Volume 1 Chapter 8
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The little golems grazed in this forest. It was truly a wild place. There was quite a bit of wild monstrosity inhabiting it. 

I realized it was time to show who was in charge here. I didn't have any grand goals yet.

 I just wanted to see what would happen to me in this world. It was so interesting. I even enjoyed fighting, feeling the freedom of action where no one would judge you for your deeds.

 Until they noticed me, I dove down, and the skill [predatory bird flight] kicked in as my beak grazed the stone surface of one of the golems.

Little Golem:

[Level: 11]

[HP: 50/60]

[Energy: 20/20]

"Not much of a strong defense. Just need five more hits."

The problem was they had already noticed me. Well, they moved like crap, very slowly.

"So, what skills do they have?"

Evolution Path: Monster.

Stats: Strength: 17, Intelligence: 2, Defense: 20, Agility: 5, Endurance: 10, Wisdom: 1.

Titles: [Magical Element 1.lvl].

Skills: [Heavy Strike 3.lvl], [Stone Throw 2.lvl], [Earthquake 2.lvl], [Tough Skin 1.lvl], [Earth Shot 2.lvl].

Some of the golem's skills were stronger, meaning they also reduced some to become stronger. However, they were very stupid. 

They understood nothing, just like little children. The little golem picked up a stone and threw it in my direction. I quickly dodged the flying boulder.

My speed had indeed increased, and the characteristics so strongly enhanced current feelings that I even felt a bit sorry for the golems. 

These creatures had great defense and strength, but they were lacking in other areas. Their speed was weak, and their intellect undeveloped. 

There was something new in their skills, and I was curious. I decided to summon a Gorgon, reading through each skill.

[Magical Element - a type of title for elementals, the title increases earth magic proficiency by 5%].

[Heavy Strike - deals twice as much damage as a normal strike.] 

[Stone Throw - ability to lift and throw boulders very far.] 

[Earthquake - ability to cause a slight tremor in the ground, creating sharp spikes.] 

[Earth Shot - the golem releases a sticky earth substance from its mouth.]

"All right," 

I thought, finding myself behind the golem and striking it with my wing, leaving a gash. 

I also noticed that my wings could create sparks during such rapid attacks. My speed affected even my feathers.

 They were so thin they could cut a human's throat in an instant. The golem's health was at 45 points, and I had a little left to earn the next experience points. 

Another golem wasn't standing still; it was trying to catch me with its claws, but it was to no avail. They were very slow; their speed just needed development.

I gazed at the second golem. The first threw a stone at me, and I simply fell to the ground, losing a bit of life. 

"Damn it!" 

I thought, holding my head.

 [HP: 29/40]. 

This boulder took half my life. I didn't even think it would hit me.

I instantly got up from the ground, feeling the stone hit close. A strong gust of wind rising under my wings helped me dodge the next golem's throw. 

But my energy began to drain rapidly, and I needed to act cautiously to avoid getting hit. 

Once again, I managed to evade the golem's swift maneuver, but my energy was rapidly depleting. After all, the skill [Silent Planning] was very fast precisely in flight. My energy was 37 out of 65.

As I noticed, energy was some kind of magical power that needed a lot to use any magical abilities.

 And for me, as an ordinary creature, even more so. The system said I needed at least 100 energy to use any magical skills. 

I strengthened my skin, crashing into the golem with all my might. I dealt damage to it, trying to avoid its attacks. Ha! I flipped it over, and it tried to get up, trembling like a turtle on wet ground. 


[HP: 19/45]. 

I needed a few more hits to kill this golem, but the second golem was hindering me, throwing sticky earth at me and distracting me.

 It slowed my movements and made it difficult to concentrate. However, I managed to maintain distance and avoid its attacks, relying on my speed and agility.

"Take that!"

I flew near the golem, leaving small cuts on its stone body. I decided to focus on attacking the first golem, using my fast and precise movements to strike it and avoid its counterattacks. My strategy proved effective. With each of my hits, the golem lost more health, and its attacks became weaker and slower.

"At last!"

In the end, I managed to deliver the decisive blow that shattered its stone body, and the golem collapsed to the ground, definitively defeated.


My weary eyes changed in the next moment. Monsters stronger than me by 2-3 levels were indeed very useful.

[Level increased!]

[+5 HP], [+5 Energy]

[Received 5 experience points!]

[Received 4 experience points for the kill!]

[Received 3 white runes!]

[Energy and health restored!]

[Golem Eye 1 pc.]

[Silent Planning increased to level 2!]

[Predatory Bird Flight increased to level 2!]


My eyes sparkled with such notifications; so much interesting stuff for just one kill. It meant I was slowly progressing and becoming stronger.

Now my attention should not be on system notifications, as I realized dodging another stone hand's attack. I struck the golem with my beak several times before it lost balance, falling onto its back.

Its stone hands slowly rose, ready to strike. I quickly jumped aside, avoiding its attack, and landed on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, I continued maneuvering through its hands. Every time it tried to grab me, I skillfully evaded and countered.


The golem tore a piece of earth with roots, hurling it toward me.

"Oh, come on..." — my smile turned into concern. The chunk of earth fell on me, causing a lot of damage. It infuriated me. 

My life dropped to the middle again. It was unbearable. I burst out of the wet earth, swallowing a bit. My reaction was excessive. I tried to clean my tongue with my wings, showing disgust with my eyes.

I was angry. It bothered me that I could be defeated by some stupid golem. My claws tightened around its head; I plunged my beak into its eye, tearing it out along with its appendages or whatever they had in their bodies.

— Roaaargh!

For the first time in a long while, this silent creature emitted some kind of loud roar. It writhed in pain, falling to the ground. Its second eye could sometimes emit light and then go out. Immobilized, the golem was defeated by me once again.

"Hehehe! I won!"

Exhaling with relief, I surveyed the surrounding landscape. The battle was tough, but I won. I fell into the mud with a smile on my face. The feeling of victory was simply indescribable. I just stared through the sky at the new notifications.

[Level increased!]

[+5 HP], [+5 MP]

[Received 4 experience points!]

[Received 5 experience points for the kill!]

[Received 3 white runes!]

[Golem Eye 1 pc.!]

[Received Echidna Key, item level: 10]

[You have reached the maximum level of this species!]

"Huh?" — I touched my beak in surprise. There were so many notifications before my eyes that I couldn't read them all at once.

I needed to scroll through all this in my head to see all these rewards. First, I dealt with my characteristics: [18 Points]. I had time to think about where to spend them. Eventually, I just spent most of the points on it.

Now my characteristics looked something like this, but a bit more solid:

Strength: 15

Intelligence: 12

Defense: 17

Agility: 31

Endurance: 46

[Received +15 to endurance, +15 to health x3]

Wisdom: 32

[Received +15 to wisdom]

Species: Crow

Level: MAX

Name: Kuroi

HP: 95/95

Energy: 75/75

Now my main characteristics looked like this, and my health had become much greater. My choice fell on endurance. Learning that it increased health, I began spending my points on health without hesitation.

The remaining points I threw into wisdom. To be honest, I spent them on some magical aspect.


It felt like I was just being deceived. Oh well, let's stop here, while I just go over my characteristics. So, there were a total of 13 white runes.

I immediately understood that it was some shady scheme. It was very difficult to get such stones. That's how I learned about my first difficulties.

I needed monsters much stronger and a place where I could kill as many of them as my soul desired.

[Golem Eye - a very rare magical ruby, a valuable item on the market. With two of these eyes, you can get a lot of money.]

[Real price: 15,000 Gil per 1 pc.]

"Wow! I must be rich?" I thought, as I didn't understand the price tags of this world at all. If this was enough to sell my own cottage, then I was in luck.

A wealthy 300-year-old man in his prime. There would be no limit to my deeds. Oh God, I feel like a greedy Gollum, I want more!

I pulled the key out of my mouth; it had engravings of various white eyes on it. The key itself was as dirty as an old bum, more like me. A black extraordinary key with such a strange engraving.

I repeated to myself again; it was so scary. It also had a description, but I wasn't ready to use it.

[Echidna Key - you can enter the dungeon from floors 1 to 10. By completing each floor, you can get something as a reward.]

"Alright, I think that's enough battle for today. Besides, I need to sleep..."

"Oh, this mortality."

With this thought, I sighed heavily, holding my head. It was indeed a wonderful reward, but I wasn't ready to use something so strange.

I liked the item. With the help of this key, I could possibly improve my skills, level up, and get some rewards that could be sold in some market.


"What now?"

Another notification appeared before my eyes. I held my wing near my beak, studying the next message.

[A new evolution is available to you!]

[Do you want to start evolution?]



I completely forgot about it. My level was already at its maximum. Do you understand what that means? I could evolve into a creature stronger than this little crow.

I perceived it as a divine gesture. Accepting the notification in front of my face, a multitude of other options appeared for me to choose from. These were evolutions of my species!

[Current: Crow]

[Choose the next evolution!]

[Raven 11-50 level]

[Description: Raven is your adult version. You will be much larger, your mind more balanced, and your flight smoother. However, among many bird enthusiasts, you are the most appetizing raven.]

[The following characteristics will be increased!]

[Intelligence +20]

[Agility +10]

[Red Raven 11-50 level]

[Description: Red ravens are very evil. They always move in flocks, attacking anyone near their nest. They respect the strong and do not perceive the weak.]

[Additional skill: Flame Shell]

[The following characteristics will be increased!]

[Strength +20]

[Defense +10]

[Magical Raven 11-50 level]

[Description: You are a large, intelligent, and very rare species of ravens. You are 25-33 cm. You are easily noticeable in open areas. Your species possesses magical abilities. Such ravens can be seen on Sider Island.]

[Wisdom +20]

[Intelligence +5]

[Defense +3]

[Additional skill: Raven's Will]

[Black Raven 11-50 level]

[Description: An older version of your species. You come from them. These ravens have powerful defense and endurance. They survive winters and heat for 150 years.]

[Defense +20]

[Endurance +10]

[Strength +3]

[Additional skill: Heat Absorption]


I swallowed hard several times; my eyes looked at the choices for my next evolutions. I felt the pounding of my heart, looking at each of these options.

 I needed to choose one, and it would be forever. I would have to go through another 50 levels with one of these species.

"I have to choose what I like the most..."

I swallowed the heavy lump of my saliva again, running my wing along the transparent window.