Chapter 3
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Drake, emerging from the rubble with a focused gaze, advanced determinedly towards Julius. As their eyes met, Julius, with a smirk, initiated his attack. "Let's see how you handle this!" Julius exclaimed, his flaming armor shining intensely.

Without wasting time, Drake prepared his own magic: "Water Pulse!"

He launched a powerful water pulse towards Julius. But to his surprise, the water evaporated before even reaching the flaming armor, turning into steam before his eyes. "Thought that would be enough?" Julius taunted, unleashing a series of fire attacks. "Blazing Inferno!"

A colossal fireball erupted from his hands, flying towards Drake.

With quick reflexes, Drake jumped to the side, the fireball passing him and exploding against a nearby wall, lighting up the night with an intense red glow. "Scorching Blast!"

Julius continued with a barrage of flames.

Drake, using his enhanced agility, dodged, each evasion containing precision and speed.

Realizing his water magics were ineffective, Drake changed his strategy. With a deep breath, he focused: "Body Enhancement!"

His body was taken over by enhanced strength, agility, and endurance. He advanced to hand-to-hand combat, his fists colliding against Julius's flaming armor. With each strike, sparks flew, and Drake felt the heat burning his fists.

Julius, now facing an opponent who was dangerously close, shouted: "Fiery Vortex!"

A whirlwind of flames emerged, forcing Drake to retreat. He spun and ducked, narrowly avoiding the attack.

Despite the injuries and fatigue, Drake remained steadfast, his determination unshakable in the face of Julius's power.

Drake, with hands burned and aching, refused to yield. With a shout that echoed his unwavering determination, he launched himself back into battle.

Julius, still confident in the protection of his flaming armor, summoned his most powerful magic: "Hellfire Burst!"

A flurry of flaming projectiles shot from his hands, but Drake, moving with superhuman speed, dodged each one. He was like a blur, closing in on Julius with each successful dodge.

Then, at the climax of the confrontation, Drake spotted the opening he needed. With an agile leap, he narrowly escaped another blast of "Hellfire Burst."

In the brief moment Julius caught his breath for the next attack, Drake lunged forward, aiming for his opponent's abdomen.

With a precise strike, Drake hit a vital point, interrupting Julius's mana flow. The flaming armor began to crack and crumble, revealing a vulnerable Julius behind the magical protection.

Julius, now devoid of his flame protection, realized his vulnerability and tried desperately to retreat.

However, Drake, fueled by fierce determination, did not allow him to escape. Each step Julius took back was met with an advance from Drake.

Drake lunged at Julius. He delivered a series of quick and precise blows, further destabilizing the already exhausted Julius.

And then, with a final strike, charged with all the force Drake could muster, he hit Julius with a powerful punch.

Julius couldn't withstand the impact; his body gave in, and he fell to the ground, defeated and exhausted.

Drake, panting and with hands burning from the burns, looked down at Julius.

With an expression of fierce determination, he approached the defeated Julius. His hands still trembled, but his voice was firm and clear: "You won't hurt anyone anymore, I won't allow it! Water Prison! It's over for you!" he declared, conjuring the magic that enveloped Julius in a water sphere, completely immobilizing him.

As the aquatic sphere trapped Julius, Drake stared at him, demanding: "Now, tell me what you know about Shinie's disappearance."

Julius, struggling against exhaustion and the magical prison, answered with a weak and defiant voice: "I don't know what you're talking about. The Ice Princess disappeared in the province of Belman, and I've never been to that place."

His words came out in gasps of effort, and, right after speaking, he lost consciousness, collapsing in the water sphere.

After the intense battle, Drake, still with the effects of the magic pulsing through his veins, returned to where he had left the girl. Carefully, he lifted her in his arms, ensuring she was safe and comfortable.

Drake looked back one last time, seeing the defeated goblins scattered on the ground and Julius, still trapped in the aquatic sphere, unconscious. Despite the victory, a sense of unease accompanied him. He knew that this fight was just a part of something much bigger, a mystery he needed to unravel.

The night had fallen over Old-Ville, and a warm breeze swept through the narrow alleys of the city.

As they approached the young boy's house, Drake's figure was immediately recognized. The boy's eyes lit up with a mix of relief and joy at seeing his sister safe in the arms of the heroic boy.

The boy, barefoot, ran towards Drake and his sister, concern clear in his eyes. "Sis! Mr. Drake! Are you okay?" he asked, his voice mixing relief and anxiety.

Drake looked at the boy and answered with a comforting smile forming a reassuring demeanor. "Of course, kid! It'll take more than that to knock down this mage," Drake replied, with a touch of humor in his tired but still gentle voice. "Your sister is just sleeping. It seems like a spell was cast on her, but it should wear off soon."

Carefully, Drake lowered the girl next to her mother, who was already showing signs of recovery. He looked at the boy with an expression of admiration and pride. "You did an incredible job protecting her, kid. I'm proud of you. I owe you one," he said, his voice laden with sincerity.

The boy approached Drake. With an almost inaudible voice, he made a simple yet significant request.

Drake, moved by the simplicity and sincerity of the child's wish, responded with a kindness that came from the heart: "Of course, I can fulfill your request, my young friend," he said, his voice conveying comforting warmth. "But now, go rest. Tomorrow morning, I'll make a brief visit to ensure everything is alright. You can count on that."

With the family's house consumed by flames, it was too risky to try to stay inside. The risk of collapse was high, especially after the fire. Thus, Drake helped the family settle outside for the night, providing what he could to ensure they stayed safe and comfortable.

At dawn, with the first light of day tinting the horizon with soft colors, Drake approached the boy's house, fulfilling the promise he had made. He carried a bag full of bread, a simple gesture but full of meaning. Upon arrival, he saw the family still sleeping peacefully.

Drake gently approached the boy and woke him with a low and calm voice: "Hey, kid, wake up. I brought something for you."

The boy, slowly opening his eyes, stared at Drake with a mix of surprise and sleepiness. "Mr. Drake? What are you doing here so early?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

Drake, with a smile, extended the bag of bread to the boy. "Remember what you asked me for yesterday? Here it is. A bag full of fresh bread for you and your family."

The boy, now fully awake, his eyes lit up with joy and gratitude. "Wow, thank you so much, Mr. Drake! I… I don't know how to thank you!" he said, holding the bag with evident affection.

"There's no need to thank me, my young friend. Just take good care of your family. They're the most important," Drake replied, his voice carrying a calm wisdom.

As the boy expressed his gratitude, the mother, awakened by the commotion, began to stir. She slowly opened her eyes, observing the scene before her with a tired but grateful look. "What's going on here?" she asked, her voice still laden with sleep.

The boy, with a smile that brightened his face, answered: "Look, mom, Mr. Drake brought us bread!"

The mother, now more awake, sat up and looked at Drake, her eyes expressing deep gratitude. "Mr. Drake, I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done for us. You saved my children and even brought food for us. Thank you so much," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Drake, with a hand gesture, downplayed her gratitude. "It was the least I could do," he said. "But, if you'll allow me, I'd like to speak with you alone."

The mother, intrigued and still grateful, nodded, indicating she was willing to listen to what Drake had to say. She asked her son to take care of his sister while she talked with the boy, preparing for the conversation to come.

Drake and the boy's mother walked through the still quiet streets of Old-Ville, the city slowly waking up around them. As they walked, Drake broached a delicate subject: "Forgive me for asking, but… your children's father, is he…?"

The mother, with a deep sigh, carried a visible burden in her expression. Her eyes lost in a distant point as she began to narrate, her voice trembling, laden with a pain that transcended words: "He… He was killed on a tragic day. Tried to steal a chicken to feed us… He had never done anything like that before, but despair had consumed us. I had just given birth to our daughter, and we had nothing, absolutely nothing."

She paused, swallowing hard before continuing: "Our son was with him that day. He saw everything… A guard caught them. My husband, in a gesture of desperation, tried to apologize, returned the chicken, begged for the guard's understanding. But the guard… he didn't care. Said 'once a thief, always a thief.' Without hesitation, he… he killed him. A sword strike straight to the heart."

The mother closed her eyes. "Our son saw his father fall, the blood…" She swallowed hard again, her voice almost a whisper. "He was never the same after that. We lost everything that day… everything."

Drake, feeling the depth of the woman's pain, decided to slightly change the subject, but still keeping the focus on the city's reality: "Sorry, I didn't know… I'm so sorry about your husband… And about the social differences here in Old-Ville… What defines someone as middle class, for example?"

"Having at least thirty gold coins. That means you have enough resources to live without daily despair," she answered, her tone indicating a mix of resignation and bitterness.

Drake, intrigued by the city's social structures, asked another question: "And why aren't lower-class people allowed to have names? That seems so cruel."

She looked at him, her eyes reflecting ancient suffering: "It's a way to keep us in our place, to remind us that we are less in the eyes of those who have more. Without a name, we are less human, easier to ignore."

After hearing the sad reality of the family, Drake felt a deep need to help. He took out a bag he was carrying, filled with gold coins, and offered it to the boy's mother. "I want you and your children to have a better life," he said, extending the bag to her. "This money should be enough to change your situation. So you can have names, a dignified life, and a more promising future."

The mother, surprised and moved by the generous gesture, hesitated to accept. "But, Mr. Drake, this is too much. How can I accept something so valuable?"

Drake, with a gentle smile, replied: "Consider it an investment in the future of your family. Everyone deserves a chance to improve their life. It's a small gesture to compensate for the injustice you've faced."

She, with tears in her eyes, accepted the bag, holding it as if it were an invaluable treasure. "Thank you, Mr. Drake. This… this changes everything for us," she said, her voice choked with gratitude.

Upon receiving the bag of coins, the mother looked at Drake with an expression of pure gratitude. With a voice full of emotion, she said: "I choose the name Dawn, for it's what you brought to my family: a new beginning, a new hope."

Drake smiled, touched by the choice of the name and the meaning it carried. "Dawn… It's a beautiful name," he said. "Before I go, please, say goodbye to your kids for me. I'll be back soon to see them, and I can't wait to find out the names they'll choose. But now, I need to leave."

"I will do that, Mr. Drake."

As Dawn held the bag of coins, preparing to say goodbye, Drake interrupted with a slight smile: "You can drop the 'Mr.' part, it's just Drake. Makes me feel odd."

Dawn, moved and now more at ease, let the bag of coins gently fall to the ground. With tears in her eyes, she took a few steps towards Drake and, in a burst of gratitude, hugged him. "Thank you, Drake… Thank you for everything," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Drake, surprised by the gesture but touched by her sincerity, returned the hug. He knew that moment was more than a simple goodbye; it was a symbol of hope and a new beginning for Dawn and her family. "Take care, Dawn. And take good care of the little ones. We'll see each other soon," he said, comforting her.

They said their goodbyes, and Drake, after the warm hug, continued on his way, feeling a mix of satisfaction and melancholy for leaving behind the family he had helped so significantly. With his head held high and his heart full of purpose, he moved forward, ready for future challenges.