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(This is a Rose POV Chapter)

     I shift while Poppy distracts Anubis and am airborne before he even has a chance to reply to her. I’m smaller than the majority of dragons, which helps me move faster than the majority of dragons. I begin to climb in altitude flying along the side of the mountain and enjoying the feel of the wind rushing over me. Anubis can keep his secret book. I can steal this secret moment to myself. Maybe one day we will be able to share all of our secrets, but tonight wasn’t it. I push myself to go faster as I zip up the mountain like I was running from my thoughts. 

     Even with my speed it takes a good minute to get to the highest peak of the mountain (that we have come to call home). I land on the peak looking up at the moon, in a few short hours it would disappear and the sun would rise. I look down and see nothing but darkness. I’m so high up I can’t make out the palace from here. I shift to my human form sighing. I sit on the ledge of the peak allowing my feet to dangle.

    I pull a bullet casing from the breast pocket of the uniform I had on underneath my armor. What? Did you honestly believe I wasn’t going to wear under clothes when stripping in front of the whole pack was a thing? I roll the casing between my fingers as I look out on the sea of black. “Am I doing this right? Is this what you meant when you said I was made for freeing the shifters? What didn’t you tell me?” I speak aloud to no one. I sigh and look down at the casing letting it fall into my palm.

     I close my eyes and get lost in the memory that I had been fighting. I’m fifteen and walking through the forest with a handler. “Sir?” I ask looking up at the man. He chuckles softly. “You don’t have to use formalities when it’s just us out here.” He says. I smile slightly and nod. “Why are we out here if you don’t mind me asking?” I questioned. The man stays quiet for what feels like an eternity.  “Look, you gotta stop killing the kids. I get what you’re trying to do but there is a better way. I have a network of people who are willing to help save you kids, but you will have to choose between your own freedom and staying to help as many of your people as possible.” He pauses looking forward.

     I think about what he said and I look up at him. “Why me? Why not someone else?”  He chews on his lip as we end up walking in silence again. “You wouldn’t understand. But if you believe me,  that you were made to free your people… this is what you were meant to do. You and Anti are strong and have been able to keep your humanity. You are meant to lead your people against him. You will do great things and you will save so many people, but remember some of us do care. Not all humans are bad. Not all humans deserve the ending of those who face you on the battlefield.” he says.

     The scene shifts and I am now twenty, I hold onto a trunk as I watch the dragons of the palace coming and going. I feel jealousy burn in my chest getting to see so many shifters allowed to live their lives freely; happy and loved. “Come on kiddo, it’s not worth dwelling over. If we stay here too long they will spot us.” My handler says below me. I let myself drop a few branches, catching and swinging from one branch to another branch making myself soar through the air. I wasn’t allowed to shift or it meant certain death. This was the closest I would ever get to flying.

     I land gracefully on the ground and I take a deep breath. I breathe in and take in the smells of the forest around me. I hear a grunt as the man lands less gracefully behind me. I do him the courtesy of not acknowledging his stumble. “You know if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were getting old, old man.” I say with a smirk. The man swats at me in a playful manner and I actually let myself chuckle. “I’m a lot older than you think I am, kiddo.” He says. We begin walking. “You sure that kid will be able to find his way?” I ask.

     I watch as the man nods his head “We’re close enough. He will be able to find his way to the palace by following the sounds and smells.” He explains. We walk awhile before he grabs my arm, stopping me. I stop and look at him confused. “Look kid, things are coming to a head and I feel my end is near.” he puts a bullet in my hand “That’s the bullet that will kill me and you will be made to pull the trigger. You will have to be stronger and braver than you have ever been previously. It will be okay! And, I want you to know that I have accepted this fate. There is nothing anyone can do to stop what is about to come. This will be a punishment and you will have to prove your loyalties to them.”

     “You will take my life and continue helping shifters. You have to do this! It's what you were destined to do and I will do what I can to come back and help you. I’ll be different when we meet again, different body, different person, but it’ll be me all the same.” he says. I feel dizzy as his words tumble around in my head. “What do you mean, you’ll be back? I can protect you, I can’t kill you. We’ll run and hide, you don’t need to die.” I say trying to hand the bullet back. He takes it from my hand and puts it in the breast pocket on my right side. He gives me a look of sadness and he shakes his head. “What do you know of gods’ and goddesses’ kids?” he asks.

     The scene shifts again and I’m twenty-six. It has been six years since he gave me his warning. Now, he is on his knees facing away from me. His hands are bound behind his back and I am holding a pistol that suddenly feels extremely heavy. We are surrounded by higher ups and handlers. The General is standing off to the side reading off our list of crimes. I swallow hard as his voice sounds so far off. I pull a bullet from my breast pocket, a bullet I’ve carried for six years. I feel like throwing up, but I know better.  My mouth is dry and my hands shake slightly as I load the one bullet. I was only going to get one shot and I had to make sure he died. I wouldn’t let him suffer.  That was the only thing I could do for him now.

    The General gives me an order and I put the gun to the base of the man’s head and angle the gun just so. The bullet will sever his brain stem and go diagonally through his head, ripping and tearing his brain tissue. “Any last words sir?” I ask, my voice strained. It was the first and only time I ever heard him in my head “I left you things in the walls, wait until you aren’t being watched and grab them. Keep saving your people and doing good. I will see you again, I promise.” His voice rings in my head. “I have no regrets for what I have done.” He says out loud. I pull the trigger and catch the casing as the man falls to the forest floor dead. I put the casing in my breast pocket.

     I feel myself go numb and I stay longer than anyone else as I stare at the dead man’s body. When everyone is gone, I run behind a tree and vomit. I feel a hand on my back and know that Anti arrived. He pats my back and says nothing. I look at my hands that are covered in blood from the spray. My gun lays in a pool of blood next to the man and I feel the blood that spattered onto my face. I retch again, but I have nothing left to give. Anti grips my shoulder as he tries to calm both him and myself. We stay like that for a while. When I finally gather myself and stand up, I turn and Anti nods over to a tree where two shovels are leaning against its bark.

     We dug and dug. I didn’t stop digging. We laid him to rest and I was angry. The killing spree that followed was bloody and unnecessary, but I couldn’t stop myself. I open my eyes again and watch as the moon begins to dip behind the tree line. I hold the casing in my hand and watch the sky lighten. When the sun is fully up, I get up. “I’m doing it, do you see me? Are you proud? I am leading my people and the rebellion, just like you wanted. You hear me? I do this for you and if you’re still up there… Well, I need your protection for my people. I need your guidance. I need your help. I miss you and I am doing what I can. Thank you for the time I got with you and I will continue to work in your name.” I talk to the sky.

     A strong breeze washes over me and I smile “Yea, I love you too, old man.” I say and turn to the ledge of the peak. I jump, letting myself free fall for a good minute before shifting and glide out away from the mountain. I let myself fly in circles around the palace as I decent, eventually coming to land in the field in front of the palace gates. Anti leans against the wall. “He’s not happy! He got upset and did a lot of damage. He’s locked himself in your guy's room.” He smirked with amusement. I shrug as I begin to walk past him. “Not his god to pray to.” I banter, heading into the courtyard of the palace.