Chapter 3
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Now being the age of 5, all of the kids start school in earnest, split between 3 classes instead of the two that were planned.

One large class was the bulk of us with 22 kids that used a larger room where it was closer to those student.

The other two classes split even with 17 kids.

The start of school was as you would expect for me, I knew the content and tried to play dumb, but honestly it was boring.

There were some things about subjects I didn't know such as history, but this was less important to me.

But there was a short class I found interesting, depending on how well we do in this Magic Foundations class, we may be able to take the other magic classes through the years!

I finally found how to feel my mana, it was not as manga or anime had described it, it was an overwhelming feeling, so I can see why they wanted to wait until we were a little older.

It wasn't exactly painful, more like we were feeling and trying to use a muscle we haven't used yet and it would get sore quickly.

By the way other were describing their feeling, it seems the feeling is different between people possibly as well, so it would be hard to teach.

At being introduced to this new "Muscle" I began to stimulate it every time I could.

We just had a basic spell for use to use our mana currently, it was Light.

And while most people could and would use this little spell all the time, it had almost no mana cost to cast and keep going.

Perfect for kids to use up their mana on, well normal kids, I found that after 2 days of it being left on, my mana had finally run out.

So I already had a disproportionate amount of mana, I guess this is the "abundance of life".

Thinking of my gifts, I tried using my knowledge again and it produced a small headache, as I hadn't use it much to get use to it since I had no access to the things it wanted me to get.

I had tried it in the past to see how it worked, and it worked a little to well, I though of making a personal computer akin to the one I had previously, and I had a headache for a few days.

When thinking about something and how to make it, it was giving not only the specs for the device, and what parts it needed, but how the parts were made, how the material was refined for making of the parts, how ore was turned into the metal for the parts, how the atomic structure of the material is...... It was an overload of information, so for now its benched, I will learn it later.

But after bugging my father enough, I was able to get him to give me two more spells, Spark and Water.

Truly weak spells I must say, with Spark being like gathering static electricity on my skin and water produced about a cup of water, but I am a kid so you can't expect him to teach me like magic missile or something. 

With these three spells, using them all at one time, I could drain my mana at a workable rate, this way I can constantly bottom it out and regen it, thus increasing my total overall in the future!

I just had to be careful, with having static electricity on my skin, and producing water, it had shocked myself a few times, and while not dangerous, it spooked me and hurt a little.

I was certainly the best in all subjects if I tried, as I had all the information already it seemed so far, but I never showed it unless it was for magic, as this is something I am genuinely learning, so I wanted to show off a little.

I had 2 kids I would consider my friends so far, with Kira and Robby being their names.

Both seemed to be struggling with their mana, but after some pointers from me, they got the hang of it.

Currently behind me in skill for Magic was Kira, and she seemed to love the subject as much as me, but Robby was deff not to much for magic, but he was making up for it in smarts and his build.

Seems he can naturally bulk on muscle for a kid, he will likely be a gym nut when he grows up.

Speaking of a gym, their sports are remarkable similar to our in the fact everything is about a ball and trying to score with it, but lets just say Quiditch would be closer in some sports here, they didn't fly around or anything, but there were 3 enchanted sponges with a little dye on them, and if they are to tag you, you must go to the bench to respawn, and the main ball is like a X shaped Football they end up spinning like a frisbee.

Doing a sport like this could be fun, but we shall see.

My parents are still the same as always, I get home and mom gives me kisses on the cheek, and I tinker both with and without dad on various things.

But there was something I can't get out of my head, and I think my mom is hiding something from father and me.

I haven't seen anything as of yet, but there is something she is hiding, I will be on the lookout.

While at home, I had kira and robby knocking on the door to try and get me to come to the play place with them.

There was a park just 1 section away and most time, robby's mom would walk us there.

"Come on Dani, we want ta swing!" "Yea, what kira said, we gotta swing, I want to swing higher then you!"

I grumble, "Ok ok, let me put my tablet away and get a water"

After setting out, we made it in less than 5 minutes, It was a basic Play place, but I had been using it to try and push my muscles a little since I was so young, one time, trying to see how high I could get swining, hence robby's obsession now.

"Ok you three, stay in the Floor Area and have fun, I will get you when it is time to go back!"

We all three set out for different part of the play area, but I see a possible problem.

There was a kid from the last batch here that always seemed to watch to start shit with me, but I was from the latest batch of kids as they are planned to allow them to close and open schools with no issue, and the kids to have piers. 

Upon seeing Darek Northstar, the black headed kid instantly looked my way noticing me and heading in my direction.

"Ahh if it isn't the genius brat, what are you doing here?"

"Just here with some friends to relax after classes today, there doesn't need to be a scene today, right?"

He gave me a full glare at me saying this, and lundged at me punching me in the stomach.

With the hit, I had lost the wind in my lunges and couldn't breath for what felt like 5 minutes.

"Don't be so cocky talking to me in the future brat, also don't come to this floor area again, this is our area."

Staggering to stand, I get over to the bench and sit down Seeing Robby's mom coming over to me.

"Sorry I couldn't stop him, I didn't notice until you were on the ground and he was leaving. Are you alright? its probably best you not mess with him as his family has a lot of influence."

"yea I know, I am fine. He is just always wanting to start it up on sight, eventually I may have to deal with it."

"Ok, Well, when those two are done swinging, we can head back."

I nodded to her as we sat there.

I need to learn some magic to deal with that piss ant.