*This Chapter is written in Dahlia’s PoV. We are rewinding time a bit and starting after Alice drops him off for the mission*
I watch as we start our descent and I am eager to get on the ground, the altitude pressures made my leg ache. I watch the ground as Alice descends, when I know I can jump off without hurting myself I stand on her back. “What are you doing?!! Sit down!!” I hear Alice through the mind link. “Thanks for the ride but I have a lot of running to do. I invite you and your fated to lunch when I get back, so I can properly thank you.” I reply and take a running leap off of her back. I hear a disapproving chuff as I shift and hit the ground, trying to absorb most of the shock in my three good legs. I ignore the pain that runs up my lame leg and begin running back towards the palace, if I was quick enough I could get back in two days.
I feel so free in this form, I can run, jump, and do all the normal things I should be able to do. I can finally be useful in this form and this is my chance to prove myself. As Alice lands in the clearing, I enter the treeline and let my power flow down to my paws. With each step I leave a trail of overgrown grass and flowers, using my power to create a noticeable path to begin. As I run, I think back to the argument I had with the others before leaving.
“Look I understand that you are in less pain in that form, but it makes it harder to communicate.” Orchid says. “I can still talk through the mind link. I don't see how that makes anything harder.” I reply in her head. “Look, regardless of our feelings Dahlia feels he has more freedom in that form. As much as I, too, will miss his human form, he is still Dahlia and if he’s happier then, it is our job to accommodate him.” Rose turns to me. “Dahl, we will do what we can to accommodate you, however, there are still times we will need you in your human form. If you are willing to be human when we need you to be, WE…” She pauses and looks at the others one by one. “We all accept that you are more comfortable in this form.” She finishes and gives me a warm smile. “Thanks, Mom.” I said just to her “I agree and thank you guys for working with me.” I say through the mind link to the rest of the group.
I shake my head, now is not the time to dwell. After about roughly an hour of running, taking random turns and growing landmarks I pull back my power. Only leaving an occasional patch of overgrowth like bread crumbs, so those that know to follow will... I run until the sun is directly overhead and take a little break by a stream. I wonder if the stream connected to the river Anti crashed into the other day. I dip my snout into the cold water to get a drink before stepping into the water and laying down in the shallow part. I let the cool water wash over me feeling the ache from my muscles. I can’t remember a time I ever ran so much and I loved every moment of it.
I look toward the door as James, Sevrin, and Alice enter the destroyed bedroom. They look tired but I can’t blame them because any normal person would be tired. However, being awake is better than dealing with what awaits you when you sleep… Well, I know the team is used to running on empty and some may think we never sleep. We do, just not very much. Sevrin lets out a low whistle. “Little Flower please tell me you asked us here for more than bragging about your escapades with the Alpha.” He said. I let out a little snort and the others laughed, and dare I say I saw Rose blush a little bit. “Ha. Ha. No, I called you guys here because we have work to do.” She turns to address Alice. “I cannot baby Dahlia forever and I acknowledge that, I’ve already given him his objectives. Will you be willing to carry him?” She asked. Alice nods and looks at me “You can’t ride like that kiddo.” I heard her in my head “Not a problem, I'll shift when it’s flying time.” I replied. To my surprise she gives me a smile and nods “Alright then sounds like we’re going to be a team.” She replies and comes over to where I had sat.
I snap back to reality when I hear a rustle of feathers, a hawk had just landed in front of me. I’m on my feet before it lands, it turns into a human and puts its hands up as a sign of peace. “Look I don’t know what happened I was traveling with this girl, when the collars fell off. She seemed normal until she caught a whiff of your scent, she’s feral and is hunting you. You need to start moving now, she is closing the distance between you two faster than you are creating it. I’ll follow but we aren’t linked anymore, the only warnings I can offer are screeches from the sky.” He says. I take a moment to think before nodding, I take one more long drink of water before bringing myself out of the water. As the man turns back into a hawk and takes off, I give myself a good shake sending excess water flying in all directions.
I run faster than I have ever run before, I do what I can to conserve my energy while leaving bread crumbs. Rose gave me a mission and I was going to see it through, even if my life was in danger. She is always finishing missions in worse situations than being chased by a feral. Hell, she was probably in a worse situation right now, but I couldn’t think about that right now. Right now I need to focus on running, I run for hours as fast as I can. I notice I’m slowing down with every passing hour, a little after sunset my body gives out. I had found my way to the river and collapsed on the bank breathing heavily, I actually shifted to my human form despite the pain. I shove my head in the water, keeping my ears above the water so I can hear and begin gulping down mouthfuls of water.
When I come up for air, I turn to find the man behind me. “I was able to talk to a few of the other unleashed and they will try to buy you some time to rest. At most you have an hour, I wouldn’t take more than thirty minutes if I were you. When you hear my cry know it’s time to move.” he says. “No, I'm not running anymore. I’m not weak, I can handle a feral.” I say and the man shakes his head. “Look at yourself kid, you're all run out, you couldn’t fight me in your wolf form right now if you wanted to.” He pauses a moment and chews his lip. “Do you know what Rose will do to me if I let anything happen to you?” He asks and I feel my blood boil.
I stand up despite the protest of my muscles and ignore the wobble of my lame leg, knowing it was ready to give out. “I’M NOT A CHILD!! I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP OR ROSE’S. I CAN HANDLE THINGS, IF YOU GUYS WOULD STOP CODDLING ME MAYBE I COULD GET BETTER. HASN’T SHE HELPED ENOUGH ALREADY? MY PARENTS, SHELTERING ME AND NOW THIS? SHE NEEDS TO LET GO, I DON’T NEED HELP OR TO BE SHELTERED ANYMORE!! I’M AN ADULT! I’M MY OWN PERSON!!” I yell at the man shaking in anger. He shakes his head sadly.
“You ungrateful brat. Rose didn’t have to take you in after your parents were murdered. Do you know how many people told her it was a waste of time to keep you around as she did? Do you want to know how many times I told her to just let you go to the market and pick someone better for the team? You are going to stand there and be ungrateful when thousands would do anything to be in your place? The only reason you even have a role in this is because Rose kept your sorry ass alive, fixing reports and taking the blame for your fuck ups. You may not have asked for it and you can sit there and think you didn’t need it.” he pauses and rolls up his sleeves “But I’ll be damned if you’re going to be ungrateful for every time the whip met the skin of her back for you.” He says advancing on me.
I had regretted my words when they had left my mouth, I let his words sink in and I felt even smaller. I get into a defensive stance ready to fight when he stops advancing, he scowls and turns toward the way I had come from. “We’ll finish this later. Just because you’re ungrateful doesn’t mean I want to face Rose’s wrath. Keep running I’ll…” I don’t hear the rest of his words. I watch as the most beautiful she wolf bursts through the trees, and I gasp slightly as an intoxicating scent of citrus and jasmine. I look into her eyes and I feel my stomach drop, my fated is the feral chasing me.
I feel the man grip my shoulders and shake me “You have got to be kidding me. Kid snap out of it you need to get out of here. I don’t want the trouble you bring so run.” he says pushing me the opposite way of my fated and I pull away from him. “She’s my-” I start to say before he cuts me off “I’m now fully aware of what she is kid. Keep running and making the path, I’ll do what I can to keep her busy. I can’t promise she won't get hurt but I’ll try, you have the most crucial role right now. Run, get Rose. She will be able to help with this better than what we may be able to do. I’m sorry kid, but you have to choose between all the unleashed or your fate.” He says urgently.
I know what I want to do, I feel myself tear in two but he’s right. I shift and begin running trying my best to ignore the fighting I hear behind me. I steal a look back and he is attacking her head in his hawk form. I want to growl and go back, but I won't be able to do much in this state. He's right if there was anyone I needed more right now, it was Rose. I run as fast as I can in my condition, which isn’t very fast.
I’ve been running all night dodging my feral fated as much as I can, my vision is getting blurrier and I’m not even sure I’m going the right way anymore. I should be close but I have no energy left in me, I take a staggered step forward as the world spins and I see double. I gotta be close. I tell myself again with another step forward I stumble and collapse in a heap. Well, at least the unleashed will be able to find the rest of the way. I did it Rose, are you proud of me? I say in my head before everything goes black.
I open my eyes and sit up quickly, and I look down at my human form confused. I don’t remember shifting or wearing pajamas, I inspect myself further and I realize I don’t feel anything. No pain in my leg, no tiredness, no ache in my muscles, I feel like I’d just woken from a bad dream. I hold my hands out in front of me and they look smooth, gone are the calluses and scars that littered my hands and arms. I stand up quickly and both of my legs work fine and now I really start to freak out, was that all a dream?
A woman’s voice makes me nearly jump out of my skin and I whirl around to face my mother! “Unfortunately, I must tell you that was not the dream.” she says and gives me a warm smile. I feel warmth and calmness wash over me “So then this is the dream? Am.. Am I dead? Will the others be okay without me?” I ask her and step closer to her. She opens her arms inviting me in for a hug and I walk into her embrace, she hugs me tight and I feel warmth spread through me. “This is neither a dream or reality, and no honey you aren’t dead yet. I wish I could have helped you, saved you from this life. I wish I could save you now…” She trails off and I can see the sadness in her eyes.
She looks at my face a moment and reaches up cupping my cheeks, I want to pull away but I’m too stunned to move. “You’ve grown so much and I am very proud of the man you have become, you look so much like your father.” She says softly rubbing my cheek. “I'm proud of you son. I have been robbed of my earthly body, and the man who did it has stopped every effort I have put into getting back to a body.” I watch her face confused and notice that her face is getting fuzzier. “We do not have much time, I’ve done all I can in my current state to help you. You and your family are special, more special than you realize right now. The old man holds many answers, but just as many puzzles. Solve them and save your people.” Her voice starts sounding farther away. “Wait, don't go. I’ll come with you. I’m crippled back there. I'm practically useless.” I cry out to her and feel tears stream down my cheeks.
I hold on tighter as I feel her slipping away. I feel her touch one last time. “Tell Rose that I say thank you for taking such good care of you. I love you Dahlia.” Her voice echoes as it fades to nothing. “Mom, wait!! I love you!! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!!” I call out into darkness, that suddenly surrounds me. I start becoming aware again of all my aches and pains and know that whatever that was is gone and I don’t want to get up. I keep my eyes closed doing what I can to remember my mother’s face as I gain consciousness.
I open my eyes and look around. I am in my human form and everything hurts, I look down at my lap, my vision still blurry and I see a lot of red. I don't remember bleeding, though I don’t know how long I’ve been out. I’m ready to just let the fates take me when I realize I’m not where I passed out at. I jump up getting light headed and almost fall from my lame leg “Motherfucker.” I say out loud and stumble towards what looks like an open field just beyond the trees. Each step is just as agonizing as the last, but I finally make it to the tree line and I see Rose is a few feet away from me.
I feel like a child again as I stumble out and reach for her, she catches me effortlessly and holds me to her tightly. “R..Rose… m..my mom..” I start but Rose shushes me “I already know honey, you’re safe now. You’re okay, Dahlia, you did so good. I'm so, so proud of you kid.” She says and puts her forehead to mine. “M.. My Fated… Sh.. She’s Fer… Feral… Please don.. Don’t hurt… Hurt her..” I manage to get out before everything fades to black again. I don’t dream of my mother again. Instead, I find myself in another nightmare.
I jerk awake and find myself looking at the ceiling, I have a pounding headache, my leg is in so much pain it’s almost unbearable. I look around and there’s a nurse and Dr examining me, I feel more useless than I had ever felt before. I almost feel like crying but I won’t allow myself to do that, I may be weak physically, but not emotionally. It was the dream from the forest that has me shook to my core, that is why I feel so sad. I try to convince myself. I start to sit up not wanting to be in bed anymore. Ignoring the protest from the Dr., I start ripping the equipment off and the IVs out.
I get out of bed and walk to the door, fling it open, and see Rose and Anubis. Rose looks worse than I do and I just ran for a day straight. She’s telling Anubis about the night my parents died. I listen as she blames herself and talks about the following punishments she got for saving me. What the hawk shifter said in the forest rings through my head “Do you realize how many punishments she’s taken for you?” I feel my stomach knot. She gave up every bit of her freedom to save me and I repaid that by saying I didn’t need her.
After an exchange of words and Rose showering me with praise and motherly affection, she hugs me tightly and I hug her back crying. If I was going to be vulnerable with someone it might as well be my mom. I feel her pet the back of my head softly to comfort me.