Vice Versa
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As the ominous force pulled her downward, a girl figure descended from the sky, her voice slicing through the air. "HARUTO!" she shouted, her tone carrying an extreme boyish mannerism. The dark abyss swallowed her, and before she could plummet to the ground, a boy rushed to intervene.

In a desperate attempt to catch her, the boy extended his arms, but his strength proved insufficient. Both the boy and the girl tumbled to the ground, landing ungracefully on their bums. Amidst the chaos, the girl remained oblivious to the boy's efforts, still caught in the throes of her own distress.

The descent had taken its toll on her, as she crashed through the dense canopy of trees in the forest she ended in. Luckily, the branches softened the impact, preventing a more disastrous outcome. Despite the buffer provided by the foliage, the girl couldn't escape unscathed, her body bearing the marks of her tumultuous fall. The branches, though they lessened the blow, left her with visible signs of injury.

Shaking off the disorientation, the distressed girl gingerly pulled herself away from the boy. A mix of frustration and pain contorted her features as she punched the muddy ground beside her. "Haruta, that idiot! What was he thinking?" she muttered in a soft voice, her exasperation tinged with concern.

Her surroundings seemed unfamiliar, and panic flickered in her eyes. She scanned the area, her mind racing with uncertainty. "Wait, where am I?" she questioned herself, her fear palpable.

Noticing the boy nearby, though unable to see his face clearly, she instinctively retreated behind a nearby tree, shielding herself. Fear etched across her face, she demanded answers from the boy. "Who are you? State your demand!" she declared, her voice a mix of trepidation and assertiveness.

The boy, still trying to make sense of the situation, recognized her voice. "You!? Is this you?" he responded, his tone carrying a blend of surprise and realization. 

"For now, let's go somewhere else; it's not safe here," the boy suggested, his soft manner imbued with politeness and a familiarity that put the girl at ease. Despite the strangeness of their situation, his presence exuded a sense of reassurance that prevented the girl from panicking.

As an invitation to venture into the unknown, the boy extended his hand toward the girl, who remained concealed behind the tree. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating her options, and then cautiously accepted his offer. Taking his hand, she stepped out from behind the tree.

"You must have just arrived here just now. What do you have on you? Do you have any electronics? Make sure to turn them off; you won't be able to charge them in here," the boy advised, his concern evident in his soft-spoken words. Despite the unsettling circumstances, he maintained a calm demeanor.

The girl responded, "I only have my phone on me." She reached into her pocket to retrieve it, but to her surprise, the familiar rectangular shape was absent. Instead, her hand closed around something unexpected – a hard candy, strawberry-flavored. The discrepancy momentarily puzzled her, but there was a more pressing realization awaiting her.

Looking down, she finally noticed her attire. Her eyes widened in shock as she observed that she was now wearing a skirt.

Startled by the unexpected about her clothing, the girl instinctively pulled her hands down to check for her men's jewelry. Before she could confirm, she received a warm slap from the boy. His shout cut through the air, "DAIKI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

The force of the slap caused the scarf covering the boy's face to loosen, revealing a glimpse of his neck. The girl, already in a state of shock, stared in disbelief as the scarf slipped down, exposing the face beneath.

As the scarf revealed more of the boy's face, the girl recoiled and curled into a ball position. Her mind, struggling to process the surreal turn of events, couldn't reconcile the incongruities before her. Muttering to herself, she desperately tried to grasp onto a semblance of reality. "Wake up, it's just a dream. Wake up; it's just a dream," she repeated, seeking solace in the hope that this bewildering encounter might dissolve into the fabric of her subconscious.

The boy took a deep breath, exhaling a sigh as he composed himself. "Daiki, stand up; it's not safe here. Let's go to my hideout; I'll tell you everything I know," he urged, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and reassurance.

Though still in shock, the girl, now identified as Daiki, found a glimmer of trust in the familiarity of her own name and the face she now recognized as her own. The surreal realization settled in as she slowly uncurled herself, nodding in silent agreement. Despite the lingering confusion, she decided to follow the boy.

Daiki walked silently behind the boy, lost in her thoughts, before abruptly breaking the silence. "So, are we in a different world?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. Drawing closer, she grinned mischievously at the boy before bombarding him with more questions. "Do we have cheat skills? What's your cheat skill?"

With a swift move, she jumped to the other side of the boy, maintaining her playful grin. "Why do you look like me? Can I get a mirror? I want to see myself. Am I a girl now?" Her thoughts tumbled out loud as she stood for a moment, placing a finger on her lips. "How long would this dream last? I should check this body throughout." referring to the body she was wearing at that moment :3

The boy halted abruptly, turning to face Daiki with a stern expression. "If you dare do anything to my body, you will die before you see the light out of this forest," he warned. Daiki, though still grinning, registered the seriousness in the boy's tone.

Daiki, grinning to herself, called out to the boy, asking him to wait as they continued their journey. "Can you tell me what's going on now? Looks like it'll take some time to get out of here," she inquired, her thoughts swaying between the peculiar reality and the comforting notion that this might be a dream.

The boy, glancing at her uniform, explained, "Looking at your uniform, you just fell into the teleportation formation before we met. You probably only have candy on you." Despite the boy's serious tone, Daiki continued to smile, finding solace in the whimsical nature of her own imaginings.

"This dream is playing right into my fantasy alley," she thought, her grin persisting. However, the boy interrupted her musings, cautioning, "Brush this grin off your face. Whatever you're thinking, this is not it."

Undeterred, Daiki drew an even bigger smile on her face and replied, "Yeah, yeah!" Before she could say anything else, the boy took her hand, pulling her behind a tree, urging her to hush. In a hushed tone, he whispered, "Something is coming; don't say anything." The mysterious tension in the air prompted them to conceal themselves.

Feeling the pressure of the boy's grip on her hand, Daiki attempted to pull away. As she began to speak in a hushed voice, "Boy, when was the last time you took a shower, you smell like a rotto," the boy swiftly silenced her by placing his hand over her mouth and gently pushing her back against the tree.

In the muted atmosphere, the boy gestured for her to remain quiet, his eyes alert to the approaching presence.

Ignoring the boy's attempt to shield her from the impending presence, Daiki tried to turn her head for a glimpse of what lay beyond. In the process, she caught sight of the boy's somewhat freaked-out expression, convincing her that she needed to see for herself.

As she shifted her gaze, her eyes widened at the sight of a black veil suspended mid-air between the forest trees. The veil bore multiple white faces, resembling masks, each painted with distinct and vivid emotions. Captivated by the eerie display, Daiki couldn't help but feel a shiver running down her spine

In shock, Daiki tightened up as she observed the ghostly figure passing on the other side of the tree. As the apparition moved further away, the boy released his grip on Daiki's mouth. The moment he let go, she dropped to her knees, still reeling from the encounter. Her eyes welled up with tears as she tried to make sense of the surreal situation. "Daiki, it's a dream; you will wake up soon," she murmured to herself in an attempt to find comfort.

The boy took a deep breath before responding, "I have been here for 1i days now; it's real enough."

Daiki tried to brush it off with forced laughter. "Ha Ha Ha, yeah sure, and next, I know it you will be Haruto," she said, attempting to mask her discomfort with humor.

However, the boy, visibly agitated by her dismissive response, took Daiki by her underarms. He firmly pressed her back against the tree, placing one hand on the left side of her face. Drawing his face closer to hers, he locked eyes with her and said, "Daiki, this is not the time or place to talk. Do you want to see another one of those ghostly things?"

His stern expression and the intensity in his gaze conveyed the the situation, compelling Daiki to reconsider her nonchalant attitude in the face of the mysterious and potentially dangerous entities lurking in this forest.

Daiki nodded, now realizing its somewhat not a dream as the boy reaffirmed the reality of their surroundings. He pulled her along to walk beside him, beginning to share what little he knew of this mysterious place.

"I don't know much, but let's start with what I know of this place," the boy began. As Daiki tried to process the information, she pulled her hands away from him, prompting him to stress the importance of staying close. "This forest is a dead one; you won't find animals or fruits. If you want to eat, you have to consume whatever you can find. Luckily for us, there's still water."

Daiki, visibly shocked, replied, "You have not been eating for 11 days?!" The boy, maintaining his composure, responded, "No, I've been boiling the tree branches to soften them. That's the best you can get here."

The boy continued to share his knowledge, revealing more about the nature of their surroundings. "You will find a lot of creatures here; some of them can speak a manner of English, and some act like beasts. They are not animals, though. They don't leave flesh behind when they die; instead, they turn into a form of energy," he explained.

Daiki, still grappling with the situation, mumbled, "Ah, this is too extreme." The boy emphasized, "The monsters consume each other once they attack their prey. Watch out not to encounter any of them directly." Daiki, with a hint of understanding, remarked, "Ha, so they are creatures based on energy."

Continuing his explanation, "Lastly, we are not on Earth. The forest we are on is a floating platform, disconnected from any other land. There are a few floating around. I saw one close to this one with humans on it, but I couldn't make my way to it." Daiki, now hopeful, exclaimed, "There are humans here! Let's go to them now!"

However, the boy smacked Daiki on her head, saying, "I just said that I couldn't make it myself there!"