Chapter 39: In Front Of The Dungeon
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POV Eliza


The last job as a kitchen helper was very lucrative, but I also had to survive some critical situations. The job took so long that I even had to redo my transformation twice. I was always able to take a short break with the excuse of having to go to the bathroom. What I didn't expect was that I even had to refill the food at the end. It was only then that I realized that the special guests of the evening were the four idiots, I mean of course the four heroes. Unfortunately, of all people, the blonde handsome boy had to discover me. That annoying grin still disgusted me. Luckily I was in the middle of work and was able to get away from him before he could make a move. In retrospect, I assumed that he wouldn't have been interested in a kitchen helper anyway. At least I had earned enough money to live comfortably for a few days and I had made a good impression, thanks to my good cooking skills.


I also found out that the heroes wanted to go into the dungeon. My motivation didn't really increase to be able to meet them there, but I have to go there to improve. At least it gave me a chance to monitor their progress. But I should be careful not to enter the dungeon until after them. But I could only do that when I was exploring solo. I had to come up with an excuse why I couldn't go into the dungeon with my three friends, as I now referred to them as that. But I already have an idea. The next morning I met the three of them at breakfast. I was last as I had been working late into the night. I was greeted warmly by them.


“Good morning, Eliza. How was your assignment yesterday? Did it take so long that you couldn’t come to eat?” <Lynn>


“More importantly, are you coming with us into the dungeon now?” <Ken>


“Good morning and one thing at a time. I completed my last missions, making me rank E. And the second one lasted until late into the night. That meant I couldn’t be at dinner on time.” <Eliza>


“Did something go wrong?” Lynn, worry in her voice


“No, everything went well. I helped out in the kitchen at a party in the Golden Pavilion and the party lasted longer. But I was paid per hour and made a lot of money from it. This means I can now stock up on my equipment.” <Eliza>


“I'm glad nothing happened to you. Does that mean you’re not coming with us yet?” <Lynn>


"No, unfortunately not. Give me a few more days, then I can catch up with you in the level. You should be far ahead of me in your combat experience. What level are you actually at?” <Eliza>


“I'm already level 4, aren't I?” <Ken>


“We are all Level 4, not just you, Ken. Don’t show off like that.” <Lynn>


They were only level 4? How could that be? Was my bonus to gaining EXP so great that I was already at a significantly higher level without ever having been in the dungeon?


“You are annoying, Lynn. Aren’t you proud of that?” <Ken>


"That's not what it is about. Not that you're scaring Eliza away because she's still new." <Lynn>


“Don’t worry, Lynn, he won’t scare me off with that. If so, I will resolve to improve further.” <Eliza>


“Your attitude is very sensible. I wish all of us were like that.” <Lynn>


"Do you mean me? Don’t make me look so bad in front of Eliza.” <Ken>


“I’m not making you feel bad, you are doing it all on your own.” <Lynn>


“That’s not true.” <Ken>


“Hehe. You are funny. All joking aside, you should be a little more careful in the dungeon soon. You’ll have tough competitors.” <Eliza>


“By who, Eliza?” <Lynn>


“Have you heard that the heroes are in town? You are here to train in the dungeon. I heard that yesterday at the party.” <Eliza>


“The heroes are here? Real? Awesome, I hope I get to meet them.” <Ken>


“Don’t get your hopes up too high. They will look down on you and, at best, ignore you.” <Eliza>


“It sounds like you’ve already had experience with them. Have you ever met them?” <Lynn>


“Um, I heard a lot at the party yesterday. They are the hope of the empire and are praised accordingly. We, as simple adventurers, are in a completely different league.” <Eliza>


“You’ll be right. Did you hear that, Ken?” <Lynn>


“I won’t let that deter me. I still want to be a hero.” <Ken>


“I hope for your sake you won’t be disappointed.” <Eliza>


We agreed to meet again in the evening. Then the three made their way to the dungeon. I waited a few minutes and then followed them discreetly. I want to train my magic on the slimes while the others went to the beetles. On the way to the city gate I saw a large crowd of people in front of me. I learned that the heroes were just leaving the city for the dungeon, but since they were on horseback, they will be much faster. I followed them on foot. After two hours I arrived at the dungeon entrance. It was an archway behind which it was dark. The entrance was clearly imbued with magic. Before me, another group of 4 members had just entered the dungeon. From the looks and age of them, they were more experienced than me. Since they didn't turn on a torch, I didn't turn one on either. Shortly behind them I entered a dungeon for the first time.