Chapter 7
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Drake began to wake up around 2 p.m., feeling refreshed and with his mana restored. Koji, who was nearby, noticed his awakening and approached: "Already awake?" Koji asked, with a tone of mild surprise.

Drake stretched and replied: "Almost, actually. I think I'll take a walk to fully wake up."

Koji, seeming interested, questioned: "Do you mind if I join you?"

"Of course not," said Drake, smiling.

Koji looked around and said: "I'll just wait for Julie to return to the camp, so we don't leave Elara alone. Seems like she'll take a while to wake up."

The sounds of Elara's snoring could be heard in the background. Drake, curious, asked: "Speaking of which, where's Julie?"

"Ah, Julie is passionate about nature and everything that lives in it, especially insects. She dreams of becoming an animal breeder. That's why we come here to the woods whenever we can. She loves to study here."

Drake, showing interest, inquired: "So, you come here just to be with her?"

Koji looked at the ground for a moment before responding, his voice soft: "Yeah... She's my sister, and I want to support her in everything. Even if I don't always understand her passion, I know it's important to her. And if it makes her happy, she's going to be the best animal breeder there ever was."

Drake, with a smile of admiration, commented: "That's very noble of you, Koji. You seem like an incredible brother. But what about you? Do you have any dreams or something you'd like to do?"

Koji, a bit reluctant, shared: "Well, I… I've always thought about being an adventurer. Exploring unknown places, facing challenges… But, if I did that, I'd have to leave Julie alone. And I can't do that to her. So, I guess I'm fine this way, at least for now."

At that moment, Julie arrived at the camp, interrupting the conversation: "Hi, guys, what are you talking about?"

Drake was about to answer, but Koji quickly changed the subject: "Ah, I'm starving… Let's go, Drake, let's find something to eat."

Drake, noticing Koji's sudden subject change and understanding the reason, decided to help him divert the conversation: "Let's go, Koji. Do you know what kind of beasts we can find here in the woods?"

Koji, relieved by the topic change and eager to share his knowledge, responded as they began to walk: "Sure, Drake, I'll tell you on the way."

Venturing into the woods, Koji began to share his knowledge about the area: "You know, Drake, this is a pretty safe place. There are almost no cases of Rank C magical beasts appearing. Usually, we only see common animals and Magical Beasts of Rank E and D."

Drake, demonstrating his understanding of the subject, replied: "I figured. For some reason, beasts of Rank B and up have been quite rare in this region for the last few months…"

Koji, with an expression of someone who knows the history of the place well, clarified: "This area has always been known for its tranquility. Centuries ago, there was a legendary adventurer who discovered a unique technique to locate and seal magical beast nests. He used this ability to trap most of the more dangerous beasts of the region in their own lairs, turning them into underground dungeons, or as they are more commonly known, 'dungeons.'"

Drake, impressed and curious, asked: "To seal beasts of Rank B and up? How strong do you have to be to seal a Rank S beast?"

Koji replied: "The interesting thing is that this adventurer wasn't exactly a powerful mage. The secret of the seal was in using the beasts' own strength to keep them trapped. But the Council of Mages didn't like this at all."

Drake, curious, asked: "Why? It seems like a smart solution."

Koji, with a thoughtful expression, explained: "They said that sealing the nests like that would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem. They tried to make the adventurer undo the seals and reveal his technique, but he refused. He ended up being banished and had his magic removed. He burned all his grimoires, leaving no trace of how to cast that magic. Here's where it gets interesting. Afraid that the magical beasts might escape one day and due to the accumulation of them inside the dungeons, they built this forest over the entrances, burying all of them. That's why high-rank magical beasts are rare around here. Most of the animals we find are common, like rabbits, foxes…"

Drake, with an expression of surprise and curiosity, questioned: "Wait, how did they remove his magic? And what did you mean by 'building this forest'? Is that possible?"

Koji, with a glint of fascination in his eyes, delighted in sharing the secrets of the Council of Mages: "Man, the Council of Mages is an enigma surrounded by mysteries and power. They are the elite of the elite, made up exclusively of mages who have transcended Rank S. You know, they are like living legends, each with abilities that defy what we consider possible."

Drake, with a look of astonishment, questioned: "But how do they manage to stay so… secret? I, for example, didn't know this."

Koji, lowering his voice as if sharing a sacred secret, continued: "That's exactly what makes them so fascinating. No one knows where they meet or who they are. They say they exist in a state of constant preparation, training in some hidden sanctuary, waiting for the moment when a danger of catastrophic proportions requires their intervention."

Drake, still digesting the information, asked: "And do they really have that much power?"

Koji, with a solemn nod, confirmed: "Without a doubt. They hold knowledge and magics that few can even imagine. When they interact with the world, it's always an event of immense magnitude. Like in the case of that adventurer, who had his magic removed by the council. A drastic decision, but it shows the power they hold."

"And the most incredible thing of all," Koji paused dramatically, "is that they say the last of the living elves is a member of the council."

Drake, with a look of skepticism, asked: "How do you know so much about them if they are so secretive?"

Koji, with a somewhat embarrassed smile, replied: "Ah, I heard it from someone while wandering around."

Drake, still doubtful, commented: "Ah, so all this is based on a random conversation?"

Koji, with a serious expression, retorted: "I wouldn't say that… I feel it's real. It's better to live having something to believe in than to be without answers, don't you think?"

Drake, thoughtful, was about to respond, but Koji abruptly interrupted: "Be quiet, I think I saw a wild pig there…"

The moment Koji whispered about the wild pig, Drake stopped, his gaze fixed on the boar hidden among the foliage. Focusing deeply, he extended his hand, and with a fluid movement, a crystal-clear water arrow formed, whizzing through the air with incredible precision. The arrow hit the boar squarely, instantly bringing it down with a surprising impact.

Koji, with eyes wide in admiration, couldn't contain his surprise: "Wow! You know magic?"

Drake, lowering his hand and observing the now motionless boar, replied with calm confidence: "Yes. It's one of the abilities I discovered I had. Water magic is my forte."

Koji, still processing Drake's magical ability, commented with a playful air: "Man, not gonna lie, if I knew any magic, whatever it was, I'd definitely have a girlfriend by now. Mages are becoming rarer and rarer, you know? There was a time when it was rare for someone to be born without magic…"

Drake, raising an eyebrow, replied with a touch of humor: "I think your sister wasn't joking when she said you only think with your lower head…"

Koji, turning slowly towards Drake, adopted a somewhat threatening look: "What did you say?"

Drake, realizing he might have gone too far with the joke, quickly responded: "Na-Nothing… You're hearing things. Now, help me carry this big guy back to the camp."

Koji and Drake, side by side, struggled with the weight of the wild pig they had hunted as they made their way back to the camp. The forest around them was filled with the sounds of nature, but it was Koji's insistence that broke the silence between the two. "Come on, Drake! Just a little magic to liven up the way!" Koji couldn't hide the excitement in his voice as he cast a pleading look towards Drake.

Drake, however, remained impassive, his eyes fixed ahead. The refusal came quickly, but not without a hint of amusement in his voice. "Not a chance."

But Koji was not one to give up easily. With a mischievous smile, he tried another approach. "How about a trade, then? I'll show you how to wield a sword, and you…" He left the suggestion hanging, hopeful.

Drake let out a muffled laugh, shaking his head lightly. There was a playful glint in his eyes as he responded: "Thanks, but swords aren't my thing. My magic is enough."

Koji made a face, clearly disappointed, but before he could respond, the two arrived at the camp.

Julie and Elara were already there, busy lighting the fire. Twilight enveloped the place, tinting everything with shades of orange and red as day gave way to night. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie, even with the slight tension from the earlier argument still lingering in the air.

Koji and Drake, with the weight of the wild pig on their shoulders, made their triumphant entrance into the camp, where Julie and Elara were putting the finishing touches on the fire. The arrival of the hunters immediately drew the attention of the two, who couldn't hide their surprise at what they brought. "Wow, you really did it!" Julie exclaimed, her eyes shining at the prospect of a feast.

Elara followed with a smile, already imagining the taste of the food. "Looks like we're going to eat well today!"

Drake, with a modest nod, acknowledged the joint effort. "Yes, Koji and I managed."

But it was Koji who didn't miss the chance to embellish the feat. "It was Drake who caught the boar… with magic!"

Julie turned to Drake, curiosity painted on her face. "Magic? You know how to use magic, Drake?"

Drake, with a simplicity that hid pride, confirmed. "Yes, I have a certain affinity with water magic."

However, he quickly diverted the focus to Elara, noting the growing interest of the others. "And you, Elara, you have your magical tricks too, right?"

Elara, caught off guard, blushed slightly before admitting. "Ah, yes… My area is fire magic. I'm still perfecting control, but…"

Julie, unable to contain her excitement, interrupted. "Wow, that's amazing! Can we see a bit of that magic now?"

Koji, seizing the opportunity, incited Drake. "Show them, Drake! Come on, give us a show!"

Drake, finally giving in to Koji's incessant requests, agreed with a nod. With a fluid and precise movement, he raised his hand, conjuring a water sphere that, when launched into the air, exploded in a spectacular shower, bathing the twilight light with its brilliance. "Here you go, a bit of what I can do. Nothing too extravagant, but it's effective." Drake said, with a shy smile, watching the drops fall gently around, extinguishing the beginning of the fire.

Elara, watching the demonstration with admiration, couldn't help but comment, a hint of humor in her voice. "And there goes our fire…"