Chapter 42: A Scout For The Heroes
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POV Eleonore


I had very mixed feelings about the plan to find a scout for our group. In principle I supported the search. Someone who could protect us from traps and warn us of dangers in good time would helped us enormously. The injury Ansgar had received from the chest trap had been serious, even if it had healed without any problems. A trap disarmer would have saved us from this. What I had a problem with was finding a female scout. According to Cornelius' statements, he is primarily looking for a girl who fits into his prey pattern. I didn't want him to form a harem. Was I not good enough for him? Unfortunately, he had already found some girls who would join him. He was handsome and he was a hero. Understandably, he was handsome and also very charming. But I didn't have to like it and I'll try to prevent a female scout.



POV Javier


Finding a person who could warn us of danger and disarm traps was a clever move. We definitely had some weaknesses in this area and none of our classes would ever be able to disarm or find traps effectively. I knew from our instructors that there would be a spell in Expert Rank Wind Magic that would allow me to move objects, called telekinesis. I was told I could also activate traps with this. The downside was that I was definitely triggering her. Depending on the trap, the chest could explode, fill the air with a cloud of poison, or create a bright flash of light that blinded everyone in the area. Nothing I wanted to be around. That's why I supported Cornelius and I knew that Ansgar was also in favor of it. Now we just had to figure out who exactly we were looking for and, most importantly, where we should be looking. For this purpose, the four of us sat at a table and discussed.


“Hmmm, let’s make a list of skills the person should have. We need to discover and disarm traps and detect dangers. So far correct?” <Javier>


“I want a cute, pretty girl.” <Cornelius>


"Forget it. What does gender have to do with abilities?” <Eleonore>


“I just don’t want an old fart as a companion.” <Cornelius>


“Then why does it have to be a girl?” <Eleonore>


“Why not?” <Cornelius>


“Now come to an agreement. Doesn't gender really matter? The main thing is that I don't get another explosion in the face. That hurt.” <Ansgar>


“Hmm, but I have a different opinion about age. Wouldn't a veteran be better? If he is given to us by the Empire, he will be loyal and experienced.” <Javier>


"Do you really want that? There is a good chance that he will then be a spy for the emperor and will restrict our freedom. I know we'll have to fight the other champions at some point, but until then I want to have as much fun as possible. I don’t need a minder for that.” <Cornelius>


“Hmm, the argument is valid. So rather someone we can still shape and influence. To achieve this, we should throw everything into the balance that we can offer in terms of advantages.” <Javier>


“And that would be?” <Eleonore>


“Hmm, we are the heroes, we are envoys of the Emperor, we offer an exciting job, financial support and much more. In fact, it would be best if we found someone who would stay with us until the end. And Cornelius.” <Javier>


“Yes?” <Cornelius>


“We don’t need a submissive bed bunny loyal to you. We will soon face greater dangers and someone who can think for themselves and look after themselves would be much more suitable. If he or she belongs to your harem, that doesn’t bother me.” <Javier>


"I can live with that. What do the others say?” <Cornelius>


“Let’s just wait and see, if we get anything at all. Maybe they'll flee the first fight or steal our money. I can do without that.” <Ansgar>


“Hmm, good point. Anything else?” <Javier>


“No mercenaries. I insist, they are beneath me. Then I'd rather go without it. And with adventurers, I don’t know how strong their mercenary mentality is. I would prefer if we can find someone other.” <Cornelius>


“Then it becomes much more difficult to find someone. But I don't trust them either. Let's summarize. Class scout or similar, can defend yourself, gender doesn't matter, but preferably female, young, not a mercenary, not an empirial soldier. Did I forget something?” <Javier>


“No, I think that was it. We will find someone, even if we have to look longer. If this person is to be part of our group in the long term, it has to be the right one. We can also find temporary solutions for the dungeon. How do we search?” <Cornelius>


“With notices and criers I suggest. In addition to Tyros, we should also expand our search to Lightburgh. There are still about 3 months until winter. During that time we'll see if we can find someone here and in the winter we'll cast the candidates in the capital." <Javier>


"Sounds good. Objections?” <Cornelius>


None of us objected. So the plan was put into action.