Sha Naqba Imuru.
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Sha Naqba Imuru.

“In the land of Uruk, far and wide,

There lived a king of untamed might.

Having conquered all of the world's sight,

He sat on a throne laved in golden light."

“The depths of his greatness were so vast,

Even the Earthly Gods were struck aghast,

Yet they treated him like a fool; an outcast,

For they were too frightened to endure his wrath"

“Imperfect creations of the Almighty,

Humans were never meant to have this potency.

Yet on the bank of the river Euphrates,

They built a civilization of Ephialtes.

Full of order and justice,

It was possible only due to his service."

“A man of passion, he was vehement,

Unable to quench his thirst, he held resentment.

Having a yearning for pleasure, his soul compelled

On the soils of mongrels, he never dwelled."

“Many kings and knights alike have come,

Wishing to steal what Uruk had become.

Yet the prowess of the warrior was so strong,

He would never allow perseverance of any such wrong."

“He is the only one with the power to ignite flames using words,

For he has the mastery over magic from all three worlds."


“Is what he was called,

As hero, champion he was reckoned."

“Having his name carved into history with letters bold,

He was the Apostle against deities that even destiny couldn't mold."

“Stronger than Enlil and devoid of meaning,

The son of the lady of the wild cows grinning, he is the one with whom one does pleading,

For he is the one who humans are preaching."

“A menace of terror and beacon of prosperity,

He was the subject Gods chose to showcase their insanity."

“For the corrupt Gods had reigned atrocities on their subjects for far too long,

All they wanted from their creations was praise in the form of hymns and songs."

“Yet he denied them ardently with his perturbation,

Rescuing masses from the cruel Gods' trepidation."

“This enraged Gods seeing mortals rebel,

They declared Gilgamesh the manifestation of devil,

And hence hatched a scheme to strip him of his validity,

Using all the tools that they had in their inventory."

“But nothing could stop him, for his was the One True King."

“He is set for a quest of meaning,

Life and death and war and love

Nothing can conquer the zeal of conquest."

“The only gazer of the void and wisher of eternity, even the abyss averts its gaze when Gilgamesh glares in its caves."

All he yearns for is to stop this bitter resentment.

This is his epic, The Epic of Gilgamesh.