"I need you to understand I will not give you all your answers, if I did that you won't have the opportunity to grow. I will answer some that I acknowledge need actual answers, while others I will only give you information to help guide you to the answers you seek. Let's start with your mother and I, we are very old and have seen many things and experienced our fair share of hardships. When your mother got pregnant with you, she made the decision to slow down. She wanted to take the time and get to experience being a mother, spending time with you and making sure you were safe. Unfortunately, I didn't fight her on that, you made your mother so happy and I turned a blind eye to a lot of the coddling and spoiling. For that I am sorry in my part of not preparing you better to lead our people and for keeping you in the dark so to say." he pauses giving me time to absorb the information. I lean back in the chair I sit in and think over the information given, the logic made sense and I couldn't exactly blame them for wanting to enjoy parenthood. "That's understandable and I appreciate your efforts to make sure I grew up happy and loved. I can see where we all had faults in this, I should have started stepping up sooner and help with the responsibilities of leading our people." I say, as my father gives me a look of approval.
He nods his head at me "I'm so proud of you and the man you have become and are striving to be, I would like to know what your knowledge of dragon species is." he says. I think for a moment and do my best to remember everything I have learned from school and myth before replying "The first five were not children of Daria, they were a creation of The Universe or The Fates. Daria had fallen in love with one of the dragons and granted them the ability to shift into humans so that The Goddess could be with her fated. The others were also granted the ability and were meant to keep it secret, but it's hard to keep a dragon sized secret for long. The other gods and goddesses wanted to protect their creations, so some creatures were given the opportunity to shift. Eventually tensions and wars got bad, so Daria approached the first five and begged them for help to rule shifters and bring an era of peace. Not much is known about the one who disappeared into high mountainous regions for their form is so big they can cause storms, avalanches and other destruction with just a flap of their wings. One went to the ocean it said her form was more serpent than dragon, that she could fly through the air; but found that she was strongest and quickest in the water. She chose to stay in the ocean creating a kingdom in the deep dark depths of the ocean, she asked our grandfather to help create territories so that the oceans creatures had a safe place to raise their young. Then you have the one who thought it was all below them and preferred to be the dangerous, killing machines that are dragons; angered and seeing our shifting as a weakness she hid herself beneath the crust of the earth. They protect the core of the earth and use magma vents to move around, that is why they are described as walking fires, because when one comes to the surface, they are so hot they can cause volcanic eruptions and start forest fires if they don't cool down first. The last two were men and they fought for the love from The Goddess Daria and split their kingdoms in half creating the two kingdoms we have ruling our lands. The other dragon determined to win the affections from Daria turned to collecting and hoarding the rarest earth metals, gemstones and rock; it is said that because of his obsession it turned his and the dragons that followed him scales, the color of the earth's stones and metals. The last one you say is our grandfather he stayed and settled down with Daria ruling over the species and realms within our lands. From what you've told me and other legends that float around, our grandfather stayed long enough to produce a suitable heir for the kingdom before retiring with his love to The Kingdom of Gods." I finish and look at him.
He nods his head in consideration "I will give you an answer and a hint. Your Aunt Chelydra is part of the ocean kingdom, known as The Serpents of Tardigrade, Osiris grew up here do you remember that?" he asks. I take a moment to think that far back "Vaguely, he left before his first shift. We didn't see each other again until five years ago." I say and wait for him to continue "Your Aunt had figured out an oversight that I had missed and came to fill me in on a few things. She also mentioned hearing about the hybrid program, she asked me to keep Osiris here under the protection of your mother. I did my own recon and found out what she had said was true and that is when I met Rose. I didn't tell you because I didn't know until it was too late. Now for a hint the hybrid program wasn't the only information my lovely sister gave me, see we were always the best of friends growing up. The answers you seek can be found in The Kingdom of The Gliding Gemstones. Now a request for you from me, visit your mothers meadows and bring her home, without her I am not whole. When we have reunited, I shall return to my former magnificents. Tell Rylnn he owes me... and if you don't want her, please take Sammi back when you go visit. I don't need bad blood and Rose is a nightmare at her best a horror if you push her, and that thing is driving us both nuts." he says and gets up stretching.
"Hold on you're going to be all cryptic and then send me to do your errands?" I ask indignantly. My father bounces on the balls of his feet as he stretches "Oh come now son, I don't give errands. I give quests." with that he gives me a wink. He shifts before I can make any more comments and I watch as he disappears into a hole in a nearby wall. "Would you like me to get that information on a text file for you?" I jump and look over to see that Poppy is sitting at a desk, working on one of her metallic dragonflies. I walk over and peer over her shoulder this one isn't a dragonfly it looks like miniature versions of the helicopter that had chased us what felt like a lifetime ago. "They fire electrified prods that stick into the persons skin, upping the stakes for tomorrows hunt. I always loved technology you know, reading anything and everything I could get my hands on about tech. How it works, how to build it, how to manipulate it to serve you without issues. I would take every electronic, device and so on apart and put it back together, sometimes making it better. One day when I was young after taking apart one of my owners T. Vs to see how it worked, I found myself on the butcher's block. The General saved my life and put me to work making weapons of destruction, finding use in my curiosity. I started sneaking things and stealing from the dead to experiment on my own, I almost got caught but Rose saved my life. She sat me down and made me change, she helped me steal what I needed, and I stopped stealing from those who weren't in need anymore." she says nonchalantly.