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Vanquishing Evil for Love
Vanquishing Evil for Love
15.1k Views 909 Favorites 59 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 245 Readers
4.6 (19 ratings)
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An everyday man is summoned to the another world to become a hero, but he asks to become a girl and so is reborn as Princess Samantha, losing his memories. Growing up, she realises she is a lesbian. However, she struggles to find a partner and, in a society that sees homosexuality as a corruption of the soul, she doubts she ever will find love.

Then, on her seventeenth birthday, she discovers her divine powers. While initially unwilling to go on a heroic journey to vanquish the Great Evil, her friend (an aspiring Royal Guard called Julie) makes her an offer: Go on the journey and I'll be your lover.

So begins their (often light-hearted) journey to both vanquish evil and find love, getting in all kinds of trouble along the way.

AdventureFantasyGirls LoveRomance
Beautiful Female Lead Charismatic Protagonist Doting Love Interests Female Protagonist Slow Romance
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    Status: epilogue

    I like stories with lgbtq themes, especially those involving trans characters and/or coming out, overcoming societal stigmas, etc. I also like fantasy/scifi with a dash of romance. So naturally the summary appealed to me.

    There's a lot that's great about this story. It has memorable, three-dimensional characters. There's a lot of world-building, with many richly imagined details (languages, etc) fleshed out to describe the many different towns and countries the main characters travel through on their quest. There's a great deal of time spent exploring the difficulties of being in an unconventional relationship that backwards societies reject - a theme I find relatable. The quality of the writing is great. There's an abundance of romance throughout.

    On the other hand, the story is distinctly slice-of-life - far more so than I was expecting. I read all the way through to the end, since the good qualities above really are quite good and compelled me to finish, but I must admit I skimmed at times because I got impatient for a conflict or hook to emerge to really draw me in, and ultimately, I never really felt like there was much of one. This might be exactly what some are after (light-hearted, like the summary said), but I like a bit more conflict and character progression - I'm not a fan of torturing characters, but I need something to draw me along and get me more invested. I expected that perhaps the conflict would be some particularly bad oppression the protagonists face for their relationship, from society or the gods or something, but all the way through to the end, while society was nearly universally unaccepting, the furthest that ever went was just raised eyebrows or a refusal to acknowledge the true nature of their relationship. Given how horrible our actual real world can be in some areas/families, even in 2022, the fact that there wasn't even one instance which became more violent/threatening/hateful out of the many, many, many times the main characters got raised eyebrows or denial felt a little off. They do face some danger now and then from 'corrupted beasts', but the main character has overwhelming 'heroic' power from the gods from day one and those only very occasional conflicts never seemed to be particularly tense events. There is the main quest to consider (vanquishing the 'great evil' per the title), but that always feel distant right up till the end when it occurs (I did enjoy the way it ended however!).
    In some stories, there might not be much external conflict, but the protagonist will instead spend much of the story developing their own abilities/situation/etc for its own sake and following along on that journey can be its own struggle that is engaging as a conflict of sorts (litrpg is well-known for this), but in this case the protagonist has 'heroic'/'divine' power from day one, and while there is a bit of addition to that towards the latter half, it's not really explored much and is more something externally granted by the gods as a 'blessing' than something the MC develops and owns through her own efforts (she does practice a bit and come up with a few clever uses, but it's not much emphasized as a major focus).

    Rather, the feel of the story is really one of a mostly peaceful journey through interesting lands, along with a (slooowly) developing romance between the main characters. Not a bad setup, but yeah, very slice-of-life.

    One more thing of note (not a negative, just an observation) - the summary mentions that the main character is a man who asked to become a girl when reincarnated. Now, none of the tags *said* transgender or anything, so fair enough, but I thought given that part of the plot and that it clearly was seriously addressing other lgbtq topics as a main plot point, there might also be exploration of gender themes. Confusingly though, the previously-a-man thing seemed to play absolutely no role in the story at all beyond the first few pages. As the summary indicates, they even immediately lose their memories and never regain them... so essentially what we have is just a random woman born in a fantasy world, with the fact that they were reincarnated/isekai'd/was-previously-male playing no real role. Not that this is a problem - just wanted to note that, for anyone else like me who is often particularly looking for transgender-themed stories. Or that could be good news to those who aren't looking for that.

    So all-in-all - it's a story with many great qualities, but a bit too light-hearted (as the summary indicates) for my own taste. If that kind of pace appeals to someone however, then this is a well-written story with many good qualities that I'd recommend.

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    Status: ch. 10 touching on the past

    I find the main conflict unsolved and in consequence depressing:


    The supposed antagonist was actually a rape victim that has to suffer for all eternity at the hands of her former wife (the goddess) who victim blames her.

    That is a good twist, if there was any hope for salvation, but there is non visible for the reader. 


    That does not deduct from the quality of the novel as it is primarily a slice of Life Story. Probably the most profund romance I have read so far.

    For my personal taste it is also to slow. My enjoyment would be at best a 3/5.

    But this is a piece of Art that I can only rate 5/5.

    So that others, which can truly appreciate this, find it.

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