Chapter 46
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Daiken Zenin was trapped in the 3rd corridor of Ikuto's domain just as lost as everyone else but this time Ikuto had more to say

Ikuto: Hello Zenin.

Daiken was surprised from behind and quickly turned around and got into a fighting stance against Ikuto.

Daiken: What do you want.

Ikuto: I want... to talk.

Daiken: About what?

Daiken was still on guard but let it down a little bit.

Ikuto: What's a Zenin doing with this band of losers.

Daiken: This "Band of Losers" is the only family I have left.

Ikuto: So the rumors are true.

Daiken: That the Zenin clan was massacred, yeah.

Ikuto: Hmm...

Ikuto spaced out for a bit.

Ikuto: They would've killed me if they sent their whole clan after me.

Daiken: Uh huh.

Ikuto: I'm sorry for your loss.

Daiken: What?

Ikuto: The Zenins were a nice clan, even with the incest.

Daiken was insulted.

Daiken: You have no idea-

Ikuto: Oh, but I do, and about the abuse as well.

Daiken stood silent and just looked at him.

Ikuto: I understand your anger though, you want revenge, everyone does.

Daiken: Like your any better.

Ikuto: Maybe your right, but it's for the greater good.

Daiken: How?

Ikuto: The Jujutsu Society was to blind to see that we could do so much good for the normal world if we just tried hard enough. That's where I stepped in and suggested foreign policy, they rejected it and called me insane, so I went overseas and did it myself and when they heard about that fiasco over in Jamaica, they were extremely mad that I would use it to install dictators.

Daiken: You clearly lost by those scars on your face.

Ikuto laughed.

Ikuto: You'd be somewhat right, they sent the entire Sendai Jujutsu high after me and I killed them all.

Daiken: I thought it was shut down due to budget cuts and other reasons.

Ikuto: That's what they say anyways. After a fearsome battle with the staff, I rose myself back up on my feet and took the world by storm, and that Jamaica I mentioned, is now a prosperous country, kind of, of what it used to be.

Daiken just looked at him like a crazy person.

Ikuto: Sure I had to kill a few handfuls of people here and there but it was all worth it in the end.

Daiken: Why are you tell me this.

Ikuto paused and had a ponderous look on his face.

Ikuto: I don't know, this was suppose to be about you after all, I guess I'm saving up for Arak, we have a lot to catch up on.

Ikuto then looked down and saw that the Katana of Kazeshoyo was with Daiken, but Daiken has seem to forget about it.

Ikuto: I'll be traumatizing you now, nice chat we had.

Daiken was still locked in and was giving Ikuto the death stare as the glass orb began to form around him.

Ikuto: What a dumb kid, doesn't know about his family's incest.

Ikuto had found Arak's area.

Ikuto: One down to go, Arak...