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This Was Not the Right World
This Was Not the Right World
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Mark Smith

Is Mark the Hero of the Story, comedy relief, a punching bag or something else entirely.

A divorced retiree who died of a stroke in his olde world is a young man with a chance at a new life in a new world.

Sir Athrick

A veteran soldier who was been given command of a small garrison in Kereth North of the small logging town of Arthra. Along with the Mage Bestriel a longtime companion of his, he watches over the North Road leading to the main temple complex of the Church of Balance. Other than the occasional group of bandits or band of Grithick (small yellow humanoids resembling Goblins), his only real concern is housing travelers from the Church of Balance as there is little else of note in the area.


A former combat mage and longtime friend of Sir Athrick Bestriel has joined him at his current post of Garrison Commander out of boredom more than anything else. Well into his sixties Bestriel has spent most of his adult life since leaving the Mage Academy has been spent in the military and he is well past the age of retirement.

Paladin Arissia of the Flames

A Paladin of the Church of Balance Arissia is tasked with hunting down Outworlders and executing them as well as well investigating and dealing with any other threats to the Church and the three Gods the church serves. Wielding a great sword, she can wreath in flames Arissia is dedicated and determined in her duty to the Church. 

Arissia has few friends and little time for a social life spending her free time between prayer and training and is unprepared for the changes in her life she is about to experience.


A race of small yellowish skimmed humanoids much like Goblins they generally live in small family groups of a dozen or less members. Hunter gathers and fairly nomadic unless they have infants or young children amongst their number. They use simple weapons and tools and any weapons they can salvage or steal.

The Church of Balance

The Church of Balance was created by the first three Outworlders summoned to the world of Orthrick. Thee three champions were summoned to Orthrick to combat the forces of an evil God and kill this now nameless deity. After many years of fighting, they succeeded in their task and organized the three religions of the God who summoned them into a single Church and tasked them with watching over the world after their passing.

Salen of the Ax: A Barbarian warrior and the strongest mortal to ever live.

 Brianna of the Flame: A Sorceress and mistress of fire magic able to wipe out armies and erase entire cities from the map. 

Therion the Bold: An unmatched Swordman Therion was unequaled in speed and skill.

The Gods of Orthrick

There have been a number of Gods of the Plane of Orthrick and one unnamed Celestial being who is revered as the long-vanished wife of Orthrick and the mother of many of the other Gods.

Orthrick: first of the Gods of the Plane that bear his name, his origin is lost in the sands of time as forgotten or unknown as the name of his wife. Formerly the God of the Sun and Moon those spheres are now held by hi twin daughters. Orthrick in reality was created by Isis and was originally meant to be the guardian of this realm but was betrayed and slain by his son Rondar.

Isis: created this plane as a home for the souls of her worshippers reincarnating the first of these souls as adults. As time passed their children, grandchildren and generation after generation. would house each new wave of reincarnated souls. 

Jareth: First of Orthrick's sons he was drawn to the beauty nature and the joy if the Hunt. Appointed the God of hunting and the wilderness. Jareth is a patient and quiet preferring the solitude of nature. Generally slow to anger only the murder of his father has ever brought out his rage.

Aranissa and Nissra: the twin sisters Aranissa and Nissra are as night and day to each other one fair skinned and passionate the other ashen skinned and reserved Aranissa is the Goddess of the Sun, Justice, Duty and Honor while Nissra is the Goddess of the Moon, Mysteries, Magic and the Night.

Rondar: The great betrayer, the Nameless God, the Dead God these and other titles have all been given to Rondar. Originally the God of War he grew increasingly violent and resentful of his family he fell into madness and killed his father and was in turn slain by three mortal champions with the aid of his siblings. 

Sobel: the youngest of Orthrick's children Sobel's is the God of Love, Beauty and Marriage. Appearing as both male and female their gender appears to be whatever they want it to be including genderless and hermaphrodite.

Other Deities:

Brevia: Goddess of Life and the Harvest she is in truth a fragment of Isis left behind to perform these duties in her stead.

 Nairin: Worshiped as the Goddess of Fate she is said to know the fate of every soul born on Orthrick and her chosen priestesses of which there are only ever five have appeared in various cities and given prophecies on only three occasions and only fools ignore them. It is said that anyone that attacks one of her priestesses will be turned to stone their soul trapped forever in stone.

Throth: One of the few Gods not directly related to Othrick he is the God of Death, the Dead and Funerals while he does not have an organized priesthood, he is shown reverence by all, and all priests are taught his rites of the dead.



Orthrick, a world seemingly trapped in a fantasy medieval setting Magic, Sorcery and the Church of Balance shape this world. The races if this world include the civilized races of humans, elves and merfolk, the more savage and tribal races of the Grithick small violent humanoids, the Riththar tall nomadic raiders and the Sikar a sharklike humanoid species that are brutal pack hunters and the Tharj massive black skinned humanoids averaging fifteen feet in height, with long limbs and regenerative abilities much like trolls in behavior.

The world of Orthrick is named after the Creator deity of the plane and Father of its remaining Gods. 

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