*This chapter was written in The Generals Pov.*
I lean back in my office chair facing an open window wall overlooking a thriving city, the sky is starting to darken, and I can see the soft twinkle of lights flickering on. I tap my thumbs together, my hands intertwined in front of me as I ponder the events from the last couple of days and sigh. This world was just one big game and to win that game you needed the most control, understanding that those beneath you only serve to help you live luxuriously, everyone and everything else in between. Was waist to be dealt with. Did I have regrets? Yea everyone has regrets but I haven’t had one in a long time, not since I grew up and figured out how to play the game.
I watch as the last handful of dump trucks trudge tiredly by on the highway, carrying debris from the collapsed interstate tunnel. I swivel the chair around and face my desk, I let the chair tip back down, making me sit up straight. On top of my desk sat a phone, a binder laid open on top of my closed laptop, and surrounding the binder and laptop were news articles. Should I be regretful? Disappointed even? Any sane person would, I feel a smile creep its way onto my face. But why would I regret the chaos of my own creation?
I pick up an article with the headline “Dragons Attack Civilians Unprovoked?” I laugh at the stupidity of the common man. This was nothing more than an inconvenient tantrum, but I was proud of myself. Sure, I should have kept a tighter hold on the leash that I had on my pets but this, they are everything I molded them to be and better. Maybe it was a parental urge holding me back, I pushed those two harder than anyone before them. It was my softness and boredom that caused this blunder, but someone else will be punished for my mistakes. Just to make sure the people beneath me know these things won't be tolerated.
I turn my attention to my binder and flip a page before setting the first paper down and picking up a different one. I used to keep those two on a tight leash, but bigger and better projects popped up over the span of one hundred twenty years. I read the headline “Dragons Tied to Forest Fire!! Abandoned Bunker Found in Debris!!” this time, this time I’ll do it perfectly. I set the paper down and close the binder, I pile everything neatly on open desk space. I open my laptop and open a messaging app; I find the person I’m looking for. A profile picture featuring an elegant looking raven and the screen name The Plague Witch, I navigated my mouse so I could type in the message box. “Embers spread like wildfire; we should move out of the line of the fire. Meet me for lunch at the vacation home.” I say and close the program. I don’t need a reply to know that the other person is already following my cryptic message.
I stand and walk over to a minibar along one of my office walls, I make myself a drink and look out the window again watching the city night life. Some questioned me when they found I agreed to let one of those things conceive my child, for a long time I agreed. I smile into my drink as I watch the flashing of ambulance lights as the hurry to wherever the emergency is, no I was playing the game and making a move. A move that paid off beautifully in the end, this may seem like a big problem for some. But for me this was a foreseen problem from the pieces I made so well.
Dragons are greedy and egotistical creatures; you play that to your advantage, and you get a bastard. It was our second high stake hunt when I saw her by chance, a little talking, money and gifting I was able to convince one of the most powerful species of dragon to do artificial insemination. It was the first time I seriously considered hybrid breeding, so I worked with them and getting shifters became easy. They saw what kind of money and control I maintained, and they happily agreed, plus it gave us an excuse to start training and experimenting on kids.
I finish my drink and head back to my desk where my laptop is still open, and I see a pop-up window has appeared on my home screen. All it had was a button that said, “Join Game.” I smile to myself as I hit join. A chess board appears on my screen, I am the white pieces and whoever is my opponent is black, so I make my move, beginning the game. The player makes one move when a message pops up in a message box reading “When you lose to your creation, you will only have yourself to blame. For I was not created to lose, it doesn’t matter what moves you make. I will win your game in the end.” I laugh. How cute to see a pawn acting like it’s nothing more than a sacrifice to be made for the king.
I respond to their move and begin to close the laptop knowing I was going to enjoy this game, when another popup catches my attention. It’s a simple message, but I know exactly who it’s from. It read “I gave you a chance to play by the rules, you will see the errors of your ways when it is too late. I cannot help you anymore, my child.” I swipe the computer from the desk, sending it sailing into the nearby wall. It smashed into several pieces and rained down onto the ground.
I hit a button on the phone, and I hear my secretary on the other end “I need a new computer and get me in contact with the nightmare, I want to know why she’s being useless.” I say. I hit the end button before anyone replies, what does that old man know? When has he ever helped me? When has he cared for anyone other than himself? No, I was going to win, and no matter how hard they tried it would be me. I was going to show them how insignificant they really are before removing their heads from their bodies and adding to my own collection.