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"Well, first of all no man can define me, "  said Wrinkle "I am a strong independent trickster who needs no man. "


Basic Info

  • Date/Place of Birth: A Very Long Time Ago, In a Different Timeline on Earth
  • Raised by his grandfather
  • No, his grandfather is not Father Time, lol
  • Mother died as an infant, dad wasn't around until much later on in life

Occupation: Unemployed Trickster who spends eternity watching people through magical fountains. Why pay rent?

Ability: Can Rewind Time, setting things over again. Actions can change once the events repeat again, but it's very unlikely.

 Limits: Time rewinds and everyone except the ability user forgets what happened. Very few are immune to memory loss.

Thankfully he can't go forward in time. An unhinged man with the power to control time isn't exactly...good...

Basic Stats

  • Height: 5 ft 11
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Race: Earthian Astral
  • Brown hair, skin, and blue eyes
  • favorite color: green, because its the color of grass
  • Style of dress: PROPER AND FORMAL. One must always make a good first impression!!!
  • Social Class: Upper class
  • voice is shrill and fluctuates rapidly
  • left-handed
  • Unknowingly has Histrionic Personality Disorder and is also a little weird from being alone for hundreds of years.

Histrionic personality disorder: In histrionic personality disorder, people frequently try to gain more attention by being overly dramatic or sexually provocative. They are easily influenced by other people and are extremely sensitive to criticism or disapproval.

Explains his odd mannerisms, flashy use of his ability, prone to mood swings, belief that he and Ace are much closer than they are, and that he's always dressed in formal wear.... he wants the attention.  He changes his face to look like different people as well.

Quirks, Mannerism, Strange Habits

  • It is always a good time to eat sweets! There is no such thing as tooth decay or Type 2 Diabetes in his mind. He's either drinking tea with tons of sugar so it feels "healthier", eating pastries, drinking soda, etc
  • Wiggles his fingers. It has nothing to do with his powers he gained inside the empty Void. He did it for fun and now he can't stop
  • Starts most of his sentences with the word Well 

Beliefs and Opinions

  • Believes that being close to family is important cuz his mom died when he was young and his grandfather raised him
  • Nihilist. Not in a pessimistic sense, but nothing matters so, do all the fun things you want. Life is for the living! YEAH!
  • Believes one of the worst things people can do is give up. That's for losers. 
  • Raised in a conservative environment so believes in strict rules of authority. In CH 1 he cannot eat until Ace eats first because Ace is "technically older than him"


  • Sugar. It's his cocaine, and its white too
  • Ace. They're best friends, he just hasn't remembered yet! All it takes is patience...
  • Reading, painting, cooking, gardening, history, sculpting. He's a total intellectual and loves to build with his hands.
  • The ocean
  • classical music and heavy metal


  • Levi. Refuses to call him by his name
  • Not getting what he wants IMMIDIATELY. Being inside a place where you can make anything at any time makes you weird
  • Swimming pools. People pee in there! Gross!
  • salty food
  • Anyone who takes attention away from him

Self Image

  • Afraid of being alone but cannot handle being around others
  • Knows he might be a little off or maybe even mentally ill but doesn't want to do anything about it
  • Bad at socializing but still tries to make friends. He's trying his hardest, okay?
  • Greatest strength is his loyalty and strange mind. Would be willing to do anything if he cares about someone and his strange mind makes him think outside the box and come up with interesting answers to solutions
  • Greatest weakness is that his loyalty hinges on obsession and that he really needs to talk to someone
Acheus Titanium, "Ace"

The main character!

 He's a forgetful red-head who likes sports, the dudes, the ladies. He has a four star evolutionary ability, the rarest of abilities...but he's lazy and a himbo so his ability hasn't evolved because he's concerned with dating and arguing people about baseball and the latest hoverboard championship as if he's a sports news caster.

Basic Info

  • Date/Place of Birth: July 4th. Born on the Planet of Ionadis.
  • Stepmother: Amara Tirinus, deceased. 
  • Brother: Aegean Tirinus, deceased, age 5
  • Adopted by Tyreceus.
  • Cadet/student  at Slater Academy for the Defense Program, a private company that trains superheroes. Ace is very bad at his job,  his ability hasn't evolved since he started training
  • Lives on Earth, Western Sector, in the town of New Springfield.

Physical Description

  • Height: 5 ft 11
  •  Weight: 160 lbs
  • Race: Ionadian Alien
  •  Hair and eye color: Red hair, blue eyes
  •  Style of dress: Relaxed style of clothes, likes to wear white, black, and red.
  • Social Class: Upper Middle Class, almost near wealthy
  • Very deep voice
  • Right handed

Author's Note: 


Most likely for the manga version of the story, I will draw him much differently. Most readers have told me they imagine Ace to look "cute", for whatever hilarious reason, LOL


Likes/ Favorite Things

  • Favorite color is red
  • Favorite food is pancakes, chocolate milk, and Ronnie's mom's pumpkin pie
  • Anything to do with being on a team (because of his fear of not fitting in), loves sports, travelling, and the outdoors
  • Likes beer, but cant handle his alcohol. That doesn't stop him from drinking though... lol...


  • Reading, he's impatient
  • Flashy people
  • Disgusted by the smell of rain due a traumatic event that happened while it was rained

Self Image

  • Greatest strength is that he's so stupid it turns into bravery. 
  • Greatest weakness is that he's dumb. He won't try something new until someone suggests it to him.
  • Is extroverted, messy, carefree, optimistic, makes jokes at inappropriate times
  • Deals with his problems thru dating and sex
  • Spoiled thanks to being pretty close to rich and because his dad spoils him
  • Self-conscious and subconsciously dates people who he perceives as being more powerful than him, either personality wise or physically
  • Extremely friendly but doesn't handle rejection well and tries to get people to like him when it's clear they don't. His fear of rejection affects all parts of his life. Because of it he's still friends with most of his ex boyfriends and girlfriends 

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Doesn't say goodbye when hanging up the phone
  • Doesn't keep people's names on his caller ID. Fenton, his best friend is listed as TALL CELERY STALK. 
  • Laughs when nervous, confusing and offending people in serious situations and fumbles with his bracelet, arms, and hands
  • Can do difficult tasks, but if something is too simple he can’t do it because his mind wanders. Example: Cannot boil spaghetti because he forgets its on the stove, but he can fry eggs because requires his attention. Is a horrible cook
  • Very good at stealing

Beliefs and Opinions

  • Fears are not fitting in, rejection, being alone
  • He's a Novite but isn't religious.
  • Conservative by Earth standards, but liberal by his own culture's
  • No qualms about sex. In his own culture, sex is not shameful, but aspects of masculinity are, which feeds into his shame about his attraction to men.
  • Will kill and not think twice if it's self defense.
  •  Believes the worst thing a person could do is hurt a child 
  • Believes that in life some people are successful because they're born lucky or blessed. Influenced by his culture
  • Is very emotionally honest 

Santos Dominus

"Lyrica was my slave name. I’m Santos now," - Santos

No one is sure how old he is, and whenever he asks, he tells them the number and no one likes the answer. He never lies, because he has no reason to. People don't believe him when he tells the truth and its very exhausting.

Santos is proof that age doesn't equal maturity. Nothing matters, so he does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, swayed by only emotions and base desires, but at the end of the day his first allegiance is to protect his children and the descendants of Michael Slater.

Interview with a Vampire:

"When were you born?"

I was born at the dawn of time itself, but no one believes me!

"How much do you weigh? "

 It's rude to ask. If you must know, I'm about [REDACTED] lbs.

What's your race?

Race? I don't see race. I'm the least racist person I know!

 What do you look like?

I have brown skin, curly black hair, and your mom's number.

"Tell us about your family."

I have so many siblings, but my favorite is Musico. He's my twin. My oldest brother however, is a jerk. Me and my dad don't get along. Fuck him. 

"Got kids?"

Depends. Do you mean biologically, legally, or just the ones I like?


I lost count, to be honest. Sometimes, I just look at one and go, hey, that one, c'mere!


Fenton Wong

 Fenton Wong is Ace's best friend and is of Chinese descent. Their families are close, they've known each other since they were 10 years old. He calls Ace's dad Uncle Ty. He's the youngest, has  6 older sisters and an estranged older brother. His mom is super protective and his father bounced long ago. Fenton's mom keeps asking when he's going to finish school, when he's coming back home, when he's going to find a nice guy to bring back home, etc.  

He pretends he hates it but he gets jealous when she dotes over Ace.

All of these factors make him much more mature for his age but thankfully Ace helps him loosen up a little bit. 


Basic Info

  • Date/Place of Birth: September 1st, Earth
  • Mother: Yue-Lian Wong
  • Cadet/student  at Slater Academy for the Defense Program, a private company that trains superheroes. Is very good at his job and at school!
  • Lives on Earth, Western Sector, in the town of New Springfield, and is Ace's roommate
  • Is a four star evolutionary psychic, with his ability fully evolved and is one of the most adept, but his ability is extremely hard to master and control

Basic Stats

  • Height: 5 ft 6. Grows taller later on
  •  Weight: 140 lbs
  • Race: Earthian Astral
  •  Hair and eye color: Black hair with a bluish tint, dark brown eyes
  •  Style of dress: Relaxed style of clothes, he likes to wear black
  • Social Class: middle class
  • high pitched voice
  • Right handed


  • Favorite color: black
  • Favorite food is fried fish and eggs. He's a really good cook because his mom owns a restaurant and taught him how to cook.
  • Ace is his favorite person, obviously. Ace is emotionally honest and open. Fenton has trust issues, but he never doubts Ace because he rarely lies unless he's embarrassed about something.
  • The field of robotics. Goes to Slater Academy for free college tuition later on. Wants a PhD in robotics... which in the future is a license to use giant robots.
  • Likes  reading, hoverboard, videogames, camping and astronomy. Ace has a viewing deck on his house they use to watch stars through a telescope
  • Loves history, hilarious because Ace hates it. Makes Fenton sad b/c he doesn't go to museums with him sometimes :( 
  • Has a crush on Santos. Is it because he's handsome, because he does whatever he wants, or both?


  • "I don't like FaKe PeOpLe", says the guy who reads peoples minds because he's a paranoid fuck, LOL
  • He hates that people assume he is sexually or romantically interested in Ace. They've been friends for eight years... its not happening. Kissing Ace would be like kissing his brother.
  • Hates Levi with a passion. He thinks Levi only wants to sleep with Ace because he can't sort out his own feelings with his sexuality. Finds it weird that they're kind of into each other even though Levi's always rude to the both of them
  • hates that no one listens to his valid concerns throughout the story. He's one of the characters that isn't absolutely fucking nuts, but a sane man surrounded by insanity is perceived as being crazy.
  • Haircuts. He waits until it gets into his eyes to cut his hair. Wierd because he's a neat person concerning everything else in his life.

Self Image

  • Greatest strength is that he has a good eye for details. In situations he is wary of people, pointing out their suspicious behavior and even discerning enemies when others cannot. He's not smarter than average, he's just really good at finding an easier way to do things
  • His greatest weakness is that b/c he tries to find the easiest way to solve a problem he sometimes does things that cause bigger problems later down the road than if he just did it the proper way
  • Since he has trust issues he doesn't date often, but he's more serious about his relationships
  • Has fewer friends but closer relationships 
  • High self-confidence due to a strong family connection and good childhood
  • Blunt, has a bit of a caretaker mentality, and loves to help others

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Mind reads people all the time b/c he has serious trust issues since his dad left his family when he was young. Sometimes people's thoughts are "loud" and slip in and he learns nasty things about others
  • Ace and him like to roast each other for fun
  • Disgusted by Ace's sugar addiction but eats eggs like he gets paid to
  • his catch phrase is I don't like fake people, esp. when angry

Beliefs and Opinions

  • Doesn't trust people who are married and don't have kids. Fenton has a giant family... why don't they have kids?  What's wrong with them?  Fenton's just paranoid.
  • Wants to get married and have a lot of kids but never mentions it because that's things that girls like, and feels silly about it
  • Is an atheist and  celebrates some parts of his culture's traditions
  • Fear of betrayl 
  • Only willing to kill in self-defense or during conflict, actively questions authority
  • Believes that in life people can only get so far through hard work and those that have it good never even know it. Influenced by working his butt off to get into the Academy and being surrounded by rich idiots afterward

Ace's girlfriend. She's a bit on the short side, beautiful, but just like him she's loud and a people person, albeit, a person that likes to control other people. She's the senior captain of the cheer team and loves to take leadership positions throughout Slater Academy, such a charity drives, prom, etc. 

People don't know why anyone who constantly demeans even her boyfriend would want to help others but her intentions always aren't known until the last moment.

She's completely obsessed with Ace. She loves him way too much, is only kind to him when no one else is around, but puts him down in public. Its obvious to everyone except Ace that she's abusive.

Her ability is corpse and bone manipulation. The more corpses she controls, the weaker she comes, and the harder it is to control them. 

Basic Info

  • Has only her father, whom she only needs, a total daddy's girl. His name's never mentioned, sometimes referred to as Him, but she calls him Daddy all the time.
  • Has so many siblings. LITERALLY MILLIONS
  • Has so many kids, but Ace doesn't know. She hides a lot of things from him, poor guy
  • Birthday: June 6th, at 6 AM. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Lives at Slater Academy at the dorms with Amity, her henchman best friend 

Basic Stats

  • Height, 5 ft 5in 
  • Weight: 128 lbs, D cup
  • Race: Egyptian
  • Long, straight black hair and brown eyes
  • Style of dress: angry big titty goth gf who wears revealing clothing
  • Sultry voice
  • Right handed

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Is a cannibal? I guess that's weird enough. Ace doesn't know, LOL
  • Favorite food is fingers but gets upset that the nails never digest. Doesn't like to eat other parts of her human and ends up wasting a perfectly good corpse! Her dad spoils her too much just like Ace's dad!
  • Whenever caught in an awkward situation she pretends as if nothing is wrong and just nods and says, "'Sup". Never works.
  • Overuse of the word bitch, it's like her catchphrase. To her its a verb, adverb, everything under the sun.
  • Just like Ace she makes jokes at inappropriate moments, but her jokes are always sexual, so it makes people even more uncomfortable 

Beliefs and Opinions

  • A true  narcissist born leader, she believes that everyone should be delegated to do things for her... calls it regulation of duties sometimes
  • Only fear is disappointing her father
  • Hard core Satanist,  and not the friendly, edgy kind.
  • Believes its never the wrong time or place to eat, fuck or sleep. Who's going to stop me? The police?
  • Believes the worst thing anyone could do is GIVE UP.Is stubborn she gives 200% in everything, which is why people are drawn to her like flies, mistaking her obsession with "intensity" or "leadership". Its  why she's obsessed with Ace and everything she does is "intense", even when she speaks
  • Believes in life there's always an unspoken hierarchy in all relationships, and that she's usually the one on top. Thinks that this chain of command is UNBREAKABLE, mostly from influence from her father. Reacts in the same way her own father would if someone dares to question her authority. By breaking them down emotionally, physically or sexually. 


  • Pop music, dancing, collecting shoes
  • fingers, because the texture of the skin is thin and the bones are crunchy, occasionally arms
  • Acheus, of course
  • Has a soft spot for Amity, even though she'd deny it if anyone asked


  • Doesn't like Ace's best friend Fenton because she gets jealous easily
  • Christians. She calls them Jesus Freaks.
  • Heavy Metal
  • Anyone who takes attention from her

Self Image

  • Can't handle rejection just like her boyfriend, Ace, but for her its because she is so used to getting what she always wants. She reacts through violence, unlike Ace, who instead tries harder to get people to like him no matter what
  • What self confidence issues? Candice is a full blown narcisst. She knows she's beautiful, everyone knows she's beautiful, and even if she wasn't that wouldn't stop her. She was born to piss people off, no one needs to tell her girls run the world, because she's a grown woman.  Ace confuses her narcissim with self-confidence and its one of the reasons he's attracted to her.
  • Her greatest strength is strangely enough her full blown narcissim. She never doubts her actions, charging head first, trying her hardest in everything she does, because she believes she can do anything, that she's un stoppable
  • Her greatest weakness is also her narcissm. Her father has warned her multiple times of dangers and the fact that things keep repeating, but she refuses to listen. Multiple times Candice could have gotten whatever she wanted easier of faster than if she did it all on her own, but she's stubborn, NO ONE CAN TELL HER WHAT TO DO! Fuck everyone else. I know what's best! 
Amy O'Brian

Amy is Mark's girlfriend and they met when they were eight years old. They just knew they were meant to be! She's a little shrill sometimes, but she loves kids, animals, and genuinely joined the Defense Program to help others. Originally she wanted to be a pediatrician or a veterinarian. Unlike the others in Team 57 she isn't an idiot, but that makes everyone else think she a total square. It also doesn't help that she's also the only woman on Team 57 that's absolutely normal.


Can create illusions with her mind and are limited to how well she can imagine/ remember something. If she remembers something wrong, people will notice it's not real. Doesn’t work on psychics. People lacking certain senses won’t see certain illusions of course, so she will have to work harder to trick them.

Basic Info

  • DOB/ Place of Birth: August 17th, New Springfield, Earth
  • Has lived in New Springfield her entire life
  • Works as a cadet and trainee at the Defense Program and goes to Slater Academy

Basic Stats

  • 5 ft 8
  • Earthian Astral
  • 135 lbs
  • Pink hair, green eyes, light complexion
  • Likes to wear sweaters! Sweater dressers, so many, its never enough! Wears fake glasses because it makes her feel cool
  • Upper Middle Class
  • High pitched voice
  • right handed


  • Fav color: Pink
  • Fav food: mac and cheese
  • Animals! Her family owns several farms and she likes to visit them and play with the horses when she tags along with her father on business trips.
  • Mark, obviously. <3 


  • Anyone who does not like Mark
  • The color black.
  • Harmonia. Something is  up with her. She's too nice.  AMY KNOWS IT! No one listens to her though. Oh well.
  • PETA

Beliefs and Opinions

  • Hard for her to understand complex emotions of other people, explains her affinity for children and animals (simpler thoughts) and why she gets upset easily when people do things and she doesn't understand why
  • Assumes that everyone thinks the way she does because she's lived in the same town, her entire life with only rich people, her entire life
  • Thinks that life has a certain order. You must get married or go to school. You must do this. Cannot handle it when life changes in the "order" she imagined it to be.
  • Believes that trees, just like animals and children are babies and should be protected because they are defenseless. She cries whenever a tree is cut down

Self Image

  • Has no patience for anyone the same age as her or older, but totally cool with kids and animals.
  • Uses her ability to keep herself busy when she's lonely. Shhh. Don't tell anyone!
  • Holds grudges
  • Wants to have a lot of kids after she gets married
  • Biggest strength is that she isn't as dumb as the others on her team and can notice when somethings up! But no one likes her so they don't listen, lol.
  • Biggest weakness is that she goes along with whatever Mark does because she's a follower, not a leader, and her propensity to hold grudges is why many of her team mates don't listen to her solid advice.
Leviathan Asher Slater "Levi"

Levi is a big guy who is emotionally stunted. He hides his fragile masculinity behind a curtain of anger and is the poster child of why pray away the gay camps don't work. Has a giant crush on Ace and refuses to admit it. 

He's the son of the CEO of Slater Academy, and is a lot smarter than he seems, loyal, and if he weren't so deep in the closet that he had a hanger up his ass he would be like-able.

Sadly he isn't.

He's not good nor bad at his job, but everyone in his group is so dumb Levi is qualified to lead them, but only because he's the least stupid person in a sea of idiots.

Levi controls electricity.

  • Date/Place of Birth: December 7th. Place of Birth Unknown.
  • Mother: Delilah Slater
  • Father: Maximillian Slater
  • Sister: Sara Slater, formerly Michael William Slater IV
  • Occupation:  First Cadet/student  at Slater Academy.

His extended family, in total, is about 70 people, because he has 13 aunts and uncles, numerous cousins, etc.  His family is super religious, influenced by their grandfather, Michael William Slater. They're all exorbitantly rich, coasting off the legacy of  Michael, the savior of Earth from the Regal Empire. He had the ability to control reality with his voice and almost all of his descendants have terrifying or rare abilities.

Basic Stats

  • Height: 6 ft 4
  • Weight: 221 lbs Levi's not overweight, just got lots of muscles
  • Race: Earthian Astral
  • White hair, red eyes. Wears blue eye contacts. He's an albino
  • Social Class: The kind that you're not aware of because they control your life
  • Deep voice
  • Right handed

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Inhales food at Mach speed w/o getting anything on his clothes, a talent that disturbs anyone who witnesses the unholy act
  • Talks in his sleep. Like, full blown conversations with himself
  • Control freak.
  • habitual/ compulsive liar. sometimes lies so he can have something to confess about at church
  • Is always hungry. The man is a bottomless vacuum. Used to be fat when he was 12 and now works out so he can eat whatever he wants
  • Shame of his sexuality resulted in weird habits. Only sleeps 4 hours a day once he was told he talked in his sleep so people wouldn't learn his secrets.
  • Works out so he can look "manly", but he's always tired, so he's constantly upset from being tired. 
  • Only sleeps 8 hours and doesn't work out on Sundays b/c "its the day of rest".
  • Keeps buying books when he hasn't finished the ones he already owns
  • Subconsciously copies all the habits of his father, using manipulative and psychopathic tactics to get what he wants, even though he hates his father

Beliefs and Opinions

  • Has Deep Catholic Guilt
  • Feels shame about his attraction to men thanks to his dad. No one else cares that he might be gay except for his dad, but Levi cares what his dad thinks of him the most, even though his father is a total sociopath
  • Truly believes he is morally obligated to protect other people because he is the grandson of Michael Slater, the hero of Earth.
  • Believes that astrals are "born blessed", another influence of being rich and his family
  • Listens to orders w/o question, has no problem killing people, willing to kill people outside the context of war or self-defense


  • His favorite person in the world is his big sister Sara. He calls her Sa-Sa, and they're close. His 2nd favorite person is his girlfriend Mary Jane, whom he'd rather go back to being friends with...
  • Football, travelling, nature, hoverboard, reading, and jogging 
  • Favorite color: blue
  • Secretly smokes but is brazen about it once he's of legal age. Got it from his Dad
  • Coffee addiction
  • Loves costume parties and Halloween is his 2nd favorite holiday behind Christmas! Ironically all his costumes suck ass, lol
  • Can play the piano, and is very good at it!  His huge gorilla grip hands definitely help, lol


  • Just like his grandfather, he only likes pure food. Most of the stuff he eats is organic and he's pretty serious about it.... Ironic that he smokes and is addicted to coffee, LOL
  • Hates alcohol, refuses to drink a drop and is usually pressured by people to drink. Hates drinking because he notices his father is slowly becoming an alcoholic
  • Doesn't like Fenton because he's one of the few people to call him out on his bullshit, lol
  • Milk and sweet things. Doesn't understand how Ace likes the two things 

He and Ace would probably get along great if he wasn't a giant meathead seeing as they have the many hobbies in common.

Self Image

  • Greatest strength is that he's super smart but not flashy about it. He surprises many people by coming to fast conclusions.  Since he's not a show off, many of his enemies underestimate his intelligence and take him for a giant, angry gorilla.
  • Greatest weakness is his emotional fragility. He is willing to lie continuously and sometimes endangers his own life and the lives of others instead of just telling the truth, resulting in many bad situations throughout the story
  • Becomes easily embarrassed. He's a soft man hidden underneath anger who doesn't even know himself because he's spent a long time hiding it

Mark Flint

Mark is Amy's boyfriend and they met when they were eight! Some people just know! They're always seen with each other and like vestigial twins. Many wonder how they're together because Mark is always laid back while Amy seems as if something is always wrong. They're the Yin to each other's Yang.

Amy helps Mark not become so irresponsible and slack he turns into a puddle, and Mark helps her lighten up a little.

He's always wanted to join the Defense Program, because just like Amy the idea of having a job that helps others appeals to him. Amy tagged along with him.


Has the ability to control shadows. It's evolutionary and four star, so he's a tough hombre, but the only weakness is that his ability is absolutely useless at night.


It's not like that will be an issue later on, or anything. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Basic Info

  • DOB/ Place of Birth: Febuary 5th, New Springfield, Earth
  • Has lived in New Springfield his entire life
  • Works as a cadet and trainee at the Defense Program and goes to Slater Academy

Basic Stats

  • 5 ft 10
  • Earthian Astral
  • 147 lbs
  • Black hair, green eyes, light complexion
  • Wears whatever is closest to him in the moment and various things Amy helps him pick out
  • Upper Middle Class
  • loud voice
  • right handed


  • Fav color: black
  • Fav food: grilled cheese
  • Animals! Loves visiting Amy's farm. He's a messy guy so he doesn't mind the smell of farms.
  • Amy...of course..
  • Likes to volunteer because Amy got him into it and he gets to sometimes play with animals at shelters.
  • Something that rhymes with iguana
  • Camping and hiking. Won't get out of bed to do other things but will show up at the ass crack of dawn to go out for a trip.


  • Anyone who does not like Amy
  • The color yellow.
  • Levi. Thinks he needs to smoke something green that rhymes with iguana.
  • PETA
  • Cleaning or anything of that nature. Amy yells at him about it a lot.

Beliefs and Opinions

  • I'll get around to that thing. Just not today. Tomorrow. Okay, next week. Oh, I forgot about it.
  • I'm not really that messy because I shower daily. So what if I lost my shoes under four layers of stuff I bought and won't use?
  • Amy is wrong. I don't need to eat more fruit. Why do my teeth always hurt?

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • When he's bored he hides in shadows to snoop and spy on people. Then he tells Amy. Spicy. She finds no problem with this because he finds good gossip.
  • Sometimes he hides in shadows and pulls pranks on people. Why not? It's just a prank bro ™ Pulls all kind of pranks on people all over campus and no one knows!
  • Can name various scientific species of bugs and plants by heart.

Self Image

  • Friendly and can convince someone to get up to any kind of mischief with him sometimes. Probably why Amy goes along with what he does...
  • Biggest strength is that he's socially and intellectually smart. He could probably befriend an enemy instead of fight them in some situations, would be great for espionage because he can blend in, both perfect for his job.
  • Biggest weakness is that he can be pretty lazy. Amy needs to get him to do stuff sometimes.
  • He's extremely intelligent but he's lazy and its obvious... his ability is amazing but he uses it for silly things like pranks. He can memorize scientific names of plants and bugs, but thats only because he likes the outdoors and animals, and doesn't apply his intelligence to things outside his intrests.
Fleur Rosenbaum

She's a trainer at Slater Academy and works with all the lower ranked Defenders.

She's easily swayed by her favorites, one of which is Ace, whom she lovingly calls, Little Ember. He's given up on getting her to stop calling her that. Ace likes her but hates that he can't do whatever he wants when she's around because Fleur is friends with his father and tells Tyreceus what Ace does.

She sees all the trainees as good kids who need direction and genuinely work hard, or people who should have just finished highschool and went into something with a much lower barrier to entry.

Basic Info

  • Born July 27th, Earth
  • Earthian Astral, French Descent
  • Has two daughters, is divorced
  • 5 ft 8 in
  • ambidextrous
  • upper-middle class
  • high pitched voice
  • Pale skin, brown hair, blue eyes

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Sometimes talks baby-ish when under stress and gives people nicknames. 
  • Smiles when she's angry, because she doesn't want to look angry
  • No one has ever seen her wearing pants or shorts. She only wear skirts and dresses


  • Has favorite students. has no problem with saying she has favorites, lol
  • Skirts, dresses, make up. Shopping is a hobby!
  • Has a secret crush on another teacher at the academy


  • has students she dislikes. makes it known, lol
  • PANTS. the pockets don't even fit phones, why bother?
  • Meat. Is a vegetarian

Ace's wife!

She was born during a solar eclipse and her mother died at the same time, which she claims give her the power to control life and death.

Which is crazy, women, amirite? 

It's not like people in this story have dangerous powers!

Basic Info

  • Birthplace: Alexandria, Egypt
  • raised by her father, Menes
  • Brown skin, long straight black hair, purple eyes
  • Right handed
  • 5 ft, 5 inches tall
  • Quiet voice
  • Curious

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Gets nervous around men because her father has told her that all men want only one thing. Her collection of fancy urns.
  • Asks a lot of questions about topics if she's comfortable around you. A lot. 


  • Her family, her friends. She has a small circle, since she's a quiet person.
  • Her son, Aelius, is her favorite person in the world <3
  • Star-gazing. Her and Ace frequently did it together
  • She thinks big things are cool. Buildings, boats, something about them is just neat.  She doesn't understand how they're made and asks a billion questions about how everything is made.
  • Collects fancy urns
  • Sweets


  • Waking up early
  • Crowds
  • Mice
  • Titus
  • Salty foods, spicy foods

Self Image

  • Pretty sheltered since she's her father's only kid. Spends most of her time indoors with the other unspoken for women  in the area before she was married
  • Quick to bend under pressure
  • Is rich, so she and Ace were of similar socio-economic class when they met. 
  • After getting married and leaving her house more often she realized her father was over-protective and slowly becomes less shy.
  • Ace helps her try new things and she helps Ace slow down and think before he does something stupid for the nth time in his life, lol

An Egyptian noble who has a thing for Ace and promises to get him whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

Is totally convinced Ace is a wealthy prince from Hawaii and if he shacks up with him he can gain this "magical kingdom" and it's splendors.

Titus isn't the brightest.

Mary Sue Giselle Smith

She's the strongest person alive in the seventh realm. No one can stop her, but they still try, and she's a true warrior at heart. She doesn't fear death, she doesn't fear losing in battle, she only fears irrelevancy, becoming forgotten after her death.

"I dare you defy me."- Mary Sue

Basic Info

  • Date/Place of Birth March 3rd, at 3:33 PM. Born on Earth. 
  • Born poor as dirt but magically became wealthy thanks to the death of a long lost Uncle...wierd...
  • Husband: David Smith, a dentist. Has the ability of power negation
  • Son: Dexter Smith, 2 abilities of power negation and amplification
  • Daughter: Mary Jane Smith, 2 abilities of Earth and super strength

She has two abilities, which is extremely rare. Her second ability is one possible because of her first, Meta Luck. Mary Sue is always lucky, all the time. She can't turn it off, sometimes she wishes she could. Her luck has even affected her children, making them both have two abilities, which is statistically impressive because 1 out 10,000,000 have a secondary ability.

She married her husband David because her ability doesn't affect him. He loves her for her personality, not because she "happened to be lucky enough to meet someone who is attracted to her."

One could also argue that her ability still works, because she met a man who, out of all abilities in the entire universe, negates hers, and is also attracted and in love with her.

Her second ability is Adaptation. She can adapt to most situations. When in a fight she needs to get hit several times and she can adapt to her enemy, her strength becoming equal to theirs. It feed backs into her luck ability because she's so lucky she only needs a few hits for it to work, never really taking any real damage on the field.

She's Deus Ex Machina and clearly a trope turned into a character, and even Mary Sue herself is aware that the universe is playing some sort of cruel joke on her at all times.

Basic Stats

  • Height: 5 ft 7in
  • Weight:  123 lbs, but she's so lucky that being that tiny doesn't affect her in combat and is magically also muscular at the same time, LOL
  • Race: Earthian Astral
  • Brown skin, hair, and golden eyes
  • Ambidextrous
  • filthy rich
  • Loud voice
  • Looks younger than she is and is stronger than she is, even though she's forty six, because again... luck and all that LOL

She's the highest ranking person in the Defense Program, the leader of the extraordinary Team Alpha. 


  • Her family is close with the Slaters because she met Maximillian when they were younger. She loves them all and her family is frequently at their estate
  • Favorite color: Red
  • Favorite food: beef jerky and wine
  • Swimming and boxing, trying new things even if she ends up not liking it. It's all about the experience for her.
  • Children. She sees herself as a protector, which isn't weird considering her job


  • Ace. She used to like him, but Levi complained about him enough that now she believes he's a bad seed. 
  • Hates routine, loves excitement
  • hates that she has no choice in her life. there isn't much to do in life because she always wins, her ability choosing her life for she decided to get a job as a hero because people always need heroes to win.

Self Image

  • Greatest strength is that she's invincible. What is there to fear?
  • Her greatest weakness is that she's invincible. She's not allowed to be sad, sometimes her ability even forcing her to be happy. There's only one of her, so she's always on missions, sent to the worst of places, seeing the worst humanity has to offer... its really rough
  • Risk taker, because she never loses
  • Always wanting to find a real challenge because she always wins. What's the fun in life if she always knows her fights never end in defeat? She purposefully seeks out the worst situations possible

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Lies a lot but no one ever knows because she's always lucky enough to get away with it.
  • Can kill a man with one hand but becomes soft when faced with social situations
  • Willing to eat anything due to her many travels to diff planets w/ weird foods

Beliefs and Opinions

  • Sacrificing the few for the many is worth it
  • Ends justify the means
  • Completely fine with killing indiscriminately. She didn't get to be number one by being nice LOL 
  • Her husband is Jewish but she's not. She's pretty whatever about it
  • Conservative when it comes to sex but knows she isn't a saint so she doesn't make her opinion known so people don't find out her secrets

Maximillian Slater

Maximillian Pegasus Slater is the patriarch of Clan Slater, even though he's the youngest of all of Michael Slater's 13 children.



He runs Slater Academy, and by "runs", he gets someone else to do all the work for him. The real CEO of Slater Academy is unknown, so Maximillian is simply the face of the brand since his psychopathy and charisma are great for public relations.

He claims he has a super strong and rare ability but no one has seen it before. His entire family believes it  and they all step into line. Knowing Maximillian, he could be lying, but who knows at this point?

Basic Info

  • DOB: January 4th in New Springfield
  • Parents: Michael and Sara Slater
  • Wife: Delilah Christina Slater
  • Daughter: Sara Magnolia Slater, formerly Michael William Slater IV
  • Son: Leviathan Asher Slater
  • His ability is [CLASSIFIED GOVERNMENT INFORMATION]. Affects his emotions, reasoning, and states of mind.

Aura: Kaleidoscope and steam.

Basic Stats

  • Height: 6ft 2. 
  • Has albinism, inherited from mother.
  • White hair, dull blue eyes
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Race: Earthian Astral
  • Wears business casual
  • Social class: The stock market is an indicator of his feelings
  • Very deep voice
  • Ambidextrous


  • Mary Sue and Delilah are his favorite women in the world, probably because they're the only people who are willing to challenge him.
  • Rico is his favorite sibling but would deny it if you asked
  • Levi is his favorite kid, and thinks yelling at him will make him tough enough to face the world
  • Mary Jane is the "daughter he never had", which really hurts Sara's feelings
  • Black coffee with sweetener, doesn't like real sugar
  • Cigars
  • Wine, doesn't have to be fancy, but he's starting to get a drinking problem. 
  • Reading, writing, travelling, magic shows and tricks. Used to perform magic tricks as a child.
  • Bothering people because they can't do anything about it...


  • Atheists.  Influenced by his father who is super religious. 
  • Ionadians. His father, Michael, fought them in a war, so he thinks they're nothing but murders and rapists, even though it was the government, not the entire race of Ionadians that killed the people of Earth. It's also a ridiculous belief because he's half Ionadian himself.
  • Sara's actions. Why can't Michael stop wearing dresses? Why can't Michael stop dating men? It's more about the fact that Sara doesn't listen to him and Maximillian doesn't like it when people don't do what he wants, whenever he wants.
  • Being told what to do. Spoiled , youngest of 13, grew up wealthy, can't handle being told no. Instead of arguing he'll find a way to get what he wants...eventually...

Quirks, Mannerisms, Strange Habits

  • Always says the words willful and manipulative when he's upset. Got it from his father.
  • Sometimes can be seen writing with 2 hands at the same time on 2 diff sheets of paper. Disturbing and amazing.
  • Doesn't sleep often.
  • Carries a gun with him everywhere, EVEN THOUGH HE CLAIMS HE HAS A RARE ABILITY. STRANGE!
  • Refuses to call Sara, Sara, keeps calling her Michael, which confuses strangers because she has transitioned for years and now passes as a woman, making him look ridiculous in public lol

Beliefs and Opinions

  • Is upset that Sara chose her new name as Sara because that was his mother's name, but she was trying to honor her grandmother. Her original name was Michael and she was named after Maximillian's father.
  • Thinks being harsh to Levi is good because it will make him "strong". Maximillian was soft and shy as a kid, and was bullied for it. His first child is transgender, so Maximillian thinks he wasn't hard enough on Sara. Again...he's projecting his fears onto his children...
  • Thinks its totally cool to fight his wife. She's fine with it too. They will physically fight each other sometimes. Maximillian could never marry a woman who was weaker than him, he'd get bored.
  • Thinks having an affair is fine because "manly men get all the ladies".
  • Thinks his wife doesn't know that he's having an affair. She knows but doesn't say anything because, "he's so fragile and it probably makes him feel cool." 
  • Believes that setting up Levi with Mary Jane is the right thing to do as a parent.  What kind of parent doesn't make sure their son meets a good woman!?! Also he has ulterior motives.

Self Image

  • Has a complex about masculinity since he was shy as a kid and all his older siblings bothered him about it, except for Rico. 
  • Greatest strength is his narcissism. Will challenge death, because he, like many other astrals believe they're born blessed, a gift from the gods, and can never lose.
  • It's also his greatest weakness. He never listens to anyone because he thinks he's always right, hurting himself and other evidenced in Volume One with the fail safe, haha.
  • Obsessed with power because he felt powerless as a child

If Maximillian dealt with his complex he'd probably be tolerable and Levi wouldn't be so weird. Maximillian is a direct product of his father, and Levi is a direct product of Maximillian. Both would deny it if you pointed it out.

Demons: Deceit's Children

Deceit has many children, but the ones that appear are her favorite.

Gruesome: Can create physical portals, and uses them to slice people like ham. Has an undying devotion for her mother.

Fury: Can't feel pain! His favorite food is eating little kids. He also loves to play hide and seek and he's never lost! 

Kvebj: He travelled through the gates of silence! HE's STRONKKK!!! But no one takes him seriously because his name is pronounced Kevin, lol. Can pass through objects.

Betrayl: Has a big ego. He can copy abilities. He also loves the library!

Putrid: Has zero manners and picks his nose wherever, whenever. Loves to mock people. Controls dust.

Little Girl: At 13,000 lbs, she's a newborn and it's hard for to walk. Be nice, okay?

Trick and Twist: One is never seen without the other. They love to pull mean pranks, and by pranks, they mean they like to cut off body parts. They use metal wires as traps.

Vile, Noxious, Jezebel, Tantrum, and Noxious

The most responsible of the lot, they help take care of the younger monsters and and lead the drones into battle. 

Prima and Monere

The First Born Liars.

They're Ace's ancestors, and Prima stole the power of the gods, thus all her and Monere's children have the same ability as natural born astrals.

One wonders what her ability was if it was so powerful to give animals higher thought, and to pass down her ability to others. It also begs the question of what Monere could do as well...

Isolda the Wise Witch

A mortal witch who was one of the many wives of Unas.

She was the smartest mortal to ever live, and out smarted the gods by trapping them inside magical objects. Her magic became the most intense after the loss of her daughter, because magic is fueled by pain, thus making her almost invincible when she fought them.

Some see her as a villain, others a hero, but most think she is a mythological figure.

Minor Characters
Billy The Adult

Henchmen of The Boss.

Super religious and stupid. Willing to do anything...for a price, of course. His emotions flip  faster than a pancake when the threat of death of close, so he's a terrible partner in crime...





Space pirate on the S.S. Andromeda who leads a bunch of idiots, probably because he's the biggest idiot of them all.


Rikka Slater-White's bodyguard.

He's a no nonsense man and cares for Rikka like a little sister.

Rikka has a giant crush on him but he's older than her. She's 19, almost 20, and he's almost 40, so he ignores her when she sometimes flirts with her. 

David doesn't understand why a woman with two abilities would want someone as a bodyguard who has none but apparently her ability is "so strong she can't use it everywhere," which is very worrying.


Maximillian Slater's secretary.

She's almost as mean as she is, except she's not a psychopath.

Hates most people, animals, children, except her own, of course. 

Has a soft spot for Levi, Maximillian's son, because she worries about him. 

Doesn't like Ace, lol. 


Ibis's father.

An old man, one of those parent's who can't let their kids go and whose thought process is this.

"Don't look at men."

"Why aren't married?"

"So happy you're married. When are you having kids?"

Pushy but does genuinely care for his daughter.

Deceits best friend and henchmen. She'd do anything for Deceit but its not clear if she'd do anything for her. Goes above and beyond doesn't work out for her often...
Invictus, Defender of The Weak

His soul is inside a blanket, but a piece of it was cut off and turned into a cloth bracelet on Ace's wrist. He transforms into a knight that uses shields. He becomes stronger the weaker the person he's protecting is. Like all the gods the object he's stuck inside affects his personality. So he's childlike, wants to be everyone's best friend and doesn't like to hurt others.

Unas, God of Fire and Revenge

Trapped inside the Sword of Vengeance.

Unlike the other gods his only requirements for a pact are revenge, blood, and fire. He takes joy in hurting those who hurt others, with a warped view of justice.  He's large, smells of ash and smoke, and looks more like a demon than a god.

Infiniti, God of Time, Space, and Eternity

Stuck inside the Immortal Watch, Infiniti finds it not funny that he was put it in it.

He takes great joy in punishing the born liars, the descendants of the people who stole magic from his own children and sees mortals as nothing but nasty opportunists who will steal or murder at a first moment's notice. He can't help it, since he's betrayed before.

Is the amalgmation of Chro, Eon, and Nos.

Amora, Goddess of Love

Stuck inside the Wedding Gift, an object that changes shape depending on who holds it. That makes it almost impossible to find, but its extremely powerful. She takes the appearance of whoever you love the most. The wielder becomes stronger the more someone loves them...but if hatred is involved it becomes something nefarious.

Glitza, God of Opportunity and New Beginnings

He's a quiet god and you rarely hear him speak, but when you do he isn't exactly....friendly...

He can open doors to any place but not in the future or the past. He's stuck inside a key, can only be used thrice a day, and the only requirement to move is to have a physical door. 

Lunos, The First Father of Night

God of Night and the Moon. Enhances the user's abilities but only at night.

Soul is inside The Heavy Crown.

Solara, The First Mother of Day
Her soul resides inside The Cape of The Sun, that makes the wearer invincible when wrapped around their body. Transforms them into a knight as well, the same power as Invictus. This is because Invictus is a piece torn from the cape.
Ignio, God of Destruction

The son of Unas, Ignio is a prince who lives inside a volcano, Mt. Ignis, on the planet of Ionadis.

Just like his father he is easy to anger, and believes everyone around him is somehow rude, except for him of course.

Unlike his father, he's lazy and spends his time sleeping inside a volcano. He's not trapped inside it, unlike the other gods who were foolish enough to be tricked and stuck inside magical objects.

Lush, God of Beauty and Choice

Is the child of Solara and a mortal. Appears as a man or a woman, depending on whichever they please, and is non-binary.  Is stuck in side The Magic Mirror, that can take anyone to alternate realities. Lush tries to teach people to make better choices but no one listens to him.


Daughter of Unas and Isolda. Patron Saint of Children everywhere.

Tair and Trom, Gods of Lightning and Thunder

They're stuck inside the Earrings of Light and Thunder. They never work unless both the earrings are together, and Tair and Trom's powers dont work if they're too far apart. Tair and Trom only see mortals as good for two things: eating and sex. 

They's the ons of Uisge and Amator, the gods of sex and rain. 

Get it? The thunder and lightning happen when the god of sex and rain make love. Haha.

Diva, Goddess of Wealth, Extravagance, and Excess

Unlike the other gods she was one of the few not stupid enough to get sucked into a magical shoe or hat. Merchants, traders and stock brokers pray to her to become rich. She can make them wealthy, but she never does, because she hates sharing.  Takes the appearance of a small, angry girl who wears too much jewlery.

Glaciei, Godess of Ice and Snow

Unas's half-cousin and at one point, lover.

She gave birth to the four seasons, Vera, Bruma, Stiva, and Autu. 

One of the few gods left to roam Ionadis. She has little power because she has very little followers. She also has a castle and a temple, in the mountains, in the Kingdom of Masona.

She bides her time for the day she can return to her former glory and return her children to their rightful place on the throne...

The Planet of Ionadis

The metropole of the The Holy Regalian Empire and Her Territories.

There are 26 states on the two main continents of Ionadis in which the story takes place. The island of Sunmira operates almost independently, and the Kingdom of Masona is home to the descendants of Glaciei, who don’t recognize the sovereignty of the Regal Empire. The Regal Empire doesn’t care about them because they live in the mountains with ice and sheep.

The 26 different states are:

Bhia, Bisexland, Britia, Casiaria ,Castellia ,Checka ,Chol ,Dehlberia ,Ecus ,Elgulf ,Elreth ,Elsin ,Froila,Graybar ,Ingen ,Kulanahukia,Liceveinia ,Maal ,Miania ,Pistorum,Regis, Scorrosia, Sorhish ,Veirer, Venesland, Yel's.

The Planet of Paradis

A beautiful water planet that orbits two suns. It is consistently daylight, and only experiences night and day every few thousand years for an entire week. The last day of the Week is called The Night of Sin. The closer it gets to this week, the more and more the days turn to eternal sunsets or sunrises. 

Because of it's beauty and lax laws, many people from across the seventh and eighth realm vacation and immigration to Paradis.

Earth Locations
Slater Academy
Originally a school started by astrals to help their children control their dangerous abilities so they don't hurt themselves and other people. It later turned into a place where rich people send their children to get an upper leg into society. 

It's a bastion of higher learning, it's hard to get in, but anyone can get in with a very large donation hard work and sacrifice.

Located in the town of New Springfield.

New Springfield

The setting of the story throughout most of Volume One. It's the town in which Slater Academy is in.

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