Part 2
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“Just sign your name here… Great! Your status plate is all set. Thank you again for registering with the Adventurer’s Guild!” said the cheery receptionist girl. I look down at the plate, and slowly, black characters start appearing over the translucent, glass-like card. It seems very fragile, but when I asked about it, it could supposedly withstand “the weight of a horse.” The cards were enchanted with magic as to read a person’s body and verify their identity, much like a passport or driver’s license. Unexpectedly, there is no concept of  “stats” here.


“If you look to the wall to your left, there are quests posted on Board. Completing quests raises your ranking within the Guild, which raises your monthly salary and verification to partake on higher-ranked quests. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.” Ah, yes, there is something… 


“Do you know what kind of relation the East has with music?” I hope that was clear enough… “Or like, what is Eastward from here?”


“Well… You’d find the Laurdian Plains,” Ah, so that’s where I woke up, “Past the plains is the Great River, and surrounding the East Bay is the Elven Village. Any further East is just ocean. And if you’re looking for music, it’d probably have to be the Elves; they’re quite renown for their amazing instruments and beautiful melodies. If you’re thinking of heading there, you could always take up some quests that are en route, then submit them at the Guild in the Elven Village.” That sounds like a plan. Maybe I’ll ask Corinthia about the Village too. 


I say a quick thanks, then head to the Quest Board. Wait, hold on… 


I don’t have any combat abilities. I’m just an ordinary guy from Earth, brought here by a whimsical God. At least in some novels the main character has some gift provided, or in some other ones where they’re O.P. as heck. Where’s my strong abilities? 


Here I am, standing in front of the Quest Board, without any sliver of adventuring skills. Technically, I don’t need to take a quest to go to Elven Village, but I’d like to make some cash since I would be taking off from the pub. Also, there’s no telling what kind of dangers might be prevalent on the way. I ain’t dying in this fantasy world yet.


I know I don’t have much of an aptitude for any physical work; I’ve tried gaining muscle at the gym, and I do, but it takes way too long. Not to mention I don’t have much muscle on me at the moment anyway. What’s the next plan?.. 


… The receptionist said the ID cards are enchanted with magic, right? Maybe I could look into learning magic. I can see it now… 


My glorious figure, standing alone in the flat, green plains. 


Over the horizon, hoards of monsters approach. 


I flash a slight grin from under my magician’s hat. 


With a few words, flames are summoned from the great beyond, saving the city!


… or not. It’d be cool though, hopefully not as cringe. 


Where would I learn magic? Is there a sort of school for it? I hope it’s nothing that costs a lot or requires years of training, but I suppose that might be too much to ask for. Maybe I’ll do some independent research in some sort of library in town, if there is one. For now, I want to look around town a bit more. 


I look up at the clock over the Guild main entrance; it’s only 9:30. I have quite a bit of leisure time until lunch. 


I walk out of the building and proceed towards the north side of town. Out from the central square, as I keep walking, the town surroundings begin to shift slightly. 


The streets become increasingly wider with even more offshoots to the sides. The almost plain-looking wooden and stone buildings become more and more colorful. Beautiful foliage-decorated terices line the taller residential buildings, while bright banners, flags, and awnings line the street sides. As I walk further into this district, the ambient sound of a large gathering begins to fill my ears. People arguing, bargoning, and yelling are all melting into a pot of noise. Street vendors fill the streets calling out to any potential customers. Various wares are on display, everything from forks and spoons to elaborate swords and dazzling staves. Not just humans; elves, dwarves, beastials, golems, sprites, elementals, you name it, they were all around.


It seems like more the popular and well-received producers got expensive spots on the main street, while beginners and shady practices were forced onto the alleyways. Although, that isn’t to say the alleys were anything less ambient. Bright light-producing plants were hung from the scaffolding, as it was difficult for the sun to reach between the taller high-rises. All kinds of plants grew on the walls ranging from all natures of colors, some even color-changing.


Among the scaffolding were what seemed like tiny pathways, probably for some of the smaller bestials or sprites. One could spot harpies flying overhead as well as the tail of a snake bestial slithering along the cobblestone-paved path. Occasionally I’d have to step to the side to make way for a golem to pass by, usually in the alleyways. I almost hit my head on one of the levitating advertisements (that particular one was for concussions, ironic, or perhaps intentional). 


Amongst all the excitement and scenery, something in particular piqued my interest. I didn’t notice initially, with all the people yelling and talking. But once I heard it, I couldn’t ignore it.


The music of another world.


Instantly, I could tell it was otherworldly. The melodies and scales I was used to, this music was nothing like that. It flowed through the crowd like water coursing around the rocks of a river. Though it is nowhere near as complex as something as a sonata or concerto solo-part, it exudes the emotions of the musician instantly. At that moment, my being became one with the vibrations that filled the air. Long notes combined with simple harmonies brought to life the patience of the song. Then suddenly, faster and shorter notes brought about a burning desire of the musician. I am taken on a trip through the grass-laden plains then, without warning, dropped into the free ocean waves torrented by the storm.


I believe there is no instrument that I know of that could ever recreate the touching of soul quite like this. It held the grace of a violin, the depth of a tuba, the fluttering of a flute, and the tranquility of an oboe. The sound simultaneously cut through the air and floated upon it. 


As I listen, I feel myself drawn to the source. Weaving through the crowds, avoiding others all the while engraving every note of this song to my mind. What exactly the song was about, I cannot say, but the feelings, the depth of this person’s passion was certainly transmitted.


I make my way through the bustling commercial district, hoping to trace down the source of this musician. I can tell my time is running out. 


I begin to jog. The melody climbs towards its climax. I think the music is coming from further north. My jog begins to become a sprint. 


The song is approaching its finale. The multicolored buildings and crowds pass by. I look down every alleyway and every corner. Sweat drips down my face. I can feel my chest heaving. My breathing becomes increasingly raggèd. 


The final notes linger in the wind, leaving an impression of water within my palms. I can still remember, feel, the music, yet nothing can be done as it all trickles out. Once again, all I can hear is the bustling crowd around me. As I stand alone in the middle of the commercial district I am left with nothing but the remnants of the melody that escaped me and a thirsty throat. 




I now find myself sitting in a very cute animal cafè in the heart of the commercial district. I am sitting at a window seat with a fluffy white cat in my lap. Bright sunshine radiates through the window panes and onto the wooden planted table. It seems all the furniture in this cafè was grown by the forest sprites that run the place. Like the table, the chairs are grown out of the ground, and the ground is paved over with flattened tree roots. Though the chairs are attached to the ground, they are simple to move like any other chair. The roots are flexible enough to accomodate most guests, save for some of the larger ones.


The cat purrs softly as I pet it. Its fur is super soft and fluffy, almost like a warm pillow. As I sit here looking out the window, I can’t help but recall that fleeting song. For what did they play for, and possibly, for whom? I wish I could hear it again. The wonderful entrance, the exciting climax, and the calming resolution all tied together in one sweet package. Maybe I could find out more at the elves vil-


“Here is your order sir; an aloe sweet tea.” With a satisfying clink the waitress placed the glass on the wooden table.


“Ah, thank you.” Now where was I? I think the elves might have some magic to decipher the melo-


“Um, excuse me, sir, but I can’t help but notice the song you’re humming.” I was humming it? Her face, featuring a few feathers around her cheeks, lit up with anticipation. “That’s A Mermaid’s Reverie, isn’t it?” I quite literally jump out from my seat. Sorry little cat.


“Is that what it’s called?!” Her feathered eyebrows narrowed. Now it was the waitress’s turn to look confused. 


“Yes? It’s quite the famous song around here. The sweet dream of a mermaid wishing to be married to the elf of her life.” She raised both her claw-like hands to her chest as if in prayer. “They eventually marry on the beach front to the west.” 


Now the music makes much more sense. The musician truly put a lot of work into that performance. 


“I just heard it in the streets before coming here. Do you happen to know who the musician might be?”


“Sorry, there are quite a lot of performers around here; I couldn’t tell you which specific one it was.” 


“No problem. Thank you again. Well then…” I grabbed my tea and handed her some bronze coins. “I’ll have to take my leave. Please keep the change.”


Maybe, just maybe, if I can learn this song I’ll meet that musician once again. I have nothing else to do currently, and I sure ain’t getting to the elves village any time soon. Time to start practicing again. But first I’ll need some sheet music and an instrument.


Let’s take a trip to the library. Or the closest thing to one in this world.