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Reborn From the Cosmos
Reborn From the Cosmos
2.82M Views 109652 Favorites 622 Chapters 5 Chapters/Week 5030 Readers
4.6 (468 ratings)
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Lourianne Tome is a mildly talented, underachieving, slightly lecherous summoner who wants nothing more than to live a simple life away from her father's expectations. Those dreams are waylaid when a madman knocks her carriage off the road and sacrifices her to power a summoning. After a fateful encounter with a powerful elemental, Lou becomes something other than human and embarks on a journey to live happily and bring a little amusement to a god tired of the world's status quo.

ActionAdventureComedyFantasyGirls LoveHaremMatureSlice of Life
Aggressive Characters Animal Characteristics Aristocracy Character Growth Comedic Undertone Devoted Love Interests Dragons Easy Going Life Elves Female Protagonist Futanari Manipulative Characters Non-human Protagonist Perverted Protagonist Reincarnated as a Monster Secret Identity Shameless Protagonist Shapeshifters Succubus Summoning Magic Tentacles
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    Status: arc 4 part 9

    this has a lot of potential with its base plot. A girl is reborn as an amorphous star blob that can transform and get a elf wife, but the author almost goes out of their way to make the story unenjoyble. To start off, the author adds the fact that the elf wife likes having rough se with trolls a large part of her character and keeps going back to that fact throughout the story. Who wants to read about that? Why is that anything more than a once off mental problem that gets fixed when she kills the trolls? Its not something people want to imagine. Next problem is all the POLITICS. It honestly becomes the main plot of the story. It quickly changes this from a story in a fantasy world to political theater. To be honest I dont even get why theres even a magic school arc anymore cause theres minimal magic mentioned anymore, its all just gym class, politics, and then drinking.

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    Status: arc 2-summoner’s revenge-part 27

    This story has everything I want, good storytelling, lovable goofy but not overly dumb characters, little smut sprinkled atop for extra flavourIt's a fantasy story with big tiddy elf gf and the great sparkly one, what's not to love

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    Status: arc 6

    Shaky start; Excellent growth. As another poster wrote, anything other than a 5-star is basically a downvote on this site, but I have no problem giving that as the overall rating since it gets there eventually and I rate most of the stories with these tags MUCH lower than what their overall 3.5-4.5 star ratings would indicate. I don't want to give the wrong idea - even at its worst, this story is better than *Rise of the Weakest Summoner*, but it takes a few arcs for this story to reach the actually-5-star peaks of something like *Wisher Beware*.

    Arc 1 is probably 3.5/5 stars - if you're just looking for a smutty power fantasy with a bit of plot in between the Plot, its well above average.

    Arc 2 is a bit simple for my taste. There's no twisty surprises, and most npcs come off as unimportant bastards for the power-fantasy-main-character to walk over... 2.5/5. The character growth in Lou and the introduction of a new primary cast member give this arc the necessary development to raise it just above "skippable".

    I am *so glad* that I kept reading.

    Arc 3 (back to 3.5/5) is where the author finds their pace, and my rating for the story starts climbing. The great trap that many power fantasy webnovels fall into is the simple loop of establishing a hateable villain and then letting the MC walk all over them... that still happens a little in Arc 3, but there's added subtlety, more character motivation, and we start to see much more diverse supporting cast. Amusingly, the "intro to Hogwarts Arc" has almost no time spent in overtly-magical magic classes... but it works!

    Arc 4+ is where this webnovel becomes exceptional. Not only do we see a much more nuanced world with a dozen or so important characters, we also get to see more interesting conflict between them. I love that each of our heroes is a very *flawed* person - in spite of (or as a result of) their character development.

    Arc 5 *continues* to uncover new layers to the characters, and really keeps the story fresh. If you make it to the start of Arc 5, the story is 5/5 from that point forward - it gobbled up my life in blocks of 4+ hours at a time. Since Arc 5 is accidentally the longest super-arc of the story, there's A LOT of content to unpack there.

    ---**Notes on the Content Warnings:**

    Firstly, this is a smutty s*xy story with very explicit content. If you're not prepared for descriptive girl-on-shapeshifter-girl action, you'd best click onwards. It gets pretty non-vanilla right out the gate in Arc 1.

    Secondly, as the author notes in the chapter comments, MC's main love-interest Kierra is NOT a good person and can be a BAD influence on her. She is violent, aggressive, and dubiously psychopathic. Some people think that she's outright abusive, but I disagree - Lou and Kierra are both basically indestructible demigods, and Kierra's vicious "training" for her inexperienced waifu is a LOT less extreme when you consider how Lou's reaction to pain and discomfort have been described in earlier chapters.

    Thirdly, although nothing non-consensual happens on-screen, Lou's first two summoned elementals 100% have the capacity to go there - one of them in fact is a "rescue" from another summoner that used her for exactly those purposes. Remember kids, Fiends can be Friends, but they are still Fiends.

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    Status: arc 6-winter war-18-interlude (alana)

    9/10 Exceptional, but not perfect. 


    • Troll fetish has a good introduction, a repetitive, tedious implementation, and an alright end. 
    • The relationship with Kiera is poorly commented on in ANs. 
    • Shapeshifting is underutilized and has glacial development. 


    • Magic system is properly structured and inventive within familiar boundaries. 
    • Well-written characters and interactions. 
    • Ok worldbuilding. 

    P.S. Kierra is closer to a sith master than a normal lover.  

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    Status: arc 5-qualifiers-93

    It starts good and just keeps getting better, with a compelling and honestly funny perspective that has me rooting for Lou's incredibly morally dubious life choices. 

    The characters are all stand-alone in that I've legitimately never seen many of them before and even the more common visions have more uniqueness than most other stories have the canines to bite for.

    Just a phenomenal story that draws you in and holds you by the wrist as its fun plotlines draw along a picture of... the cosmos (dun dun daa)

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    A good read that keeps you on your toes.

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    Status: arc 6

    The love interests are something... I geuss that is one of the things that make this story highly addictive.

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    Status: arc 6-winter war-54

    Well, scribblehub went down when I pressed submit for this comment stupidly long comment and I'm not rewriting it so bullet points:

    • Writing is competent with only minor typos and grammar errors
    • Smut is good and fun if you're a degenerate like me
    • World and characters and interesting
    • MC is a bit lacking in agency as she is pulled around, often unknowingly by her wife and various summoned creatures
    • Moral degradation is a fun theme, however, with the MCs passivity, it isn't as interesting as it could be
    • New characters help to balance this out, but we'll see
    • The MC is also very OP to the point she is mostly limited by her limited imagination, leaving very little tension besides relationship drama
    • The above will hopefully be addressed as the story progresses, but it may not given what her OP succubi say which would be a real shame as, despite the harem building being fun, the lack of any challenge gets a little stale
    • The side characters range from comedically over the top assholes to actually interesting and well rounded, and unfortunately the latter seem to be relegated to the background and are in general, underutilized
    • The pacing is slow which may bother some people, however I really like it that way
    • Some important things have been paywalled which I think is a a really bad decision. I love the smut, but it'd make more sense to put that behind the paywall so that the reader actually knows who some new characters are

    Despite some of the narrative and character flaws, I think overall it's a very interesting and fun story. It's not profound, but if you're a bit of a degenerate and you want a bit fresher fantasy stuff, I'd heartily recommend it.

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    Status: finished arc5

    You know, the few times that I have to mention to my friends that I like reading amateur literature and webs novels I can't help feeling a little ashamed. Most of it, to be frank, does end up being complete trash. But I keep my standards low, and try not to start measuring people's work by the number of mistakes they make or the tonal dissonance they induce. Half the time people writing stories like these aren't using their native language, and even if they weren't these are free products. Just hobbies. It's really not fair to judge, so I don't really like giving out reviews.

    Once in a blue moon though, a story like this one comes along and reminds me why I do browse sites like Scribble Hub, and it's not just boredom. I could launch into a detailed analysis of what makes Reborn From the Cosmos such a hidden gem and in fact I might, but before that let me get it's biggest advantage over typical stories here front and center:

    This story is going somewhere.

    This isn't just some aimless whim someone started just to pass time, with each chapter's events decided as they're reached, until they realize you need more than just a gimmick for a novel and go silent forevermore. There's a plan here - you can see it in the way that diverse plotlines converge with subtlety that you might only catch in hindsight. You can see it in the way that setting elements are quietly introduced in the background rather than requiring an immediate chapter's worth of exposition, because the author knows the time will come. You can see it in the frequency of updates - you don't actually think all of that comes that quickly off the cuff, twice a week every week, do you?

    Which brings me to the second biggest quality RFtC has over other stories: the commitment to back that plan up. Which for me, at least, has already been demonstrated in plenitude.

    When you make a habit of reading products people start for free and without expectation, your expectation quickly becomes one of disappointment. Lots of stories might seem promising but barely manage one satisfying arc before disappearing off the face of the planet. In a world like that, just being a free story that gets this long is already of merit. The fact that it's also pretty damn good makes it, well, like I said. A hidden gem. Pure diamond, if you ask me.

    Not to say it's perfect, mind you. I think it could probably use an editor or two (I've definitely thought of a few small edits I'd make myself, here and there), but what story couldn't? If Azazel found the right publisher, they probably could get editors. Instead they're giving this away for free. Well. Most of it for free. More than enough of it, for sure.

    I mentioned a detailed analysis, didn't I? Hm. Well, let's start with tropes. Every story has tropes. You wrote a story? It has tropes in it. The trick isn't avoiding them. It's making them work with your story rather than just letting them fill in blanks. RFtC has tropes that I have a lot of negative associations about. Like, the power fantasies. The elven princess who falls onto our protagonist's lap in the first arc. The harem that follows and... maybe I can just count "smut" as one trope. But the important thing is they all drive the plot forward, and they all cause character development - even the aforementioned smut. "Character development", by the way, meaning more than just the protagonist getting stronger. Because that's just one character and that would be a very one dimensional development. In fact, the power growth quite organically feels like a side effect of other tropes.

    And speaking of the characters! One problem I often have with web novels is that their characters can end up all sounding exactly like one another. Particularly with works that were translated from Japanese, as they might lean on the nuances of their pronouns and other linguistic quirks that simply don't carry over to English. Even without that problem though it's pretty easy to not realize you're inking all your characters with the same pen, so to speak. It's hard to make a character act and speak in a way you never would. RFtC passes that test with flying colours, though. Not a single character doesn't have nuanced and believable motivation. More importantly, not a single character fails to act on that motivation. Even more importantly, those actions and their motivations do all affect the plot in meaningful ways. And some of it is so subtle! Let's take, for example, Arthur. (Spoilers if you don't know who that is!)


    Have you wondered why he's such a piece of crap? Or maybe why he's here being a piece of crap? Hmm, could it be something to do with the fact that he's a strong earth caster from a society that's clearly dominated by naval pursuits? The story doesn't even bother to point it out, though - well, I'm sure it will by the end. Maybe already has; I'm not caught up yet. But the author trusts us to speculate about it without shoving it in our faces.

    And the way the 5th arc ends, when you look back at it after putting the pieces together, realizing how much manipulation was involved...

    I could go on but it's 2:30am for me right now. I woke up yesterday morning and spent pretty much the whole day and then some reading this.

    TL;DR This story is on a level that others on this site just aren't. The standard is pretty low, admittedly, but Reborn From the Cosmo leaps over it and gets some serious altitude over it. I'm not ashamed to be reading this; I'm ashamed I stayed away as long as I did.

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    Status: Miniarc-An Average Day-Arthur (7)

    I'm relatively new to Scribblehub, but in that short time, I've read more than a few stories. Or rather, I've tried to. I don't want to lambast some poor new author, so I'm not going to spend my time denegrating the work of others.

    I will say this story is the real deal, though.

    Reborn From the Cosmos is, at first glance, LitRPG/Isekai trash. I love both genres in theory, but rarely in practice, because in practice, they quickly devolve into nonsense power fantasy with little thought put into them, and rarely any sense of danger or threat of consequences. 

    That's not the case here. From the beginning, our protagonist, Lou, knows that with great power must come great f**kery. If she displays her power, she will be hunted. She will be targeted. She will never know peace. So she must be patient. And as a result, so must the reader.

    This story is not for those with short attention spans. It is a slow burn, but it burns gloriously. There are real stakes, real consequences, and while not necessarily the threat of failure or death, then of collateral damage and people genuinely getting hurt by the actions or inaction of others. 

    Second, if you want a story where people are always morally correct, go somewhere else. Lou and Kierra are *terrible* people, by any sane person's metric. But in context, their 'immorality' makes sense. They are, for the most part, reactive forces. Problems come to them, and they are forced to deal with them in their own way. If the problems never reared their ugly heads, they wouldn't require slapping down. 

    This story is funny with genuine wit, heartwarming with actual emotion and relationships, intelligent with actual thought, and absolutely terrifying at parts (I am looking at you, Geneva). I cannot recommend this story enough, provided you are willing to sit back and read and pay attention and aren't looking for a quick fix.

    9.97/10. I kind of want to see Lou actually lose a fight (that isn't against Kierra), but again, this story is reminiscent of LitRPG/Isekai, so I have little hope of that.

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