Chapter 44: Young Wolves
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Todays chapter is a little shorter, but the next one will be longer.


POV Eliza


“If we start as a party now, we need a name. It doesn’t work without it.” <Ken>


“A name?” <Eliza>


“Every party has a cool name. There is the Blood Red Lions, a party with C-rank adventurers. They are currently the highest ranking in Tyros.” <Ken>


“I have to agree with you, Ken. A name would be good. This is a good sign of our new bond.” <Lynn>


We discussed for a while and various ideas came to the table. It couldn't be anything too grandiose because we didn't want to appear arrogant. But we wanted to stand out from the others newbies, so everything with red in their name was out. It was amazing how many parties had red or a similar color in their name. On the other hand, we didn't want to be underestimated, so it had to be a dangerous animal.


“How about wolf? Definitely dangerous and widely known.” <Eliza>


"Wolf? Yes, that sounds great. I’m all for it.” <Ken>


Lynn and Ronnen also gave their consent. All that was left was the nickname.


“Black is too dark, gray sounds old and white is boring. How about something else instead of a colour? How about Young Wolves? We are young and aspiring.” <Lynn>


“Yes, I’m for that too. That sounds cool. What do you think?” <Ken>


Ronnen nodded and I also agreed. Young wolves? Dynamic, motivated, but humble enough. I could live well with that. We all went to the guild afterwards and talked to Sana.


“Hello, Sana. We want to announce the formation of a party.” <Lynn>


"Very good. Does it consist of four of you? What do you call yourselves?” <Sana>


“We are the Young Wolves. Cool, right?” <Ken>


“I’ll put the name down. Good luck to you all.” <Sana>


"Thanks." <Lynn>


After entering the name in the guild list, we went to the dungeon. I was nervous because it was my first time acting in a group. I decided to hold back and just act as support for now. My level was clearly above the others. A difference of 11 levels was a very big difference at any time. Since we were all now at rank D, we dared to go straight to floor 4. Floor 4 was a wide plain with less groups of trees and more hills. There were goblins here. As a scout, I offered to form the vanguard. With my sense skills I was best suited to this and was also able to get around other adventurers. We walked for a few minutes until I felt several presences.


“There are three creatures behind the next hilltop. I'm assuming they're goblins." <Eliza>


“Okay, this is getting serious. We proceed as we discussed. Ronnen, you go first. Eliza and I stand on your flanks, she with her spear and I with my bow. Lynn, you stand at the rear.” <Ken>


We all nodded and Ronnen proceeded cautiously. Then we could hear guttural voices shouting something in a rough language I didn't recognize. Ronnen backed away and we let the goblins come to us. The goblins were just over 1 meter tall and humanoid. There bodies were quite thin with a big belly and a big head. Her ears were long and pointed, but different from mine. They carry jagged sabers or clubs with a nail through them. As soon as we saw them, Ken shot an arrow and I threw a throwing knife on the first. The second one received a fire arrow from Lynn. The goblins were hit, but not killed immediately. Ronnen struck down the first with a sword blow. Then Ken shot a second arrow and I stabbed the last goblin with my spear. Due to the surprise of the attack, the goblins had no chance and were defeated without injury to our side.


“That was pretty good. If we continue like this, we'll make good progress and won't even get hurt. Cool.” <Ken>


Our first battle as a new party had been successful. Things could continue like this.