Chapter 20.5: Dreams (R18+)
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Reminder that smut chapters do not advance the plot and are skippable if it's not your thing!

I woke with a gasp, and blinked. Darkness… still the middle of the night. Jiju wasn’t moving beyond the gentle rise and fall of her chest. My chest was expanding far more rapidly than hers. The dreams of the promise I made with Vander left me excited.

I took a particularly deep breath and brought my hand to my forehead. When it came away, it was wet with sweat. I groped in the darkness for a piece of cloth, but even after I wiped my face and arms a wetness remained. Slowly, I reached between my legs. When I brought my hand back up, my fingers were slick.

My heart whirled with the lingering sensations of the very vivid dream Luna just gave me. The memory alone had me squeezing my thighs together. It was an excitement I had not experienced in this lifetime.

I moved my hand down once more, rubbing my lips and entrance, gathering the wetness that gathered there. I brought it up to the small nub, thankful that when it came to it, I was human where it counted. My breathing quickened further with each small circle I tested against my clit. I was also thankful my claws were still ground down to nothing. More…

With my other hand I groped at my chest and… nothing. Fuck.

With resignation I put that hand to work down below. I used the additional hand to spread my opening between my middle and index fingers. The other moved lower until its middle finger hovered just before my hole. With a steadying breath I plunged the finger deep inside me.

A small sigh, nearly a coo escaped my lips and I froze. When I cast a glance over at Jiju, she was mercifully still sleeping. I couldn’t stop moving completely though, as my walls unconsciously twitched against my inserted finger.

Carefully I began making slow motions testing the sensations as I ran my finger in and out along the walls of my vagina. I closed my eyes, trying to get a feel for what felt right and what didn’t.

More uncontrolled sounds were threatening to escape again as I found a particularly nice spot. I hurriedly grabbed for a pillow, but none. Pillows were really more of a human thing.

I was torn, I didn’t want to stop, but what the fuck was I doing with Jiju sleeping just a few feet away! With a pathetic whine I removed my finger, pulled on a simple dress that Terese gave me, and hurried out of the bedroom. I looked about the common area, but of course no couches. My kingdom for a couch!

Across the room was the other bedroom, the one that held Alex and… Vander. I swallowed hard. He was different in the memory, not old, but older, mature. Still the expressions his face made in the memory had the same little details as the the boy who took part in my rescue. His green eyes still had that same uncanny hue. I found myself wondering if he would be just as attentive as a mortal teen as he was in my memory.

No Tali! Are you kidding? Don’t get all weak kneed about some cutie you’ve known all of two days! Three, if I counted the memory. I dismissed my self scolding with a quiet grunt, and hurried into Terese’s old room. The room was empty of course, but still held her fairly large nest. I threw myself onto it and hiked up the bottom of my dress. Alone now, I quickly returned to my self-exploration.

Once more, I inserted my finger, moving it in and out slowly, enjoying the novel sensations. Even in the memory, Vander hadn’t touched me here, in none of the memories I had from before this life did I experience anything quite like this. With my other hand I worked my clit once more. I was moving faster this time around, I wanted release. Buzzing pleasure was shooting up my spine, the lightning mana in my body was gathering.

I started moving the finger inside me quicker as well. Like a drummer I kept both hands working in rhythm. I spun circles around my nub in time with passes across the nice spot inside. More pleasurable noises vibrated their way up my throat, coming out somewhere between a moan and a chord.

Then, a sudden sensation shot through my fingers. It didn’t hurt like any time I’d be shocked by by spell. No, it felt strangely good. I should have wanted to pull my hands back out of caution, but my want for release was far greater. I kept going, each pleasurable surge of mana encouraging me to go faster, and each agreement from my fingers causing more of the strange and lovely mana enhanced sensations.

It all came to a crescendo. I quickly flipped myself face down into the nest where I released all the moans into a song I hoped only the bedding would hear. The aftershocks of my climax were very literal as the lightning mana inside danced with excitement. It was tantalizing. The mana whispered in inaudible tones that I could keep going.

Thanks to a few minutes basking in the afterglow, and a healthy dose of embarrassment at the noises I made—cooler heads prevailed. I took a peek out the window and confirmed the sky was lightening slightly, my sisters would be here in the morning, and I had to check in with Jiju about the rules for the boys. I found my thoughts wandering to Vander, but I already committed to stop here for the night so I shoved the errant thoughts aside with a turn and huff. The motion brought a small white moon to my attention, hanging in the sky.

I went flush and flipped that big space rock ‘the bird’. Damn you Luna! Her voyeurism certainly transcends that of mere mortals.

From there I went back to bed, my bed. Jiju had turned her position, but it didn’t look like she woke or noticed I was gone. I quietly slipped back into my nest and fell asleep in mere moments. I fell back into the same dreams from earlier, though that might have been my own desire rather than Luna’s meddling.

Happy Smuturday y'all. Next story chapter comes out in three days!