Chapter 15
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While the first book is being translated I had decided to work on other things, 3 things in particular. 

First is the two devices I plan to use up topside, one is a Device for cutting, on one side I have a stable blade attached to a motor, and if I run mana through the electric stone it will power the motor to make the blade vibrate, this by itself would already be useful, but on the other side of this device, I put an a fire stone and small shards of a air stone I had to purchase, and this make the flame like a blowtorch when I put mana into it, Still a lot of mana to use it, but this will help.

Next is a simple device, inlaid on a board is an electric stone and fire stone in series, and when powered with Mana, it will produce a lot of heat, this can be enhanced if I input more mana, and should allow me to warm up areas very quickly.

The last item is actually the easiest, it is a belt I can wear over my suit to attach the tools to, the only real material I have for this is the insulated metal, so I start with 2 semi circles and attack a hinge to them, and a buckle.

It fit a little loose on my, but that is  the best as it should fit well over the suit.

With this, I take the rest of the day off to hang out with kira for a bit, before talking with my dad about the item and how everything is going.

The next day, I am awoke by a notification that the first book is translated, so I instantly start reading.

The book was interesting, and it gave some insights, it was about the Gia Theory, stating that when given the chance, animals, and plants would start to evolve in difficult terrains, or enviroments. 

It went on to discuss ways to accelerate this, but stated that the fastest way to do this is through breeding.

This would give me something to think about for a long while, maybe there is a way to force resistance to the cold?

While thinking this, I had left the house and was walking towards kira's place.

After meeting up with kira we decided to eat at a cafe today, and she was very excited to try something there.

"Dani, what have you been up to lately, and when are you going to tell me about your job?"

"I'm not telling anyone about my job just yet, you know that ahah. But I have been fine, me and my dad are working on the shop and making a little money from it, did you enjoy the watch I made just for you?" I asked smirking, she hadn't asked for one to be made, but since she was my friend, I put a bit more effect into making her watch, even painting it a dark purple which was her favorite color.

You know I love the watch, and why can't yo.." She was cut off in this moment at 3 bolts, 1 after another quickly lodged themselves into our table before one stuck me in the shoulder.

I grunted and flipped our table to the side in the direction the bolts came from, and dragged kira down to the ground with me.

"What was that?" She asked, "I don't know, one moment. Stay here I will take care of it." I took out my wireless camera and pointed it just over the table, and looked at my Pirk, it was a man at the corner not far from us, with what appeared to be a crossbow, at this I pushed kira slightly off of me as I began to straighten up a little.

"I'll be back, stay safe." and She nodded.

In an instant, I was out of cover and running out of the area for the cafe, and toward the corner, the person was still shooting at me, but now that I was paying attention, the bolts were very easy to dodge.

As I got up close to the person, they lasted out with a Fire whip, so I deflected it and was charging a fire spell but faultered... They seem weak, what if I kill them, can they defend against my magic, maybe I can just punch them, all of this in a few moment, and my feet became rooted to the floor covered in ice, I was breaking my way free of this when I look up and the person was gone.

I curse to myself, but looking around can't find them, so I stop my recording as I will need to use the video in a moment.

Two guards come up to the cafe as I had returned and were asking everyone about what happened, and after explaining what happened and how it started, I showed the video to the guards, and they seemed to understand.

"Thankfully you were the only one hit, and you seem fine..... enough. Do you need to get that looked at?" The gaurd asked while pointing to the bolt I had forgotten about in my shoulder.

"Honestly I think I will be fine, I will stop by the doctor in a bit, I just wanted to make sure everything else was good and get kira."

Kira seemed a little shaken at the whole event, but I calmed her down and explained I needed to go to a doctor.

"Can I come with you, I want to make sure you are alright."

"Sure, it shouldn't take long as well."

We arrive at the doctors office and after a quick sign in, I was lead back to the doctor.

"He, I didn't really need to come here, I just didn't want the girl I was with to worry. Can you help me remove the bolt?"

He seemed to think I was crazy, but helped me remove the bolt.

"Awesome, thank you. I would still like some form of bandage to make it look like I needed to come here, but my healing magic should have this take care of before I get back home."

"You know, if you could do this, you should really get a job as a Doctors assistant at least. But I digress, I recommend to only allow it to heal about 50% and then let your body do the rest, to ensure it is a healthy healing."

I shake his had and leave, getting kira and heading out.

She needed to go to her house, and the elevator was the other way, so we parted and said goodbyes.

On the way to the elevator, my mood soured as I was close to the elevator, I saw my mother.

"Hello mother, what do you need"

"I had heard you were attacked and injured, so I was worried. As well I was informed that the leader wish to meet with you for a short meeting to provide a recording."

"I see, thank you for the information and there is no need to worry for me, we are practically strangers at this point." As soon as I said it, I felt horrible, I shouldn't have said that.

I was at the elevator now, having walked off as I said it, so I looked back and didn't see my mother anymore, deciding that I would be to much of a hassle, I didn't go back, instead I went to the 10th floor to meet with the leader as her office was there.

Arriving at the location of the office, I find I was expected thankfully and I am lead in.

"Ahh Welcome danial, I am sorry to hear about the attack on the cafe and your injury, but I was advised you have a recording of the event, would you be able to provide that to me?"

"yes, what tablet would you like it on?" I ask and then she hands me one.

Its not a large recording so it only takes a few moments to send the file over to the tablet, and then I hand her the tablet back.

"I don't recognize the person from their body shape or clothing, but I will be sure to keep all the guards on full alert to look for this person, you have my word we will catch them."

"As you likely saw from the recording, I help back. If this happens again, I can promise you the person won't get away, but their likely to be a corpse."

"Ooh, that is actually fine, normally we would advise against something like this as most people aren't as strong or capable as you, so feel free. If they are caught, it is execution regardless as this was a planned attack with the intent to kill."

I nodded at this, "Well, if you don't need me for anything else, I am exhausted Madem leader. ahah"

She just smirked and waved me off, I head out from the office and over to the elevator.

I wasn't fast enough today, and I need to have more uses of magic, so I think it is time to study.

I think I should start with body enhancement, to fine out a better way to do it, but one think I know for sure that I want, is a shield, can't go wrong with a heavy mana shield to protect yourself.