This is a post-apocalyptic progression fantasy story about trust, teamwork, and interpersonal relationships.
Schedule: A chapter every every Friday.
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Abeni Tejuosho, an intelligent Yoruba girl who thrives under pressure, was born into a vicious underground world where savagery is the norm no matter what your species is.
After the death of her loving parents, she tries to celebrate her thirteenth birthday hidden away from danger when a deranged creature, cursed to kill everything in sight, attacks her.
But just before she is ripped to shreds, Abeni’s instincts take over and suddenly the creature that was so ready to devour her…is bowing its head?
Watch her life unfold as the strong orphaned female lead uses unique and unbreakable command abilities to create an army from the ground up and escape the underworld only a bitter god could have created!
I absolutely love it when a story shatters your expectations!
Now, onto the review without spoiling too much.
Character: This is the strong point. The main character is believable and unique. Sure, there is the obvious power aspect involved, but what drew me in the most was the emotional/mental aspect. You see her break off parts of her innocence and replace them with a more mature and colder perspective. She's wonderfully flawed, making it easier to relate to her, although she can still surprise you in fun ways.
The style and worldbuilding were also wonderfully woven into place. There wasn't a mass of info dump, which you frequently see. Instead, you get your hand held as you drift through the story and organically learn more about the world. The only real downside here was that the occasional 'big event' happens quickly, while you're still processing the last one. It could be a personal style to keep up the heat, but the occasional extra chapter to process it all could work as well.
The grammar was fine, without breaking my immersion. Upon closer inspection, you can spot a few errors here and there when you look under the hood, but nothing a decent editor or another once-over won't fix. (Think passive prose, the occasional comma, or dialogue tag. Nothing big). The best part was that the author kept the prose tight and varied it well. You don't get flowery, drawn-out sentences that bloat the story. Sometimes you get a complex sentence here, another time you get one word that hits... hard!
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I quite enjoyed this. The setting and protagonist are unique and the story well flushed out. The grammar is good, there are a few occasional bumps but nothing major. Worst 13th birthday ever. The monsters are surprisingly scary for this underground apocalyptic world. Though the dialogue is surprisingly humorous. Her ability is definitely an interesting one. I am excited to see where this story goes!
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First off, I read until chapter 19 because I got pretty hooked by the story.
Writing style was on point! I didn’t feel like the paragraphs were badly broken nor did the sentences feel too long. The way events are narrated and the character’s thoughts presented make for a very comfy experience that you can immerse yourself into. All in all, I liked it and was very happy to lie in bed reading.
The story itself is good. I am very intrigued by the mystery of the labyrinth and the potential of the main character’s ability. I also want to know what the hell is going on since this seems to maybe be set in our world? Anyways, interesting stuff! Power system seems simple yet interesting and that is something I can appreciate, even though balancing it might be a little harder to do depending on creativity.
Characters felt well-written and more alive than I expected. The MC actually feels like a young teen with lesser education than one would usually get. The other characters were presented to be nonchalant in a way that felt realistic due to the world’s circumstances. The only gripe I have here is the dialogue, I think it could use a little work in the early chapters to make it a little less clunky, might also just be me though.
Overall, it was a very exciting and fulfilling read :). &Nbsp;Honest 5 stars from me in its current shape, will update the review if the story continues.
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This is a pretty interesting story about Abeni's journey after her family tragic death and her friendship with a creature of the same race that killed her parents on her birthday. There are some grammar issues ong the way, but everything else was great and I would recommend readers to give this story a read.
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The story is good, there are some parts on the dialogue where I feel lost. But overall, it's good
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the story itself is well written and easy to understand and digest, I like the way you write, the way the narrator seems to be a character in itself, this is something im implementing in a different story im working on, ive seen a few other writers do it, and yours is one of the ones thats done really well.
The power system is alright, hope to see you dive deeper into it. Abeni is pretty well written character so far, looking forward to see the type of monsters she tames. The world building was alright as well, still too early for me to say anymore about it.
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The beginning was so brutal! Anything that could go wrong did and she had to make the toughest choices, a child of her age (even a fictional one) shouldn't have to face. The characters were well rounded, the emotions quite poignantly captured. I loved the dilemmas Abeni had to face upfront. The pace was good and intriguing, would love to see how she comes through those traumatic scars.
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