Chapter 1: The Handsome Hero, Cornelius
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POV Cornelius


It's like a dream came true. I live a life like in one of my beloved role-playing games. I am the second son of Marquis Eben, a high noble in the Empire. My father is the Prime Minister and therefore the second most important man next to the Emperor. I have everything I could wish for. Pure luxury, influence, a harem full of beautiful women, adventure, my best friends. Well, definitely I will work towards fulfilling these goals. I don't have most of it yet. I'm only 5 years old, so I can't expect that much. Except the luxury, which I already have. If I want something, then I get it. And I want to go out into the world and show it what I'm capable of. My name will be remembered and forever known how great I am!


My memories only started a few weeks ago, on the day of my 5th birthday. The day is an important day in the Empire, as the Ceremony of Knowledge takes place on this day. The five-year-olds go to the local church and get their first glimpse of their own status. It also reveals which form of magic you have a natural affinity for. The ceremony is held once a quarter and everyone who has turned five since the last ceremony takes part. Since I'm the only one of the nobility who's turning five this quarter, I'm getting my private ceremony. That's right, because it underlines how important I am.


Shortly before I enter the cathedral, I am slightly worried everything was happened as promised to me. Whether I get everything I chose and the advantages I chose when generating them actually appear in my status. It was a strange situation back then when I met the god Lumos. He told me that I had died, but he could give me a new life. I just have to fulfill one task for him in this world and otherwise I can do whatever I like. What he then told me sounded too fantastic to be true. I will be born as a hero into a world full of magic and swords, where there are also races such as elves, dwarves and demons. I can even choose which abilities ​​I will receive. The only requirement is that I have to be human. For this I will be a hero of humankind. I will also get three other reincarnated persons at my side who were my best friends in my old life.


My task involves killing several specific other people who are reincarnated into this world by another deity. This other deity is called Luna and is the goddess of the moon and the night. Since he himself is the god of the sun, he must bring light into the darkness. In addition, my opponents will be of a different race than humans. After he told me that humans are the predominant races in this world, I immediately agreed. I become a hero and fight against demons alongside my friends. This will be the birth of a new hero tale and I will prove myself worthy of it. After all, I have a lot of knowledge about role-playing games and how to use it.


In the cathedral I am then examined with a magical ability called Analysis. My status looks like this:


Name: Cornelius

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: None

Age: 5

Level: 0

EXP: 0

DevP: 0 (development points)

HP: 10 (health points)

SP: 10 (stamina points)

MP: 0 (mana points)

Strength: 15

Endurance: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 5

Charisma: 15

Intuition: 5


Skills: Appraisal 0/10000, Limit Break 0/10000

Unique Abilities: Handsome, Born Leader, High Nobility

Title: Hero, Reincarnate, Blessed by Lumos, Cursed by Luna


Great, looks like I've been granted everything. Handsome was a must have, Born Leader grants me great advantages when dealing with subordinates, and High Nobility gives me access to the best possible equipment available in the Human Empire. Plus an ability that grants me a significant boost to my properties during activation. The only thing that's stupid is the damed curse that lies on me, but that was to be expected. I also received a blessing in return that makes up for it. You can build on that. Now I have to find my friends somehow and then the adventure can really begin.