Arc Fourteen. Chapter Three Hundred Ninety-Six. A Giant Ice Hole.
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Ice Man was in the facility, and if what Arcee said was true, there was a good possibility that it was still alive.

"Arcee, if they are alive, what's the chance it's friendly?" Peter asked as Arcee lay back down. She was still weak from the extended shutdown.

"I cannot say." Arcee seemed to emit a small sigh which Peter thought was funny. Even giant robot life forms got annoyed. "We were escaping a civil war to find a new home. Our energy reserves were almost gone and Cybertron was a desolate husk."

Coulson, Ross, Liv, and Natasha had all come over to listen to Arcee. Peter knew one of the soldiers was carrying a camera, and recording everything.

"We were attacked as we entered deep space. We fought back and took damage. We slowed to slower-than-light speed and attempted to fight back. Once in this system we were boarded and crashed here. I have no memory of what came after."

"What was your crew compliment, and do you remember how many attackers there were?" Coulson asked. Ross had moved away and Peter could hear him issuing orders. Two squads of Gamma Troopers were to depart for the base immediately. If they had a hostile, they were not taking any chances.

"We were nineteen The last of us. I do not know how many attackers in total, as fighting took part in many different areas. I was in my quarters when the ship crashed," Arcee explained. "Normal Decepticon troop deployment would be at least twenty."

"We have six here. Miss. Do your people have any specific funeral rights we need to be aware of," Coulson asked.

Arcee shook her head, "Once the Spark has left the body, we just scrap them for parts."

"If I cross a line, just say." He motioned to Ross, "Take the six Decepticons into the range. Let your guys test out not just the Thud guns but the Pulse weapons and find out just how tough they are."

Arcee nodded, "A wise tactical precaution. Our skin is armoured and we can survive in deep space. Cybertron has no gaseous atmosphere like," she paused. "What is this planet called."

"It's, uh, Earth."

"Uh-Earth. A noble name. So you are Earthans or does your species have another designation?"

Liv patted Arcee on the thigh, "Human dear, we don't go by our planet of origin." She tilted her head, "Although, we might have to, especially if other species begin to visit. Do you know the Asgardians?"

"I am unfamiliar with the species. The only contact we have made with other life is the Quintessons. Are they still active?"

Liv looked at Natasha who just grinned and shrugged, "You started it."

"I'm sorry dear, I have no idea. We only discovered alien life a few years ago. You are the second species to visit Earth. Although, if it has been millions of years, technically you were the first. Humans didn't evolve until roughly three hundred thousand years ago."

Natasha laughed. "So does that make the planet theirs and we're the aliens?"

Liv paused, "You know, it might." She winked at Natasha as she saw Coulson freeze for a moment and then rush off, taping on his phone. "But not really. We are indigenous, they are visiting. Although, it's not like that stopped anyone before," she added with a grin. "Now. It seems some of your friends are no longer charging. So, lie back and we can hook you to the main reactor. That should finish you recharging."

Arcee lay back and let Liv hook up the much larger reactor to her chest. "It will. Once I am recovered I will awaken my comrades." She looked at Peter, "if that is okay."

"It is, and we'll talk later okay, once you're rested." Peter nodded to Lennox and the pair left. Lennox took Peter into a storage facility almost a mile away from the main complex.

“We keep it isolated. When Trask removed one of its fingers we got a spike of energy. After the first death we didn't want to risk it,” Lennox explained.

As Peter walked into the facility a huge robot, almost twenty meters tall, was encased in ice. Jets of liquid sprayed over it keeping the ice solid and right above the head was a large emitter. Peter could sense the power pulsing through it, and it was definitely some kind of weapon.

As they approached he allowed the Soul Stone to scan the robot. He saw the thin lines of energy pulsing throughout the body.

Definitely alive. He thought to himself. No wonder you got a reaction, it was pain as you cut its finger off.

The whole robot was covered in what looked like several meters of ice. The end of one arm, where a finger was missing, was clear and a leg on the other side. It was almost bare with chipped paint and scratches from material collection.

“This is Ice Man?” Peter asked. "You didn't find anything else next to him?"

Lennox nodded. “Him and the pyramid were taken from the Antarctic. Dating puts it at over a million years old, totally dead.”

“Then why keep it in ice?”

“It still gives off a remarkable amount of energy. Back in the forties it was ice or encase it in lead-lined concrete. The boffins wanted samples so it was kept like this.”

"Did they take anything other than the paint and scrapings?" Peter asked. There was a scissor lift nearby, and it looked like it went up to the head.

"Yeah. They took off the back head plate. Tried to get a look at its brain, or whatever they have. I'll need to check with Coulson if you can get access."

Liv? And Peter cursed, without the Stone he had no idea if Liv would hear him at this distance,

I can hear you, I have the Stone, remember? It is amazing though, I see why you like it so much.

Peter laughed. Yeah, restraint though, remember? and Liv laughed back

Yes yes, I know, so, what can I help with?

Ice Man is still alive. Can you ask Arcee if she knows any Cybertronians who crashed here a million years ago?

There was a brief pause, Arcee asks if there is a visible icon on its chest. If it is purple, then but Peter interrupted her,

I know, Decepticon, but no, the ice is too thick, and the upper body and head are completely covered. Only one arm and a leg are exposed.

Then Arcee says unless she sees him then no. They all crashed here at the same time, to escape a civil war and find their ancient artefact. Oh, wait, what colour is it? She says if it's grey it’s probably a Decepticon, and if it's blue it's an Autobot.

Peter looked at the scraped leg, which was silver. Neither, they stripped the paint off.

Then Arcee says she cannot help. It could be any one of her enemies or friends. If you have her weapon she is offering to stand guard while we check.

Peter frowned, "Did it have a gun of any kind?"

Lennox shook his head, "Nope, just the pyramid, are some of them armed?"

Peter nodded. "With an energy weapon. But if you didn't find it, then it's still in the Antarctic."

Lennox sighed and clicked on his mic, "Be advised that they can be armed with energy weapons." He clicked his mic off, "We still need to know for base security, and we have the original grid coordinates. We can scour the ocean again. The last thing we need is some mining company finding a giant laser gun."

Peter ran a hand over his face. Ice Man was much larger than Arcee, and if he was still alive as well they could be unleashing a disaster on the Earth. Master Mold and Nimrod were both hostile from the ofset. Was that because of Trask, or was it a buried memory of being frozen and experimented on? Arcee might vouch for an Autobot, but even the good guys broke eventually.

“Captain, what protocols are in place if he ever woke up?”

Lennox pointed and Peter saw two machine-gun emplacements. Lennox pointed behind him, and Peter saw another with a large blue glowing cannon. “We have the latest pulse cannon armed with Starktech rounds. We have two manual Thud guns with the explosive rounds I described, and we have this." He pointed up and several large cannons that hissed with escaping gas were pointed at the giant. “Liquid nitrogen guns. The stress temperature of the machine is low enough that those will freeze it solid if it ever moved.” He pointed directly above the robot. ”We call it the Sword of Damocles. It's a high-intensity focused EMP. Sure, it’ll knock out every system in the building, but not the guns.”

"All lethal?"

Lennox shrugged, "We figure if it's hostile, we'd know in the first five or so seconds. The EMP can be focused at any point in this room, and the guns are on turrets. It might be friendly, but if it's not, then yes, Lethal."

Peter took a breath and let it out slowly. “Any way I can get closer?” Determining if it was an Autobot was the first step. Even if it was one of Arcee's enemies, Coulson was right. They had no right to interfere in a civil war.

“Sure, we have scissor lifts to monitor ice thickness. Plus, we have access to the head, it's round that back though.”

Peter paused, “Wait, you have access to the head? Any symbols, maybe a purple one or a red one, kinda looks like a face.”

Lennox shook his head. “Nothing like that. It would give us an idea if it was going to be hostile, but they seem to be on the chest area." Lennox pointed to the thickest part of the ice, which was cloudy. "By the time you get to the metal, it'll be free."

Peter nodded, “Yeah, I figured as much.”

Maybe just ask, it's not like it's going anywhere. 

“Can I see the open part of the head? I might be able to get an idea from that.”

Lennox shrugged and led him to a lift, he climbed aboard and the pair were taken up. "Don't know about a machine, but there is little to no activity from it. Only spikes in the same radiation we got from the Device."

Peter could see where they had carefully removed a section of ice. There was a steel box around a panel which had been removed. Inside was a dented and split metallic skull.

“Yeah, it was like that when we found it. We removed several thick plates, like armour from there but you can get a pretty good look inside. This thing's brain is amazing. I mean, I'm just a jarhead but I know the human brain is roughly twenty per cent of our bodies, this, it’s zero point one. I heard the Oscorp multiprocessor was based on this thing.”

Peter inwardly groaned. Osborn was never a good sign. He would have to start Liv tracing every advancement taken from the Cybertronains. Stark, Osborn, and even Hammer might have been using alien tech to make Earth devices. The last thing he needed was another Ultron incident with Nimrod leading an army of evil toasters. That wasn't even taking into account if Osborn gave anything to Shaw or Hydra. Liv was going to be busy, and probably very mad at the extra work.

"Right. No shooting me if I suddenly start speaking a strange language. I am trying to find out if Ice Man is alive and conscious." Lennox nodded and Peter stuck his hand into the open skull.

Peter let his symbskin cover it and gently touched the inner workings of the head.

Are you okay?


He had gotten a reaction.

Hey, it's okay, Are you okay? Can you tell me your name?

I. I am.

Take your time. I can get a power source for you, it's going to be okay.

I am just Prime.

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