"Tch, how are they keeping up," He wonders as he scouts the enemy's numbers. Clashes of weapons and concepts ensued on the battlefield, and the smell of blood rose from the ground.
"argh, at this rate our kind will be extinct. Oh observant god, how long are you gonna let your disciples suffer?" He murmurs looking up.
Then he caught a glimpse of the heroes commanding the soldiers to retreat. "Is this a sign?!" A breath of relief slipped through his mouth, then an ally approached him.
"Leader Zachael, your daughter, she's been kidnapped!" A moment of silence occurred before being broken, "WHAT?!" Zachael's nerves etched on his skull, A terrifying aura spread throughout the battlefield. "So that explains their retreat, pathetic bastards!"
Zachael ran in the enemy's direction, and his allies followed him. Leading them into the forest, they investigated around but not a single trace could be seen from the terrain not even their footsteps were found, Zachael hollered with a mix of frustration and anger that echoed through the forest...
Days after Zachael's anguish spread like fire, search parties have been established. The priority of finding his daughter. Days and nights went by, seedlings became small trees, and seasons passed but no news of her had been received, the light of hope gradually dying, until 3 years later...
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Verul, Varwog a widowed father, had just finished building a treehouse. "Another item checked off the list," Varwog sighed. his eyes scanning the crossed-out tasks with weariness. He looked at the treehouse he built, admiring it for a while. Before tucking the list along with the tools inside his heavy bag. He rests beneath the structure for a while before strolling through the forest outside the Kingdom of Verul.
Walking through the silent forest, ear-piercing echoes of cheer alluded him. Varwog went toward the source of the noise. His eyes reflected the dazzling decorations and the huge number of villagers gathered. It was a celebration so grand that it was deafening.
Hiding in a bush, he narrowed his eyes, concentrating on the person riding the stallion."Yorin huh, it's been a while." Both hands instinctively holding his ears, he then sneaked inside the kingdom's walls.
Seeking for a vantage point, he towered up the roofs in time to witness the sword hero on her stallion. Juvenile guards beside her as she entered the kingdom. dragging ludicrous amounts of war trinkets. Varwog narrowed his eyes. "What the-" His eyes widened, eyebrows raised, "tsk, what were they doing these past years."
The gates rolled down, and the village square was filled with the aromatic smell of food, sounds of welcome and praise reverberated throughout the kingdom.
Down below, a figure in royal clothing and purple coat stepped in front along with his guards. "Welcome to Verul, sword hero." Hoho It's been a while isn't it, back from the war? Where are your friends?" The king stated, scratching his head.
Varwog, above the roof, examined each move from the King and Yorin, curiosity growing on his face.
"It has been some time indeed King Hurvel, that war was so tiring~," Yorin replied with a big smile etched on her face. "As for my acquaintances, they went to the other kingdoms to give away trinkets of war."
Unmounting from her horse, she ordered the guards behind. "Distribute the gifts, all of them except for this one," she commands at the top of her breath.
Varwog's eyes narrowed as he tried to observe the silhouette of the unopened gift.
Noises of cheer spread throughout the kingdom. One could not resist as gold glimmers through their eyes; one could get blind.
"Oh sword hero! Thank you for these bountiful gifts. The kingdom owes you one." "I see nyeheheh, I could use that favor," walking towards the king, she whispers to his ear.
Varwog repositions himself to a better view. "I see, that task won't be hard. That king of yours is a genius." Hurvel chuckled. "well, what can I say, the gods blessed that old man," she answered back, looking up.
The guards distributed all the trinkets to the villagers, one by one. They ran back and forth, out of breath, until all the people got their trinkets. But greed burned in their hearts and started stealing from each other.
Yorin stepped forward, "Dear citizens of Verul, don't quarrel over such matters." she chuckled. "once we take that box from those demons, we can supply you threefold of what you have," she exclaimed with pride. Pools of praise echoed through Yorin's ears, almost deafening her.
Amidst the cheer a hand rose, then the villager approached, "Um, can I ask a question, dear sword hero?" Yorin nodded, "Go ahead, I'm listening," "Is it possible if um, you tell us what is behind that sheet?" The crowd became silent. Varwog repositions himself to another roof.
"Heh, what's behind this sheet you say? Sure, but its purpose cannot be given to the likes of you." Yorin turns around and unsheathes the sheet. revealing a skinny child with scars wearing dirty and torn clothing, lying down, eyes shut. Whispers entombed the whole kingdom; Varwog gritted his teeth as events unfolded.
"Don't worry everyone this child isn't dead; she's sleeping," Yorin climbed the platform. Then she walks toward the child, Pow! She kicks the child with a quarter of her might, sending the child sprawling away. Yorin shouts at her, "Wake up, brat!", "Ahh, owie." the child muttered, holding her stomach. Tears started flowing down her cheeks. Yorin approaches her grabbing her by the collar of her torn clothes.
"This child right here is the daughter of the devil himself!" The crowd hailed her; conversations arose from the crowd. "That's the sword hero for you," "She must be super agile," "How long could I last with her?" "what the hell dude."
The child squirms and bit Yorin, she was unaffected however. "Nice try, too bad that wouldn't work." She glared at the child.
"Errr, you probably should not do that sword hero; what if she dies? Then the plan would be spoiled..." King Hurvel spoke while walking towards Yorin.
Varwog clenched his fist, nerves erupting on his arms and face, he rose and then jumped down from the roof. "Hey, what do you think you're doing to that kid?", "Ohoho, Varwog? So you were hiding here all along." A grin emerged upon Yorin's face as she turned towards Varwog, then she throws the child to the side "You can stop the hunt now; it's useless, considering the fact that you lost to me many times." the surroundings filled with laughter and whispers. "Tsk, as if I would care about that, hand over the child."
Varwog ran towards the child, but guards blocked his path, "If you go near the child, you will be beheaded!" the guards shouted in unison. "NYAHAHAHAH are you serious? That child is the daughter of Zachael. The leader of those who possess intangible concepts. Rescuing her means you are making the whole world your enemy."
"I don't care, whether she's the daughter of the enemy or ally, rich or poor" he spoke as he kept walking towards the child. "A child suffering is nothing to be proud of, especially for a hero like you." Varwog reaches for something from his bag and smashes it on the ground, forming a thick white fog. He rushed toward the guards and fought his way, every punch hit like a running horse knocking them out. After defeating the guards, he carries the child in his hands.
"Heh, you really did it." Yorin pushes Hurvel away from the clash. Then she dashes in the blink of an eye before Varwog could even react. A blinding light seeps from the thick fog, some villagers hide, while others back away. King Hurvel on the other hand was squinting his eyes.
"heh, the next one would be a guaranteed hit. I was testing you." she chuckled. Varwog got hit, but he got lucky for it was a scratch. He scanned the child for any wound before focusing back on the battle.
Yorin then prepares for her next move, "Still conceptless? Ha, sucks to be you."
He held the child on his shoulders. Then he grabbed something from his bag before replying to her "Oh still thinking about that? Since you asked, I might as well use it.", "Bring it on then" Yorin smirked. He smashes something on the ground creating a cloud of thick black smoke. The wind immediately cleared the smoke, but everyone's jaws dropped at the sight "H-h-he disappeared?!"