up, off to the Adventurers Guild. I'm moving forward." <Ken>


Ken stormed to the door, earning another annoyed look from Lynn. The rest of us followed him more slowly. There was already a lot going on outside the door. There was a lot of activity on the street and many different impressions came to me. Loud voices and a variety of smells characterized the cityscape. Ken stood a few meters away and waved to us. We went to him and he took the lead. We walked down the street and after about 20 minutes we stood in front of a large building. It looked very different from the surrounding houses. It was also four stories high and seemed significantly more massive than the outbuildings. The entrance was a large double door that was open. Many people, obviously adventurers, entered and exited the building.


"Here we are. This is the guild. Impressive, isn’t it?” <Ken>


I just nodded. Visually it corresponded to my expectations, but actually standing in front of me was a completely different impression. Ken led the way again and we followed him inside.


"Nervous? You do not have to be. Most people are friendly to newbies, but as a woman you always have to be on your guard. Unfortunately, there are more than enough bullies among men.” <Lynn>


I felt a lump in my throat and swallowed it nervously. I hadn't even thought of the possibility. If necessary, I always had the choice to run away. I entered the guild with the others more hesitantly than I originally wanted. Lynn placed a reassuring hand on my back and I relaxed noticeably. It was good to have support. Inside there was a large hall. There are four counters on the back wall where young women carry out their duties in looking after the adventurers. At the moment all the counters were occupied and there are queues of different lengths in front of three of them. There were only no people standing in front of the one on the far left. On the left side there were many pieces of paper hanging on the wall, obviously the notices for the quests. They were divided into three areas. On the right side a staircase led up to the first floor. Also on the right side was a kind of mirror, in front of which many adventurers stood and seemed to read something that was written on it.


“Don't be surprised, the far left is for accepting special tasks and quests of the highest ranks. But I don't know what a special task is now. The switches are sorted in ascending order according to the rank of the quests. On the far right are the newcomers with the smallest ranks D and E. This is also our counter. We are rank E. Next to them are ranks C and D. I suspect the last one is for ranks A and B, but that is far beyond our capabilities. There aren't many higher level quests here in town. As far as we know, there are no adventurers with rank A in the city and only rarely with rank B.” <Lynn>


I nodded at the explanation. That all makes sense so far. We then joined the queue on the far right. It was also the longest so we had to wait for some time. After almost half an hour it was our turn. The woman at the counter was a pretty brunette in her early 20s with a friendly smile.


“Hello you three, what brings you to me? Do you have an order to hand in?” <Sana>


“No, Sana. We have a friend who would like to register.” <Ken>


“But I’d love to. Is that you, little one? Please come closer.” <Sana>


"Yes. What do I have to do about it?” Eliza


“Are you already 15? Otherwise you are not allowed to register fully and are only allowed to accept orders with rank F. As long as you are not 15, you will receive the provisional rank F." <Sana>


“Yes, I’m already 15 even if I don't like it.” <Eliza>


“You look so young and are rather short and thin. I have to warn you, we will use an artifact to appraise your status and if you lied, we will find out. But if you told the truth, we have all the necessary values ​​to issue your license.” <Sana>


“I already know that. Lynn was kind enough to tell me. I’m ready.” <Eliza>


I stuck my chest out and tried to appear optimistic. Sana smiled at me and reached under the counter. Then she took out a crystal ball and placed it in front of her. Now it became clear whether my skill concealment worked. I checked my status again to make sure it was so that I could make it public.


“Then please place your hand on the ball. The analysis starts automatically as soon as you touch the ball.” <Sana>


I put my hand on the ball and it then started to glow. After about a minute it changes color to green.


“You weren’t lying, as I can tell from the color. Let's see. Your name is Eliza, you're a scout and you're 15. Alright, I'll issue you your license. “Afterwards I will explain to you the basic rules of an adventurer.” <Sana>


Sana took the ball and put it back under the counter. She stayed there for a moment and then stood up again. She had a piece of paper in her hand.


"Please wait a second. I’ll get you your license.” <Sana>


Sana disappeared behind her through a door. Meanwhile, Ken looked at me intently.


“You’re a scout? Cool, we can use one in our group. Do you want to join us?” <Ken>


“Where did you get this idea, Ken? Not that I have anything against it. What do you think, Eliza?” <Lynn>


I started thinking. I had never thought about acting in a group before because I always had the problem with my transformation. On the other hand, I was able to complete tasks that I was not allowed to complete as an individual. I was torn inside, but the prospect of being in company was very tempting.


“You don’t have to decide right away, Eliza. This will definitely come as a surprise to you. But we would be happy if you joined us.” <Lynn>


“Of course, definitely.” <Ken>


Ronnen just nodded shyly. Then Sana came back and handed me a white card in the shape of a bank card. On this card was my name, my class, my rank, and the city of Tyros. Plus a sign from the Adventurers Guild.


“This is your license. Don't lose it. You have to pay a fee for a replacement. You can only get the replacement here in Tyros at the moment. Only when you have reached rank D you can get a new card issued at any branch. I'll now explain to you what rules you have to follow and how you can rise in rank.


There on the right wall you can see the quests that are currently open. You are allowed to accept quests that are up to one rank above you. Some of the quests are restricted to groups and you are not allowed to take them on as an individual. Once you have successfully completed 10 quests, you will advance to rank D. If you don't complete a quest, there are no consequences, at least at rank E. From rank D onwards, you pay a penalty if you don't complete a quest. If you don't complete a quest for half a year, you will be set to inactive. The license expires after another six months. From rank D onwards, a license is valid for life. However, I would advise against trying to reach D rank too quickly by taking on every possible quest. A license can be renewed, but a life cannot. So be careful, especially at the beginning. Do you understand everything so far?” <Sana>


“Yes, thank you.” <Eliza>


"As you can see on that wall over there, there's something that looks like a mirror hanging there. This is an artifact that you can use to display your own status. Only a few people have the skill appraisal and so they usually don't know what their level or characteristics ​​are. Only with the improved class you can learn a skill that makes this possible. These are appraisal and self-appraisal. While the former can view the status of other people, self-appraisal is only for yourself. However, the last one is a minor skill and therefore significantly cheaper to improve. Each branch of the guild has a corresponding artifact and can be used for free. It is very popular with young adventurers and you should also use it extensively.” <Sana>


"We'll do it, Sana. Now we'll see what kind of quests there are avaiable.” <Lynn> 


Together we said goodbye to the receptionist and turned to the posters with the Quesrs.