Chapter 5 – Retribution of a Grieving Husband
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Scott woke up to the sound of beeping. 

"Did it happen again?" Scott wondered. 

He quickly went through his voicemail and immediately realized that it happened again. 

"I will not let them keep her!" he decided to himself. 

Since he had these abilities, he was going to use them to get full retribution. 

He drove to the exhibit, since it was still early in the morning. 

Immediately entering, he walked into the lab area behind. 

Instantly he stripped, wearing only a face mask and gloves. 

The moment he stepped out of his clothes, he felt his adrenaline rush through his body. 

Looking around, he picked up a scalpel and went hunting. 

The monster Igor was his first priority, but he wouldn't hesitate on killing Dr Van Hummel if he saw him too. 

Not long later, he found the monster roaming around the exhibit. 

He was wearing what looked like Lisa's skin like a lioncloth!

"Bastard" Scott shouted, running up to the monster who was still frozen in time. 

Without hesitation, he used the scalpel and sliced Igor's neck open. 

As time was frozen, no blood escaped from Igor's neck. That would come later. 

Scott looked at Lisa's skin, wrapped around Igor's waist. 

His grotesque cock was poking out of Lisa's mouth hole and the rest of her body was soiled as it appeared he has been wearing her skin for days. 

He reclaimed her skin back and wrapped it over his shoulders like a cape and went hunting for Dr Van Hummels. 

He found the doctor walking through the front door, frozen in time.

"Bastard!" Scott said through gritted teeth, running up to him and savagely cutting through his neck. 

He didn't stop there, opening his pants and slicing off his cock!

As he did that, he was still so enraged, he turned around, not knowing what to do. 

Then he saw his wife, impaled on Tyrone Johnson's large cock. 

"There's no way they're keeping her" he said and walked to the exhibit. 

He tried to remove Lisa from Tyrone's cock, but it appeared they were now stuck together, his arms wrapped around her body. 

His "Mutilator" was wedged firmly in her vaginal canal, shoved all the way dislocating her uterus. 

He tried several times to no avail. 

Not only that, both their tongues were entwined with each other, making it nearly impossible to detach them from each other.

Finally, he threw both of them onto a trolley and pushed them to his car. 

As he sat in his car, he started calming down and as he did so, time started moving again. 

He immediately started his engine and gunned the accelerator, driving home as quickly as he could. 

As he arrived at his apartment complex, he realized he was still naked.

He used the remote to open his garage door and immediately drove his car in. 

Upon closing the garage door, he took out the exhibit. 

He looked at it, looking closely as the executed rapist's cock was stuck inside his dead wife, he sighed not knowing what to do. 

Suddenly, his phone rang. 

"Hello?" he answered

"Scott? Where are you? You're wanted straight away for a double homicide!" Danielle his partner's voice spoke over the phone

"Ok, where?" Scott asked. 

"Have you heard of the Bare Body?" Danielle asked. 

"Uh.. is it that macabre museum by the bay?" Scott pretended to ask. 

"That's the one" Danielle said. 

This was 3 days before Scott's first death, so he hasn't yet cause the commotion in the Bare Body, nor was put in lockup and reprimanded yet. 

"Do I meet you at the station?" Scott asked. 

"No, the boss and I will meet you there!" Danielle said. 

"Roger that" Scott answered, hanging up the phone.

Scott looked up at the exhibit and sighed. He covered both bodies with a large cloth and put on his clothes. 

Then he opened the garage again and rushed to the same museum he just left half an hour ago. 

When he arrived, his boss Michael Ranquest was pacing around impatiently. 

"Scott, where the hell were you? We need your skills in looking at this case" Ranquest said. 

"Ok, lead the way" Scott said. 

They walked in the entrance of the museum, only to see the dead Doctor Van Hummel facing down on the floor, blood everywhere. 

"This is a Doctor Gunther Van Hummel, the owner of this exhibit. Cause of death, his throat's been slit" Danielle said. 

Scott looked at the doctor, then looked around at all the macabre skinless bodies all in different sexual positions and partially dissected. 

"What the hell is this place?" Scott said, stepping backwards. 


"Scott! Watch out!" Danielle said. 

"What the hell did I step on?" Scott asked as he looked at the blood all over his boots and a small mushed up mound of flesh. 

"That's his penis" Danielle said. 

"Scott! What the hell are you doing destroying evidence? What kind of detective are you, committing such a rookie mistake like that?" Ranquest yelled at him.

"Sorry sir! I... uh got distracted by all these" Scott said, pointing at two skinless men double penetrating a skinless woman. 

"I know you're worried about your wife. But I'm sure she's fine. Keep your eyes on the case at hand" Danielle comforted him, squeezing his shoulder

"Thanks Danielle" Scott said squeezing her hand on his shoulder. 

They walked to the second body. 

"Is that a person, or an exhibit?" Scott asked, looking at the naked grotesque man. 

They took all the evidence and turned his body over. 

"Ew.. what is that?" Danielle asked, looking at the monstrous cock. 

"That's a penis. You've never seen one before?" Andrew teased. 

"Not like that. Does your's look like that?" Danielle teased back. 

Andrew shook his head, not being able to reply. 

"Lets have a look at the CCTV recording" Andrew said instead. 

They went to check the recordings and they saw the monster walk around with what looked like a human skin. 

"Look! His monster cock is poking through the hole in the skin's mouth" Andrew said. 

Scott flinched but didn't say anything. 

Suddenly, the throat of the monster exploded with blood and just before the body fell to the ground, the skin at his waist disappeared. 

"What the hell? Has the recording been altered?" Ranquest asked. 

"No sir. The recording has been removed by us the first time today" Andrew said. 

They watched the other recording by the main door and saw the doctor walking into the entrance door. 

Suddenly, his neck exploded and blood spurted everywhere. Simultaneously, his pants were suddenly open and his cock fell off his body as blood similarly spurted out of his groin area. 

"What do you make of it Scott? Someone tampered with the recordings?" Ranquest asked. 

"No... it doesn't look like it. It looks like they had an invisible assailant" Scott said. 

"Is that your professional opinion" Andrew asked. 

"No, it's just what I see. It's probably supernatural" Scott said, purposely causing confusion. 

They packed up and went back to the station to process the evidence. 

Hours later, after he clocked out, he sat in his garage, staring at Lisa, still attached to Tyrone Johnson. 

Her skin hung on a chair next to them. He had wanted to separate their bodies and try to dress her in her own skin, but separating them seemed impossible without damaging their bodies. 

Anger burned in his eyes. 

Late that night, Scott appeared at the mansion and being more practiced, he stopped time again. 

He entered the compound naked only wearing a mask, gloves and boots.

He walked past a frozen guard and stole his gun. 

Non-challantly, he double tapped on the guard's head point blank between the eyes. 

He did the same to every guard and guard dog, picking up more guns as he went along. 

Entering the house, the butler got two bullets too. 

He entered the hidden door and saw that another ritual was taking place!

"Great timing" he said, walking into the midst of the cultists. 

He walked up to the priest who killed Lisa and placed the gun to his head. 

"No... I've got one better" he thought and searched the priest. 

He found a syringe filled with a chemical and jabbed it directly into the priest's heart, injecting the whole contents of the syringe into him. 

He then walked around, peeping under the hoods of all the cultists. 

The red cloaked cultists were mostly young girls, with a few famous celebrities among them. 

On the other hand, the brown cloaked men were really the rich and famous of Hollywood and more. There were Senators, actors, movers and shakers of the film industry, bankers and internet billionaires. 

Not wanting to kill the wrong people, he still decided to kick all the men in the balls. 

Then he sauntered off to his car. 

As he closed his car door, he finally calmed down.

At the mansion, suddenly all the men fell to the floor in extreme agony as they were kicked in the balls hard. 

Nobody noticed that at that moment, the priest who was also on the floor was dead. 

Furthermore, there was a whole lot of dead guards and dogs dead upstairs.